
Innate Ability Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Mathematics and the ability to understand mathematics is something that is granted to us a priori."
"You're born with it. Either you got it or you don't."
"Born with somewhat of a creative superpower."
"We have the ability to heal within us all along."
"When Mike Tyson gets going and gets in that ring, the DNA in your body just triggers."
"There's just something here where it's like you literally have inherited... some sort of independent leadership... where even though maybe you haven't had certain experiences you're still able to lend some sort of wisdom somehow."
"Innate power to achieve whatever it is you set out to do."
"I think mothering and parental instincts come mostly from within."
"The body is self-healing and self-regulating... The body has an innate intelligence that guides its development."
"You do, you've heard that before that's how you work with the amazing innate."
"When it comes to speed, you can't coach that."
"He was born with killer instinct because you can't learn it, you can't create it, you can't teach it, you can't coach it."
"I believe in myself more than I've ever met anyone. I don't even know why, I think I was just born with it."
"If it's in you, it's in you. It doesn't matter. I believe that. I believe that some of us are in that, and we're good at it."
"Every child has the innate ability to decode any language."
"There's comedy you can't teach, there's something that's in your blood and your bones that is almost like a nationality."
"I think I was born with this thing in my blood."
"You can't teach athleticism. So that's good. Motor, you can't teach motor."
"There's a certain 'it' factor. You can't teach that."
"Every one of you was born with it."
"He's naturally explosive, knockout power. Also, this is what's great about... you can't teach."
"Champions are born. They're creative."
"I came out of the womb tap dancing, baby."
"The Lord created us with an innate ability to worship."
"When one is born to sing, they sing effortlessly."
"Your talent, that's not a talent, that's a gift. Your gift and your contributions to the world of Music Industry have inspired me in countless ways."
"Entrepreneurship is already built into every single human being."
"You can't teach that. It's not really a drill in practice. That's just a unique talent."
"Talent you're birthed with, skill comes from understanding."
"Some people just gotta have raw talent."
"There must be something innate to humans that predispose us to learn language."
"Children at birth can recognize faces and they do it quite well because they have the built-in mechanism for it."
"The ability to simply make those around you turn into allies... cannot be trained nor is it a skill."
"I think it is a god-given gift, okay? And I think everybody is born with some gift."
"Deep down we all have this ability innately to connect to our feelings."
"We aren't born with a blank slate but rather are hardwired to understand and use language."
"She was highly intelligent, always intelligent from the time she was born."
"Some people are born with leadership skills."
"The child has within him or her the capacity to learn."
"That's just all talent right there."
"Magic was an innate trait, capable of being performed flawlessly without the use of a crutch such as wands."
"Most of the time it's like an innate ability, people are born with the ability to access these Warrens."
"The secret to your success is built in. God created birds to fly, so if birds don't fly, His name is in trouble."
"You can't teach the rest of this, it's just athletic ability."
"Some people just, they're born with that gift to be a writer."
"Theory of mind is a natural ability we all have."
"Children are born with an innate knowledge of language."
"It's just magical, you either have it or you don't."
"You can't teach instincts, and he's got them."
"The moment a true Summoner was born, did you know he had this power within him?"
"She saw the galaxy through foresight, a skill innately mastered at birth."
"You are born with at least something that is remnants of a quirk or a superpower."
"Bringing people back to their innate self-healing abilities."
"Some of us don't need magic classes; we just have a knack for it."
"Techniques are something that people do not attain by skill; they are based on talent, meaning something that you are innately gifted with."
"The body has its own innate ability to heal. When we just give it time, sometimes it's able to really just heal on its own."
"The gift comes natural; it's something that you're not taught."
"Your talent, like everything else about you, is a function of the invisible force that flows through your body."
"Everybody was born with this beautiful gift that you can help yourself to heal, you can help others to heal too."
"Magic is part of the natural world, but people are born with the ability to use it."
"Humans are born with the ability to swim."
"Being a mom is so innate, like you're physically... it's amazing."
"You are a master manifester since birth."
"It's not only for a special few to be able to connect with those on the other side; it's an innate quality we all possess."
"We are all born a healer, and we are all born a love radiator."
"Dragons are born knowing how to fly."
"Natural talent, a natural talent definitely."
"What you can't take from somebody is their talent. At the end of the day, that man can sing."
"You have the innate ability to love, why? Because there's more to reality than matter and energy."
"Everybody has this basic intelligence which can shine forth."
"Entrepreneurial ability is built into each human being."
"You always been intuitive since you were a child."
"All human beings are by birth entrepreneurs."
"When it is in your blood because you was born with what it takes."
"You have that it factor that you can't buy and you can't learn."