
Racial Politics Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It is fair to say that racial and identity politics have declined markedly since, for example, the 1960s."
"They didn't want blacks to be in control of their own life."
"I'm not lying, we're the black face of white supremacy."
"Blackness is not tied to who it is that I choose to support as president or any politician."
"Democrats do kind of ignore racial minorities for the most part because they're kind of treated like a guaranteed vote. You know, like the majority of Black Americans are going to vote blue no matter what and the Democrats know that."
"I think that it's capitulating to White fragility and white identity politics."
"The attacks on DEI they are absolutely anti-blackness."
"How can we break them out of the spell of this resurgence in white nationalism?"
"Jesse Owens had four gold medals. This single-handedly crushed Hitler's myth of Aryan supremacy."
"Black people got to stop being conservative, we are so scared, we live off of fear."
"It's white versus black because it's an election year... There's no race war going on right now."
"Black lives apparently only matter if they're killed by a white man, and it's politically driven in some sort of strange way."
"The real racism in America is what? It's the politicians that come in every two and four years who always have a d next to their name."
"White supremacy always discards its tools when it's finished with them."
"All of these attacks on hope, DEI, and the constant media narrative... is to specifically drive white turnout higher."
"How do you defend whiteness wrapped in the idea that you're defending the constitution?"
"The United States government and white capitalism are one and the same, two faces, same beast."
"You have got to stand up and fight for black students and essentially not let these white Republicans in Texas water down and neuter a black institution."
"If you're looking at people who are actively attempting to create racial divides in the country, the Democrats... are doing exactly that."
"Conservatives exploited racial hostility for political gain."
"I need a prediction, a couple months ago I still think it's gonna happen by the end of the year, citizenship is gonna be considered whiteness."
"A portion of America was still so enraged with the concept of a black man was president."
"The black panthers were broadly dismissed as racist gun-toting militants decades ago."
"It's absurd, it's clearly white racial politics that's driving things." - Jason Stanley
"Black voters will be a key, but is the Democratic party and its white strategists listening to black people?" - Critical question
"He voted against the Voting Rights Act, got to the George Floyd policing act, came on this very show, and denied systemic racism."
"In America, the conservative movement broadly has always made an effort to Encompass the interests of neo-nazis, white supremacists, and white nationalists."
"Black voters are enraged and outraged in a way that the only time I've seen this is when David Duke was running for governor of Louisiana back in 1991."
"This is yet another attempt to silence a person of color in this chamber. We all see it. This is all about the fact that Representative Bowman calls out your hypocrisy."
"This was a white lash against a changing country. It was a white lash against a black president in part, and that's the part where the pain comes."
"Consequently on the 4th of August 1972 he announced that those of Asian descent within Uganda who did not have full Ugandan citizenship would have to leave the country within ninety days."
"He's an anti-racist in his heart too, he's old-school, he doesn't know the buzz words."
"Think of it if you're white you go right to the back of the line." - Donald Trump
"Everything white people do has a political purpose."
"Racial dog whistling is what is dividing the sort of class solidarity."
"OJ's opportunistic use of race as a shield to foil criminal justice is the real spark to Black lives matter."
"If you want to ask me if there's a correlation between white racism and voting for Trump, I'm gonna be honest and say yeah, there probably is."
"I did this interview to make a point about what I say all the time if you are a black person and you're a conservative this is how you get treated."
"They love it. Why are these people in the media lying to protect the white supremacists? That is weird because they are white supremacists."
"That's why I'm so hood hood dusty [ __ ] are the main ones who don't want to challenge white supremacy you notice that."
"It just means that African American voters feel the existential threat more than other subsections of the Democratic Party."
"I'm constantly going to expose to you the tricks to entrap black folk into empowering white folk into places of power without any promises of policy changes substantively for black people."
"No serious person thinks that Donald Trump is a white supremacist."
"Even if he were [mentally ill], I don't think that precludes the conversation about why he chose to manifest it in this very specific politicized and racialized manner."
"Violence has been the other answer for white right-wingers not all white people white right-wing."
"They're going to come here and say, 'We're here to liberate you from the evil white supremacists.'"
"So now black women pissed off, who hates Republicans more than any group in America, black women, black men, black women, I'm not that's the aim close so now you got this happening."
"You have no friends and no enemies in America right now. All the groups in America are against you. Blacks must stand for themselves."
"The more accomplished a conservative black man or woman is, the more the left hates them. He addressed this a bit yesterday in his remarks." - Megan Kelly
"Despite four years of Trump being called a racist, according to these exit polls, Trump did one point better with black voters."
"Black people voted with their insecurities, white people voted with security in mind, they voted with their interests right."
"I'm against racism, so you telling black people who they have to vote for, that's racism."
"The only thing that changes is in order to get in office you got to have a base, and the base of the white nationalists move from the democrats to republicans which means that's your base and you have to make them stand up."
"The privileged status of these illegal white immigrants challenges the notion that all undocumented individuals face uniform struggles."
"The heart and soul of the party are people of color, not pain-ass white liberals on Twitter."
"I'm sick of white men whining and complaining about wokeness."
"Black men have been almost like a silent partner, a rubber stamp we can depend on no matter what."
"What are they saying? Like the hell with this black-owned business? Is that what they're saying?"
"They're coveting the black vote without giving us anything substantive for it."
"You're playing against the white supremacist, but your black politicians see themselves as playing against you."
"Donald Trump's recent refusal to back down under these spurious charges of racism is his finest hour."
"Skin color doesn't define who you are your character defines who you are your mind defines who you are you are allowed to be independent-minded and black yet these black liberals think that they can boss you around."
"The sensible left on race is not coming back."
"I do not like the way the left has been so violent and they have been dumbing down black people for years."
"The testimony we heard at trial from African-American elected Democrats was that the strategy of white Democrats to elect white Democrats was very simple."
"They are going to use these militias to cause mayhem in this country. These folks do not want to share power, they do not want black people to use their power."
"He has made this clear that he is willing to be the candidate who makes race a story more than any other presidential contender since George Wallace in 1968."
"There is a targeting of a hatred of us that's different than the targeting of the hatred of our fellow black brothers and sisters."
"All you have to do is put a black face on a policy if you want to kill it."
"We are entering Jim Crow 2.0 by way of these rulings from the Supreme Court."
"Donald Trump just gave white nationalism the biggest gift parting gift he could give them."
"White supremacy only exists when it's going after you."
"Black people in particular should sit this one out and basically say we're not going to sign up for more of the same."
"Race is a big part of it... the core of it as has been the core of our politics from the beginning is race."
"Senator Warnock's win is a victory for black Americans, quite frankly, who can definitely avoid the humiliation of enduring six years of Herschel Walker's incompetence in the Senate."
"China's managed to play this racism card, they've linked the two. China, like a Chinese politician, is a politician. It doesn't matter if he's Chinese. It's a nationality anyway, and it's a government organ. You can criticize them."
"They didn't want a black nation having nukes. It was racism."
"All race politics is bad. No matter what flavor those politics happen to be. No race politics is better than any other. All of it is poison."
"They identified African-American women who were doing the work of democracy as basically being a threat to his presidency... they lied." - Carol Anderson
"Kyle Rittenhouse is undeniably being treated worse due to his race and due to the fact that he has a conservative ideology."
"You brought us to piss-poor candidates who decided that they weren't just they just in order to win the white vote or a portion of that middle-of-the-road white vote they were just not gonna give us a black agenda."
"White supremacy is the most lethal terrorist threat to the Homeland today."
"The compromise of 1877 stripped away government intervention in state governments, leaving ADOS without protections until the civil rights movement."
"The failure of reconstruction, conspiracy peddling, the feeling that whiteness is losing its power in this country..."
"The narrative is driven by the Christchurch massacre on the left and pushed by the mainstream media have been that white supremacy is driven by President Trump."
"Black folks gotta understand this: when the white supremacists bring the butter biscuit-eating Negroes around to do the talking points for them, they don't trust them, they just understand they can use them."
"White supremacist see that as a military loss... they don't like the optics of that."
"No black agenda, no black vote, it ain't happening."
"The Republican party is so steeped in this white supremacy that it has been rooted in since the southern strategy."
"Is this an anti-native black American agenda? Is this an anti-FBA agenda? Is this an anti-descendants of slaves agenda?"