
Spiritual Decision Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"If you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life today, it will be the absolute best decision you have ever made or will ever make."
"I just invite anyone who is in the gathering right now who wants to put your faith in Jesus you can take that step right now."
"We're in a valley of decision... we have to decide who we're going to serve."
"It's time, this morning, to say yes to the Holy Spirit."
"Make their minds up this day to serve the Lord our God always."
"If you're smart, you'll choose the name that is above all names Jesus Christ."
"Have you truly accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, this is the right time to do so."
"Tonight I want Jesus Christ into my heart I want him not only as Savior but I want him his Lord."
"You can make that same commitment where you are. Just say, 'Lord, I too am a sinner. I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior.'"
"There's still time for you to make your decision for Christ."
"You gotta make up your mind on whether you're trying to gain God's approval, are you trying to make God happy, or other people happy, or yourself?"
"It's either you're a sheep or a goat, there is no middle ground."
"Ultimately, it all comes down to choice. We have to choose whom we will serve: God or Satan."
"Now if you don't know Jesus as the Lord of your life right now is the time to do it."
"If you haven't trusted Christ right now would you do it just call on his name Jesus you're the Son of God you've died on the cross I trust you right now."
"Christ has provided the way to the narrow road that leads to eternal life. What are you going to do about it?"
"Remember today's decision to follow Christ, amen."
"A sermon like this can be the difference between Heaven or Hell."
"If heaven is not your location, if you're sitting here going I don't know if I'm going, I don't know if I'm there tonight is your night to repent."
"When we reject Jesus Christ, it almost inevitably leads us to accept the Antichrist."
"The choice between the mark of the beast and the Seal of God is one of the most significant decisions we will ever make."
"The decision to be financially independent is a noble decision and a spiritual decision."
"The smartest thing anybody can ever do is to follow Christ."
"Repent, change your mind, and see Christ as your savior right now."
"This day, I'm making a decision to be on the side of the sword of the Lord."
"Are you willing to turn away from it? I want Him."
"Why would you choose Barabbas when you could have Jesus?"
"To receive Christ is to reject the Antichrist."
"To reject God's plan is to reject the best in your life."
"If you want a turnaround... it starts with the right choice, make Jesus Lord of your life."
"Jesus said I am knocking at your door... you have to choose to open the door."
"I laid there with tears running down my pillowcase, realizing what it would cost me, and I said, 'Yes, you can do anything you want with me.'"
"Friend, today is the day where you decide I'm gonna follow Jesus."
"When a person refuses to come to Christ it is because he loves darkness rather than light."
"It's either gonna be God or it's gonna be somebody or something else."
"Tonight, I want you to make a decisive decision to say yes to Jesus Christ."
"Congratulations! You are now a child of God. Heaven is rejoicing because of your decision."
"He's either Lord of your life of all or not Lord at all."
"If I don't want the Eucharist, then I don't want Jesus."
"Faith is not about goosebumps, it's about a decision to believe in all seasons."
"You're wondering what a good day would be to give it all to Jesus now's a good time."
"Believe the world or believe the word of God."
"God's offering everlasting life. What are you gonna choose? Hell instead of heaven, death instead of life?"
"If you've never made Jesus the Lord of your life, today you can. Let Jesus into your heart, make him your lord and personal savior."
"If you've never trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you're already drifting."
"...it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to announce this decision."
"The process of conversion is simply a person who decides and seeks to accept upon themselves the observance of the Torah."
"You decide: you want fruit unto death or fruit unto God?"
"I decided to follow Jesus. No turning back."
"All you've got to do is make a decision to be the one, to move into that place of the Supernatural."
"No man can serve two masters, and I choose Jesus."
"Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."
"To develop a life of prayer, you must make a decision to do this."
"You can either make a carnal decision or you can make a spiritual decision."