
Eerie Quotes

There are 614 quotes

"The most unsettling aspect of this encounter was not her terrifying appearance but the eerie incantations she muttered as she walked by."
"The banshee wail made our hackles rise, for this was without a doubt the spirit sound so many men talked and whispered about."
"Eerie and unsettling, repeated viewings do nothing to calm the nagging idea at the back of one's mind that whatever it is they're seeing is not quite natural."
"Treats for Beasts... the videos all have a pretty creepy vibe."
"There was something unnatural about this place, something wrong in the air."
"The apparition wasn't tall; however, it did have a grayish to silver face."
"Imagine that, a glowing blue humanoid floating towards you with the attempt of sapping your bone marrow right on."
"Capturing Nest footage in an empty room at night, things start to go wrong as the cord attached to the window blinds begins to bump and move against the window all on its own."
"Lights are flickering, some chick's floating."
"Visitors have reported hearing their screams from the dying room to this day."
"Doors opening and closing on their own, voices whispering through the halls, banging and knocking sounds coming from empty rooms."
"N64 Bowser's Castle: hauntingly great with eerie music and dark atmosphere."
"It may not be clear who or what the man, entity, or cryptid in this footage is, but the video is certainly eerie."
"He started crawling out of the closet toward them on all fours and making sounds like they'd never heard any living thing make before."
"The occurrence has a creepy vibe similar to The Mysterious and unsettling stories connected to mythical beings."
"If you stumbled across this creature at night, you'd probably think you'd found a withered ghoul."
"It looks like an act of sheer luck, but then it knows to pull the door towards itself to get inside, which is just creepy beyond belief."
"Kotaki tunnel's haunting ambiance and unsettling tales make it a captivating yet eerie destination for those intrigued by the mysteries of dark tourism."
"The Devil's tramping ground: an eerie spot where nothing grows, animals are frightened, and compasses go haywire."
"The crew experiences several Eerie happenings while recording in the Castle's basement."
"Absolutely terrifying with his own eyes, a dark shadow figure moving from right to left right behind him, but his GoPro camera captures every creepy detail."
"This whole thing is spooky, by the way, this whole thing is spooky."
"The haunting history coupled with this eerie footage certainly makes you wonder."
"It's very chilling behind the scenes like activities."
"So whether you believe in ghosts or not, this chilling footage and the story behind it are enough to make even the Skeptics pause and wonder."
"No one knows what it is or what's causing it, eerie sound, it's creepy."
"Reports have actually become more frequent over the past few years, with eerie figures spotted down long, dark hallways and disembodied whispers almost a daily occurrence."
"The doll’s cracked face and eerie smile scared visitors away when it was placed in the entryway, causing staff to move the doll to its own separate case."
"For decades, this photo of a ghostly monk kneeling at the altar has been the source of much speculation in the paranormal community."
"Her hair and arms dangled lifelessly towards the ground as she shuffled towards the street."
"This is like some Silent Hill style stuff, why is everyone just stood there?"
"I mean it just the shadow went torch were my ex-wife was."
"In February of 1957, something very strange was discovered across the street from a home for Wayward girls." - Aiden Mattis
"It always seemed like someone was standing in the corner of the room watching me."
"It looked like an old woman with a long shirt and curly hair."
"It sounded just like me, distorted like it came from an old TV."
"Here in this room, the reek of the grave, the corpse fat candles, and the flames that burned with a blue light."
"I saw a tall dark figure just standing at the forest line."
"I've heard of stories like that as well, and also really creepy is people who get phone calls from people that they find out later on have passed away."
"Phone calls from the grave, you know? And the caller ID is like zero zero zero or something like that, something... yeah, those are really creepy to me."
"It felt like someone or something was intentionally just gently shaking it, pushing to sway it lightly back and forth."
"There's a ghost standing right there right now."
"It's just a creepy, creepy, creepy place. If you go in there at night, you can't help but feel very, very uneasy."
"Just remember this on a cold dark and stormy night before you make that decision to open the blinds or jerk back your curtains there may be someone just on the other side of that thin glass looking back at you."
"The makeup pattern itself is actually extremely similar to the design that serial killer John Wayne Gacy used to Don when performing as a clown."
"Imagine seeing this in your attic and then one night you're lying in bed and you hear the sound of squeaky Wheels slowly rolling about above the ceiling accompanied by The Faint sound of a child's laughter."
"That just makes it more creepy because like, yeah, dogs sense things."
"The soundtrack of Pathologic is distinctly weird."
"This time when I opened the door the doll was gone. We knew immediately we had to leave the house."
"The discovery, which is now being referred to locally as the vampire child of Lugnano, was described by archeologist and professor David Soren, who has been excavating the site since 1987, as extremely eerie and weird."
"The puppet was said to have choked its former owner in the middle of the night."
"These dolls are literally terrifying, in fact, they're so realistic that they actually look like toddlers dressed up for Halloween."
"They allowed the spirit to possess the doll full-on."
"If any place was haunted, it's these fucking places."
"This haunted Park is really freaking strange."
"This is probably the creepiest thing ever found on Mars."
"The horror aspect of the SCP universe is at its best when it's not only creepy or disturbing but also just makes you say WTF."
"His red eyes glowing, smiling his broken smile."
"Trail cam ghost strolling through the woods."
"It's an apparition, a personification of death."
"It sounded like it came straight out of a horror movie soundtrack."
"Roopkund Lake: Hundreds of human remains litter a lonely lake nestled in the snowy Himalayas."
"A day in Bel Rue feels like a creepier side quest in a video game."
"It's haunting. My house turns cold. I get chills when I hear it."
"You've been dead for 30 years, you don't have to worry about them or escaping anymore," I reiterated.
"What looks to be an arm reaching out to the woman on her supposed deathbed can be seen on camera."
"The figure let out this deep, horrible growl that I could only describe as demonic."
"Old houses are full of history…some of it terrifying."
"With no signs of anyone having visited the property in years...this house remains cold and abandoned a trove of treasures lost to time."
"Dad spot something on baby monitor that leaves him pale as a ghost."
"The eerie photographs add a haunting visual narrative to the chilling tale of the Dyatlov Pass Incident."
"Man, nothing is creepier than a chair with holes in it. Don't trust it."
"The creature... about the same size as me... completely bald... large mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth... wasn't making a single sound..."
"The ice cream truck's tune sounds nothing short of creepy."
"It may sound cliche, but I'll be darned if it didn't feel like something was watching me."
"It was creepy but none of this ever felt dangerous."
"This is consistently ranked as one of the most haunted hotels in the New Orleans area."
"While I was charmed with the statuary, I must admit from the outset that this strange marine growth made me shudder. It was too uncannily alive."
"It sounded old, but not as some ancient evil; it even sounded melancholic, but not as a voice of some necromantically raised thing."
"This is creepy and cool at the same time."
"This place looks like it is haunted."
"Is that real hair? I don't know, some weird room that's creepy."
"This place has the most haunted vibes ever."
"You will feel a presence following you."
"It was by far the creepiest thing I had ever seen."
"When I knew that was open, I was okay with it, until I saw a woman wearing a white dress floating beside the tree in front of me."
"They belong here," Norah said. "They feed the trail, the Earth itself feeds on their blood and suffering here."
"It looked like a deer but with the body of a wolf, completely black and hairy, but its eyes were eerily human with an orange color to them."
"Caught an EVP that almost sounds like a child calling out for its mother."
"There's something in these woods, something strange and inhuman."
"I heard that eerie howl, the same howl from the night before."
"As you continue to explore the history of mental illness therapy you can't help but feel eerie vibes throughout the halls that once housed patients."
"The house is nearly 200 years old and when you're up there all alone, it just feels off."
"I saw a perfect clone of myself... except that this other me had big black eyes."
"We felt like we were both being watched by something."
"At first, it was spooky to see a deer with fangs look right back at me, but then it got kind of cool and unsettling."
"This eerie encounter during a road trip."
"And then the deer figure opened its eyes, countless eyes made of silver lights."
"The wind stopped as we passed the house; it was dead silent just like that."
"I saw it on another night, this time we were in a car driving past that same patch of road."
"The Blood Falls look like something straight out of a horror film."
"Nothing more eerie than deaths that probably could have been prevented."
"The way that was filmed and done was so ominous and creepy."
"He shivered as he saw the eel fin's blood on the ground begin to steam, white steam, and as in the other chambers, but this had shapes in it. They looked like twisted faces appearing briefly and yelling before vanishing."
"It almost sounds like there's a voice in there creepy."
"She appeared to have come out of her sleeping room unnoticed by my sister, and to have found her way into the gallery while in that somnambulistic state which I had witnessed on previous occasions."
"I heard that Ohio call, and when I did, it chilled me to the bone because I was like, 'That's a noise I heard when I was a kid.'"
"The Nahanni Valley, often referred to as the Valley of Headless Men, is a place renowned for its natural beauty but also for the eerie legend surrounding it."
"The Devil's Den and the story of Katherine vanol... is among the eeriest and most bizarre cases."
"The sewing needles for hands are so creepy."
"From the first second we stepped inside the old Roberts house, we knew we were not alone."
"It's like encountering a vampire in the middle of the woods at midnight outside their giant estate."
"Honestly, it's because the movie, you know, it becomes eerily quiet."
"You know this shit's going to be haunted. Look at all the faces in this. Like this is all carved out of wood by the way."
"Honestly, last Friday was one of the creepiest situations that I've ever been in in my entire life."
"This section of woods is rather eerie. I hear distant vehicles but every so often I hear just random animals and the cracking of tree branches."
"It's scarily and eerily relevant in a way that no one predicted."
"This stunning forgotten mansion looks like something straight out of the movie Resident Evil."
"It is Eerie, it does feel like somebody is in the house."
"He's so eerie and calm and collected all the time."
"In one of the pictures I had taken of the creek, you can see the reeds and cattails very clearly, lit up by the flash. Floating above them, in the upper hand corner of the picture, dim but still very visible, was a face."
"Whoever that was, they were dancing maniacally in the woods at 1:00 in the morning, then ran directly for a group of young adults."
"It felt like we were inside of a vacuum. Remembering this lack of sound gives me chills to this day."
"I felt something grab my arm. When I turned around, there was no one there."
"...strange sounds would often emanate from within the depths."
"It was like a black spot, a shadow that slithered through the room with an eerie grace."
"As we made our way back outside, I heard a faint whisper and what felt like a hand brushed down the back of my head."
"I've been sensing crazy stuff in my house. I don't know what this is, guys."
"Every creek of the house becomes a harbinger of dread"
"The police said he was just sitting in our bathtub, just staring at the drain."
"It was unreal. This told me this thing was calculating."
"I knew the inside of their house and I knew the family. They were standing looking at the wall just staring, then they started moving their heads left and right. They moved their heads so slowly it gave me chills."
"We just want to help tell your story. This is freaky."
"I find it very chilling that while I was playing soccer, someone was driving within 20 yards of me with a corpse in the car."
"There's an eerie presence within this haunted house, seemingly nourishing itself on their fear."
"It repeated these phrases over and over in that skin-crawlingly devilish voice."
"This is one summer night I still bring up to my friends when they want to hear a freaky story."
"Its mouth was open, and it was making a squealing noise like when you scratch on styrofoam."
"His eyes were a soulless black, as if they had no whites, only void."
"Not one voice the entire time, just silence."
"The house itself even before knowing about our extra guests had felt like there was someone else with us."
"We returned to camp a few hours later, taking a few of the less terrifying artifacts for testing. The ride back was a silent and eerie affair."
"There was something eerie about watching that house in complete dark."
"Few authors have struck me as so eerie, have made my skin crawl in a manner that's so unsettling. It's beyond horror or weird or experimental fiction."
"Whispers of the past echo in the abandoned halls, revealing a chilling reality."
"It was as though someone was in there with me."
"Their arms and legs had been arranged as if they were marching like some parade."
"The fact that something saw me, saw me notice its mistake, and that I still saw absolutely nothing in turn during the middle of the day still freaks me out."
"When I came upon it in the ghastly stillness of unending sleep it looked at me, chilly from the rays of a cold moon amidst the desert’s heat."
"I've heard it play when there was no one here."
"An unsettling occurrence was captured on camera as the reporter showed the surroundings, a chilling figure emerged from the flood waters in the background."
"There is definitely a cabinet made out of their bones somewhere in this house."
"Have you ever felt like something was watching you?"
"That was the first time we've ever felt the planchette actually glide across that board."
"That was a strange enough feeling, but as it was moving, I noticed one of the candles beginning to flicker on the table."
"...the final screams ceased but a low Eerie chuckle still echoed in his ears as he looked upon this assailant."
"There's something just so eerie about it."
"This is good. I actually think it's great to start this off with high voice like the original. It's much more eerie."
"The story I'm about to tell you is both heartbreaking and eerie at the same time."
"I'm doing this for your mother," Arctic spat. "Mother is dead," said Darkstalker. Fathom shivered at the eerie blankness with which he said those words.
"It feels more sinister, yeah. It's weird, guys. I can't really explain it, but it feels so different when you go in there."
"Desperate screams coming from the treetops."
"I mean, this is really freaky if you think about it."
"This looks like something out of a zombie movie, guys. Honestly, if zombies were to exist, it would be in here."
"These are five of the scariest and strangest unexplained mysteries."
"If you've ever been in an empty or abandoned school walking down a long hallway, then you know exactly what I'm talking about."
"It has been a long time since I had so much fun," said the old man with a creepy grin.
"It's saying yes to all that right now, right here, it's right here, we're in here. Oh, it's substantially colder. Yeah, whoa, it's chilly right here. That's weird, yeah, yeah."
"I could hear it screaming back at me, a mocking otherworldly sound."
"The fact that the water would turn itself on and the elevator took us to a seemingly deserted and creepy basement still gives me chills."
"What I felt lying in my bed and hearing something run around the cabin, scratching on the doors as if trying to get in, I could not convey to words."
"A howl pierced the night, unlike any animal sound I'd ever heard."
"There was something eerie about it, like no one actually lived on this street."
"The last time I saw the little girl with the blue ribbons in her hair."
"...some places that we walk through are straight up hair-raising and I can never figure out why, yet have confirmed it with other hikers. I'll usually ask, 'hey, did you feel weird back there?' and they'll always go, 'yeah, I did, just didn't feel right.'"
"That's when we heard it, a low guttural laugh drifting through the trees like a wisp of smoke."
"Once I was showering at night, I heard small footsteps like a child running barefoot across the tile towards the tub."
"I loved the atmosphere of this book because it just it feels Eerie like it just feels ominous throughout the whole story."
"The typing thing had just been something weird and a bit spooky, not scary."
"My husband saw my doppelganger in our hallway last night."
"There's a cemetery nearby that boasts to be the oldest in town... It's set pretty deep and you can barely see it from the highway."
"I saw a solid black figure peering at me from behind the oak tree."
"There were more instances of mostly my stepdad appearing in places he couldn't have been in. We also had a lot of paranormal things going on in both the apartment and that house, like footsteps, shadow figures, voices, things being moved or thrown around."
"It instantly gave me chills down my back though and I got the feeling of being watched."
"...it's just that the following day, my girlfriend and me at home, and we start hearing some serious banging of the bathroom door while in the living room watching TV."
"It had human feet and human hands, a human head and human buttocks, but nothing else about it was human."
"The woods had gone completely silent."
"Stagecoach Road is definitely a very eerie place and not somewhere that you want to find yourself alone late at night."
"We talked to it for a while, and then all of a sudden, it started answering every question with just 'fire.' No matter what we asked, it was always 'fire.'"
"We asked it to make a noise, and maybe about 10 seconds after he asked, there was the sound of a little girl giggling in the orchard."
"It was the most bizarre sensation I felt then, like I was not alone. It felt as if I was staring right into the face of a stranger, and yet all I saw around me was a darkening forest at sundown."
"This quickly led me to believe the place was haunted."
"The forest was eerily calm and quiet."
"Everything about this creature was unnatural."
"The woods were eerily quiet, only the wind whispering through the leaves and the distant hooting of an owl."
"This thing's face rode the edges of the uncanny valley. It looked human but it didn't move, didn't emote."
"This whole incident wouldn't have been as eerie or unsettling if it had ended there."
"It was quiet but too quiet, it was uncanny."
"Suddenly the swing in the backyard started swaying."
"It almost felt like the ground was breathing. Like the hole was alive. We all felt it but no one said a word."