
Education Quality Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"For those of us who do have something real to share, do know how to communicate it, and do fundamentally believe in the humanity of the people on the other side, it's clear that we're real and human and actually, you know, fallible but doing our best."
"These measures are not against individual international students; they are to ensure that as future students arrive in Canada, they receive the quality of education that they signed up for."
"My grandad's utmost priority was always dedicated, hands-on, top-quality personal instruction, rather than attempting to maximize profits."
"You might have to self-educate yourself in all this stuff especially if you go to our lousy universities."
"Essential to the quality of higher education is widely believed to be promoted by a diverse student body."
"New York's like it's kind of rough... our leadership is garbage, our schools are like sort of barely open."
"The trouble with ITT Tech is not only is it cost prohibitive, leaving students with mountains of debt, but you don't even get the education you're promised."
"We want our kids to receive a quality education."
"The NCR government had become a bureaucracy."
"That's garbage, I think a good ISA is one where you get a job doing the thing that they taught you how to do."
"I think the teaching quality is really high... it's a Russell group so that reflects their teaching standard a lot."
"What's more dangerous than having a group of uneducated people is having a group of miseducated people."
"Producing graduates who have little sense of true ideological diversity."
"How would you know if you're getting a good education?"
"The quality of people teaching you is the quality of your lifestyle."
"The quality of your education in the United States of America is defined by your zip code."
"Sex ed when done well can do so much good but when it's done badly it can do real harm."
"Kids really young are being taught stuff so radical, so devoid of what real education is."
"Estonia ranks fifth on the list of countries with the best education, surpassing even Finland."
"Black schools need to have better teachers, black areas need to have better infrastructure."
"The education system in this East Coast is the best in the entire country."
"There is an actual plot to make our kids dumb and unlearned in reading, writing, and arithmetic."
"The professor, not the subject, makes the class."
"I think so but you're right uh online is not the same as being in the classroom and that's been proven it's been proven loud and clear."
"Is that really how you want Texans to live? Is that how they want to live, sending their kids to schools that look like prison?"
"Although virtual learning is a great alternative when necessary, it is not a long-term solution and it is certainly not equivalent to in-person education."
"Give us borders, give us Safe Streets, we don't want crime, give us good education, give us dignity, and give us respect as a nation. It's not complicated."
"Irony is if a parent... moving to a school... actually has Higher Achievement."
"Online is not the same as being in the classroom and that's been proven loud and clear."
"All children should receive an outstanding education in a safe school of their family's choice."
"I think the racial disparities that existed before this decision are still real we need to make sure our young people have access to a K-12 education that is of high quality."
"There's just no substitute for it... The best education is when you got a great teacher, a great mentor, someone who's got great wisdom, all the peers, the children, and their peers together."
"Academy's greatest asset are the people they employ including their instructors."
"What studies will tend to show you is that the school quality itself can contribute to which college you're going to go to or don't go to."
"Why should I participate in the mis-education of the American people?"
"Equality and justice cannot be disaggregated, so if you don't have clean water and there's lead in the water, then you're not going to get a quality education."
"Producing quality graduates is the very foundation of my purpose. A purpose that has gone unfulfilled for far too long."
"Education has to be excellent, broad-based for a country to really, really take off."
"Even in schools which are educating the children of plutocrats the idea that capitalism is sympathetic conservatism is found to be untrue."
"It's not about test scores only. Test scores are important, but they're not the most important thing."
"Your instruction really matters, basically I think we had really good instructors."
"The quality of what you choose to learn determines who you become."
"You're always going to have bad employees, but on the whole, our education was better when we had the Peaches, the Crouches, and the McManuses."
"The reason, the main reasons this is one of the most desirable neighborhoods in Atlanta will come down to the walkability and the quality of the schools."
"The professors are really good, accessible. Class sizes are pretty small."
"I think wise College presidents and Deans and students and faculty members should listen to the entire world in terms of what is being said about the quality of Education being done in their own institution."
"It is a very happy community and not only that of course but it is an excellent school."
"Community colleges... offer the best instruction."
"University of Birmingham is actually in the top 100 universities of the world."
"Having achieved the milestones of gender parity and cent percent enrollment, we are now focusing on enhancing the quality of education with emphasis on e-learning and qualified teachers."
"We have over 1500 five-star reviews from our students and graduates on Trustpilot."
"Overall, my experience in Wayne has been a very good one; the people are very nice, and the professors are very, very good."
"By busing kids across town, they would help to effect or help to bring about quality education."
"You can have quality education and racial integration; those two ideas are not mutually exclusive."
"Australia's education system is one of the best in the world, it is modern and highly regarded."
"All of the teachers are native speakers, the class materials are very well structured, and there are only about three students per class."
"Manchester is a really, really great university."
"The quality of education that children receive is what matters."
"More children in good and outstanding schools, the disadvantaged attainment gap narrowed, and more disadvantaged young people going to university."
"If your kids are at any of the Katy ISD schools, they're going to get a great education."
"A high-quality education system should be teaching, engaging the learners, capturing the imagination, and building on skills like critical thinking or creativity."
"Our education system is still much better than almost anywhere in the world."
"Class size is very small; it's NYU, so experienced people come."
"Your children can now get a high level of education at a low cost, potentially while benefiting from the flexibility of working at your own pace."
"The students were happy, and that's what makes a good school."
"The teaching is quite hands-on, and I've really enjoyed it."
"The quality of education that I would receive from this school would be excellent no matter what major I was in."
"The most selective universities spend about $150,000 per student, about six times the US average and about 15 times as much as their less well-heeled counterparts."
"Most of my classes are about 10 to 12 students, that's a really good ratio for most law schools."
"Invest in the teachers we already have."
"As you could see, there are countries on the list that, although they are expensive to live in, compensate their residents with excellent health and educational services."
"UVic is consistently ranked amongst the top Canadian comprehensive universities for preparing career-ready students."
"I want to study in the UK because of the high quality education."
"The best schools take responsibility without blame."