
Labor Movement Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"A renewed labor movement could actually solve a lot of these problems."
"Now we're seeing more worker co-ops being developed...with workers actually owning the means of production."
"One of the core demands in history of the labor movement has always been freedom from production. The eight-hour day was the galvanizing demand of the international labor movement."
"Our labor movement is trying to build that by including not just factory workers but service workers too."
"We need a movement of workers in this country to carry through our agenda."
"This is the new era more people are recognizing that unions are the way to come together collectively and flex their muscle."
"There is a kind of rising of working people that we haven't seen in a long time."
"We're in New York City because we're simply following the money and demanding that those who created that wealth, the miners, get their fair share of it." - United Mine Workers Association president
"Every little bit helps, and we need all the help we can get. A new labor movement, one that can really force concessions from the ruling class, would drastically improve the lives of average Americans."
"AFL focused on 'pure and simple unionism': higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions."
"Membership in AFL increased to over two million, emphasizing bread and butter issues."
"If it can happen at Starbucks, it can happen anywhere."
"This right here is women fighting for the right to work."
"The atomization, the individualization of exploitation has been one of the biggest hurdles to the left labor movement."
"We're building a movement of working people... to change the consciousness." - Carl Rosen, President of United Electrical Workers Union
"Class consciousness workers in the United States are listening to these labor leaders."
"It's time to just go on strike, I couldn't agree more."
"Hello hello is it going yeah somehow I don't think all of that applause was for me oh it definitely was Emily was yeah thank you but so it's been ten years since last Jonas Brothers album why did you all feel like now is the right time."
"This is a historic strike. For the first time in history, union workers are striking against all three big three automakers."
"We need a revitalized mass labor movement to bring about real power shift."
"If Activision Blizzard starts to unionize... that should realistically spark a wave across the industry."
"Starbucks unionizing is happening all across the country"
"Organizing just like one Starbucks store that unionized"
"They just crossed a hundred stores nationally"
"Unionization rate of the black labor force is significantly higher"
"Workers Strike Back will be a united, multi-racial, multi-gendered movement of working people."
"Activision Blizzard employees who are currently protesting, striking, and fighting for a seat at the table for unionization."
"I think there is a new climate of worker boldness, a genuine sort of uprising."
"If we are going to truly take on the billionaire class and rebuild the economy, then it's important that we not only strike but that we strike together."
"Workers are not simply deciding for no reason that they are not going back to work or that they're going on strike or that the quit rate which by the way it has risen to record levels people quitting their jobs they're not doing this for no reason."
"It wasn't just the skilled workers who lashed out here but the manual laborers as well who joined together to destroy time clocks and telegraph wires."
"The most important political fight in the country is the one that's being fought by workers at Starbucks and Amazon and elsewhere."
"Getting organized... is really the only thing historically that has dragged the labor party towards more progressive policies."
"These strikes are some of the most inspiring and important things happening on the planet today."
"We need a massive uprising of labor in this country."
"This strike could be possibly one of the biggest strikes that the gig economy sector has seen."
"The ethics of CEOs may very well have gone down since the 1950s but they've gone down because there's not a fighting working class forcing CEOs to behave in a more ethical fashion."
"I think for me, I'm optimistic about the labor movement."
"This contract sets a new standard in the labor movement."
"It's a 30 billion dollar deal that will go in the pockets of all our members both full-time and part-time."
"UAW's strike was audacious, pushy, and a huge success."
"Anti-work movement: the new frontier of financial independence."
"The great resignation has shifted to a great reckoning."
"It's honestly a little hard to understate how significant this strike was."
"The rise of labor unions, like the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor, crusaded for better wages, shortened workdays, and safer working conditions."
"Kellogg's workers went on strike and eventually won."
"We need to build power from the grassroots by our communities, via our labor unions."
"It may be one of the biggest wins for organized labor in a generation."
"These courageous worker organizers, they've already had some measurable impact."
"I finally did it! The admins won't let me do it till off-camera. They're gonna test it, make sure it won't lag the server. But I actually built a zero tic sugar cane farm!"
"The power of the strike is even greater, even more extraordinary."
"If that can be the daily interaction of the working class around the world and not just a once a year conference then we'll really start to see what the working class can achieve in an international capacity."
"Big Win to UAW... historic win in this hot labor summer."
"If only 20 million workers decided to say no, the system would collapse."
"You can't just have a labor movement with people on the left. That doesn't make any sense."
"Threatening workers with job loss and firing them won't stop the momentum of unionization."
"Workers going on strike, realizing their labor power, really showing the country that they are the one that is making America rich, they are the one who built this, you know, it's a really powerful tool."
"A strong labor movement is going to be very critical in securing a lot of these victories."
"President Biden is Right Amazon here we come let's get every Amazon worker in a union."
"Schultz's fight to stop a Starbucks barista Uprising... revealed a lot about billionaires."
"Is there ought we hold in common with the greedy parasite who would lash us in the surfer man would crush us with his might? Is there anything left to us but to organize and fight for the union makes us strong."
"It's a continuation of what we've been seeing in so many different cases... Workers standing together in solidarity."
"We're fighting for a contract...we're in the thick of the fight right now."
"Young people are playing a leading role in the largest new labor upsurge of our lifetime."
"Seeing labor organizing gives me a lot of personal optimism."
"During the Gilded Age, we saw workers across the country standing up against rail barons."
"Solidarity is contagious... once the workers build a movement strong enough to stage a general strike it will be too late for their bosses."
"President Biden showing up to the picket line on Tuesday is a historic event."
"We are incredibly united...the solidarity is immense on the picket lines."
"Did you hear about the massive general strike in South Korea that happened this past week?"
"Before I go I also want to once again shout out the writers and actors strikes."
"This is an incredibly important moment to understand both maybe some of the failures in terms of the tactics that are being used but more importantly the broad landscape of why no Amazon union drive has succeeded."
"Workers coast to coast are beginning to stand up, fight back, and demand to be represented by a union."
"Labor party is a threat to all and is a threat to work because Nigerians are deserving of a change and an eminent change is going to happen."
"We are at the dawn of the golden age of organized labor in this country."
"There are no illegal strikes, there are only unsuccessful ones."
"The labor movement has only grown when young people have led it."
"I would love that and I think that at the end that might be super effective but right now it's so hard organizing a strike let alone a national strike let alone about money in politics but one step at a time we will get there okay."
"Workers are rejecting that mentality and really embracing a solidarity that's incredibly encouraging to see."
"We need a revived labor movement, we need labor militancy."
"That's one way to fight against the brutalities of capitalism is to have a strong Union."
"Black Lives Matter began to talk about the strike for Black lives and they began to really use the language of labor in a way that we hadn't seen before."
"We stand in solidarity with the Renaissance of labor activism."
"I remember feeling a little insecure about the future prospects of this labor movement and then I saw crer talking about it and I was like oh my God we're going to the [__] moon."
"You and I know who really built this country. It wasn't Wall Street, it wasn't CEOs. The working people, middle-class people built it, and unions built the middle class."
"The defeat of the miners in '85 was highly significant."
"Putting workers at the center of strategy, that's what the new book is about."
"That's the way you need to respond to these sorts of moments whenever there is uh workers on strike don't let the press say well it's these workers versus all the other workers it these workers are fighting for everybody."
"We are proud to be part of a resurgence of the labor movement in the United States."
"This fight now is a national fight... workers can feel like they're part of a national movement, they're making history, that they're doing stuff nobody has ever done."
"What we have seen in the last few years in the United States thank God is a real significant optic in labor organizing."
"One of the most striking features of the last two years has been this Wrath of Union organizing unlike anything that we've really seen in decades."
"Workers are standing up, fighting back, saying enough is enough."
"Americans responded to the Great Depression... in a way that's quite different from how they have responded... to the current crisis... They decided... to join a labor union."
"They make it harder for us to unite against systemic inequality and to fight together to win the good standards of living all workers deserve."
"Can the labor movement revive today? Well, I think so."
"The labor movement is the central institution that we need to be building if we're going to have a robust working-class movement and a robust left."
"The defeat of the miners, the defeat of the trade unions led to the total abandonment of those communities."
"Labor unions were the reason why people felt like they had a say in this process."
"The labor movement energized can bring massive changes to a society."
"The labor movement has been typically in the forefront of constructive social change. I mean, I mentioned the 1930s, the reason the main force behind the new deal was militant labor activism."
"Reframing American patriotism on the boundaries of helping out the labor movement is going to be a decent thing."
"The only place that I have any sort of optimism for the future is in the labor movement... I want to change people's minds... and allow them to see for themselves... the autonomy that they can have."
"A 10-day general strike would accomplish more for the working class majority than a Century's worth of Elections."
"There has been a major revitalization of the Trade union movement in this country."
"Strikes with assistance from the General Confederation of Labor developed a formidable trade union movement."
"...the labor movement and the unions were slower moving, very defensive, and very cautious in their approach."
"Our CLPs are the foundations upon which we build a labor movement."
"That means the labor movement literally created the American middle class."
"The labor movement is always and forever the last best hope of humanity because it is made up of people who are in it to win it, personally, for their families, for the people that they love in the near term."
"My heroes are Larkin who stood and fought in the Dublin lockout in 1913, a thoughtful fight."
"capitalism in the west was under strain let me assure you that the rising militancy of the labor movement here in this country led by service workers among the lowest paid should be no surprise."
"We have to get to build a sophisticated and heavily organized trade union movement."
"The CIO made racial equality central to its organization."
"Instead, most worked in heavy industry, particularly the garment industry, which served to place Jewish immigrants at the forefront of organized labor."
"This group evolved into the American Federation of Labor in 1886 and elected Samuel Gompers as their president."
"These conditions drew Lemlich and others to the newly-formed International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union."
"It's the home of the suffragettes, the birthplace of the trade union movement, and the place where those cotton workers refused to handle slave-picked cotton."
"Unions built America's middle class."
"I think we're actually about to see the largest labor movement this town has ever seen."
"This is a major, major step in terms of bringing back or redirecting the direction of unionization in this country."
"If decades from now we have a more successful labor movement, I think we'll be able to trace it back to this specific set of circumstances."
"Clara Lemlich... climbs up on the stage and shouts at the crowd that she's tired of just talk, time to strike."
"The labor movement was the principal force that transformed misery and despair into hope and progress."
"The Knights of Labour were one of the first unions to organize the unskilled and include women and black workers."
"Unions have made great strides for women."
"The cause of Labour is the cause of Ireland; the cause of Ireland is the cause of Labour."
"Ireland seeks freedom; Labour seeks that an Ireland free should be the sole mistress of her own destiny."
"On November 26, 2020, trade unions in India reported that over 250 million people took part in a strike."
"The towers symbolized the social upheaval at the time which would eventually create the modern labor movement in Britain."
"We won, the owner wasn't able to break the strike."
"It's really interesting to note that how many people don't know about the 1811's labor bolt even though it is one of the most incredible fights for freedom that ever happened on American soil."
"In which city was the Polish Solidarity Union founded by Lech Wałęsa?"
"The four-day week has a certain momentum."
"If we organized all the airport workers in the world and all the airport workers in the world suddenly decided not to show up to work one day then capitalism would be stopped."
"Colonel Peron discovered just how important it could be to organize the labor movement from a powerful position."
"I believe in collective action. I believe in collective bargaining by working people."
"Buffalo has a history of union organizing, and that labor history matters a lot."
"This is certainly a big step forward."
"It is a very hopeful time for the labor movement."
"At Amazon and at Starbucks, workers have scored electrifying wins in union drives that seemed impossible."
"This is an incredible game-changing agreement not just for the Teamsters but the entire labor movement and the entire middle class."
"The story of the American labor movement has all the elements of an epic struggle."
"The influence of workers and unions grew, in fact, some unions saw their membership swell by 10 times the amount during the war."
"If they win that union organizing drive... it will be important for Amazon workers in Birmingham, and I think it will spread all over this country to other Amazon warehouses."
"He basically became the face of organized labor for decades."
"Easing the movement of labor between our continents... should contribute to peer-to-peer knowledge exchange, improve the flow of information, and bring about new innovations."
"One of the most powerful union movements in the world was finally created."
"This contract sets a new standard in the labor movement and raises the bar for all workers."