
Artistic Growth Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"If you consume a decent amount of content, produce and put out as much as you can with what you're learning, and spend time with people at your skill level, you will grow as an artist."
"As far as my old projects, I still feel like those just led me up to my debut album, you know. It told the story but it told the story leading me up. It's still telling my story on a national or global standpoint."
"You'll also develop your own style along the way, don't worry too much about that, that just kind of comes with practice."
"Quality supplies is really what transformed it for me."
"I feel really encouraged just from like the feedback I was getting from artists saying that I, you know, had made good progress especially for our first week."
"I'm blown away by how much and how different of an escalation this is compared to their debut."
"They taught us as listeners to stretch ourselves artistically, to reach beyond our ability to become better versions of ourselves."
"It truly changed my perception about my drawings."
"Kendrick to me is one of the few artists who have mastered the art of growth."
"Listening to things that you don't immediately like can help create a better idea for yourself of who you are as a musician as an artist and also as a person."
"I think that's the most important part about being an artist is growing and developing and learning."
"I was not good at art when I was really into Apollo Justice, but boy did I have a lot of motivation."
"Reconnecting yourself with that geeky little kid... that's what the last decade of my artistic growth has been."
"I want artistic evolution and growth from Kendrick Lamar and that's what he provided here."
"Everything mattered is what I tell people. Everything you're going through right now in your career, if you're a young up an aspiring artist comedian or whatever, every one of those little things matter."
"This is what we're talking about when we say you can grow as an artist."
"Your responsibility as an artist is to push yourself to greatness and keep pushing and pushing."
"Kanye, if you're watching, man, where you are now as an artist, all I could do is respect it."
"Art Tatum would grow to become one of the great jazz pianists of all time."
"Dude, I can't wait to see if your music evolves... we're all cheering for you."
"Tragedy is a perfect stimulus for artistic growth."
"Criticism, when given in good faith and with trusted opinions, is one of the best ways to improve."
"The journey of artistry is about continuous learning and growth, no matter where you are in your artistic development."
"Seeking critiques from trusted sources can lead to valuable insights and progress in your artistic journey."
"Every single time I finish a sketchbook, I like the sketchbook as a whole more than my last one."
"I'm so happy with being able to improve with art, especially with gouache."
"An artist who can actually take constructive criticism... that is why her career is skyrocketing."
"This is the stuff that really started my career, as an artist, as a content creator, and as a music producer for hire."
"Artists are human beings too. We evolve, we learn from our mistakes, and we become better."
"Musically, they’re growing in similar directions and feed off each other well."
"Leorio's progress since embracing the art form has been nothing short of astounding."
"Keep practicing, keep drawing, keep working at your skill because the more you practice the better you get."
"The indie comic scene is really starting to fill that niche."
"As an artist, you are constantly evolving. You learn so much from every song that you write."
"The day that you learn to abandon all vanity is the day you'll stop being a starving artist."
"When you see your friends do that, you go from open mic to over the years becoming that, it's really just inspiring."
"Every little bit of learning you can do adds to your growth as an artist."
"He's come a long way from drawing Clooney faces, very long way."
"All of that experience coalesced into her second album, 'Punisher', a record about trying to grow past trauma amid a world consumed by trauma."
"You always want to improve and you always want to be a better artist than you were yesterday."
"There should be a natural evolution for every artist who becomes successful to put somebody else on."
"To be a good artist, you gotta challenge yourself."
"I'm so proud of this project, not only musically but growth-wise."
"Jojo Rabbit showed us something in Taika Waititi that I didn't know he was capable of."
"Evermore travels deeper into the singer's fictitious narratives."
"I just want to break out of playing the same old shitty minor pentatonic blues riffs."
"Anyone you see who is an absolute amazing painter probably made more failed paintings than you ever have."
"You're an artist, you should explore all the different ways that you can."
"Learning that foundation and the basics takes you to that next level, even if you don't know what you really want to do."
"Look for people that are doing stuff better than you and then steal it. That is the best advice I've ever been given."
"It's a step up from Kill This Love, and I really appreciated the song."
"This Eclipse is great for artists, performers, and anyone seeking their life purpose."
"Every time you paint and every time you practice, it's not a waste of time, it's actually more practice and more knowledge that you're gathering over that time."
"The self-discovery that you get through painting is super shocking."
"Showing that you can come from the emo pop-punk world but do something larger than life."
"That's how the evolution of hip-hop is, it's so beautiful to see people grow."
"When he was 14, Michelangelo went one step too far."
"He is at the peak of his powers right now and he's probably only getting better."
"I feel like he's evolved as a rapper... evolved... step in the good direction."
"Keep delivering material and consistently improving."
"This feels like a continuation and growth of a character that never really had a chance to grow."
"As artists, we can learn a lot more about writing and creating art from dissecting flawed works than from masterpieces."
"I'm always trying to better myself as an artist."
"When I designed my first fabric collection, that's when I got good at it."
"I think rejection is key. I actually think it's really essential for art to be really good."
"That's what really made me change my perspective on this project... it grows more and more with every single listen."
"I salute that period from any artist once they move on their own and try to do their own thing."
"It has been incredible to not only get to know them, their family, and then to see them just explode into their own artists and their careers fully take off."
"I feel like this Workshop is the beginning of propelling me to the next level in creativity and confidence."
"Watching TV is not helping you become a better artist as much as you think it is, you need to start making difficult decisions."
"It matures, the albums continue to get stronger, they grow."
"Now we back to the music and back to what grew us to that point."
"The best thing is just seeing that growth, and that's the one thing I think all artists, as long as you see that, I think you know there's hope."
"Led Zeppelin III: 'Immaculate production, less derivative songwriting.'"
"Nick Kroll said the story is not really about the competition but more about everyone's own journey of getting to be comforted on stage or fulfilling some dream they've had to be a performer."
"Enjoy the process and yet again, stay creative."
"The animation style really grew on me, it's great."
"If you are not terrified, that means you're not growing as an artist."
"Artists evolve and grow, and their art reflects that journey. Olivia Rodrigo is no exception, and her music speaks to a generation navigating love, heartbreak, and self-discovery."
"Worrying obsessively about art skills alone prevents growth."
"Every time you paint, you're adding to your body of knowledge."
"Whenever I'm listening to this and it feels like the natural evolution of brand new where they would be at this point in their career."
"Definitely quite a bit more mature than the debut she came to the table with in terms of instrumentation and songwriting."
"Every drawing that you get wrong is you know one in the bank for a drawing you're gonna get right later because you've learned what you did wrong in that one."
"The artist states that they feel the project has expanded..."
"Loving that she's really trying to get super ambitious with her latest material."
"Artists work best when they are just out of their comfort zone."
"The secret here is effort you must continually practice and give special attention to those areas that need help the most but you worked hard on your painting and you deserve to be proud of each and every imperfect masterpiece."
"Overall, I think this was his strongest project to date."
"You inspired me to draw more because of your videos. I actually got better at drawing."
"I'm leaving here a stronger artist 'cause you guys."
"I didn't start drawing seriously though until I was 20."
"The single most important artistic motivator that I have encountered is by fucking up."
"Remember, the next time you catch yourself being mean to yourself, you tell yourself that every artist starts somewhere."
"Give your bunny time to grow the fur. He's got some ghostly eyes there. He does a weird nose right now."
"You have to kill the artist you used to be to be reborn into the artist that you want to be."
"We must always be challenging every preconceived notion we have because that is the only way we move forward as artists as consumers as people and make life exciting."
"Comparing yourself to your own old art is probably a little bit more meaningful."
"I always want my work to be evolving."
"I was just in great hands, you know, James Gray directing me, pushing me, challenging me every day."
"Fast forward to today, and sure, I'm not the second coming of Da Vinci or anything, but my art has improved more rapidly than it has ever before in my entire life."
"You can learn all the skills where you in a very short period of time can paint like the wolf on the left here, even if you're starting out with stick figures."
"It's really good to paint different types of models because it really helps you grow as a painter."
"I want to be inspired. I want to grow as an artist."
"Kendrick Lamar's commitment to Artistic growth and Innovation as an artist is evident in the discography."
"What a dramatic step from album one to album two, to really step into your vibe and sound."
"The show always felt very collaborative. It felt like you were able to ask the right questions of the writers and get interesting feedback and try new things. So I'd say like as an artist, I grew a ton getting to work in such a beautiful talented collaborative environment."
"...and I feel like it's so much room to grow still as an artist. I'm gonna get doper than I am now."
"I love it because that means I am pushing myself to do something completely new, and I'm about to really grow as an artist."
"Imagination is one of the most important things as a new school artist because those images don't exist. As long as you challenge yourself and push yourself, there's really no telling how good you can get."
"I feel like you can really see Anson growing from issue to issue... these Pages feel like they're just dripping with that early enthusiasm that creators have..."
"As an artist, you're always evolving."
"I've always wanted to be diverse as hell... I don't want to be that artist that, you know, nothing against artists that have the same sound for 30 years, but I don't want to be that guy."
"Recognize whether pushing yourself is making you a better artist or just burning you out."
"One of my favorite things about Art Fight is that after each summer I feel like I've really leveled up my art and my skills have advanced because of the amount of characters that I have drawn in a short amount of time."
"Daily painting set me free, gave me a whole new lease on my artistic life."
"You have a lot of peaks that are very evenly sized and spaced, and this is a problem that every artist runs into when you're learning."
"This music that I put out now is undeniable. And you're going to hear that from the next project versus the last project because the last project is music from two, three years ago."
"Criticism is necessary for any artist to grow, but it needs to be supported."
"I'm just in a weird stage, man, I was growing up as well, like I don't know, like it's magic and we need to understand for any rapper, any artist, anyone, you can't please everyone."
"This LP is a remarkable evolution from the Arctic Monkeys earlier work with a fairly clever sci-fi concept and it will be interesting how they continue to develop this new musical approach."
"His audience grew like wildfire... nearly everyone in the town paid to see Jacobs art in action."
"They're not the same drawing and each time when you do one, you learn something you can bring it to the next one."
"I feel like with all the new music I'm making, this is growth with every song, like it's some type of growth."
"I never would have thought of this, you know, but now that I see it, I'm like, 'Oh, maybe there's a way I can incorporate something like this later in life, just like as an artist.'"
"Refusing to learn from the techniques of other artists will absolutely hold you back."
"Skrillex has matured a lot as an artist."
"Using your sketchbook can help you improve faster and create a plan to get you drawing more often."
"You have to constantly grow as a creator, as an artist."
"You're on the right track, this stuff's great. Thank you for sharing it."
"It's the phenomenon where the rough edges of the early artist are sexier than when they start to develop a better academic understanding."
"The more you practice, the better you're going to get with your photography."
"The songwriting on this album is just really mature, it's really self-aware."
"This album showed a lot of maturity and growth in him as an artist."
"I think I've just taken it to a new level musically and I've challenged myself."
"You keep improving and growing and evolving as an artist."
"J. Cole, just as an artist, as a rapper, has only improved as time has gone on."
"I feel like every single chapter that Studio Gaga makes, they get better and better with the art."
"...each film that he made turned out to be twice as good as the film that preceded it."
"I love the evolution of this band."
"Wow, my old sketchbooks, sometimes you look at your old things and cringe, but I look at them and I'm like, how did I do that?"
"Twice is a group that has never failed to grow as an artist in the last seven years."
"I think landscape artist of the year really progressed who I am as an artist and my understanding of that, and that's amazing."
"If your focus is to help the artist in some way without expecting anything in return, you'll get a hell of a lot further."
"Your photography is just getting nuts, it's surreal, I love it."
"It's a natural evolution of a band."
"The more you paint, the more you are aware of it, it's going to happen naturally."
"The more you learn it, the more it becomes who you are when you hit stage."
"A deeper insight into his evolution as an artist."
"As an artist, your trajectory just has to keep going up."
"The more you experiment and the more you learn about a medium, the richer an artist you'll become."
"It's okay for your style to change."
"Learning to improve one's craft mindfully left a big impact on me as a young artist."
"Taylor Swift came fully into her own with 'Speak Now'."
"That's how we grow and thrive artistically and creatively."
"This spread made me realize I finally got it. I finally got a hang of it, and I can finally draw character interactions."
"I was able to watch your growth and watch you get to the highest height of where every artist really wants to get."
"I've seen him grow with every film he makes."
"Artistic evolution is one of the most important ingredients for lassoing the recipe to success."
"I really wish that I had this when I first started with digital art."
"I mean, as a producer, you're killing it, but I know as an artist, you have even more stuff coming out."
"It was a big cultural change for me and such a huge personal renaissance of just learning and being surrounded by the best artists in the world."
"The less you care about drawing on something, the more that you will grow as an artist."
"Growing up as an artist, I really struggled to get out of my anime phase."
"Every time I hear this album and how much he evolved as an artist, it really makes me wonder where he could have taken his music."
"Playing a show and seeing how your music affects people can teach you how you want to move forward with it."
"The support of many artists in a community of millions guarantees the exponential growth of your skills."
"I've continued to get rawer and rawer ever since the first day I wrote the first rap I ever wrote."
"It's never a bad thing to invest in yourself and in your education as an artist."
"When we try a different way of approaching watercolor or even a different medium, it strengthens our muscles in some area of artistic discipline."
"Artists usually take a couple of years to find their feet, that ten thousand hours thing."
"I hope you're spending your time learning and growing as an artist."
"You need time to learn and to just do, just make the work, move your hand, learn the subject, enjoy it, and soak it up."
"It really, really helps you to grow more creatively as an artist."
"It's a work that enraptured and captured the internet; it grew over its run and became a sincere and heartfelt piece of art."
"I like that when you draw a little something every day, you get to try so many things because if you don't like it, then you can just try something different tomorrow."
"You'll find as you do this, you'll develop your own way of doing it and you'll get more confident as you feel more confident with your materials."
"Everyone starts somewhere, and the way your art is right now is probably exactly where it needs to be."
"It's gonna be a journey... but overall, I will say that this exercise was really good for me because it really does show you how far you've come as an artist when you see the comparison side by side."
"Leonardo would be exposed to a vast range of technical skills."
"I think once you accept that and you really embrace the gesture and a more holistic quality to the entire drawing, you're gonna be a lot happier and you're gonna get better results."
"I think what that does for an artist is it allows you to kind of strive and at least better yourself."
"How to grow as an artist is to do things that you don't know how to do."
"It really shows the maturity of the boys, and it shows their growth as well."
"Being too comfortable is a dangerous place to be as an artist because it inhibits growth."
"She has come so far and evolved so much as a creative."
"There is probably nothing better for you that would help you have the biggest impact on your growth and success as an artist as finding an art teacher, a mentor, a coach who is really good."
"Find somebody on your level that you respect and you like working with and build with them."
"It's always a miracle, it's never what we want 100%, but we're always amazed at these young artists; they never let you down."
"It's a great privilege to be in this position and to watch generations of artists start fantastic but become even more fantastic."
"I've been taking photos for 20 years now and I've learned the more time goes by the more I have to learn."
"I have seen a lot of artists that start off bad but through encouragement really grow into the craft."
"My music is elevating more, like it just sounds like I'm a part of the industry now."
"Simply by going from five heads tall to six heads tall, you've got a big difference."
"There's really nothing better for an improving artist than a strong community."
"This is a gorgeous music video, they're just going to keep getting more and more gorgeous."
"Every song that I put out, my voice is just going deeper and deeper."
"The art journey is really about breaking up for yourself, well, what do you like and why, and then having the confidence to roll with that."
"Sally Field never rested on past success; decade after decade, she gravitated towards complex characters that revealed new dimensions of her craft."
"You have to live life; it makes your art better."