
Alternative Solutions Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"The zeitgeist movement advocates an alternative economic system based on sustainability, cooperation, and human need."
"Instead of sending two police officers with deadly weapons to that Wendy's drive-through in Atlanta, we could have sent a wellness counselor and a tow truck."
"But the point is made that maybe there can be a better option than straightforward shame, dismissal, and ostracization; maybe allowing certain issues to step into the light, to be explored meaningfully and treated with care, might offer something that a deviant label never could."
"One of the things that happens in the marketplace when you make something so expensive that the people who actually require it can't afford it, they find a way to rent it."
"We look for alternative ways to succeed because we've got a whole bunch of wild cards up our sleeve here."
"I don't believe we can arrest our way out of this."
"Besides, Americans already have a socialized healthcare system they love; it's called GoFundMe."
"If in the situation when you couldn't have children... you'd be looking for your alternative."
"It's such a joy to have something else to offer people when you've run out of ideas."
"We're here to help people understand that there are alternatives."
"What's the alternative? Do you just set them loose on the street?"
"We can do this... we are rapidly running out of alternatives."
"We need an alternative. That's what this campaign's probably about."
"This group thing I'm talking about... gives us an alternative to shutting people down or just letting society fall away to the worst people."
"Social media right now is seen as this sort of inescapable fact of reality. If they can't exercise their voices freely as human beings have shown in the past they will find a different avenue."
"This tutorial is firm on showing you that there's always another way if you're having trouble."
"It's not the cheating, it's the hunger. The hunger for an alternative."
"This is our alternative, we have adapted, we have evolved."
"I think there is good reason to explore other answers."
"There are so many issues, so it should still serve as like an alternative."
"Letting 682 sit in an acid bath most of the time and occasionally munching on some people is a far better situation compared to some of the alternatives."
"Nuclear energy would have been the obvious solution to many problems."
"I saw 14 million options. This is the only one that works."
"Just because one avenue gets shut off for a short while doesn't mean that we can't pursue another avenue." - Tim England
"What Americans want, need, and deserve is a clear Common Sense alternative."
"If China invades Taiwan, we could find America at war in the Pacific, something that we must do everything we can to avoid."
"We're going to do the same thing we always do: build alternatives."
"The best way to defend is to propose an alternative."
"Look for option C; there's always a third way."
"I think it's time we present an alternative. I think it's time that we have our own path."
"If you can't get rid of all nuclear weapons, another way to stop a nuclear war would be a defense against them."
"One option, rather than finding more raw materials, is to need less of them."
"He sought out alternative means to fulfill his incessant need to be liked."
"It's finally time that we look for alternatives to Printful."
"Criticize it all you want, but offer the alternative."
"Once again I don't want to tell you what to do, but I mean if your son has dyslexia and learning disabilities and they're putting a mask on them, you know, is it possible to find another alternative?"
"Let's show everyone the power of alternatives."
"You have to try to give peace a chance because the other options are just significantly worse."
"Make it better. Maybe I won't kill the king. Maybe I'll redeem him."
"They're creating an alternative economic system."
"There's another way, baby. Whatever way you think is going to happen, there is another way."
"Even so, don't you think it's a better alternative to slowly starving to death in here?"
"You really start to realize that the only solution to this problem is to provide an alternative."
"He wasn't able to use his dominant right arm; he had to use a trackball with his left hand."
"There is always another way, and you are receiving this guidance now."
"Offer an alternative that you believe your spouse will enjoy instead."
"Governments should replace immigration detention with community-based case management programs."
"You'll find that VLOOKUP will have some limitations that you will want to bypass by using other alternatives."
"In all the years I've done this there's never been more interest in finding alternatives."
"The root cause is poverty, and we have mental health and substance abuse services, so police don't need to be the only answer when you dial 9-1-1."
"Let us join hands together... create an alternative everything."
"Building a parallel economy is the solution to censorship and coercion."
"Maybe make some sort of raft or doing it another way would have been better."
"Look at the power! God, I know I could do this with soap and it'd be done in a heartbeat, but honestly, this is better."
"Nothing's worked out, but I refuse to give up or find another way."
"Don't be despondent, there are lots of great options."
"Maybe this is not the final way, maybe there's another way in which we can see the matrix and say to ourselves 'oh that's why we need this thing, that's the advantage.'"
"Salt can do something that thousands of naira that you paid can do for you."
"Try to come up with other solutions and if nothing else is working then maybe you can go back to that."
"You've got to build alternative platforms... if you lose one thing you gotta go somewhere else."
"Saving the game really isn't possible. But maybe, with that little power you have, you can save something else."
"There are other workarounds, there are multiple other workarounds."
"An alternative model, a more effective model."
"Undertale showed us that there's always a better solution."
"I just wish they would find a different way to make a living."
"Welcome to the useless hotline Tick Tock wasn't working out for us"
"What's happening to the banking industry and with the fed and everything else shows you we need an alternative."
"Break the cycle; there's always another way out."
"Maybe another option for helping those of you who have struggled with your traditional sourdough starters."
"Communities need to get together, need to look at alternative income sources, need to look at alternative ways to barter and to support one another."
"How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way!"
"Therapy is very hard to access, and if this is what's working for you then utilize that."
"Sometimes we're so busy pushing, trying to tear down walls... you might not realize there's a wide-open back door."
"And that's going to demand more than just saying, 'I'm against the guys in power.' You will have to say, 'I'm against the guys in power and here is my alternative.'"
"What if instead of restoring we just picked the car out of the field and got it running?"
"I didn't feel like putting a ladder here for my daughter to climb up, so I just got one of these rock climbing mounts."
"If a person can't get their grandmother, grandfather to eat a ketogenic diet, to do any intermittent fasting at all, then my next answer is, 'Well, get them some good quality Ketone Esters and maybe that'll give them some benefit.'"
"Instead of killing this adorable little guy, maybe we could enlist him as a scout or guide."
"You have to carefully plan your water usage and possibly invest in an alternative heating method for times when the engine isn't running."
"If you guys have a better way of doing it, post it down there in the comments."
"But if this didn't work for me I would have to find something else I would have to find the thing."
"If you disagree with me, you've got to show me a different and superior option."
"I think these guys are a good alternative if you need to measure that kind of current and you want to be safe."
"I would be confident that... the alternatives are there and it may trigger a whole new innovation cycle."
"I took a loss but I was able to... find another way."
"'There is always another way,' Kirk focused on his ship and survival."
"There's another way, there's a way forward."
"There's always a better way, it's like you find a hustle, a side hustle."
"There's a better way than putting just people in prison and only focusing on the crime."
"I've been missing travel during the pandemic and like a lot of you, I've been looking for unique and safe ways to travel that I've never really considered before."
"I can't fight him; I don't want to. Gotta find another way."
"It really is comforting to know that you've got something in the home stored away somewhere that you can easily get out, light it up, and you've got an alternative source of heat."
"There's always another way, if it's not clear-cut, we have to work hard to find it."
"If you know you have health issues and you're going to your doctors and you're not having success, you need to begin looking for other alternatives fast."
"Just because we cannot solve something the first time the way we thought the solution could be built, it doesn't mean that there are not other solutions."
"The opposition parties need to be prepared not only to criticize but also to provide viable alternatives."
"When things don't work, we look for another alternative."
"I've never said that I believe that killing animals is justifiable, which is why I'm for lab-grown meat."
"It's really a good alternative mounting solution for those of you who don't want to drill holes in your new vehicle."
"Instead of running around throwing pain at people, you could work on solutions such as cultured beef."