
NFT Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Your life has been helping you build confidence, even through the struggles."
"The value of an NFT equals verified ownership plus scarcity plus utility plus ownership history plus future value plus liquidity premium."
"Verified ownership via the blockchain is one of the main reasons that people buy NFTs."
"Membership access meaning that an NFT of a collection allows you exclusive access to social groups, events, parties, other NFT projects, or even free airdrops."
"Every big company will be in the NFT space and in the metaverse because that's where the future is headed."
"The entire collection was sold out, breaking the record for highest-earning NFT drop for any athlete, racking up over 3.7 million for charity."
"If you buy the NFT, you are agreeing to the terms of that smart contract."
"Trump NFT digital trading cards: humiliating, cringy, desperate, weird. The definition of Trumpian."
"Jay-Z enters the NFT sphere, rapper lodges blockchain and smart contract."
"The world's first NFT house is now for sale."
"JPEG files sell for 69 million dollars, NFT mania gathers pace. This is absolutely insane!"
"Only two people were able to afford to buy a 69 million dollar NFT, and they're here today."
"Taco Bell rides NFT hype train with collectible digital tacos."
"Imagine being an artist and monetizing your audience through NFTs. This is huge."
"NFT should have some level of a use case attached to it."
"The game Soul Reborn has been illegally minting NFTs."
"Akon's plans for NFTs in the music industry."
"This is our final rapper NFT tier list. We just kissed the tip of the iceberg here too. We're going to be living in an NFT world soon."
"I think it's going to be one of the most significant intellectual properties born out of native NFT land in the history of time."
"This is a futuristic play-to-earn NFT MMORPG with an amazing blockchain journey full of adventures and opportunities."
"If I had a thousand dollars and I really wanted to make money, I'd be minting an NFT."
"Solana allows for more innovative NFT projects."
"NFT collections on Solana could give away NFTs at very cheap prices to build community numbers."
"There will be the first NFT game that comes out and it will be successful."
"Meta's tie-in to the Ethereum and Polygon-based NFT support is paving the way for a new era of social media integration. Smash the like button if you're excited for this evolution!"
"The evolution of blockchain and NFTs in football is reaching new heights, with FIFA launching their NFT collection on Algorand. Get ready for some game-changing plays!"
"Ken is a killer dude. He sold his NFT for almost seven thousand dollars and gave the money to the artist to quit his job and go full-time in art."
"Making an NFT all digital, making it a collectible, making it unique to you."
"This project rewards you in dividends, it's branching into the NFT aspect, it's getting into a payment gateway as well."
"There are seem to be a certain juxtaposition between the Socialist credentials certainly of many Liverpool Legends including young Klopp who was turned into 7128 unique nft customizations and the world of cryptocurrencies."
"The 69 million dollar Beeple NFT was bought with cryptocurrency, a record-breaking NFT sale."
"You could sell an NFT of that jersey because there's now a market for it because we've talked about it."
"Effinity will be the top metaverse solution for companies wanting to NFT their digital in-game assets on Polkadot."
"The crypto space, the NFT space, can change your lives."
"Amazon is launching their very own NFT platform, tying their NFTs to physical products sold on Amazon."
"I am absurdly bullish on this concept of an NFT marketplace, and now the fact that we actually have a time frame."
"Essentially, when you buy an NFT, you're not buying the horse, the horse is somewhere else. You're buying the racing papers that say, 'Here's where the horse came from, here's who's owned it over all these years, here's this horse's record.'"
"Being able to use OMI to NFT in the market I think is just is going to be absolutely huge just that one feature alone."
"Envoy is the digital gallery for NFT collectors."
"If you are here in crypto gaming as of January 11, 2022, you are safely early based on the public response to a lot of these NFT gaming and big studios that are going all in on NFT gaming."
"The XRP Ledger provides developers with a very unique capability to run a very sustainable NFT app and marketplace."
"This man actually just showed up to a fashion contest as an NFT."
"NFT has entered the Collins Dictionary... as the word of the year."
"It's an ape wearing a top hat. I drew it in MS Paint. I sold my NFT of a monkey wearing a top hat for 185,000 Doge coins."
"It's an NFT, Scott! It's a whole new world, baby! It's a Burrow! I'm happy with the Burrow!"
"I have my first NFT. How cool is that?"
"More than 90% of NFT transactions are less than 10% of people who have NFTs."
"An NFT is a digital art piece that someone creates on their computer. When a person sells their digital art piece, that specific NFT has a specific barcode to it that is recognized by the artist, therefore making it a unique and official piece."
"If you sell one NFT to someone, the technology has it so if you duplicate the original, the barcode would automatically be different, so you can copy it, but everybody can tell it's a fake because it's since it's its own fingerprint."
"I paid two thousand dollars for an NFT, so what's it do? Well, you're doing it."
"NFT creators after I screenshot their art."
"NFTs by themselves aren't a scam, it's just that everyone's using it to scam people."
"Jake Paul is basically the Christopher Columbus of NFT scams."
"A 95,000 Banksy artwork has been set on fire and turned into an NFT. A group of self-proclaimed tech and art enthusiasts then proceeded to set the piece on fire and livestream the destruction through the Twitter account 'Burnt Banksy.' It is now solely available as an NFT."
"That's a real-life NFT. That's a massive W, dude."
"The Bible, man, it wasn't around for the Ten Commandments; it was the original NFT, big-ass stones."
"CryptoPunks is a remarkable example of NFT, enabling you to buy, sell, and store 10,000 collectibles with proof of ownership stored on the Ethereum blockchain."
"Ninety percent of the NFT stuff at the moment, it's complete bollocks."
"Think of an NFT in its current form as a virtual token that cannot be copied, almost like a bitcoin with the serial number on it."
"I feel like it was just a fun project, you know, to kind of introduce my customers to that digital space and actually, you know, break the ice between buying invisible [__] art for a hundred thousand dollars versus buying a real Mona Lisa, you know?"
"You're flying down and people are like, 'Oh [__], like that's that new skin that just came out, Halloween! It's not worth anything, yeah, exactly, but the NFT is a skin that you can sell to somebody else at a higher rate than what you bought it for."
"And what isn't is there but an NFT, I mean it's just blindingly obvious...much more capital efficient way of doing it and recording it."
"Visuals look great in here. The setup, the artwork everywhere, all of the little NFT posters, everything looks incredible."
"That's right, Logan. Paul's gonna beat the NFTs right out of them at WrestleMania."
"Not everything needs to have an NFT, right?"
"What is the mona lisa, what NFT that currently exists is the mona lisa of the future uh, it's like is it like that crypto punk with all the traits that danny or whatever owns is it a beeple is it the hash mask that i've got called girlfriend."
"I'm going to be creating an NFT that has ownership in an Airbnb."
"Imagine if you actually would have done an NFT for that, right? And all the people that got that received the audio component but also any sort of visual component or anything that certified that ownership."
"Crypto punks were the very first NFTs."
"Every one of them is different, every one of them is unique."
"Now they've gone up immensely in value where people are paying millions of dollars just to own a crypto punk."
"Each NFT contains distinguishable information like who owns the digital asset and who sold it, making them distinct and easily verifiable."
"Basically, NFT means Non-Fungible Token."
"An NFT is something that doesn't really exist, that's a picture or a gif that moves, that has a limited quantity that you can put in your digital wallet."
"NFT activity will rebound to an all-time high, gravitating towards the top collections on ETH, better crypto games, and new bitcoin-based offerings."
"NFT stands for non-fungible token, which represents something unique."
"OpenSea is without a doubt the most successful and popular NFT platform in existence today."
"OpenSea is an Ethereum-based peer-to-peer marketplace where you can buy, mint, sell, and auction NFTs."
"We're seeing this rapid explosion of the NFT space, more explosive than anything we've seen in the history of art."
"I created the term non-fungible token or NFT."
"In one fell swoop, it elevated the NFT space from a very fringe part of the art world to a global news item."
"The NFT, in essence, is actually your membership ticket that enables you to get into that community."
"We really believe that the next big wave in NFTs is going to come from gaming."
"It feels like every day a new celebrity announces an NFT project that you've just gotta buy."
"We should be looking at what's the next big NFT thing, and what's the next big DeFi thing."
"Hey guys, and welcome to the NFT 101 tutorial."
"If you wanted to learn how to create your own NFTs but didn't know where to start, you've come to the right place."
"We're going to cover everything step by step so that you know exactly how to create NFTs, deploy them to the blockchain, and start selling them on the internet."
"NFT stands for non-fungible token, a non-fungible asset is something that is unique in nature and can't be replaced or traded for anything else for equal value."
"Many other applications of NFTs are just beginning to be explored, and the potential use cases seem limitless at this early stage."
"This is going to be the ultimate NFT video."
"Getting randomness in our NFTs is a great way to make proven and true scarcity."
"This is how we can create that beautiful scarcity that we're looking for."
"I don't think the NFT is in a bubble either, people are always going to be collecting."
"Owners of a piece of artwork by Banksy... burned the piece of art, minted it online, turned it into an NFT, then sold it for more than the original piece of artwork."
"This is the redefinition of entertainment and exciting new use cases for the NFT."
"Your multi-D NFT can be listed in the credits of the film, boosting their popularity among global viewers."
"Phantom is basically a platform that allows its users to build decentralized apps and also create NFT tokens."
"Before investing any money in an NFT, you also have to consider: Will this platform last a year, two years, five years from now?"
"There are service fees when you buy and sell; that's how these NFT platforms make their money."
"Imagine getting stuck with an NFT with a 99.9 percent royalty fee; you just lost money, that's just it, technically that's a scam."
"Everything is still pretty new in the NFT world, so you might experience some issues."
"Be very careful buying expensive NFTs because you don't know if you can resell it in a few years."
"NFT trading is highly speculative."
"NFT art will grow just like the traditional art market."
"It's officially time to retire this board ape ultra rare monkey NFT."
"Each NFT world is an explorable, limitless world that can be built into anything you can imagine."
"Each world is unique and one of a kind."
"World token is the primary medium of exchange within the NFT Worlds ecosystem."
"Internet computer is the only blockchain storing all components of the NFT on chain."
"What you're actually buying is the NFT, proof that it belongs to you."
"The only NFT artists that actually will be big are NFT artists who are exclusive to the NFT space."
"NFT smart contracts associate each NFT with an ID and a link to where the content of the NFT can be found on the web."
"I'm going to be showing you how to build your own on-chain dynamic NFT."
"This NFT is going to be a primitive that you'll be able to use to build an on-chain NFT gaming DApp."
"This is not a static NFT anymore; this is a dynamic, ever-changing NFT."
"You have successfully created an AI NFT minting DApp full stack."
"That's how you create your own full stack NFT minting application with artificial intelligence image generation."
"ERC 721 standard essentially defines the set of all functions external functions that an NFT contract needs to have."
"We have built a full stack music NFT player app, a Web 3.0 Spotify clone."
"NFTs have absolutely exploded over the past year."
"Square Enix will be dropping their NFT art and game project called Symbiogenesis."
"I think utility is the key to the value of an NFT."
"Now you know exactly how to write an NFT minting smart contract, deploy it, and verify it on Etherscan."
"We're going to show you the easiest way to spin up an NFT or an ERC20 voting type DAO."
"Generative artwork is already quite a big deal in the NFT scene."
"It's important to note that the reason why we use Candy Machine with Metaplex to deploy our NFT contracts or our programs is because it makes it easier for us to do so."
"Great AMAs is something we need to talk about because I believe this is what made Primates the hottest project in the NFT space."
"One plus one equals eleven in the NFT space, so get two people to talk about you, that's eleven people, the impact of eleven."
"You're going to learn how to query the blockchain, how to use the Alchemy NFT API, and how to create an NFT gallery."
"We now have the ability to stake NFT, and it'll take us to our staking component of our application."
"The mint function is probably the most important part of the NFT contract and this needs to be very well audited to make sure that you have all the right checks in place so people don't abuse this."
"Can the RoboPunks NFT save humans from destructive, rampant NFT speculation? Mint RoboPunks to find out."
"The digital marketplace will consist of two smart contracts: one for allowing users to create unique digital assets in the form of an NFT, implementing the ERC 721 standard from Open Zeppelin."
"If you've made it this far, it means that you are serious about your NFT project."
"This is what's going to resemble the actual NFT drop."
"So if you don't know already, I'm gonna teach you how to create your own NFT drop collection."
"Let's get into this, so in today's build you're gonna learn how to create and release your first ever NFT drop collection."
"You're going to implement the functionality to allow users to mint their first ever NFTs."
"It's even going to be visible on OpenSea, the world's largest NFT marketplace."
"You just built your first ever NFT drop. It was an incredible experience."
"We're going to build a simple smart contract that basically is an NFT."
"There's real value to the technology behind NFT."
"Creating an NFT auction... you want to learn about ERC 721 tokens and specifically IPFS which is your interplanetary file system."
"This is going to be a great year for education in the NFT, blockchain, and coding space."
"We're moving towards the future which is going to be probably a complete NFT market and a complete NFT world."
"The value of the NFTs come from the exclusivity of the club that you're in."
"We're not only building a minting tool, but we're also building a whole ecosystem around the NFT."
"NFTs are an exciting and growing element in the Cardano ecosystem."
"Over the last three years, the NFT market grew about 700 percent at 338 million dollars."
"Sports are becoming a lot more interactive with NFTs."
"So let's say that Alice has an NFT and wants to auction it."