
Color Selection Quotes

There are 98 quotes

"Change appearance? Oh, we can pick a different color? Silver and gray."
"I'm gonna keep this one because the color story is phenomenal."
"I just picked the colors because I'm trying to make something that I like."
"Black and white are the spiders Georg of colored picking for character designs."
"I know it's kind of an expensive palette and she bought it because she thought I would like this purple shade right here because she knows how much I love pinks."
"Natasha Denona lip liners - true nude shades, perfect texture."
"Color choice can be a challenge if you have no reference."
"I love the color selection on these; all the detail work is super clean."
"The pride of being able to pick these colors and have other people use the same palette, that's just a really, really fun thing."
"A designer would never, never, literally three nevers, no three never ever ever in a million years, just choose a color for the walls off of a paint chip without actually putting it together with the other stuff."
"I just had so many pretty ones I thought it would be fun to do a little montage."
"Test paint colors before committing, lighting affects appearance."
"I believe they came out with six color stories but my top four are tiasu, caramel apple, creme brulee, and peach pie."
"Utilize your visual preference to find the color that you want."
"Fun fact I don't really have a process for picking colors like at all however I have realized that I naturally lean toward using a certain set of colors in my pieces."
"This whole ability to direct select color in an image and make changes based on that is very powerful."
"I really hope I help you to choose the color that is right for you if you have any questions please don't forget to comment down below I'll be glad to help you."
"But with the poly gel, I just didn't really have the colors or maybe I do have it it's just not displayed so it wasn't really a big deal."
"Choosing colors is like building a bridge between imagination and reality."
"The success of a fade relies a huge percentage on your color selection... you need to find bridge colors."
"The color of the barrel shows is the easiest and most common way for us to choose that pencil to meet our color requirements."
"Now we need to decide what colors we want the house to be before we replace the windows."
"This is a great color picker, I really love using it."
"Every color chosen is chosen in the context of what's around it every single time."
"I'm so excited we hunted forever and we finally found the perfect color."
"When we saw this spray out, we knew right away that's it, stop right here."
"In terms of the colors, I've already pre-selected some colors here."
"I would love to help you find the perfect color paint that you need."
"Picking colors is one of the most fun parts of mini painting and it also has a huge impact on how the final mini ends up looking."
"I beg you to not buy all the inks out there; watch videos and look at what colors draw you in the most and go with that."
"With Doodly Rainbow, you'll be able to instantly select full color versions of every single image inside of your Doodly library."
"I'm really, really pleased with the colors that they've chosen for this additional set."
"I'm going to show you a really cool tip that's going to make your life a lot easier in terms of choosing a color."
"Finding that next color is so much fun."
"I have a library of colors that I often use in my head."
"My hope is that this will help you save money and give you a better insight into which colors may be a good fit for your palette."
"I love this tool; I use it all the time, it helps me pick colors."
"This color wheel color scheme selector printout that I told you about, you print this out now and you can put the wheel on top of here and select your colors."
"Picking your colors is really important when you're trying to create a realistic looking animal."
"That is a really great way to make sure that you've got the right colors together before laying them down on your coloring page."
"I really loved working with them because they honestly have just so many different colors that you can choose from."
"We deliberated over colors for months and months until we finally settled on this one."
"Just start off with something that we could finish and then just pick our colors from and then create some textures and patterns."
"I'm going to do the red stockings first, and maybe on Amazon, I can find a good hunter green velvet."
"That's it, that's the color that we're gonna do on the cottage, it's perfect."
"Choose the color that suits your project the best."
"Choosing colors can be really hard, even for designers, but your brand color scheme is really important to get right."
"I have a trick up my sleeve, a secret weapon that I always use to pick a really cohesive palette of brand colors."
"It's funny, normally I would probably just buy the black one, but I think if I was watching this stream, I might select an unusual color just because it feels more like an event."
"I'm just going to start by sampling my background color for my shading; that's a good place to start."
"So once you've actually picked your colors then we can move on to the next step to choose our fonts that we're gonna be using on our Web site."
"These work great on smooth and toothy paper. I actually love the color palette that they picked here."
"I think this is such a good choice of spring color palette for an eyeshadow palette."
"The main thing to do is to make sure you've picked good colors."
"Just pick your light, your medium, and your dark, and then use what you already have as a roadmap."
"I can't wait for you to get this book into your hands and start having the power of the quick color picker."
"The colors that they've selected here for the extra 10 is this russet brown, sepia, silver like a silver gray, deep sea."
"This in particular might not be your particular color palette, but the ones that you choose and you pull together are going to be yours and uniquely yours and yours alone."
"This serves me so well, anytime I need a red, I can grab this and I have a light, medium, and dark red, and away I go."
"We're going to want to pick out a color palette that is going to make this look really good."
"We found this awesome color; it's called cloud cover."
"The world's your oyster when it comes to deciding on a color."
"The hardest part is maybe figuring out what colors to use or what artwork to include, but once you figure that out, you can actually make these pattern swatches in a matter of minutes."
"If you don't know what colors to pick, go on Google and search vintage colors palette."
"You have to get really choosy about which dark grays you use because there's a line between charcoal gray and your darkest grays and light black, and you never want to cross that line."
"If you're looking to start out with minimal colors, cadmium yellow, permanent rose, cadmium red deep, and turquoise are kind of my go-to."
"I'm liking these colors, guys. I think you've chosen well."
"I'm going to be using three colors of a size 11 Delica for my particular one today."
"I'm gonna have a really fun look through my yarn stash and pick some perfect kind of summery sweet colors."
"We're going to start with picking colors because when it comes to sympathy cards, I like to use kind of softer blends."
"Select color range is a really cool feature that maybe you haven't heard of before."
"I love the colors that I chose and how it turned out."
"One trick that I use all the time, I'll go to Adobe Kuler website."
"You can close your eyes and pick three for this shawl and they're definitely going to look good together."
"It looks so shiny, looks so awesome, and it's just chosen by those colors."
"I didn't want any crazy colors that beginners wouldn't use or play with."
"I'm really happy with all the different shades that I picked out, based off of obviously the already existing color story."
"Premier contacted her and asked her to put her own colors together and make a try me pack."
"I just chose one color, so I had a variety of different blues and grays."
"I love this La girl palette so much, I think the colors are gorgeous, I love the way the look came together, everything went on flawlessly."
"I love how compact it is and I love the shade selections in here. I think this is really a great palette, super pigmented, very easy to work with."
"I love that palette; the shade selection is gorgeous."
"This is the honeymoon phase of picking colors because we don't have very many blocks yet."
"Silks are just... she picks out really pretty colors."
"I think James has done pretty well with the color selection."