
Blues Quotes

There are 284 quotes

"You can be the most sophisticated person in the world, but if you don't have that connection to the Blues, to me there's big-time something gonna be missing in your playing."
"Stevie brought respect back to blues. He brought recognition back to blues, but by making it a completely unique, original, and modern sound."
"Stevie Ray Vaughan is the superstar, he's the man who puts blues back on the map."
"Robert Johnson died in 1938, but it wasn't until a couple of decades later when his work was reissued that he finally achieved the fame he supposedly sold his soul for."
"Blues is a good man feeling bad but it's also good good feelings as well."
"Eric became driven to master the music he heard from the states, from the likes of blues man Big Bill Broonzy."
"Blues was created by Foundation of black Americans."
"Nobody's thinking about race with Blues, man."
"Whether or not you believe that story, Robert Johnson was an incredible blues musician."
"They can look at it from that standpoint, but it's like, at the same time, all the great blues artists, especially back in the 60s, the budding rock and roll stars..."
"While Memphis has historically been known for the blues, it’s also arguably where rock and roll began."
"You'll be doing all right with your Christmas of white, but I'll have a blue, blue Christmas."
"Goddamn money, it always ends up making you blue as hell."
"Freddy King: credited with taking the blues rock of T-Bone Walker and turning it into crossover hits."
"the rain brings me the blues and i've got this gun"
"I loved the greens and the blues, it felt very masculine and appropriate for that rustic space."
"It means, then, that we end up being blues people. Because blues folk have a long distance strategy on intimate terms with catastrophe."
"The blues makes a strong case for itself as the most influential sound in American music history."
"She's sick and she's good, she just gives me as the blues though."
"That's what the blues is right there. And it's no accident that when the American Empire has the blues, it's often the black Freedom Movement that's blue shot through."
"That's one of the cool things about that bluesy kind of style, is you can get away with going between that minor and major thing and it sounds really cool."
"Old school Blues is the language of our true selves."
"Imagine having 10 blues with that much variety."
"...kind of heading in the direction of the major third. That's a very, very blues thing to do."
"Maybe the greatest Slow Blues turnaround in the history of rock."
"Now, if you were to do a little bit of calculations, you could do this in any key during a blues jam."
"Feeling good was easy when he sang the blues."
"It was the blues I suppose but rhythm and blues you know not sort of some poor old guy out in the swamp basically just moaning."
"All we ever wanted you to do was to listen to the blues."
"The Stones' influences weren't merely blues simply because the people they idolized influences weren't entirely blues either. Because, for example, Chuck Berry's first hit, 'Maybelline,' owed as much to country and western as it did to blues."
"The band would become known as a powerful blues and rock combo with Candy's singular Janus Joplin inspired vocals intertwining with Tommy Bolin's virtuosic guitar work."
"The impact Stevie had on music could not be understated. He united blues fans and hard rock fans alike because he brought both the soul and the intensity to the music."
"The super powerful BB King box... whenever you want a little bit of darkness, a little bit of that bluesy flavor into your playing."
"I mean if you want one channel where you can see every style of Blues into one spot I think your channel like is the quintessential channel for that."
"Muddy Waters being kind of the first focal point of like electric blues."
"Blues singing is just like singing any other kind of song. You still try to tell a story."
"Country music is the blues. 'I lost my woman, I ain't got no money, I'm walking over the flu.' That didn't come from Ireland, that's not troubadours out of England. That's the blues. These white horses are listening to the blues."
"...and a total unconditional love for the blues music..."
"...they went back to basics, the blues explosion..."
"I'd love to be remembered as a white blues man. It's really hard to separate country and blues for me."
"The blues is any tune that starts typically anatonic and goes to the four chord in the fifth bar."
"The Thunderbirds have the strongest sense of pure rhythm and blues of our generation."
"I was born with the blues and I'd rather fight than switch."
"Please don't let the blues die because a lot of those people spent their life just playing for the love of music."
"We gave them the blues but they got their money."
"Clapton's influence from this Blues Breaker record is massive. It's monumental and he influences the whole world through this record."
"The answer 8 to 9 times out of 10 is going to be the minor pentatonic because when the minor pentatonic sits on top of a 1, 4, and 5 blues progression, that combination gives you the sound of rocky blues."
"Oh, there we go. There we go. All right, starting us off with a little G Blues. It's going to be a great night."
"... the 12 Bar Blues progression itself... the root cause of stagnation that so many blues guitar players face."
"...every musician should sort of know what comes next in a blues pattern and if you don't you should start listening listening to a little Blues just to do it you know just do it because I said do it."
"The history of this instrument as it relates to the black American music of the blues really just goes hand in hand."
"It's interesting to see all of these Blues together."
"The blues is... always the same, and which notes go along with which chord. You want to trust your ear, but obviously someone like Hendrix, been playing the blues so long, he knows, 'That's my root.'"
"The shuffle rhythm is the essence of the blues feel and it's composed of three parts to the beat."
"So many of these gray areas in the Blues, isn't it?"
"Seminal blues album. Anybody worth their salt cares about the Blues should have this album."
"Just a nice slow minor blues just for something a little different."
"I absolutely love this, it's Christmas, it's blues!"
"The more I heard the Blues, the more I liked it. There was an honesty about it."
"The Blues... fresh out of the eggs and just absolutely insane. They're unpredictable, you never know what they're going to do, just like me. S tier."
"If you learn typical blues guitar patterns, you'll soon find that a lot of those patterns that have melodicism within them lend themselves to vocal lines."
"You basically take something and recast it, and that has always happened through the history of blues."
"This was not just another white boy; this was someone who truly understood what the blues were all about."
"It's nice key to soloing, it's really really cool, nice and bluesy."
"Blues is all about expression and personal expression."
"In that area surrounding University, there were 50, 60, 70 blues bars, all with a band. There was blues being played by the best of the players, and it was there in Hyde Park that Paul Butterfield was born and raised."
"They just blew our little folky minds right off the charts. There's photos somewhere of us experiencing and reacting to this really raw, really vital Chicago blues sound, just full of power and energy, and we just loved it."
"Paul's band, that first album, that really took off, that opened the market up a lot to a lot of young white kids who hadn't really heard the blues."
"Butterfield is the finest blues harmonica player in the world."
"...it's the first blues song I've done and Liam does the best singing I've ever heard from him."
"If you don't respect the blues, you don't like music."
"It is the perfect blending of heavy, a new direction in music but it's still rooted in the Blues."
"He’s fully bending here like an electric guitarist - massive blues influence here. What a badass."
"If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all."
"The Blues is better because it's real."
"Hey Joe is really a blues arrangement of a cowboy song."
"It's an honor for the world to know and feel the blues."
"You can't play jazz unless you know the blues."
"The Mixolydian mode has such a bluesy sound."
"If Blues wasn't one of those perfect musical art forms, why would so many artists copy the music over the years?"
"Every time that I sit down and I think, man, I feel so blue."
"If you don't learn how to play the Blues, you might as well not try to play any other music on the electric guitar."
"I got a feeling called the blues, oh lordy, since my baby said goodbye."
"The blues is the foundation of pretty much everything."
"Bringing to that band, and then to by the process to whoever was out there watching it in America, real great bar band music, blues certainly blues."
"The blues scale is one of the most foundational scales in this music and a lot of music."
"Pentatonic scales are the bread and butter of playing lead guitar blues in any style."
"It's just me, my guitar, and the blues."
"When I discovered the blues, I was nine, and it changed my life and everything began to make sense."
"The Blues became an outlet and a therapeutic release for black men to unburden himself from the cruel and harsh realities of his life."
"Blues music was often simple in structure and composition, more focused on conveying emotion and a story with meaning."
"The 1-4-5 is the bones, it's the spine of Blues, it's the spine of country, and of a lot of rock."
"That's a great Blues rhythm, if you have nothing else, you can walk away with that idea."
"Blues kind of was invented by singers, people singing about their lives, important things."
"When you're playing blues solos, it's like you're telling a little story."
"The most important thing with a Slow Blues is just to play with feeling and expression."
"If you have ever wondered what makes Stevie Ray Vaughan different from so many blues players, this lesson is for you."
"It's been around a lot longer than any of those other styles, but blues sounds just as fresh today as it did when it was being born."
"Whether you're a beginning player looking for new styles to explore or a player who just wants to get back to the roots, we're gonna spend the next half hour or so with the Blues."
"Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker, they kind of built careers around not much more than this right here."
"One four five arranged in the 12-bar progression is the foundation of the style that we play today that we call blues."
"That's the sound you hear most often on almost every blues record."
"It's a natural part of blues phrasing; you can't really live without it."
"He's a master; it's incomprehensible to try to go down the role of blues guitar playing and not touch upon Clapton's abilities."
"The Blues is easy to play but hard to feel."
"On our continuum voyage to become better blues players."
"This is going to be some Billy Gibbons and ZZ Top with 'Jesus Just Left Chicago' by ZZ Top."
"One of the most important elements of playing Blues is your vibrato, especially how you add it on top of a string bend."
"Mixing and blending the major and minor pentatonic scales is a huge part of the Blues sound."
"You can't play convincing Blues without good vibrato; it's so important."
"The blues had an illegitimate baby and we named it Rock and Roll."
"Rock and roll was directly influenced by the blues, a style of music that originated on plantations in the Deep South."
"Robert Cray is certainly a great bluesman, has an amazing voice."
"All those forgotten blues singers, we need to pay homage."
"The blues aesthetic is our spiritual overview which is optimism in the face of adversity."
"The music of The Cramps was built on simplicity and the classic blues principle of less is more."
"I bring a lot of Blues into my tracks too."
"He would usually perform traditional blues and Ragtime tunes, and especially gospel pieces."
"Gallagher's self-titled debut featured a mix of original songs and blues covers."
"...he's BB King with the patter in between the verses the king of the Blues."
"Yes, it's a good day for shining your shoes, and it's a good day for losing your blues."
"The glory of Langston Hughes was that he took the quality of the blues and put it into our poetry."
"You're growing up and your playing style is more of the classic blues, like rockabilly."
"The original Marshall Blues Breaker, the pedal that started it all."
"Throw in the dominant seven just to blues it up a little bit, it gives a little more soul."
"You hear that in the blues all the time, you're hammering on to the third interval in the chord."
"The solo in 'Since I've Been Loving You' is one of the most emotional rock blues solos ever recorded."
"Bessie Smith, the Empress of the Blues."
"My dad's a blues musician, he was like a civil rights lawyer and now he plays Blues full-time."
"The dominant seventh chord has a very bluesy quality to it."
"Developing a good vocabulary is the cornerstone of learning Blues."
"Combine the jazz arpeggio and the blues scale."
"To express the runaway outlaws using the blues as its weapon against the world."
"It's called the major blues scale, also known as the gospel scale, and it is only six notes."
"I love slides because they'll give your playing a really bluesy sound."
"It's heavy, it's bluesy, it's melodic."
"He played the blues, he had this kind of like acid psychedelic thing going on, his music was really heavy for the time."
"You hear one note by BB King, you know it's BB King."
"I love playing this blues, but just because it's such a blank form, right? It can be whatever we want it to be."
"A little bit of bluesy, a little bit of psychedelic."
"It's like a nuclear reactor, the two music forms that emerge, blues and jazz, are holding hands with each other."
"Blues being very much a language."
"The blues started from work songs way back years ago."
"Blues music is uplifting; it's not just 'I got the blues'... it's a release from the blues."
"That's the blues, to let it all hang out."
"It's a beautifully constructed blues solo."
"It's just the rawness of it, man. You know, and a lot of the Blues upon which it's based, if you listen to a lot of that stuff, man, it just gets you. It hits you down in the guts."
"It's quite common in the blues to have a 12/8 time signature."
"Blues is really combining major and minor together."
"This is the essence of acoustic blues playing right here."
"Listen to blues guitar players in particular because blues guitar players use motifs to develop their solos all the time."
"One typical move that you hear in the blues when you're hanging out on a chord for a while is you can go back and forth between the one and the four chords."
"Great blues turnaround, I use this one all the time."
"String bending is possibly the most essential technique for Blues soloing."
"The blues form, which lasts a mere 12 bars, is the most economical vehicle over which to develop a new musical idea."
"Nothing can take away these blues, because nothing compares to you."
"Memphis is the city known for the blues."
"If you're into blues guitar but you're still getting your head around how it all works, then I'm about to explain all the key concepts you need to know."
"Most Blues is based around a structure we call 12 Bar Blues."
"If I had to define myself, I am a bluesologist."
"In this lesson, we're going to look at traditional Chicago blues."
"A little bit reminiscent of Smokestack Lightning, maybe. Who knows?"
"The truth is the Mixo Dorian blues scale is four scales laid on top of each other."
"They have allusions to their past with the ideas of African-American spirituals and they'll use the structure of blues songs in their poetry."
"It's got this Memphis style bluesy feel."
"The blues is about how we're all in this together."
"This is the home of the Blues. Blues were originated here."
"Jimmy loved blues but he also liked jazz, he also liked funk."
"Take Pigpen away from the electric Grateful Dead, take him away from being the frontman on 'Turn On Your Love Light' and 'Good Lovin',' and he is one of the most soulful blues guys."
"You hear it all the time in blues and in country."
"Blues is the basis of all jazz music... Blues is the essence of America's contribution."
"Blues doesn't always have to be sad... you can have a happy Blues too."
"Everybody wants to know why I sing the blues."
"Swinging and playing the blues, that's what we're about."
"That's what jazz is all about, the blues telling us, trying to tell the story within whatever the music is."
"If you're into blues, I have an entire blues playlist up here on my YouTube channel."
"The blues is all about the feeling and that emotion and you know communicating so much stuff through the music which isn't anything to do with the notes."
"Blues is perhaps the only music indigenous to the US."
"If you understand the blues, you understand a lot of different kinds of music."
"In the Mark IV mode, try it in a low gain mode that could be smoother, creamier, probably perfect for blues."
"Once I started really digging into blues and getting past not giving a crap what other people thought about what I should be working on, that's when I started digging into the finer points."
"Get into the ultimate blues experience."
"That's a classic blues move if you're going from the four chord back to the one chord."
"Blues is comprised of the same musical substances as work songs, field hollers, and spirituals."
"Blues uses call-and-response, unusual pitch sets, and guttural ragged timbres."
"Another critical step in the birth of jazz was playing the blues on brass instruments."
"Guitar is the essential instrument of Blues."
"And I guess that's why they call it the blues."
"Mixing major and minor pentatonic and blues scales when we're playing Blues based music."
"Listening to the blues is really going to help and trying to figure out the key of the blues that you're listening to and trying to play along with it as well would also be a really big deal."
"In the blues, Mermaid Lagoon, right? So there's just a lot of great fun color."
"That's when I came to understand that it's all blues."
"If you're bored playing the blues, you're not playing it right."
"We've added a ton of blues with this new release."
"Blues music... talks about real life situations."
"Blues is an amazing form of music."
"Stevie Ray Vaughan is the best bluesman ever."
"Awesome little bluesy thing there."
"That ambiguity between the five and the flat five, that in between sounds, is what gives the blues phrasings its sound."
"You're gonna hear a lot of seven chord dominant seven chords, it's very common in blues."