
Musical Expression Quotes

There are 334 quotes

"The importance of your sound... it's extremely important but it's more what you play is really what you're into."
"I wanted to make a record where I was like, '[Expletive], I'm just gonna do a song that's called 'I'm in Love with You' and just swing the bat and not debase it."
"Oh my God, I just love how the last chorus reflects the emotion change."
"With a little experimentation, it can start to become an expression of your own musicality."
"His personality came out in his drumming, but he had that real popping sound that was unmistakably him."
"Anytime I approach a score, it's all about the heart. What is the heart that we're trying to connect? Because that's what music does."
"There is a freedom and love and joy and beauty in this song that just feels like summertime."
"Daft Punk did... let's just make a moment make a whatever create a reaction type of response."
"When Bring Me The Horizon formed in 2004, their dream was to simply play music and vent their anger onstage."
"Descending lines tend to carry a sense of weight and seriousness to them, falling from the lighter, higher notes down into the heavier lower register."
"I think the entire record is me searching for God and not being able to find God." - Lingua Ignota
"Burial's tunes are just so expressive and poignant in so many different ways that they sound like straight up emotions just being beamed out of your own heart."
"I think there's something to be said about making a tone that makes you feel confident and represents the sound you hear in your head."
"Her storytelling is vivid and evocative, mirroring the emotive quality of her singing."
"The more you understand that mystical logic, the more it's like you become freer in playing the instrument."
"There's certain life experiences that transcend Compton that transcend Beverly Hills there's just universal life experiences and somehow Kendrick has the ability to convey that through his personal experiences."
"Tyler's confidence in his artistry shines through 'Cherry Bomb.'"
"Mala wanted his music to have this transcendental almost religious power of expression."
"Playing this type of music teaches you how to play with flavor and character."
"Every bar had meaning, every song was alive of our soul. Every moment meant something."
"This album is the results of that healing process, and it's like... like I'm not telling you not to interpret the album in whatever way works best for you, but I don't think you can talk about this album in its true form if you are not a black man."
"Macklemore can be a little overly sentimental sometimes, but at least when I'm listening to him I feel like what he's saying comes from a place of real feeling and concern."
"Every lyric, every bar is a freezer, I apply the pressure and y'all know I never ease up."
"Who I am is a cool song that is about kind of owning your quirks as a person."
"Pedals to me are like crayons, I like having all the colors."
"Unchained Melody actually starts off quite slow and somber, but Hatfield soon kicks things up with a level of emotion that is completely raw and delivered with unbelievable passion."
"My music and WAP, it's just kind of like me exploring my sexuality and having that ownership."
"That's the kitty cat song, so if you could sing it like how it should be sung I guess."
"You can get so much more emotion out of those chords if you learn to play them in different spots."
"Every song has a message it wants to transmit... and whatever you can do in the visuals to emphasize that is super important."
"You have to genuinely hear what he's feeling in this track right here."
"If your finger is touching the strings and people can hear it, they will hear your story so you better have something to say."
"There's really nothing quite like the electric guitar to express any kind of emotion."
"She's so talented, she's so raw like she kind of tells you exactly how it isn't in the lyrics and I love that because I feel like that's how music should be."
"Speed is not synonymous with virtuosity; transmitting emotions on a single note is more so."
"Overall, I feel like I never really wrote anything that I was like, 'I definitely don't believe that, but I'm gonna sing it anyway.' I feel like I always wrestled with stuff."
"Y'all about to catch these songs, that's what you're about to catch."
"He sings with a purity that sends you soaring even after thousands of listens."
"It was the first time it was okay to not be perfectly perfect in a song."
"Rest assured that underneath this guy who's playing these incredibly blood simple parts, I do sit around in a practice room practicing insane modulation."
"There's a type of concentration that happens when you choose to play few notes."
"If the music was an authentic expression of what they were trying to convey, John Coltrane certainly did not care about alienating anyone."
"It's masterfully sung, intuitively emotional, and rousing in its evasion of two lost souls finding their place in the world together at last."
"It's the same feeling of cheering on a friend every time Taeyeon opens her mouth and lets the gods transport the listener into the purest emotion of the song."
"There are so many ways to play music honestly, truthfully, soulfully."
"Feels like it breathes, like there's some actual life to this album."
"All of that experience coalesced into her second album, 'Punisher', a record about trying to grow past trauma amid a world consumed by trauma."
"So, in my mind, playing music with a Gibson through a Marshall full stack is more like being a blacksmith using a sledgehammer."
"He's not about virtuosity and shredding; it's about feel and emotion and melody."
"Those strings, they don't give up for a second, driving home the truth that there's always beauty to be found in this world even in the darkest hours."
"His voice is like frosting on top of the layers of a layer cake, stunning and unique."
"I'm no longer interested in the idea of genre at all."
"Tones in the hands, man, the tones in the hands."
"There's something effervescent in this song that feels like the giddiness of new love."
"Butt rock choruses are declarations of power."
"We spoke truth to our lyrics you know what I mean like we never really we we never conformed to what was going on to the times."
"It's brilliant how he fills space with just the most basic words. And the 'wait'—something about telling me to wait knowing you're about to rap."
"We're just using that as vocabulary to get the music in our head out."
"Okay, I think Achara is going to sing a short song. A short song."
"I wanted to be able to control the content because I feel like content music coming back around." - Offset
"It's powerful... you can feel the pain through the music."
"He wasn't Eddie Van Halen he wasn't trying to be and didn't care."
"Whatever you sing, whatever you deliver, the feel will be like one."
"Tonight, let's have a revival right where we are, we need some foot-stomping and clapping, tambourines rocking and everybody's shouting."
"Tripping off the psychedelics, kind of like when I'm rapping, you took an acid tablet."
"One of these days I'm just gonna start rapping on I'm telling you right now."
"Let the fun begin, let us sing together; he was glorious."
"I'm the best, man [], everyone and [], all the rest, smoking these dudes like tobacco, coming back with the whack flows, but I am in the beat like El Paso."
"Playing Jazz requires chords and improvising, creating tension and resolution."
"When he's kind of expressing himself in depth with these emotional ballads..."
"People deserve to hear, you know, Grog spit that verse."
"There's just a clear emotional moment for Ariel to do when she sings to be a part of her world."
"I feel it necessary to be open and vulnerable in my music."
"That's another level of how to communicate a song to people."
"The only socialist rapper known... Infinity knives... king cobra."
"I just be trying to use my music as my type of language."
"That's how you plan out how I'm gonna go from fast to slow, the way he transitioned that was just beautifully made a story out of it I love that transition."
"Agoraphobic was probably your most vulnerable track yet."
"It's an element of you that we don't get to see otherwise."
"Lullaby is an open and honest track about fatherhood."
"Your inner guitar god is built out of confidence."
"Blazing alt-rock anguish roars like an uncaged lion on Radiohead's sophomore album, The Bends."
"Her childhood memories had so much heartbreak that helps you understand how she was able to sing with so much emotional intensity."
"If you're an expressive player, you can even make a P bass sing, you know what I mean?"
"To make it into a song that feels good... the song is more important than me."
"His music packs emotional punch while being endlessly singable."
"Everything that I need to know about you is in your music."
"Great performance, that was. That was kind of an original, I went back to my roots."
"Stop worrying about [ __ ] that doesn't [ __ ] matter. Each bass player has their own style, their own sound, and that is perfectly fine."
"Ultimately it comes down to your skill and ability and what you want to express with music, not how fancy your gear is." - 14 years of making music videos and memories.
"Martin Gore: Simple, familiar, yet beautifully strange."
"Wow, the way he is weaving in and out of this clean sound and harsh sound is so good, and it's a great example I think of how a person can do this in a healthy way."
"Three chords and the truth, my friends. Thank you."
"Nobody needs nobody, y'all, uh, that's the hardest record in my repertoire."
"Stop thinking about all things being equal, because here's what changes: your guitar, the way you play, all your pedals on your board, your amp, the room, the volume."
"Hip-hop gives you that opportunity to do it your way."
"I never talk when I play, but my music talking when playing has never been good for me."
"My mom was a piano teacher and she always told me that you never just play the keys, you have to feel the music."
"I play the confines of my own little room somewhere fine but like go out and publicly and play try to play you know something that's well I I doubt that he I bet those guys were excited because it wasn't feeling the same."
"He makes music to connect with people, and that is something that not every artist does." - Unknown speaker
"With rhythm, you have, I mean, we're robots, you have rhythm that's not totally into the metronome, you slow down, you quicken, it's quite elastic and delicious like taffy."
"You play harder and completely differently live than on records."
"I'm gonna stay true to my word, produce and distribute authentic music that represents people and not politics."
"Every bar is felt, the drop, everything Pusha T says feels like it should be written into the Constitution."
"Just because you can rap fast doesn't mean that you're saying something."
"Denzel Curry screams his brains out, he hits all the Zack de la Rocha hues, totally kicks ass."
"I wanted to show my vocals in a way like at a rapper's pace." - Muski
"They know the sound they have in their head, and if you know them as people, there's sound you can see their sound in the way they are as people."
"Suddenly a chill wind leapt through its woven harmonies."
"They about to cut it, they about to keep him from playing that horn."
"Our destiny children develop anthem did soon were a coup moochick Rd near Maharaja carica punches Sinha Jai Krishna kishore pi y kappa."
"Not tell anybody what to do but I think you could be more private in what you do in your personal life through your music you know yeah I agree."
"Blue rev Creature Comforts Ooze from every note Joy Melancholy and the whole nine yards"
"This song is all about dynamics...add some dramatic flair to this."
"I wanted to make songs that feel like it used to, like the guy's on his knees and he's pleading for her."
"The lyrics of this song are literally a manifesto."
"Eric wrote the song 'Tears in Heaven' about the tragedy."
"The more control you have with your fingers on your guitar, the more attitude you can have when you play."
"Thank you to everyone who watches until the very end and I'll talk to you guys soon rock and roll."
"I want songs happen when a character is too emotional to talk; they've hit their breaking point and need to tell the world how they really feel."
"There was so much just confidence and swagger in this song."
"I can't think of anybody else who can combine emotional range and musical range with the degree of sheer expression that he can. I mean, finally, Jeff is a singer, it's just that he sings through the guitar."
"The biggest value has always been to talk about musicality. The end is the musicality, right? The end is to move the emotions of someone, yourself, and the person you're playing for."
"It's all really just putting in the work, but once you put in that work, it really does you good because it just brings you closer from hearing an idea up here and putting it down on the instrument, which is really all of our goal."
"Monk was like a real free spirit who said, 'I'm gonna play this way. This is what I want.' And he played stuff that nobody else ever played."
"I've been working on my very first solo project, like true solo album, and it shows. Sober during the entire time, this journey I've been on, you can hear it, and you can experience it with this music. It's insane, it's night and day."
"I love that effect. That's what Genesis is all about for me. That change, the moment you change and suddenly even if you play something quite straightforward afterwards, you put it on another level."
"So although theoretically we could put in tritone Subs before every chord please don't put them in before every chord halfway through your song cuz it diminishes the effect of them and it sounds too busy well that's my opinion anyway you do whatever makes you happy."
"Using tritone substitutions like this in between chords is an easy way as a keys player or guitarist to add a bit of interest to our playing without having to have already planned the substitutions beforehand with the rest of the band."
"Mick Mars played what sounded right without worrying about whether the notes fit perfectly in scale or not."
"it's so powerful when you get in the zone right the level 9 000 Zone where you're dialed in and everything's magic that's coming out of your fingers you're like it transported to a musical dimension"
"...sometimes you want to use more motion to make it look better when you're playing or just helps you feel it better."
"Once you have that basis, you know exactly where to find it. Then through rhythm and phrasing and some other musical elements, you can alter that emotion to a certain extent."
"To me, there's a three-step process to becoming a better improviser. One is learn ideas that you love from the players that you love as close to note for note with all the expressive details possible by ear is the best way."
"This [__] you popping M get your face looking like hockey ice, sliced up plus we pack like jocky TI."
"I'm so grateful that this song has that guitar solo section because it really allows us to see how intoxicating the calculated movement is and how romantic it can be but it's also spine tingling and it's a little bit chilly."
"It's amazing how much emotion and expression she has on here."
"His sense of balance in proportion and his almost plain-spoken simplicity of utterance even in the late sonatas is extremely moving."
"You hear the mind of the musician behind every phrase."
"Anything goes in songs. Ever heard Eminem? You ever heard of The Marshall Mathers LP2?"
"This record is an emotional body of work that features some of NASA's most vulnerable moments to this point. He shows his maturity, he shows his pain, it's all done so beautifully."
"It didn't matter how hard or soft you hit the keys, the only thing that determined your timbre was how you set the drawbars."
"Express something with it, it's expressive music, it's supposed to be expressive, I mean come on folks, express something with it, it's gorgeous, it's just beautiful."
"Rap artists have a freedom that most other musicians don't give themselves anymore."
"The music wins when everybody feels free to express who they are."
"I've always chosen two types of songs: one is the ballads that say what every man would like to say and every woman would like to hear."
"It's super cool, especially for long sustaining notes and phrases, it's really beautiful."
"It's really important here to get an authentic performance that we ride the mod wheel to achieve a pretty emotional performance with dynamics and expression."
"The flutes respond a lot to the way you play."
"We're getting a really smooth gradation between the very non-vibrato very still sound at the bottom of the range all the way up to the rich full vibrato sound at the top of the range."
"He's not doing that in order to be a flash guitarist, he's expressing an idea that that technique allowed him to express."
"A human makes mistakes and even if they're not making mistakes, they're making slight fluctuations in timing, in velocity, little things because we can't precisely play the same note perfectly on the grid at the same volume every time."
"There's something special that happens when a musician is playing and singing their hearts out."
"You can't sing the blues if you ain't had the blues."
"There's a real power to every nuance of the way you play a note down to when you cut it off."
"I don't play accurately - anyone can play accurately - but I play with wonderful expression."
"Dolce cantando, which means sweet and singing."
"I am absolutely making the kind of music I want to make."
"You feel like you're influencing the sound when you lay into the keys with aftertouch."
"It doesn't matter how fast you play, it's your taste, your sense of rhythm, and your heart and soul."
"You can use these to fade things in so that when you push a note or push a key then the note will fade into existence and then when you let go it'll fade away."
"That it's music that's coming from us, that we can interpret this in a way that is actually human and actually musical."
"Music is an expression to me; you try to get a message to people, tell them what you're feeling."
"If you know your fretboard, you can find the scales, you can find the chords, you can find the arpeggios, you can express yourself."
"Everybody can touch me in a different way when they play from the heart."
"Being able to sit down in front of like charts and shred with all the passion and expression that you could ever imagine."
"She's gone, a ballad to make the hardest man cry."
"A really great overdrive pedal for me is an extension of the amplifier."
"The string quartet is a medium that expresses music of great intimacy but also of great passion."
"Music is my expression, that's the way I be heard."
"You'll be much more musical if you just think about it as a new instrument."
"There's nothing wrong that you can play at all; there's just potential tension and dissonance and resolution and consonance."
"When you want to say something or play something in music, you got to know it's just like when you're speaking."
"I feel good. The song wasn't perfect, you can't fit 300 or 400 years of history into a three to four minute song."
"Jimi did use it musically, you know, you can use certain pedals in a way, you know, some people just get it."
"I'm doing music this time because I love it."
"You're the most important thing because it's about your touch, what's in your brain."
"Every time Eddie touched the strings, he got a harmonic bloom that comes off the string."
"Pinch harmonics just scream out of this thing."
"It feels like every single note she's hitting is just full of emotion, packed with the existential punch that the last song just gave."
"Pictures of me is a great cut that perfectly encapsulates Elliott's play as an artist."
"We want the music to breathe, we want to be able to relax, stretch out, and express ourselves creatively and tell our musical stories."
"I'm super excited to show you this song. This song means so much to me."
"Bottleneck slide guitar is so fun, and it's just such a great creative outlet."
"It hit me like a truck when she was going on those extended vocal runs."
"Making every note you play mean something."
"I've always been way more interested in guitarists that are more about feeling and having like a lyrical quality to their playing."
"Any music I sing, it's like singing gospel because it comes from the heart, it's from the soul."
"It can go from just the most whisper quiet just pure pretty sounds to just absolute really barking just roaring gnarly sounds."
"Let's just give them records, let's address them in these bars."
"This is female rage in an album, this is 'I'm beautiful and I'm complicated and you don't understand me and I'm angry about it' in an album."
"It wasn't about achieving technical perfection but about creating something genuine and engaging with whatever skills one had."
"Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony... ends with the absolutely iconic musical description of total, complete despair and defeat."
"Ability to express yourself and sing without being bound by the existing conceptual guidelines of Crystal Lake and grow as an individual through music."
"It sounds very lifelike and it responds in a way that a sample library never really could."
"I wish I could express my love for music through dance."
"You have to have conviction with your music... even if you don't feel confident about it, you just gotta push through and be like, 'I think I got something here'."
"There's a drop of real life in every sentence, son."
"Here was a girl who had won major prizes, had several large-scale commissions, and was a genuine prodigy who could musically express things in a way that few people in a generation can."
"The more I focused less on the hands and the chops and the notes I was playing, and the more I focused on what it sounded like and what sound and music and melody and rhythm I was creating, the less fear there was."