
Trap Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Our plan was simple: have a trap chest that would activate Redstone, and once they open the chest, they drop into the trap where we'd be waiting for them."
"Lure him to a trap... and deal with him that way."
"Their unique thing though is an ability called pack trap which will pin a unit in place for a whole 25 seconds."
"There's no escape, pull the stick out from under the box!"
"Namaste, the devil had a trap set, a trap for goodness though, goodness and mercy."
"The mental trap that you're stuck in, you can get out of."
"Sometimes you have to walk into a trap even without knowing that someone's going to save you."
"I could do a whole album of this and call it trap music."
"Desire is the trap. Desirelessness is moksha, meaning liberation."
"Moraine used the angreal as a trap for Lanfear in front of the doorframe."
"It was a trap to capture the Avatar."
"Welcome to today's video where we will be discussing one of the most notorious traps in chess: the scholars mate."
"It's not very interesting of a trap."
"They set a trap for him. These things might not be as dumb as we think."
"Ain't no running it back outside the world where the real ones at. Them 200 boys repping logging in from the trap. Better log in, better log in."
"...So the A Team set up a meeting place so that the liars and Redcoat could meet, but it was obviously a trap. Um, and the Liars had Spencer on the inside of the A Team and was using her to double-cross them."
"There is no freedom for the individual, the individual will always be trapped by looking for something."
"Helicopter parenting: it's easy to fall into the trap of believing we're helping and protecting our children when we're actually undermining their capacity to fend for themselves."
"That's what trap music is. It's testimony. It's information to those who don't really see what's going on to let them know, man, there's still people going through this."
"Comparison is a trap and it is not new."
"I'd say the monster fish trap was definitely a success."
"Most people build a business up that actually traps them as well."
"It's a trap uh Goblin I got one for you."
"What better way to go catch some beautiful colorful fish than making an epic fish trap."
"Wow, look at this dude. This is a fish trap."
"The umbrella fish trap, undoubtedly the best minnow fish trap in the game."
"How late is it? He should be in bed. What was it she said? Ah, see, it was a trap."
"Studded melodies rolling, hi-hats and percussion are used in a fashion practically resembling contemporary trap production."
"It was a trap, and the entire universe was the bait."
"Bitterness is a trap. It's a very serious trap."
"Just wait till you get trapped in a time share, that's real torture."
"Mortgages keep us trapped in that kind of ever commuting to work."
"Waiting for motivation is a trap."
"Surprise, mother [BLEEP]. It's a trap!"
"I think the identity trap is the right name because it's about all these new ideas about identity and I'm sure we'll get into detail with them but it's a trap because a trap has something attractive it has a lure."
"You called yourselves king and prince that I might fall into your trap and engage myself to marry your sister," said the king of the peacocks.
"I felt like I had walked right into their trap. The force that seized control of my body was even greater than during the first abduction."
"It was like a booby trap. I landed in a booby trap."
"A very common trap, you may catch them off guard."
"Don't fall into the trap of searching for the next best thing."
"I mean you hear of Pee Wee coaches teaching the trap, what the heck are we doing teaching a trap?"
"at best these things were a refuge at worst a trap"
"I now know that the true trap is the poison in the sugar. I know that it's the sweetness, the overtures when you are stronger, that truly ensnare and contort."
"That trap is raw, it just goes to show we're setting on sign."
"It's almost like Whitebeard ran into a trap just to save Ace."
"Setting a trap for God is the ancient meaning of the word prayer."
"You guys have been asking for more hello neighbor, so today I decided to go buy a bunch of toys and set a trap."
"Imagine a mousetrap on your baby Factory but with the force of an adult moose stepping on it."
"...keep on going, online shopping is a trap, Chick-fil-a and McDonald's and Red Lobster and all these other places are also a trap."
"Little do you know, you just set yourself in a 'bear trap'."
"They could barely focus enough to make a simple vine trap."
"D5, I mean if somebody plays a Kings game but just play D5 and there's actually a trap here."
"This is like a giant cubby set if you were trying to catch a mountain line in a trap."
"Now, here comes my favorite trap against the student defense."
"Knight G5 here would be a very serious mistake. Who can tell me why? Because H6 simply traps the Knight."
"Home Alone, where a kid designs a horrifying torture house."
"He is the Godfather of trap music, a legend in the Trap game."
"This highly specialized spider also builds a strange structure of silk, a mobile death trap of incredible ingenuity."
"She always needs to feed. Sméagol is leading them to a trap."
"This trap is believed to be the only one of its kind designed specifically to capture Bigfoot."
"Where do you think black's queen is going now? It's trapped."
"No, keep going, don't go back. I bet it's a trap."
"This is literally the most successful fish trap I've had since the abandoned Spillway."
"That thing is an absolute star of a fish trap."
"Too much pride can be a terrible trap."
"A honeypot is a trap for hackers or anybody that might intrude into your system."
"Trapped in a cycle of monotony and unfulfilled dreams."
"It's a mental trap that you're put into."
"That is absolutely perfect, this is gonna be a terrific fish trap."
"No response. I shook her. 'Annabeth,' she looked up annoyed. 'What? We need to leave.' 'Leave? What are you talking about? I've just got the towers. This place is a trap.'"
"If you've made it this far, you've got a homemade mosquito trap."
"Comparing yourself to others is a trap."
"Speaking of back rank checkmates, here's a nice little trap for our opponent to fall into."
"The legend has it going as far back as this cult that if you die down here, you're trapped forever."
"Austerity simply pushed the United States of America into a trap."
"We are deluded, we are trapped by desire."
"And the trap is shut, that bishop has nowhere to go."
"It's no use, honey, we've been trapped. We'll freeze to death here."
"The evil spirit's face was distorted by this turn of events; it was a trap from the start."
"The ultimate betrayal is when the trap they set out for you, they walked right in it."
"To live in fear is a snare; it's like a bird caught in a net."
"Pawn to c5, looking like you're trapping the bishop."