
Community Connection Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"One of the things that most determines whether individuals will identify themselves as happy is a strong sense of connection with their communities."
"I feel like on the pitch they're connecting with the fans and they're giving the fans what they want to see."
"A significant internal work that leads to a very significant outer picture of how we connect to those larger groups of connections in our lives."
"I love listening to the show the next morning when I'm casing my mail route or delivering my route I started paying more attention to politics just last year and y'all were the first I noticed and I found my people with y'all here."
"Social distancing does not have to mean social disconnection."
"I love to connect with you guys and talk to you."
"When many people think of League of Legends, they don’t just think about the superstars. They think about Sjokz, who brought those superstars to them."
"Despite all of the shortcomings, many people will connect with what Ben Studios have done here in a very real way."
"Something like this connects us to one another."
"He legit cared about it, he cared about you, cared about everybody in this fucking room though he never met you because he always thought about what you wanted and wanted to show you something fucking beautiful."
"Sneakers are meant to be worn, it's about the culture, it's about the fun, it's about connecting with other sneakerheads."
"I bet you it's a little like heroin, so don't start. It's great having that connection with people around you."
"When all is done and dusted, I think that unique connection is going to be the biggest driver that keeps this game alive."
"It brought a tear to my eye. You know, it's a good reminder of why this place is called PJ's."
"I don't know that I've ever felt more connected with the super Carlin brothers community then during this like quarantine period."
"Michael definitely gives us that opportunity, you know, to connect with people in such an organic and wonderful way through this great art."
"This is one of my favorite days because I feel like the chat and us, all of us, we're on the same wavelength right now."
"We live here, we work here, we have family here, this is our home."
"Imagine seeing the preserved remains of someone who lived in your community a staggering 2,200 years ago."
"Somewhere in the world, someone is still playing that level." - Imagining endless gaming struggles.
"Black people now actually have media spaces where we're able to connect with each other and call out the BS and recognize what's real."
"Bridges, marvels of engineering, symbolize humanity's ability to overcome geographical barriers and connect communities."
"Hopefully though here at Nave Hill, we've managed to get a little bit closer to the people who decided to make their home here 1400 years ago."
"Guard your independence but also allow yourselves to connect with others and reach out and receive help and support in navigating your decisions."
"One of my favorite things about my YouTube channel is that I get to connect with people around the world."
"I appreciate that brother, shout out to Mr. and Mrs. Coleman."
"I love you all, have a great week, and I will see you in the videos."
"It's okay to just not really care if people think you're a good person."
"The internet's power lies in its ability to connect communities."
"To have them sing 'he's one of our own' feels like I'm part of them, I'm part of the fan group."
"You don't understand how many people reached out to me..."
"Netanyahu found a way to the heart of those who felt discriminated over the years."
"You don't have to do it alone. Connect with your loved ones, connect with your tribe."
"Why would you do that? It's such a small thing, but the fact that it means so much to some people out there, it's incredible."
"Connecting on a soul level and just being with community that is so aligned with my heart and my value system and belief system."
"Just know that I'm always here for you guys I love you so much."
"Empower yourself to be seen, understood, and connected."
"People wanna connect. We connect with people through their pain and then we show them a way out to inspire them."
"Games have been such an important source of joy and connection." - Xbox representative
"The man cares about fans. He's a gamer, he's a bit of a nerd, he's one of us."
"People feeling more hopeful, grounded, and connected."
"We love being with you incredible people. Thank you very much."
"When we show up for people in our lives, we grow less fragile, more flexible, and more connected."
"It feels really good to connect with other people who appreciate the same stuff you do."
"So if you ever come in, make sure you get your hash browns deep-fried. Tell Ronnie Dennis said hi."
"Baby fat connected many young women of color through fashion."
"I come from the hood, I come from where a lot of you all come from so that don't change with me."
"Passion is reciprocated by serving others and receiving feedback, connecting you to others and driving mastery towards your goals."
"I wrote the book with the hope that it could be a kind of time capsule for myself... for nerdfighteria... of what this time was like."
"I don't think there's anybody that's not touched by this somehow or know somebody that's been touched by fentanyl or substance abuse in general."
"I feel so loved and so supportive, and it's so awesome how connected you all feel with me and this baby."
"Each one I do I learn a little bit more... I love connecting with people."
"Hopefully, I'll call myself out, but I'm trying to connect with people who share my values and principles."
"You're surrounded by people who love you. You're not going through this alone."
"Watch kufai.org on our YouTube channel to find out how you can be connected."
"Speed eventually does get his account back, and he ends the stream with a speech that connects him to new and old viewers of his channel: 'We're back.'"
"I genuinely care about you guys and I love being able to connect with you in a face-to-face way."
"We get to decide that this can be a time of beauty and healing and connection."
"Welcome back to TEN or Transport Evolved News. I know this week has been tough for many of you. It has for me, so hopefully this show can bring some much needed balance to the force."
"I miss y'all. I hope you guys are doing well. I'm glad that Omicron's going down."
"It's really about connecting people back to people."
"Tonight, a bit like Conte, Conte has got us really back engaged with our football club. We're loving it. You know, we're feeling connected again."
"...when you have that connection everyone sees you as like a friend, you know, or like they feel like a part of your community."
"...joining the personal to the communal..."
"I feel like I know a lot of you now, which is crazy because we've never met in real life."
"An exciting encounter with like-minded people will exceed your expectations."
"You guys have treated us like family and that's the way we feel too."
"Like all sports, boxing has the unique ability to unite communities and connect people who otherwise would never have crossed their paths."
"It's like how we've always been, I think, being a skater. It's like we're all connected because we all love this."
"It was just really cool to see something like that, to see someone who seems like one of us."
"It's an indescribable feeling being able to come out and break bread with the people from the town of Sierra de San Francisco."
"Good morning, my loving Tiffany Thinks family, and welcome back to another vlogmas video."
"It's a really special thing to be able to share all of this with you guys, and I'm just so grateful, so blessed, so blown away to be able to do that."
"I'm beyond excited, like I feel like it's just such a great time to connect with you guys."
"Having transportation access to rural areas is really important for keeping communities vibrant and connected."
"We have to think a little bit bigger and more creatively about how we're going to reconnect people to leadership."
"For now, good night from CBC Calgary."
"It really brings us close to you guys in a way that we haven't been able to do yet."
"I'm just excited to connect with you all on a deeper level."
"Thank you so much, Jordan, to you and your wife from Port Alberni, it's so cool to meet another fellow toy collector and dino nerd here on our little island of the west coast."
"I want to connect with the people on this one."
"There's a sense of place that exists in communities, and I think people want to connect with that on multiple levels."
"It's a full-service solution that enables anyone to easily build and manage a network focused on connecting your community."