
Technological Challenges Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Robotics is getting closer and closer to the human. We are facing a lot of challenges in really making these machines work in the unstructured, messy environment of the human."
"There's nothing truly scientifically or technologically impossible about getting to Mars soon; it's more politically and financially challenging."
"The making of all the tech needed to reach the moon wasn't the only daunting part."
"How a technologically outdated probe is related to the solution."
"Technological disruption, especially AI and bioengineering, is the most complicated challenge."
"There's a lack of defense-side technologies to defend against manipulation."
"This is sort of thinking it's me but most of the time not... that's another challenge with this."
"Things weren’t exactly plug-and-play back then… more plug-and-pray."
"Tesla has been working crazy hard on self-driving, and it's a daunting task."
"Peterson's concern about the implications of AI is palpable, reflecting the monumental challenges posed by this technology for the future of humanity."
"You're from bluewing, you're looking at the world's most complicated infrastructure and that complexity keeps growing."
"NASA could figure out how to send people to the moon but it was too difficult at the time to figure out the female anatomy and how a woman could pee in space."
"If you're going to rank them in terms of difficulty or how soon they're going to happen it's definitely games self-driving cars cleaning robots agi."
"Fundamentally though, the big challenge is changing hearts & minds on nuclear, and if we can do so, we have an excellent power source."
"Solving the Search problem is not easy, that's for sure."
"Given the amount of data breaches we see in the press, it's only a matter of time before someone finds a better way to keep our information safe."
"We're not just up against people, we're up against an army of bots."
"Utilizing that airspace, the technical challenge is building an autonomy and ensuring it's safe."
"Humans need to evolve ourselves to deal with the problems that a future with all the tech we need will provide."
"Electric cars are a step in the right direction, but they have a scaling problem."
"You can social engineer AI, and AI has never had to deal with any of that."
"We need a miracle in what we call energy storage to keep that energy around until we need it when the wind's not blowing." - Pablos Holman
"If the technology isn't a big enough problem, this all is."
"Yang sees automation as a technical problem to overcome."
"We literally didn't really have any other options and I I feel there's a pretty good chance that YouTube might not even be here today if it wasn't for Google support let alone at the size we just needed a lot of resources."
"The service still needs work. Input latency is a hurdle."
"Imagine this eventually defocuses the lens and like the rest of it's just [ __ ] out."
"Even with those dedicated Ray tracing cores those cards were still too slow for gaming..."
"It's going to be confusing for those that don't know how to operate the tech on their phones... downright scary as scary as this is for Halloween."
"We ended up not being able to use any of the AC propulsion drivetrain technology."
"Every step is hard. Space flight is tough business, but we learn. We stand on the shoulders of giants."
"It feels like it is a way off before being a widespread feature unless game developers can find ways to much more significantly optimize Ray tracing."
"If you can't deploy and test this software at scale on real roads in the real world, you will never solve the problem."
"I think ingredients are there for what needs to be done... but of course, getting that seeding to work involves an endless number of difficult subproblems both technological and human."
"Blockchains are awesome. However, they've got their problems. 99 of them, but no not 99 problems. Just some problems, okay."
"Rocket failures while disappointing are an inherent part of the challenging field of space exploration."
"Running this zoo on a solid-state drive is like trying to run Star Citizen on a mechanical hard disk... it's unbelievable."
"It's definitely pushing the envelope... my computer decided that it didn't want to work out Pro Tools."
"I think it's very tough to do. I think it's pretty tough. It's going to really raise like our privacy concerns and etc as well. I think they're so far away from that type of thing."
"Tech is so is so difficult right now because it's so easy for someone to come in and just readjust the timing on your product."
"Proof of stake ethereum has created an issue for themselves, I don't know if they're going to solve it or not, we'll see."
"Sexual assault in virtual reality is nothing new. It's been happening for years."
"Tony tries to break the flight record...his suit freezes over."
"If the world ends, I got you. If it all comes crashing down, I got your back."
"Simulations are great but if you can actually make a simulation then you would have already solved the self-driving car problem."
"The outcome of all of these technological advances is data, lots of it. So much data, in fact, that managing it and extracting meaning from it presents its own challenge."
"The challenge that you face as a result of digital technology just sort of integrating and eating everything um is a specific kind of challenge of statecraft."
"There might be some elements that right now are technologically difficult to handle."
"Part of the problem which remains in quantum computing is to first find the right kind of qubit."