
Entities Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Entities are otherworldly beings that humans have been encountering for thousands of years."
"You're dealing with creatures who have their own intelligence."
"We live in a spiritual Universe. Negative entities can strengthen your negative thoughts, positive entities can strengthen your positive thoughts."
"On tonight's video we're going to be dealing with dark evil entities and demonic energies."
"I honestly feel that these entities are interdimensional."
"The entities existing in the forest are the fairies that the O-5 mentioned."
"The idea of a weird forest realm where entities can steal your name is interesting enough by itself."
"These entities were vastly superior in terms of intelligence to the human race."
"The human is essentially the medium through which the Kwamis can be physical entities."
"Every relationship involves three living entities: you, the other person, and the relationship itself."
"Larger entities can absorb the cost of those regulations far easier."
"There are far too many sightings and stories of intelligent entities attacking people to think there's not a parallel universe amidst our own."
"Entities are of two types... predefined entities... you can use these entities to extract the information you need from users' utterances."
"A malicious and delicious little eldritch entity Lovecraft sent to me on the silver platter lined with horrific insanity."
"The Hat Man is a type of Shadow being, but he has some traits that make him unique."
"...if you're someone who kind of is in that low-frequency energy... it's very easy for us to attract other entities, other spirits that will attach right onto you."
"I got her okay to narrate the activities of the entities so I was speaking aloud to her while they were doing the thing."
"Spirits is a broad term, Spirits can encompass non-human entities as well like fourth-dimensional beings and beyond that."
"These entities were joined by a massive feline entity resembling a lion 8.8 meters tall and covered in a kindness exoskeleton its blood was superheated to the point that contact with unprotected skin caused third degree burns."
"This is actually a very important concept in GraphQL and it involves relationships between entities."
"War is actually done by the entities sitting inside of the politicians."
"Could there be entities linked to these Gods could there actually be the um spirits that um actually have returned now to America that are affecting us right now?"
"In Dynamics CRM, entities are categorized into three types: system entities, business entities, and custom entities."
Security footage the Foundation’s agents have gathered of these entities depict them as what can only be described as "bed sheet ghosts", the kind you might see and immediately think of as a last minute low budget Halloween costume.
"All entities are appearances, they have borrowed their existence from the real."
"Smart contracts are autonomous entities."
"Arguments rooted in capitalism only make sense when it is between two or more entities that are capitalistic."
"There's no question about it. There's entities in this house."
"These entities think in a manner that's incomprehensible to humans as they have little to no concern over their actions' consequences upon who they perceive as lesser beings."
"These bodies are fresh, there has been no change in our power levels. Just who or what is this creature?"
"Often overlooked is that you have entities that are putting this all together, matching the models and algorithms with specific detection requirements."
"There are absolutely malicious entities in this world and if you invite them into your life, they will gladly come in."
"Mathematical statements are true or false depending on the properties of these entities, independently of whether we can know their truth or falsity."
"There was a telepathic connection so it was like I would see these entities in front of me and some of them were also like gray aliens so they look like Grays and then other kinds of other entities so I would interact with them and it was more on a mind-to-mind level."
"The context instance represents a session with the database and can be used to query and save instances of your entities."
"The group conducted two Ouija sessions in which they determined that there were five entities present in the house, including one that called itself ‘SME.’"
"...you are pretty much guaranteed an audience with uh with with some intelligences you know and there are whole different range of beings that you might meet in the DMT space..."
"She gets attacked by what are now deemed entities because all men have been written off from being potential suspects."
"The ritual will be guarded by four other entities. They are extremely dangerous in their current form but they are able to be killed or subdued at the very least."
"SCP 4812 describes not one, but three separate entities."
"They are merely the protrusion into our dimension of vast hyper-intelligent pan-dimensional beings."
"The astral world is populated by a large number of entities, just as the physical world is."
"A GraphQL entity really defines a collection of entities, right? A hierarchy of relationships."
"You need to have a table for each type of thing... what I mean is a thing as far as the logical entities in your database."
"It is the job of the interactor to control the dance of the entities."
"These spirits, both malevolent and benign, inhabit the interstices of our world, constantly engaging in a cosmic battle for the souls of mankind."
"Are the celestials not Cosmic entities in the Marvel Cinematic Universe?"
"Such entities are known by many names, said to take in many different forms, and have all manner of motives attributed to their presence and actions."
"The task of ontology is ultimately to explain being itself and to make the being of entities stand out in full relief."
"I used to see them and even tried to communicate with them."
"It made me feel like spirits or entities are real whether or not we see them."
"Maybe we've just seen the tip of the iceberg with all the different entities we've seen."
"I 100 percent believe that paranormal entities exist."
"The world we perceive is made up of entities; its constituents are things."
"Action is simply the name for what entities do."
"The law of identity is a law of identity applied to entities."
"Many have said that this isn't the first time that strange entities and sightings have been reported from this area."
"Whenever you have hard-coded values like this, think about maybe that could be an entity."
"These dark entities are not evil or something necessarily to be feared; they are here for a specific purpose."
"We should be able to remove a range of entities."
"Named entities are 'real world objects' that are assigned a name – for example, a person, an organization or a country."
"This is going to be comparable to The Conjuring house. It's rumored that there's 20 entities. It's like England's Conjuring."
"Every culture has evil entities, and they tend to look similar if not the same."
"Break your histories up into entities and events."
"This being's motivations are often inscrutable and sometimes whimsical."
"You first need to think about the entities... like people, like cars, like hotel rooms."
"You have entities in your scene and you attach one or more components to a single entity to get it to behave in a certain way."
"Some people believe they're a demonic entity, some people believe they're just an entity in and of itself."
"Entities and value objects are the main tools we have to express these important concepts from our domain language."
"The entities are the objects that store system data and also contain the business rules about that data."
"We came across four beings, entities if you will, that weren't from our neck of the cosmic woods; they were extraterrestrial."
"There are entities that are from another world, they are amongst us but we just can't see them."
"The key idea is that we want to model entities and relations as embedding points and vectors in the embedding space."
"An entity relationship diagram is simply a diagram of various entities, the attributes associated with those entities, and the relationships among and between the entities."
"Relationships need not be only between two entities; they can be there between more than two entities."