
Holy Ghost Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"The doctrine of baptisms: one water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, and after that, you must have the baptism of the Holy Ghost."
"That change will qualify us to enjoy the gifts that come through the Holy Ghost."
"Demons are exhaustible, but you have an inexhaustible spirit living in you, the Holy Ghost."
"In coming days it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."
"We have the priceless promise of the Holy Ghost as a companion, and we also have true directions on how to claim that gift."
"Repent and be baptized... and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Receive the Holy Ghost... we will always have His presence to be with us if we remember Him."
"The Holy Ghost was promised to the successors of Peter not so that they might by his revelation make known some new doctrine but that by his assistance they might religiously guard and faithfully expound the revelation or deposit of faith."
"When the Holy Ghost covers you, the enemy no longer can."
"I would rather be in a church of 30 people that want the Holy Ghost than 3,000 that don't want the Holy Ghost."
"Inside of every believer is the supernatural power of the Holy Ghost to walk all over the devil he's afraid of you."
"The Lord will lead you by the hand through the Holy Ghost."
"The power of the Holy Ghost is more powerful than the cycle of pornography."
"I testify that all of these things are true and that we, you and I, know enough by the power of the Holy Ghost to bear sure witness of their divinity reality and efficacy."
"Praying in the Holy Ghost identifies your own human spirit, it builds you up spiritually."
"The Holy Ghost fills our souls with joy and converts us into lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ."
"The pure Gospel of Jesus Christ must go down into the hearts of young people and adults by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is the eternal Spirit."
"But in coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting, and constant influence of the Holy Ghost."
"If you forget the continuing work of the Holy Ghost in us, you've only preached half the gospel."
"I believe it's a spiritual gift, I believe it's a spiritual responsibility, it's a spiritual capacity and ultimately I think it is the companionship of the Holy Ghost that produces that intense yearning to learn."
"Yes, it is possible to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost sufficiently to have many revelations daily."
"...instead depend on His power which we have access to because of covenants, because of the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"The power of the Holy Ghost is in that voice."
"The Holy Ghost has the ability to increase, enlarge, expand, and purify all the natural passions and affections."
"I command now by the power of the Holy Ghost, let there be deliverance."
"When it comes to any spiritual gift, if a man does not believe in the power of the Holy Ghost operating in a church then that cuts out the quickening."
"This end time Harvest can only be directed by the Holy Ghost."
"You need the Holy Ghost. It's God's power coming on earth to energize the believer."
"We love you so much. I enjoyed partying with you tonight. That's what I feel like. I feel like I'm 15 again. And ain't no party like a Holy Ghost party."
"Ask the Holy Ghost, 'What does this mean?' and he'll tell you."
"Being over-programmed even with good things makes it difficult for the Holy Ghost to gain our attention."
"When you're praying in the Holy Ghost, you're never pressing to yourself."
"...the Holy Ghost is the cleanser more than the water is the cleanser..."
"Through that language you can communicate with the Holy Ghost, hallelujah, you can communicate with spirit beings in the realm of the spirit because man is a spirit."
"Faith deals peculiarly with the Holy Ghost, it considers the promises themselves, looks up to Him, depends on Him, owns Him in His work and efficacy."
"As that promise becomes conquering, endearing life and vigor, here faith deals peculiarly with the Holy Ghost."
"No other ghost is welcome in my house except the Holy Ghost. I love the Holy Spirit. I love His presence, I love His power and I love His glory."
"The Holy Ghost is a revelator, and the Holy Ghost is a sanctifier."
"Folks, listen to me please, you must know this about the Holy Ghost, about all some people know about the Holy Ghost is that he comes down and you speak with tongues. There is a Ministry of the Holy Ghost."
"Let the power of the Holy Ghost move on everyone."
"Lord, according to your word, you said if I would ask you for the Holy Ghost, that I would receive it."
"Let the Holy Ghost send you, burn for Jesus."
"Pray in the Holy Ghost, pour out your heart before God."
"These things have I spoken unto you... but the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost... shall teach you all things."
"We must do the receiving if we want to benefit from the ministration of the Holy Ghost."
"We invite the Holy Ghost into our lives through meaningful personal and family prayer, feasting upon the words of Christ, diligent and exacting obedience, faithfulness and honoring of covenants, and through virtue, humility, and service."
"And we steadfastly should avoid things that are immodest, coarse, crude, sinful, or evil that cause us to withdraw ourselves from the Holy Ghost."
"These two experiences illustrate the importance of regular scripture reading and study in opening up avenues for the Holy Ghost to commune with us in ways that we can recognize."
"When the Holy Ghost is in residence in the sanctuary, that is the most attractive thing in the world."
"God's Great desire is all of you are to be clothed with the Holy Ghost, that all of you be prophets of God."
"Your state, your status, is a state of insufficiency without the Holy Ghost, and God deliberately designed us to be insufficient because he had a plan. Our sufficiency will be found in the ministry of the Holy Spirit."
"We are grateful for the assurance of Thy Holy Ghost, which bears witness that we indeed are led as a Church by prophets, seers, and revelators."
"When the Holy Ghost came at Pentecost, he came to confirm their faith. They were waiting for it in faith. Holy Ghost came for those that prepared for him in spirit and in truth."
"The secret of power is the Holy Ghost."
"I'm willing to face my cross and die on it for more than anything else, I want the Holy Ghost to use me."
"The Holy Ghost will give you words when you begin to beg."
"No more retrogression, no more progression, I move forward, I make progression by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"Only relying on the Holy Ghost can bring you into that rest."
"Help me Holy Ghost, fall in with me Holy Ghost!"
"Christianity is hopeless without the Holy Ghost. Give them all the laws, warn them about how to do everything you want, disciple until Jesus comes in just in the flesh. It'll never happen unless there's the blessing and breath of the Holy Spirit upon what we're doing."
"The Holy Ghost is not from the Son, as it appears in John 15:26."
"The python spirit ain't nothing for the Holy Ghost."
"I hear the Holy Ghost calling me right now."
"If you don't believe that, I'll give you one more: Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"Holy Ghost shall come upon you and the power of the highest shall overshadow you; therefore also that Holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the son of God."
"...if you have the Holy Ghost you can read the phone book and be in light."
"It is the Holy Ghost in us that is the power of the Living God, all power over all sin, all power over human powers, devil's powers."
"Build your faith up by praying in the Holy Ghost. How do you pray in the Holy Ghost? It's by speaking in tongues."
"If we learn to perceive things as prompted by the Holy Ghost."
"You just received the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"We come to you in the name of Jesus right now, we thank you for the anointing of the spirit, we thank you for the power of the Holy Ghost."
"I desire to be both, firm and full of the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is prophetic. He takes the words of Jesus and makes them life to you."
"The Holy Ghost is here to bring the word to us in remembrance."
"The Holy Ghost will make you independent."
"The Holy Ghost will be the wind beneath your wings."
"When the Holy Ghost comes, power comes."
"When the Holy Ghost comes, courage comes."
"I command you to receive the Holy Ghost. Exercise the faith of God and let it flow out of you."
"Praise God, isn't it wonderful to feel the anointing of the Holy Ghost right there in your home?"
"The church is in a mess and only the Holy Ghost can bring that needed conviction and bring us to the place of Brokenness."
"Isn't it amazing that with all our stately churches and our Monopoly of TV and all the other gadgets that we have that the Holy Ghost went right over us and went to a people that don't have any of those preacher Comforts?"
"You can sing yourself into the Holy Ghost."
"Your pastor lied to you. If your pastor told you the Holy Ghost is not for today, I hate to tell you, but your pastor's a liar."
"You are what the Holy Ghost says you are."
"The Holy Ghost knows all things, even the deep secrets of God."
"You house the Holy Ghost in you to command the rock of God, the wind of God, the breath of God to revive this promise back to life again."
"We need to plug into the energy of the Holy Ghost to partner with God and understand the language of the spirit."
"What is it going to take to reach this lost generation? It's going to take men and women with a double portion of the Holy Ghost."
"He wants you saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost."
"Everything depends on getting and keeping the power of the Holy Ghost in your life."
"The Holy Ghost has already talked to Presley in her heart."
"The holy ghost helps you have ideas and visions in your mind and in your heart."
"Jesus said, 'But you shall receive power... after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you.'"
"The gift of understanding is a gift of the Holy Ghost by which the person is moved by God to have an intuitive grasp of some truths pertaining to the faith."
"There's nothing like a clean, Holy Ghost-filled individual."
"It's the Holy Ghost in this atmosphere."
"God took a bunch of crackheads, a bunch of weed smokers, cocaine snorters, pill poppers, and filled us with his Holy Ghost."
"He's manifesting himself in the power of the Holy Ghost in human flesh."
"The wind of the Holy Ghost is blowing over you right now, and it brings healing and deliverance right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"The Holy Ghost is not accessories not included. The Holy Ghost is batteries included."
"The Holy Ghost is the presence of God in us while Christ was with us and God is over us."
"You are filled with the Holy Ghost you have more than just an experience of speaking in other tongues but you also have this supernatural peace that is living and moving and breathing inside of you."
"Pray in the Holy Ghost during this time."
"Nothing like the power of the Holy Ghost."
"What an awesome presence of the Holy Ghost!"
"Nobody can give you the Holy Ghost but Jesus Christ."
"If all you know is English and you begin to speak a language in a few moments that you don't understand, congratulations, now you're bilingual. And that's the evidence of the Holy Ghost."
"If you've never received the gift of the Holy Ghost, evidence in speaking in other tongues as was done in the Bible when the church began in Acts chapter 2, we encourage you to get a hold of the Holy Ghost."
"So many people, wonderful young folk received the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"The greatest calling of every Christian is to live abundantly, aggressively, joyfully now in the power of the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is a gift. If you've heard yourself speak, you've received it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
"The love of God shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost."
"Help us to walk in the genuine power of the Holy Ghost that sets the people free."
"The fire of the Holy Ghost is beyond description."
"This is our time for visitations, manifestations, and demonstrations from the Holy Ghost like we have never experienced before."
"He denied the things which he had taught them, and confessed the Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost and the ministering of angels."
"You come back to life as someone who is of the Holy Ghost, now you have declared your union with Jesus."
"We are His witnesses of these things, and so is also the Holy Ghost whom God hath given to them that obey Him."
"God has baptized them in the Holy Ghost, God has confirmed them, God has said they're mine."
"Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained."
"Thank God for the ministry of the Holy Ghost; we're just getting started."
"And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost."
"Never be sober in the Holy Ghost; it is the only addiction with no hangover."
"The Holy Ghost is still absolutely necessary."
"By water you're baptized, you get the gift of the Holy Ghost and you are sanctified by the blood of the Lamb."
"The anointing of the Holy Ghost turns men violent against the devil and his works."
"The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but it's love, joy, peace, righteousness in the Holy Ghost."
"Do not underestimate what the power of the Holy Ghost can do in the life of an individual."
"The Holy Ghost gives a new heart and a right spirit."
"The grace of supplication is poured out upon us and wrought in us by the Holy Ghost."
"God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek Him."
"The Holy Ghost is the seal of this salvation."
"When you have the Holy Ghost, it's more powerful than when an angel comes."
"It's programmed subject to change due to the Holy Ghost."
"Every time we endeavor to get people to have an encounter with the Holy Ghost, because the moment you have an encounter of the Holy Ghost, everything changes."
"We're sanctified by the power of the Holy Ghost; we're sanctified by relationship with Jesus Christ."
"A life of sacrifice is a life that is lit by the fire of the Holy Ghost."
"When you believe that for real in your heart and you confess from your mouth, you will be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost."
"Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teaches; comparing spiritual things with spiritual."
"God bearing them witness, with both signs and wonders, and with diverse miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to His own will."
"Every book of the Bible, if you read it with the light of the Holy Ghost, it will point you to one person, Jesus."
"It's the fire, the Holy Ghost, that's moving on us today."
"I'm so grateful for the Holy Ghost."
"I see in God a great power led by the Holy Ghost which will restore order through a second of people."
"As I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them, as on us at the beginning."
"And the place where they assembled together was shaken, and they were filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the Word of God with boldness."
"When you have the Holy Ghost, you always have the advantage over every situation."
"Behold, you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you."
"The place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness."
"We have to teach the members of the church to live worthy of the Holy Ghost 24/7 for the rest of their lives."
"The manifestation of the gift of the spirit is subject to the will of the Holy Ghost, not the will of the man."
"There is a real Holy Ghost that will flow like a river out of your being."
"You bow to the Holy Ghost, and the fire will come on you, and you can do this."
"Let the anointing of the Holy Ghost come upon me now."
"...they were sanctified by the Holy Ghost in that they abhor sin..."
"Leave all your problems on the outside to be consumed with the Holy Ghost Fire."
"The power will only come after we have an experience with the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost comes not only to comfort the afflicted but to afflict the comfortable."
"The Holy Ghost breathes on that, all of a sudden your life looks different."
"May the precious Holy Ghost comfort them, teach them, and guide them."
"And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceedeth from the Father and the Son."
"The Kingdom of God isn’t to eat and drink but it is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost."
"The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the communion with the Holy Ghost."
"I got power because of the Holy Ghost."
"You can't sit down on the Holy Ghost."
"We are not consoled today by new revelations, but by the old revelation explained and lit up with new splendor by the presence and power of the Holy Ghost, the Comforter."
"The Holy Ghost can tarry with us much, if not most of the time."
"My flesh is kept alive by the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost has not gone anywhere else since the time of Pentecost; he is still in the Catholic Church."
"The Holy Ghost speaks with a voice that you feel more than you hear."
"If you believe you are holy, you will live according to the truth of your identity and the power of the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is your helper; He is mighty God in the midst of you."
"We can receive ordinances, including baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"We continually receive the Holy Ghost as we make choices, righteous choices that qualify our souls and soften our hearts to hear and recognize the promptings of the Spirit."
"Life is about enjoying, participating, constantly experiencing the inundated lifestyle in a Holy Ghost that's already ours."
"The key to all of it is the gifts of the Holy Ghost."
"She's an equal recipient of the Holy Ghost and a full partner in ministry."
"If you invite the Holy Ghost, you get the Holy Ghost. If you invite Jesus, you get Jesus."
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."
"Lord, I want to be filled with the Holy Ghost."
"Everyone everywhere needs to repent and come unto Christ and be baptized by immersion and receive that gift of the Holy Ghost."
"The Holy Ghost is the power of the age to come."
"He will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"It is by the power of the Holy Ghost that we will know the truth of all things."
"By the power of the Holy Ghost may we know the truth of all things."
"Now you got to understand we talking about that Holy Ghost."
"Let them be filled with the joy of the Holy Ghost."