
Health Focus Quotes

There are 307 quotes

"I haven't flown in over a month, which is weird. I just chose not to travel and to focus on health, family, moving, and business, and it's been pretty nice."
"The way that TCM differs from western medicine is that western medicine has been known to mainly focus on treating diseases, whereas TCM and other forms of Eastern medicine seem to focus more so on overall health, well-being, and actually the prevention of diseases."
"We're doing all the right steps to fully take care of this... focusing on your health."
"Focus on your health, focus on your wellness, focus on the things that are going right in your life, focus on the things that you can work towards that have nothing to do with this right now."
"We are on a quest to have the healthiest day possible."
"Fans of this runway star know that she loves to live a healthy lifestyle and stay in shape."
"Bolton has paused his touring plans... to focus on his recovery."
"Stop the circus and get to work on what really matters to the American people: their health and their economic security."
"Challenge yourself every day; make it a habit to love yourself, work on yourself because you care about your health, not because you hate what you see in the mirror."
"Persist on the things that are healthy for you."
"Imagine if NXIVM, the infamous cult run by Keith Rainiere, was run by women and claimed to focus on women's health."
"Let go of all of that and just focus on your health."
"I want something that's going to make people better, that people aren't going to get sick with."
"Focusing on health, not weight loss, is key."
"What we need to be focusing on is the creation of Health."
"It's more about being healthy as opposed to the number."
"Nadav is about a lifestyle change. What is it, a million dollars? That's insane. Not a million. It's going to be a healthy life. That's like the greatest gift of all time."
"Jam everything into vitality and just buff your life up as you're going."
"Let's begin by looking at berberine's effect on diabetes and neuronal damage."
"I want to focus on preventing and coming up with better methods for treating people and just preventing the cancer itself."
"Recovery is a slow process and whatever you gotta focus on in your personal recovery, you gotta focus on."
"This industry is obsessed with getting the after picture. I don't care about your after picture. I care about your after after photo."
"I committed to making 10 key lifestyle changes to see if I could turn this all around."
"The body thrives on consistency and if you are consistent, you will see progress."
"It's all natural, no BS ingredients, the labeling is very very clear."
"Whether they're Weight Watchers or WW, they're just a red light in my book."
"I want to prevent disease, so I always had that lens of disease prevention."
"Primarily today, we're gonna focus on your health, on your wellness, on you getting lean and clean."
"Health and fitness and overall well-being is something that I focus on as I get older."
"Please do pay attention to your health more than anything else."
"Focus on the good, focus on what works, focus on your health."
"The body positive language and focus on healthy behaviors, not body size and weight, is so refreshing in the YouTube space."
"It's the single most impactful thing that you could do for the rest of your life."
"Medicine is about dealing with people, not disease."
"Routines are about to change for you, might be a focus on your health or fitness journey."
"Your goal shouldn't be a number on the scale. It should be how you look, how you feel, how you perform, and how healthy you are."
"We design products that are really going to help people become healthier."
"One of the primary reasons people are wearing the watch today is for fitness and health."
"You're yourself your best asset if you can be healthy."
"We've had this tendency, too. We put our finger up and point out the disease before we point out health."
"Fantastic time to work on health, to work on debt, paying off some debt as well, and to restructure your career."
"Fad diets are out the window for me... I'm focusing on longevity, optimizing health, and achieving my next level."
"Our healthcare system is not oriented towards producing health."
"Wellness at home is a trend that's here to stay. Incorporate elements like steam showers, yoga spaces, and gyms for a healthier lifestyle."
"Our children's health and safety is always on our minds."
"2024 holds great potential for Taurus individuals to prioritize their health and well-being."
"It's not just about losing weight, it's about getting healthy."
"There is nothing wrong with gaining weight. The most important thing is your overall health and how you feel."
"Life is now a fast-paced mix of wedding plans, exercise, and more exercise."
"Focus on being healthy. You don't need to put your life on hold for weight loss."
"It's time for us to start thinking about our bodies and our self-care."
"Success comes after focusing on health and wealth first."
"There's literally no better gift that you can give yourself than the gift of health."
"What lifting helped me do was shift my focus on my body away from what it looked like to how it felt to be in my body."
"We really need to put the health back into health care."
"Making hydration a priority can help all of us feel healthier in our everyday lives."
"It's about being healthy. It's about getting yourself from point A to point B, feeling comfortable in your own skin. That's what matters, period."
"Exercise and protein are going to be top of mind as well as intermittent fasting."
"Make recovery your first priority if you have addictive behaviors."
"The route to recovery always starts with health."
"Prioritize your health and well-being, focus on self-love and self-care."
"Remember always to keep this journey about health and not just about the skinny."
"It's deeper than just a thought. You have to know that these foods that you were eating, you're literally getting addicted to."
"I care about posture, I care about technique."
"How can I be part of the solution? Get healthy."
"Prioritize your health and well-being for powerful self-healing energy."
"I recently joined the scientific advisory board of healthy gamer."
"Odwalla was a beverage brand that offered not only organic juices but also soy milk beverages, bottled water, and energy food bars."
"First of all, I wouldn't look at liver health..."
"It's less about looking good, it's more about just being fit and living a healthier lifestyle."
"Thanks for watching, your wellness is our mission."
"What's the purpose of food? It should be for nutrients or to fuel the engine."
"Avoid stress-eating traps, focus on keto and fasting."
"The world is clearly telling us we need to focus on mental health, much more than what we have been doing."
"That's right, I'm curious to know, like, what are some of the things, like, when you switch to focusing on metabolic health, what are some things that you saw different in your practice or maybe with your patients?"
"If you participated in the best way you could that prioritized the health and recovery of the individual, I don't have a lot of problems with what you've described."
"Melatonin is vitally important for your immune system."
"Sleep, diet, and exercise are really the big pillars."
"Apple is really starting to focus on mental health."
"Diet is a hundred percent of this whole lifestyle, and we've gone so far from being healthy and eating healthy."
"Every day is a little bit different, but I try to include a lot of different practices that help with my overall well-being and health."
"The benefits of a plant-based diet is less about what you're cutting out and more about just including the healthiest of healthy foods out there."
"It's almost like you tumble right down to the full energy here, which is taking a leap of faith for something new, something healthy, something better."
"Focusing mostly on health and abundance; this all ends well."
"If you cure everything but cancer, then we'll all die of it."
"I do not believe that your sustained healthy weight loss will hinge on you exercising like a madman or a mad woman."
"Quality of life is more important than total life."
"The only real successes we have in cancer medicine are really in prevention."
"Focusing on being in a surplus, focusing on building more lean tissue."
"Life can be yours, with love and work and good health."
"This person wants to give a healthy energy to this."
"More self-care is needed, and the sixth house can be about your health."
"It's gonna take you deciding to eat better, to think better, to sleep better, to surround yourself with better people than to obsess and worry about all the things that are happening in your life right now."
"Stick with high quality and Whole Foods for a great start."
"A time of realignment which is a really big deal right and I just think it's very healthy."
"We're worried about the root causes. Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, blood glucose spikes, they're a big part of the pie."
"He says you just got to make sure you're taking care of yourself."
"Saturn can make you really focus on being physically healthy."
"Expect to be more focused on your health, eating habits, sleeping patterns, and exercise routines."
"The focus of the tension is on sugar, but the real problem is the animal foods."
"It's about your health, it's not about vanity."
"Focus on good health, and weight loss will be a side effect."
"Our core is about relieving low back pain, improving posture, feeling tall and confident, looking long and lean."
"Invested energy in eating well and trying out new recipes."
"This person definitely want to patients to their health yeah and I'm seeing that you know this person is somebody that will try to reach out to you to go out and have a good time with you in the future."
"It's never a financial crisis, it's always a public health crisis."
"It's not a diet, it's healthy lifestyle changes."
"Carnivore is very proud of the fact that they are completely synthetic free."
"You're going to be super focused on being useful, being of service, working hard, you're going to have more momentum and energy to work hard and achieve your goals, it's also great for fitness and health."
"Gone are the days of all you need to do is look healthy and fit to be considered attractive."
"Stop stressing about the weight number. Focus on health."
"Choose in the way you would a medical issue—be sincere with yourself."
"Turkey tail mushrooms are prebiotic to the microbiome, suppressing inflammatory bacteria and enhancing beneficial bacteria."
"I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, passionate about health and fitness."
"There's a real need to pour into yourself; slow down, sleep more."
"I get paid to prioritize my personal growth, my inner growth, my health because I get paid to show me prioritizing those things."
"I just want happiness and health and the simple things."
"The goal of the diet should be Health not weight loss."
"Anti-aging isn't necessarily about turning back the clock and getting younger."
"Welcome to the start of another brand new week! If we're going to start it off right, you gotta start off with a little bit of vitamin R."
"Focus on your health, there needs to be some learning, some personal development."
"A goal for me this year has to focus on my health and build a routine."
"Saturn is the planet of necessity and of responsibility, so if you don't commit to this sort of work that you need to do for yourself and for your own health, I'll just say it ain't looking that good."
"Focus on your health because you've been through so much. Throwing yourself into your work won't help heal you."
"Lean into promoting robust digestion for robust immunity."
"The most important thing in your life is health."
"Ignore the weight component and just focus on metabolic health."
"This person is trying to change... in a period of transition... trying to become healthier or choosing a healthier path in life."
"Lean into personal development, financial development, improvements with health."
"You want to feel confident, energetic, and healthy. It's not a vain thing to want to look and feel your best."
"As long as you're looking better, that should be the goal. Look better, feel better."
"Saturn in Pisces forces governments to deal with addiction and mental health crises, leading to regulation and support."
"Health is always one of them. I'm always trying to be my healthiest, so that's not really a New Year's resolution for me."
"You have to stop focusing on burning calories and you have to start focusing on building tissue."
"Absolutely we can't just focus on the money and not focus on our health."
"The real key is what's that functional quality of life."
"Focus more on health goals and just be patient."
"The economy is going to come back, my focus is saving lives."
"Throw it in your gym bag, throw it in your computer bag. Oh my god, look at all that health."
"Focus your fitness journey on being healthy... if you just focus daily on just being healthy... the results are going to happen."
"Throw the illness away and absorb good health."
"Nutrition hasn't been a huge focus in medical training."
"It's slowly but surely changing in that direction."
"Invest in yourself. What is investing just about? What is investing? I mean, we talk about investing in your health."
"Danone makes healthier foods, healthier options, health is the future."
"Make it vegan and make it high carb if you can. Absolutely, let's eat."
"What if there was one thing you were gonna work on next? I mean, what is your sugar at all?"
"Organic grilled chicken breast: red meat, best in class ingredients."
"I'm not really worried about her weight. I'm worried about her health, so let's focus on health."
"I just want to make sure I am fueling my body and eating enough."
"This is a lifestyle change forever, not temporary."
"Give up, get after it, health as well, let's get it some morning motivation for you guys right there, keep it going."
"Make it about your health, not the aesthetics."
"Breathing into the health, breathing into the wellness, breathing into strength."
"Consumers are starting to move away from sanitizing everything in their home to really taking care of their bodies more."
"I really want to do a giveaway where i put together like maybe like three or so prize baskets i don't know what would be in the prize baskets yet it'd probably be health and fitness related."
"The solution and the cure is to be found in training."
"They still think of me as 'Eat to Live,' which is great."
"You're on the right path. Explore your options, make healthful life changes."
"Focusing on the number on the scale doesn't have to be the priority."
"Have we as a society overly focused on losing weight and under focused on gaining muscle? Absolutely."
"Stay happy, healthy, current, but most importantly, stay proficient."
"It's just eating for fuel and that's a true athlete to me."
"This year is the year of being responsible and showing up for myself in my health."
"If we shift our focus to health and wellness, we can change the world."
"I mainly only consume veggies, fruits, smoothies, and juices... certain protein drinks and meal replacement shakes."
"Routine is key when it comes to grabbing the reins of a healthy lifestyle."
"This is end point of a reset in your work and health stuff that doesn't come back again until 2035."
"Remember to keep this journey about health and not just about the skinny."
"Now is the time for transformation in so many areas but especially in health and your career."
"Muscle frankly responds more to exercise than it does to diet."
"Golden Ages are reached through morphogenic phase out... for every toxic system we create a healthy version that phases out that old one."
"Pluto in the sixth house is about exposing the problems in our life and taking care of our well-being. It's about dealing with physical issues once and for all."
"We're focusing on your fitness, your health, and your well-being."
"Focusing on improving health as opposed to just my epically honing in on weight loss."
"Focus on healthy nutrition, and establishing a good sleeping pattern routine."
"Proper diet, utilizing the body's own internal functions for healing, and appropriate conditioning, strengthening, and training program could not only get him back on his feet but actually get him more active in everyday life." - Dr. Dave Chanda
"What do I know for sure? I know that you need to focus on the sickness and not the symptoms."
"Maybe a bit better maybe I'll take my vitamins I'd stay on top of things I maybe wouldn't drink as much now that you're seeing this I'm going on an eight week cleanse no alcohol."
"Having something that's going to just keep us healthy and active and happy is always going to be a plus."
"It's not about the weight loss, it's just about living longer and living a better life."
"Try supplements... things like omega-3, your hair skin and nails, some people take prenatal."
"Speak action words: talk health, talk prosperity, talk abundance, talk love."
"I'm really focused on the health like my internal health and it feels great."
"When I was through my first holiday season of really like trying to be healthy but still enjoying myself it just gave me a lot of strength."
"You're a dad now, take care of yourself so you're there for your kids' future."
"You may be focused on your health at this time, you're going through a period of personal growth."
"It's important that we establish that, because the treatment of dietary diseases today focuses on risk factors, not the cause."
"You are manifesting your own calm through the storm, focusing more on your health, your well-being."
"This may represent a period where you're putting more attention towards your health than at other times in your life."
"If you focus on health, you'll get the appearance. The reverse is not true."
"Focusing on health will get you the appearance that you want."
"My physical practices, my training is not focused on the way I look, it's focused on what I can do."
"When finding a baseline, we are less concerned with how much you eat and more concerned with what kind of food you're eating."
"If you focus on your health, your weight, ladies and gentlemen, will take care of itself."
"It's not the weight that is the issue, it's the metabolic health that is key."
"Focus on health span at the end of life because that's the hardest thing to get right."
"...your main priority is your best work your health your happiness your strength."
"I don't need to continue to push myself in the weight room I don't need to continue to try and deadlift more than 705 pounds I don't need to do those things I need to focus on my longevity on my health."
"I'm doing it not just because I'm worried about Alzheimer's... I'm just focused on improving my overall health."