
Desolation Quotes

There are 348 quotes

"In a post-apocalyptic world where the gods have all died or left, and the entire world has been turned into a giant dusty wasteland, there's a sense of abandonment and desolation that's palpable."
"Nothing beside remains. Round the decay of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away."
"Cortana scans the surrounding space for survivors, finding only dust and echoes."
"This isn't a community anymore; it's a ghost."
"The natural beauty of the area is undisputed, as is its desolation."
"The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead."
"It's like being in some dystopian science fiction... it's an absolute ghost town."
"Another fun possible story there, tons of abandoned crazy derelicts that were still quite functional but only the brave, desperate, or equally crazy wanted to visit them."
"Loathsomeness waits and dreams and the deep and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men."
"There's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there and there's nothing in there."
"He looked like the soul was gone, there was no soul behind his eyes."
"It's like a dusty corner of the app with cobwebs and stuff like that, tumbleweed rolling across it."
"Consider that the alternative is to wander alone in this barren wasteland. Out there, it's dark and cold, and you'll likely die shivering and alone."
"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." - James Bolden
"It feels eerie, sad, like a place that was once full of energy is now dead and quiet."
"The day of the Lord will be a day of wrath, trouble, destruction, and desolation."
"Zanzibar Island: Among the deserted camp Truman, the blue screen of death riddled facility, and the calming Beach, the great whale of Zanzibar station seven continues to turn out, living all those who built it."
"At the end of the chastisement, man will be so desolate that the living will envy the dead."
"She wishes to pass away pieace y because there is nothing for her in this world."
"It clearly sets the tone for the rest of the game that this world is almost completely dead."
"Every autumn, Bird Rock’s eponymous denizens migrate south to warmer climes, leaving Rocher aux Oiseaux silent and desolate."
"No humans remain by this point, and the monsters of the maze begin new lives treading the green corridors of the forest."
"What an unexpected delight in this crazy barren landscape! I mean, look at this."
"The good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful, the survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will Envy the Dead."
"There's nothing left for nobody down at Cinder Brick Fort."
"A burnt out empty ship sh of what it was, cold and forlorn."
"Little glimpses of humanity in a desolate landscape."
"It looks like a nuclear war has happened there, it just... there's just craters everywhere."
"A very foreboding environment, it's very flat unlike Paktika province that is sort of verdant, actually kind of pretty."
"The sheer quiet was just striking. No one on the streets." - Maria Van Kerkhove
"It is the 22nd century and the world has fallen apart at its very seams."
"Magnificent desolation captures its stark, barren, and impressive nature."
"Life would be for each of them the desert in which no rose blooms."
"Cold be heart and hand and bone, and cold be travelers far from home."
"There is nothing but water on all sides, and not even a single organism lives there."
"Pure desolation out here, nothing."
"The whole vast prairie was still; only the wind blew over the blackened earth where there was no grass to rustle."
"...all structures, rides, and attractions... still standing rusted and overgrown and creepy..."
"It's this wasteland almost of nothingness and everything all-in-one. I mean, it's so unforgiving yet at the same time, it's almost spiritual to be there."
"There were no people, no cars, nothing."
"The gas station once bustling with cars and chatter now resembled a tornado's playground."
"Humanity's gone for 10 years. Look at the Golden Gate Bridge, overgrown."
"Nothing out there but dirt, shrubs, and more dirt, they say."
"The Sun does finally rise over the expanse of the Forsaken desert, but I am not alive to greet it."
"There is nothing down here," said the pale thing indistinctly. "Nothing but dust and damp and forgetting."
"While it may forever be etched in history as the domain of darkness, its eventual transformation serves as a poignant reminder that even the most desolate places can find redemption."
"Here in this barren land seemed neither food nor water, but he had wearied unto death of the dank rank venom of the thick jungle."
"The next planet they visit turns out to be completely dead, a lifeless world filled with nothing but the crumbling ruins of former great cities."
"In the midnight cold, Broadway is a wasteland, a wasteland that echoes with sounds you hear where there's only darkness."
"It's gorgeous, desolate but gorgeous."
"Even in its most desolate voids, the universe is vibrant."
"So no one will live there, no people will dwell in it."
"Twisted hunks of black and steel and carbonized Bone drifted by."
"As if you were in a place that the whole world had forgotten, as if it were snowing at the end of the world."
"Void of all growth and life in this man-made hell."
"This place looks so abandoned, Ghost Town."
"What a desolate place to fight a battle and to die so far from home."
"This place is dying. Hell," she said, glaring around. "This place is already dead."
"She seemed to her that all the trash that the world had outgrown had been dumped here."
"This whole place is like a cemetery, isn't it?"
"the Moon is just a cold empty rock with nothing of interest but a 50 year old American Flag stuck in the ground right"
"A place so strange and desolate that, by comparison, planets and stars and galaxies seem achingly rare and lovely."
"Everything is nothing in desolation. Desolation is learned."
"Desolation is the beginning of the end for him as a writer."
"All that remains of planet Earth is a vast empty desert."
"We're at the back of the beyond, Emily," said Albert. "There's not a soul for miles."
"It's the abandoned town of Bombay Beach on the shores of the toxic Salton Sea."
"...the warehouse was well and truly deserted previously used for storage but now just an empty space that was being left vacant wasted in its lack of use."
"Silence and stillness and night, where the universe had swooned."
"The vision of endless sand dunes filling the far edges of the horizon. A primordial barren land."
"There's literally no color there's no sign of life really and it's just kind of scary."
"Beyond was white sky, falling snow, and nothing else."
"It's just so desolate out here and I can't believe it. I don't know where everyone went."
"A sea without shores, a sea of wreckage, a sea of ghosts."
"This really is the equivalent of an abandoned city."
"Isolation of the spirit would certainly breed desolation of the soul."
"It felt like winter had come into this room alone."
"I was walking down the completely empty streets."
"It was truly out in the middle of nowhere."
"The memories of the bleakness and desolation of that place still make me shiver nowadays."
"It's like in a Fallout, this place."
"The town is completely deserted. Anyone that was there is long gone."
"There was nothing, there's no earth and of cooling waves, no grass, just this gap."
"It's no man's land. It's horrible."
"Centralia is a landscape of abandoned driveways and streets with some foundations of former structure still visible."
"There's a reason the real is a desert. What good is the truth if nothing grows there?"
"It literally looks like an apocalyptic area. It's very creepy especially when it's dead silent and all you can hear is the wind whistling through the abandoned buildings."
"When you look at this landscape, almost like moon landscape."
"The world seemed muted, the colors, the sounds bled dry by the veil of smoke clouding the air."
"This really is like a ghost town."
"Nothing remained beyond the king's gate but mud and ashes and bits of burned bone."
"I walk around, I drive around, and it feels like Chernobyl here."
"There are no trees to be seen, no flying animals, not even a single creepy crawly."
"What the people fear, I cannot be unafraid. So desolate, how limitless it is. The people are excited as if enjoying a great feast, as if climbing up to the terrace in spring."
"The thought of crawling back was terrifying, but there wasn't anything to crawl back to."
"The city itself was about ten minutes from the highway except the drive there was desolate, a barren dirt field devoid of any man-made structure stretching out for miles in every direction."
"There were stark white trees, stripped of their branches, bark shredded like tissue paper, rigid and tall in the clearing."
"Food is getting more and more scarce in this now barren and lonely landscape."
"The walk to the hotel was through, it felt post-apocalyptic."
"We seem to be the only people in a long abandoned town but I couldn't seem to shake the constant uneasy feeling."
"It was a world that lay frozen under a dim dead sun."
"Fear gripped my heart when no answer came, everything was the same as just minutes ago save for the lack of people."
"Lights were going out one by one on the roadside, in people's windows, in the sky. It looked like the stars were going out one by one."
"Lifeless rocks stretched away in every direction with cold indifference. It was like driving on an alien planet."
"The silence was immense. The only sound was the constant keening of wind through the ruins."
"But this was the apocalypse, and it was often hard to find beauty in the apocalypse."
"It's not surreal being the only one here. Where was everyone? Why was everyone gone? Why is there no life anywhere, no bodies, either? Just a husk of a city."
"Aliens didn't come to Cleveland. No one did, if they could help it."
"I felt terribly alone in a world without God, without man, without love or mercy."
"I did not weep, and it pained me that I could not weep, but I was out of tears."
"Therefore is my spirit overwhelmed within me ... my heart within me is desolate."
"The waters shall fail from the sea, and the river shall be wasted and dried up."
"There's nobody alive in Times Square, is there?" she whispered, her voice filled with sorrow.
"The silence of this desolate yet beautiful place left my nerves on edge."
"The emanation is from a desolate and dead planet, one which died long ago; it has been given a new name since its destruction: Mortis Est."
"The atmosphere was in view now, decimated, slowly rotating as a thick sluggish cloud over the entirety of the sphere."
"Oh, how they are brought to desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors."
"The land about them grew bleak and barren, but once, as Thorin told them, it had been green and fair."
"The rusty leaves on the tree behind the community centre, that 'Do Not Enter' sign on the blacktop at the intersection, the cloudy sky, and the moss on graven stones made for a fine posthuman picture."
"There is no water on the moon, just a sea of rock."
"It's always Twilight here, this land always October, barren, sterile, dead."
"The South Pole is a silent, desolate and hostile Wasteland of nothing but ice and penguins."
"The burial Native American ground emerged before us, ancient weathered gravestones and markers, some toppled by time, adorned the desolation."
"All I'm surrounded by is fear, and dead men."
"We are surrounded by a sad landscape, monotonous and melancholic."
"We're lost in barren lands, caught in the running flames, alone."
"Your heart breaks, right, as he's walking across this caked dry earth."
"...you whose cities are ruin heaps and our mere bones."
"It's been recommended to me by many people over the years as being an exceptionally desolate and awe-inspiring place."
"I love how they're able to craft these stories usually within desolate areas and bring forth a story that is just almost something that you would see in like California or something in New York."
"Lonely sits the city once great with people! She that was great among nations is become like a widow."
"Antarctica, the icy continent at the southernmost tip of the planet, is renowned for its vast and desolate landscapes."
"Without Juliet, even the richest of chocolate cake is poor."
"I'm straight up 'Hills Have Eyes' in the middle of nowhere right now, creepy as hell."
"This landscape is vast and desolate, beautiful country."
"The world is grey, the mountains old, the forge's fire is ashen-cold; no harp is wrung, no hammer falls: the darkness dwells in Durin's halls."
"I can count all my bones; people stare and gloat over me. They divide my clothes among them and cast lots for my garment."
"She lives in an empty city now, there's nobody ever anywhere."
"My tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why I got out of bed at all."
"This is the Boulevard of broken dreams, broken houses, and broken dreams."
"An entire street is lined with closed storefronts, and there are very few shoppers."
"Too late maybe Russia, Moscow was virtually deserted today as new restrictions came in."
"No life roams these frozen plains, only glaciers move across them."
"This is no man's land, so barren, so seemingly devoid of life, but nature is full of surprises."
"One of the astronauts who walked on its surface referred to the moon as a magnificent desolation."
"I am still awestruck by the sight that I saw; just complete desolation."
"I never seen such desolation; we drove for a mile and there wasn't a building hardly standing."
"All her idols will be smashed, all her earnings burned with fire, all her images I will make desolate."
"Only the melancholic wind howling through grotesque ruins broke the silence."
"The days followed a monotonous pattern, the front seemed completely still, rooted to the spots on this bleached wasteland."
"It was pretty creepy getting here after humans entered the apocalypse."
"My vagina is so dry, camels follow me home."
"Navigating the labyrinth of destruction, the city had become a playground for death."
"The gnarled parapets jagged upwards like a bony hand of icy indifference."
"The serenity was deafening, the desolation suffocating."
"Look how deserted it looks, there's literally not a single peep around this city."
"Welcome to the wastelands of Bara Magna, once a thriving rich world full of life and resources, now a husk of its former glory."
"The light was pure, bright white; the dried dirt looked like cracked glass; the stunted buildings looked like snow-capped mountains."
"Soon there will be no one left in Forgotten."
"The silence was broken only by the searching wind, picking its way cautiously between the slow rusting girders of a dead past."
"Come, behold the works of the Lord, what desolations he hath made in the earth."
"The barren winter landscape was desolate in its beauty."
"Hello, is there anyone alive here?"
"It's like a place where things come to die here."
"The other sea, fed by the same river, is a desert and filled with death."
"Deserted this planet was, long ago, after many wars."
"Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky."
"The Mana Wastes have left a permanent mark on Golarion, a desolate wasteland created from the magical aftermath of the Nex-Geb War."
"Now the music stopped and the girls of play, instead the streets shudder under shellfire."
"You'll find little sign of life in the Norwegian mountains."
"The sun blazed relentlessly overhead as I scavenged through the remnants of a once thriving city."
"Nothing but sand and rocks to be seen for miles."
"The sedge has withered from the lake, and no birds sing."
"We want the Shenandoah Valley to remain a barren waste."
"It's a vast wasteland of nothingness, which if you seek solace in the desolate, it's a wonderful thing."
"There were no signs of life or civilization nearby; the cinders of a blaze rested off to my side, and an orange glow clung to the black dust."
"The river had broken its banks and seeped onto the abandoned highway."
"The vibrant painter's palette of the coral reef is now a blank sheet of calcium, the color of sand, as desolate as the desert."
"The world was silent; silent. It would be hard to convey the stillness of it."
"The sight of desolation that met me made me shudder."
"The sky so far from the ground was eye-wateringly gorgeous but also lifeless as a corpse."
"A Desolation Called Peace... very strong sci-fi political intrigue."
"He believed that a vague singular aura of desolation hovered over the place."
"The cities that are inhabited shall be laid waste, and ye shall know that I am the Lord."
"Behold, your house is being left to you desolate."
"That looks like where dinosaurs go to die, right?"
"A desolate place without any trace, it's only the cold wind I feel."
"Our sun will be flung into a new region of our galaxy, leaving Earth and our entire solar system to become frigid, lifeless, and inhospitable."
"As to Neb, he was roaming about the shore; he was like a body without a soul."
"My soul thirsts for you in a dry and weary land where there is no water."
"The wooded wasteland takes the nice foundations of the wasteland and adds dead trees. Absolutely beautiful."
"Without you, the world is desolate."
"Oh my God, incline your ears and hear; open your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by your name."
"The mountains are cinders, the planets are black glass, and it's still, after centuries, a monstrous madness."
"Boundless and bare, the lone and level sands stretch far away."
"It has a stark beauty all its own. It's very pretty out here."
"It was only that lifeless, gray horizon, and the Foundation wanted answers."
"This is a time long after the second Hundred Years War, when the world went mad and burned the green and fruitful earth to barren cinders."
"It's strange to be alone and so cold, to be the last man on earth."
"There will be only the snow and the ice and the cold."