
Servers Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Admins are portrayed as a central police force and different servers are portrayed as different locations."
"Snowflake servers: servers set up by hand, or with manual processes involved in managing that server."
"There will also be private servers which will be coming well after release."
"We keep everything on offshore servers in Iceland. If the data is safe, then Iceland could you just WikiLeaks that stuff. But else can you do there except reveal politically embarrassing emails?"
"Access over 5,300 different servers across 59 different countries all around the world."
"A mixture of official servers and community-run servers is the best way to go."
"Noor VPN offers 5500 servers in 60 different countries."
"Let's go ahead and without any further ado, connect to the custom server."
"Huge shoutout to G Portal 2, don't forget to check out G Portal if you're looking for a server to play with your friends."
"The server wiki: your ultimate guide to unlocking server secrets."
"JTE: pioneering early classic Minecraft servers and modding."
"When people think about servers, they often imagine a huge supercomputer or a server rack filled with multiple devices, but the truth is that you can pretty much start with something as little as a Raspberry Pi or an old laptop."
"You don't need thousands of dollars of hardware just to get started learning about servers."
"If you're looking for the best VPN for privacy, NordVPN and Surfshark have a variety of specialized servers."
"Now, if you're like me and you're always doing a bunch of Linux projects and you got to spin up those Linux machines fast and have it always available and possibly public LE node's your front."
"All subtitles, all the images, and all these thumbnails, all of this need to be synchronized all the time to the servers."
"Tools like AWS have made development so much easier than it was years ago where you needed your own servers."
"Load balancer balances the load, it takes a request from the client and then forwards it to the backend servers."
"...you might not always have a graphical user interface. For example, most Linux servers have no graphical user interface at all."
"Private Internet Access has over 20,000 servers in 70 countries."
"Ansible is agentless so what do you mean by agentless is that you know uh if you want to configure in the pre as I told you in the previous example you want to configure hundreds of virtual machines or any servers."
"The servers are all offline still, but he finds a few more things that are still up, and he logs into them and uninstalls some key software on those systems, too."
"If the servers go down and give energy then I can still control this."
"Generally speaking, clients exist on the front end of an application and servers exist on the backend of an application."
"... not updating your servers and leaving vulnerable code running is one of the major ways that people compromise you."
"They had to have like in today's world where there's like tick talkers that are servers and they talk about serving celebrities"
"Maybe we should just pay servers a living wage instead of making weird awkward custom of tipping."
"Here's something that people are always surprised about: I have tried to find a difference between Tomcat, Jetty, and Undertow. There isn't one, believe me."
"The majority of cloud servers in the world are running on Linux."
"You can operate on one server, you can operate on ten servers, you can operate on hundreds of servers."
"We will design this topology first, then we will give IP address to all the devices, then basic settings, then we will configure all the servers: HTTP, DNS, DHCP."
"They have almost 10,000 servers in 70 different countries."
"In just over two years, I've ballooned from two home-built servers to a whopping seven servers."
"Linux dominates the server market with about 96% of the first 1 million servers running Linux."
"Servers can be anything from giant supercomputers run by some of the biggest companies in the world down to a Raspberry Pi."
"There are multiple mock servers for a Java project; one of the most used one is WireMock."
"Failover clustering saves your bacon when things go wrong at the individual server level or at the operating system level."
"Hello my dear, welcome back to our server administration series."
"Our wonderful new server, which already has an Engine X Reverse Proxy running, gets a Synapse server today."
"What's in here? Servers. Whoa, awesome server room. This is what server rooms are actually like. Cool."
"If you generate e-tags, they should be the same across all servers."
"Server Pronto provides dedicated bare metal servers and private cloud hosting that you can rely on."
"We've now differentiated the web server and the application server."
"Frankly, a Raspberry Pi can be a server if it's serving a function and basically running 24/7, and that's the beauty with home servers; they can be anything you want them to be."
"A clustering support refers to the ability for servers to be grouped in a fault tolerant manner."
"This is a really effective way of taking a single address and splitting it out into more than one server."
"More number of cheaper servers are actually preferable to fewer number of large servers, as long as your cost stays the same."
"You can see how easy it is to spin up your own virtual private server."
"Rudder is awesome. It gives us a dashboard that we can use to see the health of our servers."
"Auto scaling automatically will grow or shrink the number of servers based upon load."
"You never know what you're going to get on public test servers."
"The big difference is that Apache uses threads for each connection and Nginx uses an event loop."
"The big thing here is make sure the time and date on all of your servers are the same."
"That's how you flash IT mode based firmware on an R720xd or any of this generation of PowerEdge servers."
"You never want to have a root password authentication on production servers, but rather an SSH key to be added."
"You need to think of your servers as cattle, not pets."
"This really shows some of the future of servers."
"There are an awful lot of authentication servers out there that are much better than anything we could produce."
"Hasura supports multiple servers, so there's a lot you can do with it."
"All of those servers point to the same version of the API, the same behavior, and the same contract."
"If one server happens to fail, all of the other servers are still available to provide that service to the end user."
"And as I said, we designed it for web servers, but it sort of works really well for just about anything."
"Linux is more for personal use and it's used in service too, but Solaris is pretty much used for servers, enterprise, and commercial use."
"Everything you execute from a client goes through a server and then comes back to you."
"A good thing about Photon is they have their own dedicated hosted servers all around the world."
"Servers can be a lot more powerful; on a server, you can get a lot of CPU cores and gigabytes of RAM."
"For big drops like foot sites or Yeezy Supply, I definitely recommend running a server."
"The data movers themselves are the servers providing that on the VNX itself."
"Patching servers is a very important practice today; unpatched servers are the primary cause for breaches."