
Altitude Quotes

There are 243 quotes

"Most of Tibet exists on the highest plateau on the planet, which is why it's sometimes called the roof of the world."
"Mexico City is between 7,000 and 13,000 feet above sea level. That's anywhere from over a mile to over two miles in the sky and the air gets pretty thin up there."
"As you go higher up in the atmosphere, especially as you cross over 10,000 meters, the air starts to become thinner. You want to make sure that you maintain enough speed so that your jet engine is getting enough air."
"I'm the best in the world. I'm above sea level in the mile-high city."
"The area above 26,000 feet has only 30 percent of the oxygen that there is at sea level it is called the Death Zone."
"They live in really high altitudes, so not a lot of people actually ever get to see these in the wild."
"Lake Baikal: Oldest lake on the entire planet, thought to be 25 million years old."
"Mauna Kea, Hawaii: Tallest mountain on the entire planet, offering incredible views above the clouds."
"Guys, I'm not making this up. Look outside, 40K feet in the air, and Scott Cawthon has sent me the new FNAF movie trailer."
"Crazy how high up this is, it's gonna look cool though."
"The cruising altitude of a plane is higher than that second one."
"Flying at the maximum altitude of 400 feet or 120 meters... the world looks absolutely amazing from this vantage point."
"The aircraft made 14 flat spins from 108,000 ft down to the desert floor."
"...you just climbed about 10 400 feet ish... you just take a picture with a summit sign and you can also check out the panoramic views here."
"The Inca ruins lay 10,000 ft above sea level and the climb was astounding, with breath-breaking views of the distant snowcapped mountains."
"This is a hotel in the clouds, the highest hotel in Europe and visible from 25 miles away."
"It's pretty crazy, but I could pretty much do this whole flight at 8,000 or below."
"We are in the clouds. We are above the clouds. It is beautiful, it is just stunning, and very cold."
"I can't do a screen recording, but we're going to go ahead and take off, and I'm going to ascend to 200 feet because that's going to be the altitude of my mission."
"The city in the clouds is the 15th-century Citadel of the Inca Empire it stands in an altitude of nearly 8 000 feet approximately 200 structures make up the city center."
"Oxygen: essential for high-altitude adventures. It's better to have it and not need it than the other way around."
"If you can make the same power at altitude like I can... my car mile hours better in Colorado."
"Every thousand feet of altitude causes the temperature to drop by two degrees Centigrade."
"It's actually quite breezy up here."
"This thing is accurate, and I think we're way higher than 400 feet right now."
"I'm not sure yet, but I'm up here."
"The V2 reached speeds in excess of mar for and descended from over 100 km altitude."
"Zermatt offers a world-class vertical drop with a continuous top-to-bottom descent of up to 7,425 ft."
"Higher and higher, climbing to reach your best operational altitude, 25,000 feet, five miles straight up."
"It feels like it's in this nosebleed territory."
"Altitude is the great equalizer. It treats both the strong and the weak with the same contempt."
"Nobody goes up to 19,000 ft just to make a joke."
"If we can get it up to roughly 10 kilometers or 33,000 feet or so, the atmosphere is only about one quarter as dense as it is at sea level."
"That overcast is high. You'd think 700 would be out of it by now."
"When you finally got up to 45,000 feet, it was really trippy to see an indicated airspeed of 160 with a true airspeed over 340."
"The altitude caught me, man, you know how the Branson really get, though."
"Breckenridge's altitude is incredibly high even among Colorado resorts."
"At 30 something thousand feet over the middle of the ocean, you don't have that problem at all whatsoever."
"The thin air makes every movement an ordeal and climbers must act like at slowly to avoid potentially fatal altitude related illnesses."
"Every two and a half minutes, we're another mile higher. Two and a half minutes, that's not a very long time."
"Another factor to consider is if you're at altitude I'm at six thousand seven thousand feet startup we look for glow plug light it'll shut off."
"By turning the plane on its side though, the plane doesn't have that typical lift from the wings to push itself up. And the plane is able to basically knife-edge down and lose altitude very quickly."
"That's why we'll be conducting a Halo insertion. Jumping altitude will be 30,000 ft."
"The next instrument over here is our altimeter and that tells us how far we are above sea level."
"The view from 9,000 feet was incredible."
"oh wow it's so much cooler up here"
"...the Vermont launched a V2 rocket that traveled to an altitude of 176 kilometers or 109 miles which is well above the Carmen line."
"An extremely exciting discovery was the EPAS1 gene, a gene where specific mutations that have been found in Tibetans have been shown to be important in adapting to higher altitude living."
"The altitude to which you go in your life is determined by the attitude that you have."
"It doesn't work at below 250 meters, interesting."
"He ducking that altitude. He ducking that goddamn altitude out there. That's why they go to Colorado for the... That's where we trained in '95."
"The altitude at 19,000 feet is what gets most people."
"If you're going to do this run or hike, I would recommend getting there and giving yourself at least 24 hours at that altitude to acclimatize and just kind of rest."
"The scenery and altitude were figuratively and literally breathtaking."
"So the point here is simply that the higher you go, the heftier, the toll of altitude, at least with respect to sleep apnea, but demonstrably other effects as well."
"The advantage of pre-selecting an altitude is once the aircraft reaches it, it will automatically go into altitude hold."
"They were at 16,000 ft. If they'd have been at cruising altitude of 35,000 ft."
"My power gives me more altitude like an elevator."
"I think like around 2500 M you like get 17% less oxygen compared to sea level wow."
"It's super nice to be able to go up that high, take advantage of tailwinds, sometimes get above weather, or just find a nice, smooth ride."
"One big difference here is that the autopilot shows my target altitude."
"I'm at 7,000 ft right now and I am in between layers."
"As the altitude increases, the density of the air is reduced and the HVAC equations presented on the previous slide have to be corrected for the change in actual density."
"One of the most important parts about being at altitude is really trying to eat right."
"The description for the trip assured that any person could ascend to 5642 meters and no training was needed."
"The hikers progressed along the route using the climb high sleep low method, climbing at higher altitudes to adjust to the thinner air."
"Our mission is to add our own glorious chapter to the book of altitude."
"Fast means you're too high, slow beep means you're too low."
"Debris was falling from at least 50,000 feet."
"Airborne wind energy involves a kite or tethered glider or possibly a blimp that captures wind energy high above the ground where wind speeds are much faster and therefore more power is available."
"He picked a barren hillside for the first demonstration. It was a great rocky cliff high above the timberline towering almost vertically, 8,000 feet above them."
"As you gain altitude, there's less atmosphere above you to shield you from cosmic rays, so the level of radiation inside the plane can go up."
"We just achieved our apogee at 290,000 feet."
"Water is vital when you're hiking mountains, especially because it helps cope with altitude sickness."
"Blue Cow station is 1,893m above sea level, making it by far the highest point on any railway in Australia."
"Welcome to Kosovo Camp. This camp is at almost 4,800 meters above sea level, so this is definitely the highest we've been on this trip, and to be honest, the highest we've ever been just here in general."
"There's so much snow up here at the Alpine level."
"The highest point in the contiguous United States is Mount Whitney, sitting at 14,505 feet."
"It takes your breath away because there's no oxygen in there."
"The level of oxygen at that elevation is only about half of that at sea level, and you should be very cautious with your speed."
"The higher we ascend, the drier the air becomes, and our body tends to lose a lot of water as we climb."
"All right, we made it, Dovan, 2505 meters, oh wow."
"Five and a half miles above sea level, it was once exploration's last great challenge."
"Moving at extreme altitude, it's a study in timeless motion."
"That is the actual picture from seventy-eighty thousand feet."
"It's a big, big turn, but the nice thing about it is you're above sixty thousand feet."
"Our main time was high altitude, over 20,000 ft, escorting the bombers."
"From reaching a height of 1,100 meters, Tjäktja Pass is the highest point along the Kungsleden."
"He was a beast with the Rockies, just absolutely destroying balls in that mile-high thin air."
"The higher in altitude you are, the less atmosphere there is to block the Sun."
"It feels really good to be high up in the mountains, far out from the roads."
"The higher you are, the easier it is to thermal soar."
"We are now the highest people in all of the island of Rodriguez, 398 meters high."
"The fabulous thing about track logs is it'll show our different altitudes and speeds; we can play how our flight went."
"High-density altitude relates to the air density at high levels; low density altitude relates to the air at low levels."
"Higher we go from the Earth's surface, we find that the temperature goes down."
"Choose your tent mate carefully if you go camping at altitude because there is such a thing as high altitude flatulence expulsion syndrome."
"Lesotho has been called the 'kingdom in the sky,' and you can see why."
"These high altitude zones across places like Spring Mountain, Diamond Mountain, Atlas Peak, Howl Mountain will generally be not as concentrated as the bench area but will produce slightly more aromatic, fresher, and elegant Cabernet Sauvignon dominant wines."
"We have made it, 2500 meters above sea level now."
"I'm feeling pretty good today, finally getting acclimated to this altitude."
"I did get it to eighty-seven thousand three hundred feet but it's quite dark and curvature of the earth is very very obvious at that height."
"A friendship occurred at 28,000 feet."
"The higher up we go, the higher the altitude, the lower the pressure."
"We're not trying to control the drone to a particular pressure; we're trying to control an altitude."
"Our attitude will determine our altitude."
"Revelstoke's sub-peak offers access to most of the high altitude terrain, but the resort's highest inbounds point is a short trek higher."
"We made it, this view is incredible, it really is, everything tastes better up here, doesn't it?"
"Munnar is situated at an altitude of approximately 1,600 meters above sea level."
"It'll detect things from almost unlimited height."
"At typical airliner flight level, the density and pressure that you're flying through is only about one quarter that you have here at sea level."
"It's a lot cooler up here already, isn't it?"
"It truly is a Rocky Mountain high, over a mile above sea level."
"Colorado, 14,000-foot mountains aren't the only thing that's high."
"The missile was designed to fly at Mach 2.5 to an altitude of 60,000 feet."
"The ability of Indian soldiers to protect their homeland at high altitudes has been demonstrated several times throughout history."
"So welcome to Lava Tower Camp, 4,600 meters, this is probably as high as I've ever been in my entire life."
"So welcome to Barranco Camp, 3,900 meters above sea level."
"La Rinconada is a city in Peru known for being the highest altitude city in the world."
"We are higher than Everest's 29,000 feet in no time."
"I'm at 7,500 feet so I am feeling a little bit of the altitude."
"Here, as seen by few men, is what the world looks like from seventy thousand feet."
"He became the first person to ski at 26,000 feet."
"Big moment for us today, we have just crossed 4,000 meters in altitude, highest I've ever been."
"Be above the clouds here, it's incredible view right down the valley."
"Acclimation to altitude will improve your performance at altitude."
"You gotta be a little more patient, especially at altitude."
"We're super high up, but how pretty is that view right there."
"I just feel blessed to be up here."
"You will continue to gain altitude for two seconds before beginning your descent."
"Let's get some relaxing deep breaths of this altitude in."
"Gas turbine engines operate most economically at high altitudes."
"The train travels along the mountain ranges, about 4,000 meters above sea level."
"It's been good, good being up here to hang out."
"A jet at altitude can get almost double the range oftentimes than a jet at sea level."
"This is the Rift Valley, wow, pretty cool right, look at that, that just shows you how high up we are."
"We are very high up, anywhere looks better when it's sunny."
"The region near the Mount Everest is really high."
"The value of a turbo is significantly not that it adds so much power but that it maintains the power as you rise up into thinner and thinner air."
"Yaks are amazing creatures. They live way high up in the mountains where no other mammals live."
"BMW says the M4 has been tuned so it will always provide the same performance whether you're at sea level or up a mountain where the air is thin."
"It's only about 72 degrees up here at the top of the world today."
"What makes this discovery so fascinating is that scientists have generally associated high altitudes with prehistoric travel but not living."
"La Paz, as the administrative capital of Bolivia, is known as the highest administrative capital in the world."
"When the cabin altitude exceeds 14,000 feet, the passenger oxygen system will deploy."
"It's pretty weird, it's pretty nice, growing at 10,000 feet."
"I ran Leadville 100, which is a 100-mile race in Leadville, Colorado, 10,000 feet above sea level."
"She had reached an altitude of 32,634 feet."
"Major Robert M. White was also the first to fly in space as he climbed above 300,000 ft."
"The oxygen is so thin up here, plants can't live, and by my lungs, neither can humans."
"The Colorado Trail offers a high altitude experience unlike any other."
"The park is often blanketed in snow due to the high altitude and ever-present clouds that surround Mount Rainier."
"The difference up here already is phenomenal."
"The maximum peak is at 900 ft so 900 ft seems to be the sweet spot that's the point at which you find maximum clustering."
"It's also the highest mainline station and has been used as a filming location on several occasions."
"The biggest danger of the Annapurna Circuit would be the weather circumstances and the altitude."
"Wow, that is really cool. So a little over 100 feet right there, you guys, and check that out, that is just awesome."
"Look how high we are, the helicopter is flying over there, and we're higher than the helicopter right now, we're higher than it, yeah, it's crazy, it's absolutely crazy."
"Denver is known as the mile high city."
"We're up so high that it will actually snow, and they get blizzards at the top of Mauna Loa."
"It's holding my altitude at 10,000 feet."
"Debris is currently being lofted to 15,000 feet."
"We're looking good, approaching traffic pattern altitude."
"The first thing I noticed was the difference in altitude... I felt closer to the sun."
"It's really cold this morning, which shouldn't be surprising because we're pretty high altitude."
"It's been a huge and hazardous task to establish the world's highest alluvial mine."
"Life's a little different at 12,000 feet; it only gets more ridiculous as you go to the mountains."
"Planes mostly fly at altitudes of up to 7 miles up there the air is thinner, which means there's less resistance and a plane can fly faster and save some fuel."
"Atmospheric pressure changes with altitude."
"The city rests quietly between the highest peaks."
"Oh my goodness gracious, the higher we get, the more our balloons get destroyed."
"Pressure decreases with altitude, so as we climb, pressure decreases, less pressure, and as we descend the pressure increases, more pressure at the bottom."
"Alpacas... thrive at high altitudes in the Peruvian Andes because their blood carries oxygen very well."
"Turbulence is the only way to get altitude."
"These coffees are high altitude, which means that's where good beans come from, folks."
"The Death Zone is any elevation above 26,000 feet because our bodies physiologically cannot survive a prolonged period of time without supplemental oxygen."
"Taif is located at approximately 1900 meters above sea level, so you can definitely feel that temperature difference."
"Denver, Colorado is one of my favorite cities. It's known for its high altitude and vibrant art scene."
"It's the highest train station in Europe."
"This is the Appalachian Mountains; we're over 6,000 feet above sea level. This is higher than we've ever been before."
"90 degrees minus the true altitude gives you your zenith distance."
"It's amazing, it's pretty incredible. This 7,000 feet in the air is pretty amazing."
"Do you know how far we are from the sea level? More than 4000 meters. We're short on oxygen."
"We are level at 21,000 feet with about two and a half hours to go."
"This is a beautiful place, and at about 8,500 ft elevation, it's also the highest show we've ever shot."
"Pike's Peak over there, very little oxygen right here, I'm a little bit lightheaded, but I think it's all the cool cars."
"Most life is found within about 6000 metres above sea level and about 500 metres below sea level."
"We are at an altitude of 1043 m. Here the pass reaches its apogee."
"Breathing thinner air appears to be beneficial in preclinical models with severe mitochondrial decline."
"Get high and stay high, things are so much easier when you stay high."
"It's ideal for high altitude, long-range maritime patrol, and persistent surveillance."
"It is located at an altitude of more than 3000 meters above the sea level, just imagine."
"La Paz is a city that is literally in the clouds."
"Altitude is really only a significant factor because your barometric pressure changes with altitude."
"Altitudes are important; most of the time in your garden variety of triangle, when we draw an altitude, it isn't one of the sides of the triangle."
"Holy crap, the altitude that I'm at right now, think it's like 9,000 ft or something, plus these steps, I'm not even done, this is crazy."
"Erciş is located at an altitude of approximately 1,800 meters above sea level."
"You don't want just your longitude and latitude, but you want your altitude, your elevation."
"At about 18,000 feet we start getting really pretty so low pressure, really hard to breathe."
"It's essential that you take your time and get used to the altitude."