
Leniency Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Are you lenient? It's a sign of the mercy of Allah upon you."
"The nature of the crime being not particularly serious and because General Flynn had been cooperative."
"The plea deal resulted in a sentence of just 18 months in jail, a punishment that many viewed as shockingly lenient given the gravity of the allegations against him."
"Well, I was gonna give you every ticket in the book but I think I smell some drugs."
"The judge might show some leniency or some heart in that type of a situation."
"To cut somebody some slack. This means to give someone a break, to stop judging them so hard."
"I'm willing to give Bethesda a lot of grace on this front."
"I'm like let him do what he wants you know I'm like all right Damon you've re-earned my trust."
"If you go back and watch this weekend's games, every ref has been more lenient."
"The Revolt did ultimately peter out thanks to a more lenient policy of a new Roman governor of Britain."
"There's a difference between justice and what I think... He's getting off easy based on that."
"I'm giving you a pass for your first day about to get on your ass."
"You have to give people some leniency. Of course it was wrong because we did have some information, but you can't just cancel and chastise people for now saying it."
"So, in other words, he is going to essentially receive no jail time."
"This is a mistake that could have ruined this guy's life instead the owner was willing to be understanding about it and even to ask the police not to press charges against him so that's really heartwarming."
"If these three criminals get to walk away with the slap on the wrist that is basically opening the doors for other criminals to see this area as a great place to target because they will have no fear of the repercussions for what they do."
"I sincerely hope that your honor will take into consideration the person beyond the circumstances and offer any appropriate leniency or support that may be warranted."
"It's breaking the rules, but it's once, you allow it because let's face it, whenever you watch a football match, you can hear the chants, you can hear the swear, and they all always got to apologize."
"Never excuse yourself, never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself, and be lenient to everyone else."
"I've started to ease up on the girls a lot because I want them to realize."
"Perhaps then they will not be punished as hard."
"They just let them play, they let them stick around."
"He was only given a 2 years suspended sentence."
"I convinced him that they must be given a big break by me."
"I like the mom, she's actually really quite cool, she's a cool mom, she's understanding, she's not really strict."
"Glenn invites the girl to slowly walk in that direction and everyone will turn a blind eye to her little mistake due to excitement."
"Everyone's a lot more understanding here. It's not as strict."
"Oh, well, I think we can bend the rules just this once."
"I swear to god pose ability is it ain't the best but I'll cut lego some slack."
"...shout out to the people in charge for not charging that child with anything mean son of a gun is a very generous way to put it op."
"Why was God not more lenient? Why was he not more merciful?"
"Black people be more like, 'All right, it's cool, it's cool, it's cool.' And I'm not even, like, making it on a race thing. I'm just saying that she gets that much of a pass on this [__] because she be saying some crazy [__] sometimes."
"Sometimes, you know, we don't always prosecute people. We, you know, we have got a heart."
"You've got to have some leeway, right?"
"They're definitely not as strict here when it comes to taking photos and things like that."
"For a first attempt, I think we can let it slide. That said, for round two, for a Megatron or a Sideswipe or a Soundwave or a Retrax, not gonna be so lenient next time."
"Seeing as how Logan gave you the gold and you really didn't steal it, I think the judge will be lenient."
"Let's give him a chance, his brother's already in jail, I ain't trying to send him."
"The judge decided that Brett was actually a very promising young man and that he did not deserve the harshest penalty."
"Sephardic seders also emphasize joy but they also emphasize leniency. Leniency that's correct even the alter Rebbe, the founder of the Chabad movement writes that the Sephardic Jews were more lenient."
"...building a big situation and making it really hard and letting characters get away with lots of stuff in that process."
"Be lenient rather than err on the side of harshness or punishing."
"It's not a police mail here. You smoke weed at the restaurant here. I don't know if you know that."
"This technique is super super forgiving."
"Honestly I just feel like it's quite forgiving."
"I think even that's getting a little bit more loose."
"She was the Kingpin. Maybe the system had some leniency on her because of what she went through."
"You're not allowed to steal, but it is Taco Bell."
"My parents aren't strict at all. They are the chillest parents on the planet Earth."
"Give me a piece of paper that says, 'You may eat meat on Friday.'"
"Thank you for your cooperation tonight. I'm not gonna write you a ticket for the speeding. Just do me a favor and just slow down, absolutely and be safe getting home"
"Mercy is defined as letting loose of the strict application of the law or punishment in relationship to some crime or some evil."
"The distinctive attributes of Youth diminishes the chronological justification for imposing a harshest sentence on juvenile offenders even when they commit terrible crimes."
"Ira was reportedly facing a sentence of up to seven years in prison however this week a judge decided to spare him jail time instead."
"Cut me some slack; those shots were each created in one afternoon."
"If someone really undergoes a radical personality transformation, maybe there should be some lenience or mercy."
"If there's really cool characters who are well written, interesting, informed, and explained in ways that are intuitive and makes sense, then I am totally down to give it somewhat of a pass."
"It's okay, we'll let it slide, but I'm glad I made it in time."
"I am probably a little bit more forgiving of the movie because it came from like I just liked playing in a new science fiction realm."
"For those who have financial stress... this year, because the entire Mitzvah does not have the 'deoraita' status, they can be more lenient."
"Give yourself some slack, just give yourself some slack, and give everybody else some slack."
"If you look at the people around you, you are extremely lenient... but the moment you need that leniency for yourself, you can't be that person for yourself."
"It is out of God's mercy that you, O Prophet, have been lenient with them."
"The judge passed on her the most lenient sentence which the law would allow."
"One of the true marks of authority, and this only comes with experience, is knowing when to apply leniency."
"George recoiled at the thought of capital punishment and tended to prefer leniency for those convicted of crimes."
"I'm giving it the slack because I think that it did a lot of things for the first time."
"Anil was a very fair person. He'd always give people not a second chance, but a 10th chance."
"It really does seem like the decision to be lenient was based on her cooperation and not on the actual evidence in the case."
"The ministry doesn't send people to Azkaban for blowing up their aunt."
"I'm the opposite of you, I always have my dial set to mercy."
"Wilson is going to be pushing for Germany not to get punished."
"This is the extended month, so you have a little bit more time to pay rent."
"Mercy is you don't get the punishment you deserve."
"Let's take it easy on the brother for the sake of Christ."
"The more slack you cut yourself, the more slack you'll cut other people."
"I hope Zeus would cut me some slack considering the circumstances."
"I was deemed the most lenient DA, but for me, it was my opportunity to say like, 'I understand and I see you'."
"That person has earned the right to do some dumb stuff because they did a lot of stuff right for a long time."
"Little kids can get away with so much."
"I'm saving the world out here, gotta cut me some slack."
"I'm inclined to give you kids a break."
"Oh no, Santa spilled. Oh, that's okay, we're not gonna take off for spilling, we never do."
"With this cute little face, we're gonna let it go."
"For when lenity and cruelty play for a kingdom, the gentler gamester is the soonest winner."
"These alternative questions that give suspects two choices are implied promises of leniency."
"You are far too easy on that boy, and that's the reason why he's always getting into such trouble."
"You can get away with a lot if you're funny."
"I'm not going to be super mean, right? I'm going to give a little bit of leeway to the guy here because, as I said, he is fairly young."
"The fact that we can nowadays find areas in which we can practice leniency and innovation... does not mean that we're doing the wrong thing."
"It takes courage to exercise leniency."
"Lenient sentences send the wrong message, undermining the trust of both the victims and the public."
"Believe me, the process is much more forgiving than you think."
"I'm not going to fine you on this, spend the money on the baby."
"Salah is allowed to have a poor season overall when the man for five years was absolutely sensational."
"I love how forgiving this project is; you don't have to be perfect."
"Card providers who offer student credit cards are typically much more lenient when it comes to the eligibility requirements."
"I have graciously, in my great magnanimity, agreed to give a small extension on the essay deadline."
"You won't be penalized for misspelling; it's not a spelling test."
"I've decided I don't want to be that mom that just grounds you guys all the time."
"She's so funny that I just refuse to punish her for anything."
"I've just tried to be a little bit easier on myself."
"Everything's forgivable for such a beauty."
"He's also kind of guy that everybody would work with, you know, let's cut the guy some slack."
"They decided to let bygones be bygones and just let it slide. Hell, he didn't even charge them interest. I call that a win."
"No problem, we will go easy on you next time with the Uno attack."
"You could just do anything and we'll forgive you because we love you."
"Hope was the strategy. Hope for leniency."
"We're all allowed to be fools the first week or two."
"The indecision in diplomacy and excessive leniency towards their relatives by both the Byzantine and Westerosi leaders are what makes the future strife for their realms inevitable."
"If you're genuinely pleasant to be around and you show up when it counts, people will let you get away with a lot of slacking off."
"You're the first motorist to ever admit to me you knew you were speeding, so I'm gonna cut you a break."
"True believers are easygoing, lenient, like the camel that's been marked in its nose."
"I can give you a little pass, I wasn't mad in the first place."
"Your Majesty is lenient and magnanimous. Such a petty matter was never a real care to you in the past."
"If you weren't my biological brother, I wouldn't have repeatedly been lenient with you!"
"Mercy is you did wrong, but I'm not going to punish you; that's mercy."
"Find a solution where the penalty is minimum."
"I'll let you pass on that one because it was funny."
"I give people the benefit of the doubt because it's like I told them it really wasn't a big deal."
"Schools are giving a lot of grace right now, so feel free to take some of the pressure off of yourself."