
Fluctuations Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"I don't know a single rocket company that is in existence right now that has not had very low lows and very high highs even into its mature phases."
"The market moves like a pendulum, going back and forth."
"I've lost four followers on here today, but if you're going to be aboard the hot mess express, you're in for all the ups and downs."
"Sophistication is not a straight line; it can rise and fall."
"Stocks like these are prone to fluctuate a bit all the time."
"What goes up has to come down a bit before it can go up."
"No one is motivated all the time."
"Our economy moves through cycles."
"It's life's not just all about sunshine and rainbows and this feeling that I get one minute from the next."
"Love is a process, there's going to be good days, there's going to be bad days."
"Life tends to balance its highs with lows."
"Life is just full of ups and downs."
"There will be a period of time where our content reach is a little bit lower than normal."
"Here's why I don't put the prices on the screen is because their prices fluctuate so much."
"History is full of swings and roundabouts and pendulums swing back eventually."
"True happiness, whatever definition this happiness would mean for someone, as long as it is related to any type of fluctuation of."
"The success of Lego wasn't just a straight line up to the sky."
"Life is crazy, there are so many ups and downs."
"Life will always ebb and flow in terms of how much energy you have."
"When it rains, it pours—both positively and negatively."
"Life isn't always on the up, it goes up and down."
"Anytime you wake up feeling like that, just know that tomorrow you can wake up feeling a completely different way."
"Life has its ups and downs, the most busy moments, the most relaxing moments."
"Month may be full of ups and downs in health as well as relationships."
"Whether the price goes up or down, what matters is eventually seeing a bounce and recovery."
"It's probably been like the highest of highs and then some also really low."
"Spread out a bit more and be more robust and resistant to those market fluctuations."
"The Human Experience will always have its ups and downs."
"54% of stocks were actually in the red today even though the market had a pretty green day."
"because things are swinging so much people are right and wrong and right and wrong"
"Life is never one continuous train, it's always up and down."
"It's super healthy for the market to see a little bit of a cool down um after what has been a really really explosive period."
"Just here normalizing the fact that motivation ebbs and flows."
"Happiness is more like a leaky tire right you know it's gonna kind of go flat a little bit but then you know you chat with the barista at the coffee shop and that you know kind of makes you feel a little good and then you you know go about your day."
"It's been a roller coaster today."
"Normal life is pretty much like this, and you have a few dips and highs and whatever, and it's pretty stable."
"When things were good it was great, when it was bad it was awful."
"I feel like this has been like a constant theme in my life recently: just going too high, too low, too high, too low."
"Whatever portfolio you pick, it's gonna have bad years."
"It's been a season of high highs and low lows and riding momentum for the Oregon volleyball team."
"Life is a series of ebb and flows."
"Life happens a lot of the time, and it's so natural to fluctuate, to have stressful times of your life."
"When you know what your trend is doing, you don't get as discouraged because if that trend is going down week after week, if your weekly average is going down, you know you're losing weight and you can ignore the fluctuations."
"A lot of highs and a lot of lows, but if you watch Florida tournaments that's exactly what happens time after time."
"One day you can be up and the next day you can be down."
"Things heat up, cool off, heat up, cool off. It's kind of what it seems like to me."
"Just like that I go from elation to deflation."
"Growth and progress is not linear, it's always going to be ebb and flow."
"My heart rate spikes and that just bikes like a little bit, spikes a lot."
"That's the reality of being a Trader, there are ups and there are Downs."
"You don't get the ups like we've been having for the last two years without expecting some volatility."
"The amount of time it takes for quantum fluctuations to push the field off the hill is relatively long compared to time scales involved in the early universe."
"We would not exist if it weren't for those quantum fluctuations; you are quantum fluctuations."
"Fitness is not linear; it's peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys."
"Just like the waves, we go up and down, and hopefully, we can enjoy ourselves."
"Life's gonna be life, bro, like ups and downs no matter what's going on anywhere."
"Remember that you're only human, and it's normal to go through ups and downs."
"You never see a graph that's just totally linear; it's always these small ebbs and flows, these up and down days."
"In anyone's life, you have your ups and you have your downs."
"You're going to have ups and downs because there's going to be downs."
"Just like a line graph, you have your ups and downs."
"These are quantum mechanical fluctuations where the fundamental subatomic world influences gravity."
"These density irregularities likely began as quantum fluctuations when the universe was still subatomic in size."
"Quantum fluctuations challenge the very notion of absolute nothingness, for they imbue the vacuum with a palpable energy and vibrancy."
"We all live it, don't we? The ups and downs, man."
"That's what makes life beautiful, having these ups and downs."
"Life for me has been up and down recently."
"The vacuum fluctuations of quantum fields could be this vacuum energy."
"The important message that I want to convey with this movie is that we have fluctuations on all possible scales."
"Life is but an elevator, there's ups and there's downs."
"Every evolutionary process goes through this regime where you have small number fluctuations."
"These tiny fluctuations generate all the large-scale structure of the galaxy clusters and superclusters we see today in our universe."
"The gravitational field fluctuates a little bit and that produces gravitational waves."
"The stock market is like a pendulum; it swings from over exuberance to over pessimism."
"Life has ups and downs and waves that come and go."
"Seasonal components are periodic fluctuations."
"The cyclical component is a repeating upward or downward movement but across several years."
"There's a lot of ups and downs throughout life."
"...the universe as seen in the microwave background, these fluctuations from 400,000 years off The Big Bang."
"We'll all have our ups and downs, don't we?"