
Premeditation Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"The killing was not an act of self-defense but was instead the culmination of a lengthy, concerted effort by Ashley Benfield to eliminate Doug from her life."
"Once he decided he was going to kill that particular victim, he would create those folders."
"Wendy Wargo was already dead before the fire started. There was only one explanation."
"It's not spontaneous... the planning and thinking about how you undermine the institutions."
"Meanwhile, evidence shows Trump premeditated the assault on the Capitol."
"It was not an accident, it was not a choice, it was scripted."
"Michael Sams had been planning the perfect crime for over a decade before he kidnapped Julie Dart and Stephanie Slater."
"This isn't a random murder... this is a man who had been perfectly well looked after and loved."
"It's really creepy that this individual was studying criminal justice to the degree that he was."
"This is not a random stalking or a random act of violence."
"I think he was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"He was stalking their movements for three months before these murders took place that is really freaking scary."
"Premeditation is clear, this wasn't a crime of passion."
"That's beyond anybody's imagination cruelty to do that."
"This man is truly evil, he prepared sometime in advance to kill this lovely single lady who's bringing up two lovely children."
"It really starts connecting the dots that this was indeed premeditated."
"Steven deliberately giving himself enough time to leave the house, kill Natalie, and then to return home before it ended."
"It was not an impulse, it was not a spur of the moment kind of thing, it was calculated, it was a motivated homicide."
"The defendant coldly and deliberately ended four lives not in the fit of rage not by way of accident but in a calculated and sickening manner."
"Deliberately brought the handgun that day with the intent to murder as many students as he could."
"The murder of Jack Brown was no random act of violence, nor was robbery the motive. It appeared to be a cold-blooded contract killing, planned and executed by professionals."
"This shot by itself is enough to prove premeditated murder."
"All this was planned by the director of the camp."
"Judge Michael Imbriani stated, 'Colt calculated and premeditated murders committed less than one hour apart of the two people who gave you more love than anyone else on this earth.'"
"Horn had chosen a date when Tammiel would be out of the house, his only show of mercy in this heinous crime."
"This shows intent, premeditation, and knowledge."
"The murderer had planted herself at the scene of the crime long beforehand."
"She planned and prepared to execute this murder for the sole purpose of monetary gain."
"Took something out of a bag, a smoke canister of some sort, set it off, put on a gas mask, and opened fire."
"This is not that random; this is someone purposely there to take out Brandon Boudreaux."
"Chad plotted and planned his own wife's death, the mother to his 5 children."
"Putin has chosen a premeditated war." - President Biden
"They didn't just choose their victims randomly."
"Did I know I was going to do that before I got out of bed? Really, that's an interesting thought."
"At some point earlier that night, Charlie would have snuck into Jenny's house and set up that camera."
"This crime was very planned, very premeditated."
"By this point, Chapman had already committed to his plan of killing Lennon."
"I threw the knife aside and pulled the previous prepared gas can from its hiding spot in the guest room."
"They had been planning this attack for months."
"The lines had been cleanly cut suggesting that a tool had been used and the perpetrator had specifically planned this ahead of time."
"Premeditation could be inferred certainly from just the sheer number of stab wounds that Tristan Bailey had to suffer."
"This is real premeditation, this is real narcissism."
"We've rigged the elections before they happen, not afterwards."
"Murder is, you know, you gotta think murder out, you know what I mean? That ain't no easy thing."
"Rampage killing is usually nothing emotional or chaotic, rather it is ice cold."
"One would expect this would have been a pre-planned incident because most of your school shootings have a pre-planning before, but it's not a spontaneous thing."
"After all of the paperwork, it was time to enact the real plan: the murder of Michael Malloy."
"This is a premeditated murder plan of as many people as possible."
"This accumulation of evidence painted a picture of premeditation and intent bolstered by their Consolidated evidence."
"... although she insisted that she didn't mean to kill anybody, it is clear as day to see that nasra's actions were premeditated with the intention to kill."
"This was not that impassioned group of tourists that just got ahead of themselves and came into the Capitol. This was at least some members of that mob who were planned and knew exactly what was going to happen, as did people over at the White House."
"When a crime is coolly premeditated, then the means of covering it are coolly premeditated also."
"It seemed like he had been planning this either from the moment that Anjum told him the night before that they weren't going to be getting back together or even that next day."
"Premeditated abortion is a crime against the gift of life."
"Premeditation. Murdered her 18-month-old daughter Emma."
"It means it would mean that someone planned for that murder in advance, right?"
"It was done by somebody deliberately set out to kill one of the 10 people on board that plane and who didn't mind killing nine others to get that one. It was premeditated, cold-blooded."
"We don't believe it was a crime of passion at all. There was premeditation."
"...it was premeditated and he nearly got away with it."
"Things are now beginning to look a little premeditated."
"The fact that her sister's death was ruled out as a suicide made her feel like it was pre-planned."
"The police checked Thompson's cell phone and found out that he had been planning the murder for some time. He even got two friends involved, Ron Finley 19 and Daniel Johnson who was also 19."
"The killer knew in advance where the party would be sitting before they got to the park."
"Suddenly, this was not just some accident. This is something he had planned for months. And that's pure evil."
"Remind me to twist my ankle on the way home from the club, oh, and they'll give me an IV so I won't be hungover the next day."
"The calculating cold-blooded murder of Gabe Meyer."
"The crime in this case was given a lot of thought and preparation. We know that the seed was planted for this thing almost a year or more before it came to fruition."
"He was stalking you for a while and planning this murder for almost three months."
"To me, that was the exact moment I became a murderer, even though I had yet to commit the act itself."
"The fact that there is premeditation and planning, does that mean that Ethan is not mentally ill? The fact that he discusses wanting to be famous for this, are those the thoughts of someone with a healthy brain or an unhealthy brain?"
"Every decision that anybody has ever made has been made at least twice."
"John George Haigh, the Acid Bath murderer, is unique in the annals of murder because he's one of the few murderers that actually practiced before he actually committed the crime."
"He knew what he was about to do was wrong."
"I will always think about you before you think of it yourself."
"Mark Twitchell's plan was quite simply and shockingly to gain the experience of killing another human being."
"His behavior was diabolical and violent; it was planned and premeditated."
"The question of premeditation is a question of fact to be determined by you from the evidence."
"Something more than just a random murder, but something premeditated, something calculated."
"We are going through a phase shift that is not flippantly, haphazardly, spontaneously thrust upon us; we happen to be in the middle of a pre-planned phase shift that was determined before the foundation of the world."
"The defendant is guilty of first-degree murder if the people have proved that he acted willfully, deliberately, and with premeditation."
"It is my opinion that the defense in this case has acknowledged in its opening statement that Mr. Wiggins committed the crime of killing Officer Baker; it's just a question of whether or not there was premeditation and what the reasons were."
"The nature of the crime itself will be evidence of premeditation and the specific intent to kill."
"My whole life had been leading up to the killing."
"He knew what he was doing when he went into that safe... when he loaded bullets into the gun... when he left the clubhouse... when he pointed the gun at them and tried to kill them."
"If you are going to commit a triple murder, it's going to take a great deal of preparation and planning, especially if it's premeditated murder."
"Police were almost certain that Caroline knew her killer and were sure that her murder was premeditated."