
Product Management Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"There's a certain threshold for, I think, like, is a company that big that releases thousands of products a year—are they doing their due diligence on every phrase or label they put on a product? They should."
"One of the big things that a good product manager can do is they can distill out of all of these features and all of these ideas what is the big benefit that this thing might offer."
"Companies can make great products for 10 years, have one bad launch, handle it poorly, and destroy their reputation for the next 10 years."
"Saying yes to a new feature request is easy... The most important job of the product owner is to decide what NOT to build."
"People are going to stop buying our products if we continue to do things like that."
"For us to try and go back and rate those products, sticker all those products, would put such a burden on accomplishing what we're trying to do for the next six months, it's virtually impossible."
"Understanding who your target audience is... is the core that any product manager will tell you."
"A one million dollar business is made out of three to five products each selling 25 to 30 units per day."
"Give the customers what they want, I don't understand if you had stuff earmarked to sell loot boxes or to sell as upgrades just make new stuff."
"She gives people advice on how to scout locations, what your margin should be, how much product to order."
"I don't want a lot of things on my catalog, I really want it simple but I go but I want to give everybody access."
"Create various products, from simple to affiliate, and become a sales pro."
"Makes a decision to write a feature, they ship it, and it goes out the same day or the next day."
"My job is to move product, I'm the thing that's between the ads."
"There's no excuse for not getting 15 to 25 reviews within the first month or two of your product launch."
"They actually did send me two of the same things, so this will be the first giveaway."
"You can't be emotionally attached to your product. You have to be very logical in this sense and just read the data."
"This was a great little system that really had awful marketing."
"Nobody wants to sell the product that would kill the customers."
"We strongly encourage you to focus on categories with the fastest fulfillment times."
"This whole situation honestly smacks of an executive coming along and realigning a feature set to artificially create value in one product by killing it in another."
"The best way to collect these different product ideas are inside of the product tracker."
"As long as you have product, don't give them a reason to go somewhere else."
"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rush game is forever bad."
"You've got all of these different modules, all in the product research, sourcing, private labeling, how to launch, how to set up your company, how to create product listing, how to get approved to sell in every category."
"It's an MVP, a Minimum Viable Product because he does technically what in those cutscenes where they're all like hey I ain't got a good hand me that screwdriver."
"I just don't think there was any good reason for the SE in style line to be cancelled."
"Consider digital products... with digital products, you don't need to worry about keeping an inventory or packing every order that comes in."
"It is time-consuming to actually categorize your products, but that's how you separate yourself from the competition."
"Product management has now become one of the most influential, business-critical, highest-paid functions at any tech company in Silicon Valley."
"They don't need product managers in a feature team."
"Founder should be doing the job of value and viability before hiring a product manager."
"Your job as a product manager is not to come up with all the ideas. Your job is to solve your customers' problem."
"Each product should have a roadmap."
"Good product management is like filling a jar with rocks, pebbles, and sand."
"Doing product management is a product manager's job, but getting better at product management is the manager's job, it's the coach's job."
"Every support ticket is a failure of our product."
"Treyas kind of came out of nowhere a few years ago and started tweeting gems of insight about building product and the role of product management."
"Prioritization is the number one key tool of a product manager."
"More than anyone else out there, he's been producing the most consistently great and actionable advice for product managers."
"The product owner is part of the scrum team and is responsible for maximizing the value of the product."
"There's no surprise here that product manager would make it onto this list as it is a very high in demand and popular role that requires zero coding skills."
"Notion is an incredible product management tool."
"Keeping customers and internal teams like sales support and marketing in the loop on what's changing across your product is surprisingly hard."
"Product management at scale is really hard and that's where product operations comes in."
"I interviewed world-class product leaders and growth experts to learn from their hard-won experiences building and growing today's most successful products."
"If you're setting up your analytics stack but not using amplitude, what are you doing? Anyone can sell you analytics while amplitude unlocks the power of your product and guides you every step of the way."
"So there you have it, there is your mock interview. I really hope this is helpful and helps a lot of you land your first product management role."
"Having that ability to think at a conceptual level about how UI and UX works is I think a critical part of being a product manager."
"If a PM is looking to Define strategy they can work top to bottom and if they're looking to debug strategy they can actually work bottom."
"Product management is the art, science, and practice of making successful products and making products successful."
"The best product managers are those who have the minds of an engineer, the heart of a designer and user, and the speech of a diplomat."
"If you want to be a great product manager, don't be afraid to lead."
"Good product manager, bad product manager."
"And then there's this Third Way which is actually I would argue the product manager doing his or her job."
"One of the biggest things I see not just in my course but also just as a PM and like some of the mistakes that you make as a PM is the idea of you get really attached to a solution."
"Using Chat GPT in product management can save a lot of time, especially in drafting messages, tutorials, and post-launch activities."
"If you're looking to build this muscle, I recommend taking the time to write a detailed product brief that covers the areas I mentioned. This forces you to practice in a structured manner over and over again."
"Product managers are responsible for every aspect of a product's life cycle, from conception to launch."
"The product manager position is more strategic and holistic in nature."
"The head of product position is responsible for all the products in the organization."
"Excited to introduce our speaker tonight, Marty Kagan, author of three leading product management books."
"Successful product managers have a mix of technical skills, soft skills, and domain-specific skills, but unlike software development, accounting, or biology, there isn't a particular major or educational path where you learn these skills."
"According to research, product managers are receiving some of the highest salary offers, which indicates that the demand for product managers and management is on the rise."
"Your job is to bridge these two things and make sure that you are both doing something that your customers care about and something that is economically sustainable."
"Your job as a product manager is not only to figure out what your customers actually want, it's to look at the intersection of customer needs and business opportunity."
"We dig into how product management is different in India, Anuj's lessons about building product experiences for new users, and why he pushes his teams to explore three divergent directions before settling on a plan."
"Focusing on problem space: the key to effective product management."
"You do need to understand at a very conceptual level how software gets built. You do need to have passion for technology and software if you're talking about product management in tech."
"Product management is not a very new field, but with the advent of technology, product manager has become very sought after."
"Empathy is a great skill for a product manager."
"Product management doesn't have to be in tech."
"I think it's the highest leverage activity that a product manager can do is to have a really clear product vision and a strategy."
"I bring you the best tips to get into product management and teach you how to succeed once you've made it."
"Adjusting your product's attributes requires careful consideration of market trends and competitor actions."
"Age matters! Keeping your product's age optimal can significantly impact customer perception."
"You don't want the crossover from one to five different product categories to all bleed into one."
"One of the reasons I joined Stripe was because I saw this as a wonderful opportunity to really understand if product management can create unique value at a company that has already been very successful without product management."
"If you're going to do the feature team model you really don't need the product manager you need good designers and you need good engineers and I would rather change trade that product manager head for another designer."
"We should have held on to some, well we said maybe we better bring it back out and at least the limited edition."
"The most successful product managers and product leaders have a high degree of self-awareness on this, and they are outcome-focused."
"Focus a lot more on the core parts of the PM job... which is how you're going to define a product that will be successful."
"Product management makes more sense if you want to build something from scratch and have a long-term vision for improvement."
"This book is all about how to create products or services as a startup."
"This is the kind of book that, really, if you're at all involved in product management, you should read this book at least once."
"What's changing in product management is this product Ops role is emerging taking a lot of these things that PMs don't necessarily want to be doing or aren't amazing at and giving them more space to do the things they really wanted to do."
"...you can decide how much you'd like to reduce your price to maybe if they're super older items you don't care to reduce it 15 maybe even 20 but the newer items you may want to keep it at just 10."
"Responsible for every aspect of a product's life cycle."
"Make sure your questions are unbiased and not they're not skewed one way or the other, it is very important as product managers for us to figure out that for us to create the questions or create the script in such a way that you are not biasing the response."
"Our job as product managers or as product leads is to figure out what customers want before they think they want something or before they do."
"Market research is really critical because for you, it is in order for us to understand without asking the customers what they want, we as product managers, we need to understand the problems that customers are facing."
"When do you stop putting out new niche features or features that can be replaced with plugins and start grinding off the sharp edges of your core product?"
"So, what does it take to be a product manager or product marketing manager?"
"Aspire to be a great product leader."
"It's much easier to maintain a properly developed product compared to retrospectively patching it into compliance."
"Redesigning or retooling products is a great way to at least decrease the speed at which they go through the decline phase."
"The perfect PM has technical skills, product skills, business skills, and industry skills."
"What I love about product management is using it to bring people's stories alive."
"You don't make product decisions every three weeks; you make product decisions every day."
"Centralized admin which makes it much easier to manage the people using the product and much easier to configure the product because everything is under one panel."
"Product management is a lot about risk-taking; you can't really wait for all the data."
"The ideation part is really how creative you are and that's one of the key things you are doing as a product manager."
"My name is Rachel Goodman Moore, and I'm a product manager here at Google Cloud."
"You will be the source of truth on where the product's headed and why."
"Product is the owner of the vision and should have a strong point of view."
"The way that we add a product in the Google Merchant Center is actually using something called a feed."
"Now we have a way to sell products, we have a way to upload products, we have a way to manage them."
"Product marketing should own the market requirements document... then together with product management they work on product requirements."
"Product marketing should be responsible for the market success of the product portfolio."
"Treat your design system like a product design problem."
"Metrics for product management give product managers the crucial information they require to monitor their performance and health of their products."
"Product managers can carry out the following tasks thanks to KPIs: establish goals, track development, take notes on prior work, make sensible choices, manage competitors, resolve issues, deliver high-quality products."
"Your design system is a product, and your other teams work with this product."
"You should have some superpowers; it's useful to be a good product person."
"Moving from that world to a new world of platform as a product where we're using proper product management techniques."
"Product management involves the integration of people, data, processes, and business systems."
"I think one of the things I really love about conferences like this is that they're by product managers for product managers and they're really about the discipline and the joy that is product management."
"You need to shift from project to product at an organization level."
"Technical product managers are important roles that can decide the very future of an upcoming or existing product."
"Product roadmaps are tools used to outline the vision, direction, strategy, and requirements of a product over a given period."
"Owners that care about the user and the product succeeding, I think that's really great too."
"If we want higher level of customer satisfaction, we need to increase the product availability."
"We limit the extra data or customization that's necessary on a CI... and instead put it on that unifying object at the top which is the product model."
"Product teams are really doing two kinds of things: they're doing discovery work and they're doing delivery work."
"The product manager is explicitly responsible for making sure that what you build is valuable and viable."
"Keeping everybody on the same page of this product architecture... that's the value you get."
"Revenue Cat allows you to manage all of those products, group them together, it gives you different ways to present different mixtures of products, and it also gives you detailed analytics as to which offers are performing the best."
"Product line engineering focuses on managing commonalities and real variabilities in the product line."
"Ensure that you're defining these product portfolios and these product value streams and that the metrics are being tracked."
"That's really the core, the essence of what a product manager does."
"Product managers have two key goals: owning the business side of the game... and helping the leadership make decisions."
"Product discovery is the act of assessing continuously what your team should be focusing on and why, based on learnings, not opinions."
"As a product owner, I want to ensure that all of my consumers have a uniform and consistent experience."
"Each item in the product backlog should be valuable to our users or customers."
"Ultimately, those ideas' responsibility is of the Product owner."
"I am an electrical engineer currently working as a product manager here at the MathWorks."
"Work with products and solution managers to facilitate an understanding of deliverables, sizing estimates, and prioritization and decisions."
"As a user, I would like a favorites section so that I can find the products I liked."
"Product management in gaming is one foot on the business side, one foot on the creative side, and that to me is a blast."
"Product discovery is the act of validating continuously what to focus on and why."
"Jira Product Discovery also makes it possible for product managers to clearly and continuously communicate to stakeholders the context behind their decisions."
"Jira Product Discovery is a place where they can systematically gather inputs for product ideas and build confidence in product decisions."
"So what we've done now is we've basically gone into this field here, this wishlist field from the individual product we've made, and then we've done a filter."
"The marketing mix goes by the name of the four Ps: Product, Price, Place, Promotion."
"You want to treat APIs as a product, they are a first-class citizen in your organization."
"As a product manager, I care about the success of the application, how people are using it, where they are using it, why they are using it."
"Tell us about your use cases; let me know what kind of issues you're having because that's the best feedback I can use to build a better product for all of you."
"It's a solution that gives you the ability to create your product catalogs, your product assortments, define your prices, promotions, discounts and serve that information out through the headless commerce engine."
"Branding decisions to keep things fresh and exciting, to have balance in the catalog."
"Design first drives involvement from product management and other key stakeholders."
"Own the product... see the product from the user's perspective."
"This is a big enabler because it gives teams an empowerment of going away from a project thinking towards a product thinking."
"It's important for me to do that because if I can catch products before they expire, I can pass them along to friends and family to use."