
Informality Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Welcome, thank you for joining us on Taco Tuesday, not trademarked. You can use it if you want."
"We will try to apply and bring history to bear on current events in a way that is a little bit less formal than our usual seminars."
"The relaxed attitude of the Yorks allowed the staff to have identities outside their roles in the house."
"Do not be afraid of informal language thoughtfully and artfully sprinkled through a manuscript."
"Sometimes I have a potty mouth but only when it's Justified."
"Take grammar with a grain of salt, don't worry too much if your grammar's a little off, just go with it and try to repeat what you hear."
"It's great, it's shit postie, you can do whatever you want."
"And I just wanted to sit down and kind of talk to you guys about it."
"That's my way of having to say it to give you a cue now damn, I ain't got to do it three times."
"Love you guys, have a good evening. Bye, guys."
"That's a good show! It's a slang phrase, whatever. Who cares?"
"I mean, I'm in my underwear all the time essentially, like, not actually, but like, I'm just some random freaking guy."
"What the fuck is up with that? What's up with that?"
"Pam, you're the cool girl, you're one of the boys now."
"He'll seriously be like, 'Shut up, Katie' or like throw it in like a football."
"Straight up dissing politicians, you know, part of that no doubt."
"We do not have to be formal or pick a designated time to talk to the Lord."
"Sometimes you get the best readings in the comfort of unprofessionalism."
"I've really gotta take a hard piss real quick."
"I'll decide later all right guys bye bye bye bye bye okay bye bye bye."
"This is the only place where you will get high-level macro analysis from a chill dude with a backward cap on."
"It's Christmas Eve, I'm allowed to be hiccup-y and stuff."
"Hey, f**k you nailed it dude that was perfect."
"Thanks for watching, I don't know how to end a video like this, have a good day."
"You don't have to wear a tux to every wedding."
"We're not stiff people, but we've tried to film this like three times."
"Sorry, I'm not allowed to answer that, mate."
"She's about to be like, 'Alright, I have banged.'"
"Don't be super professional around me all the time."
"I guess it was a backhanded compliment. It was like, I said the thing I like about it is it's just three guys chatting, that's all, you know? You don't really have a plan, you can tell you don't really have anything written down."
"Stop caring so much about formality and be yourself while hosting the guests."
"That's right, yeah. Want to hit with it and um."
"When Jesus pulls up to the party, there's no draws. Amen."
"Some of the writers may seem a tad under the influence during the DVD commentaries."
"Yo what's up boys, holy snap. Yeah, gotta tell me your name, give me full say then tell me your name."
"I'm a little high, so what you bring to the table?"
"He literally came in and it wasn't like yo y'all gotta it was like yo I'm gonna put my board up."
"All right officer it's thanksgiving man don't you have anything else to do? Come on bruh, you want to pull out, pull over the Rolls-Royce."
"Fields is cool as hell, not as house cool, but it's the same."
"Oh god, wine tastings all done, time for the shoes to come off!"
"We can joke around, we can have a good time with him. It is what it is. He's a person."
"I'm just letting you guys know the potty-mouth crew is here."
"It seemed to be pretty collaborative and very casual rather than like me taking a test."
"Yeah, a little messy, but let's just roll with it."
"We're going to focus on the informal, but we will eventually get around to the formal."
"There are no formal nights on Virgin."
"You know the food good as hell when you eat it by hand."
"You actually just show up and get drunk at this place."
"That was street ball man, that's what you do when you're playing out in the field with your friends."
"What's up y'all? What y'all doing?"
"Open-mouth smiles are quite informal when we're comfortable around our friends or our family."
"So late night tonight or is it just kind of casual drinks? Casual drinks."
"We're having a sleepover, but it's like 3 p.m."
"Let's not stand on ceremony, mate. Let's start the show."
"Let me know, I [__] with tater tots."
"I loved this conversation with Phoenix because it was really conversational, just kind of felt like she and I were just hanging out talking about all the things."
"I felt like you were serious, you felt like you were interested, but also, it was very loose."
"Quit being so formal because I find it awkward."
"Alaskan cruises in general tend to be a little bit more casual"
"Hope you guys enjoyed it. I'm gonna do more of these little informal videos because it makes my life so much easier."
"Sorry for not even really getting dressed on this day."
"I was walking back from the pool in a robe, just you know, it was a mess."
"This is Tom. Yep, this is Tom. A pretty rad dude, honestly."
"Kick off your shoes and come Barefoot with us."
"It's just nice to kind of go somewhere that isn't kind of fancy-fancy. Just go in your trainers, grab a beer, and chill."
"Can you really blame me? That [ __ ] is dank AF."
"Yo guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel, you know what I'm saying?"
"We're not gonna even sit here and bore you guys."
"We just eyeball things, 30 minutes."
"I am so excited I called it dude."
"This might not be official but who cares."
"Hello main channel you're about to watch some serious fucking tea."
"Good morning you guys actually it's definitely 1:30 but what's up you guys"
"The culture was becoming much more casual with its attire."
"But [ __ ] it, no, he's just a goober."
"You need not be so formal... you may call me Felicity."
"I'll be naked that day so don't copy me."
"What's the crack today? We could catch a bit of everything, couldn't we?"
"He's like, 'Hey girl, hey.' Got some news, got some tea."
"Anyways, let's get to it, I guess."
"We're gonna have a good time, we're gonna be laid-back."
"No need for that, Henry, my boy. Just call me Sydney, and you already got the job."
"She'd hate all this, the formality, and she'd be like, 'I'll wear purple, have a shot.'"
"This show is about to be lit, y'all."
"...sit back, relax, grab a beer, and let's get started."
"As always, I appreciate you joining me here in my bathroom for this, these, whatever these are."
"But anyway, your girl's gonna go ahead and head up out of here."
"That's what I'm talking about. You want me to go get some sauce like ketchup and all?"
"Welcome back to stretch and fade you fat [ __ ]."
"We were, for lack of a better word, a jam band."
"Learning on the side is fully informal and expressive... our brains are supposed to learn in that way."
"Sorry about it, it's free" - A casual and somewhat apologetic remark that acknowledges imperfections while also highlighting the accessibility of the content.
"Um and yeah probably just chilling out."
"I know it's not like Book Club, but I thought I'd just tell you."
"The only reason why I put it in here is because it's so simple and basically doodle-like."
"Guys, we're chilling. We're just chilling."
"We just hanging out now. That's all I have to say."
"Hello gals, blokes, and all other folks."
"We're just gonna be eating bagels and pizza, dude, that's it."
"I'd like to really keep it casual but possibly do it somewhere and get a big a big venue."
"We want to keep this as casual and conversational as possible."
"Everything is really, really chill."
"Keep it casual and make it personal if you don't want to have formal invitations don't have them."
"Say what's up man, say what's up."
"We eating and like hey you guys want to eat in our break room like we're chilling at this point."
"I know exactly what you're saying though I know exactly what you're saying where it's not too snooty or too snooty but at the same time it's it's relaxed."
"Okay, chill the [ __ ] out, dude."
"It was hardly a party, it was just eight people there, dude."
"It's quite relaxed and it's enjoyable and I feel like it's a bit more low-key so let me know."
"Smile now we're [ __ ] talking man."
"I'm just going to mostly eyeball the whole thing."
"Casual register is a very informal style of communication used among close friends and peers."
"What's up home skillet biscuit, happy Saturday!"
"I just throw them on the...you know what [__] you know walking around doing this."
"Yo, what's good? This is so weird."
"I don't want too much structure. I don't want too much. Now it's time for this. I'm talking about just like just some real kick back, while some jokes, get a couple of guests on and bloo-bloop."
"We don't even go by titles, really. Literally, you know?"
"First and foremost I want to say good morning. Now you know when somebody step into your office and speak all formally like that, good morning, you know it's about to be some [ __ ]."
"This ain't Clubhouse neither, so everybody could take what take y'all take from that."
"They got bare man forward, you know."
"Let's get our little caps removed here."
"Boom boom sorry that's how we roll."
"No shoes required. No wonder you wanted to come."
"No worries! We're in, in like Flynn, too easy!"
"I'm so sorry, I'm running on, like, 3 hours of sleep, all of us. It's redonkulous."
"But what I'm excited about today is I get to ask you questions that if I was at your house asking you them, you'd probably tell me to shut the hell up."
"It's not a police mail here. You smoke weed at the restaurant here. I don't know if you know that."
"Oh [ __ ] yeah you got these [ __ ] drunk asses about to pull up"
"Okay, so I hope you guys are doing all right. Today is just gonna be a reading for whoever it's meant to be for. All right."
"I'm going to be like sitting on this counter."
"What's crack-a-lackin' brother though? It's a pleasure, man."
"Hope you liked it. We totes mcgoats preesh."
"Oh my goodness bro, that was weird."
"Pizza's so fun because you can eat it with your hands."
"I've had clients who have literally come on just putting clothes on for the call and then like going back to what they were doing. It's like so chilled now."
"You sound like a big [ __ ]. So come on by!"
"He really doesn't give a [ __ ] basically told me."
"We just got off the boat right now, we all low-key faded, not too faded but we got a little tipsy, you know what I'm saying."
"What's good you sexy mother (beep), welcome back to Send Foodz."
"It's a very chill day, Breaking Family."
"Your left tit has been out for an hour."
"First of all, let's crack open a can of whatever."
"I'm back from using the bathroom."
"We got a dirty hang, boys and girls. Alright, we got a dirty hang."
"Hey, listen, Dave, that's free, baby."
"That's why Irish exits are so underrated."
"Well, hell bud, why didn't you say so?"
"Good [ __ ]! They have us in this room so we can cuss."
"We're not really a formal organization or an institution. We don't really have any funding but I think it's, you know, really essential in this moment..."
"The informality in his poetry sounds like a conversation, but then now and again, these words come into great and powerful effect."
"'I am off the clock. While I am off the clock, you can just call me Amelia.'"
"Thanks for tuning in, I'm saying that like it's an official show on like CBS like, thanks for tunin' in folks."
"I'd known the Sealy King for such a long time, such formalities between us were completely useless."
"It's very informal the players are very relaxed yeah you know and they're quite uh you know they're amenable to chat and you know give autographs or things like that it's great."
"Hello darjeelings, what is the tea?"
"Let's not be quite so formal. Why don't you just call me Kermit?"
"It's like one of those farts that just don't stop, right."
"This is not really an interview; it's more like a conversation."
"Howdy folks, and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen."
"The brown brogue allows you to change up the style of your suit, your blazer, and it reduces the level of formality."
"Stop calling me lord, just call me Uhtred."
"You know, when you want to have an informal get-together party, it's awfully nice to have it after dinner because you can make it very easy to do."
"Man, Myung is just such a badass."
"Cheers is absolutely fine if it's a more casual context."
"We are coming to you live, not live, inside our home in London."
"There is a massive informal economy in Africa."
"It's freaking social media, dude."
"I want to make it casual, I want to make it fun, I want to make it as if we're having a conversation."
"Education doesn't have to be formal; it just has to ring true."
"Very relaxed about it, despite the very informal feel, the trip was a success."
"We are not an encyclopedia, we are not reporters, we are two best friends shooting the breeze."
"We're gonna sit and talk and have some fun."
"Don't become so formal in invitations, be more warm."
"Good Tidings y'all, this is a totally unconfirmed news."
"It's a neat place where there's no attitudes, and guys just love to talk shop."
"This composition is very informal and full of life and vitality."
"Our king Ramir Sama would prefer the meeting to be more relaxed and casual."
"It's the end of the world, John. I think we can lose the formalities."
"You're a lucky bastard, Mr. Sharp, if you'll forgive me."
"It's fine, you don't have to worry about being so formal," he said with a laugh. "And I admire the fact that you were still brave enough to come inside even though you were so late."
"I'm not giving educational speeches that are really well researched; I'm just being myself and sharing my thoughts and my experience."
"We don't have to jump through the normal hoops that we jump through to get to know each other; it's quicker, it's less formal, it's fun."
"It's okay to keep it casual. Most of us are pretty casual and laidback."
"Casual conversation means nothing serious."
"Nothing feels overly formal, you have a really loose candid style to your work."
"First come, first served. It's an unwritten rule."
"I think you're kind of very casual and fit in with our style of talk."
"It's not so much an interview, it's more of a conversation between friends."
"It sort of gives you permission to speak to him a little bit more casually, right?"
"We're one family. Formality is not required."
"Well, damn Eddie, you're kind of fine."
"Hey everyone, my name is Jimmy McGill, I'm an attorney at law, but uh, don't mind me, just talk amongst yourselves."
"More business is done in a cafe than ever is done in an office."
"Music has spared us the absurd formality of introduction."
"This will feel less like a big formal presentation and more like sitting around the kitchen table together with friends."
"You can skip the 'Miss' part and just call me Cohen; no one except the staff calls me mister, and you're a friend, right?"
"We're here to sit down and have a conversation and be casual, not ask them to perform for us."
"It's a different feeling when people text you in all lowercase letters."
"Ramanujan was clearly a genius of the first order but untutored in formal mathematics."
"Despite the fact that we're a little bit more informal, that doesn't imply any intellectual informality."