
Eyewitness Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Eyewitnesses reported that her face took on an angry expression and for a moment or two, there was a look of a ghastly stare."
"They all said they saw the same thing corroborating the exact same details."
"Sure is odd, everyone's pretty consistent on what they're saying they saw."
"Eyewitnesses had recounted that the shooter possessed shoulder-length blonde hair."
"What makes this unusual case even more intriguing is the fact that the former Phoenix Governor Fife Symington witnessed this event himself."
"He's willing to come and testify about the bad things that he saw that day."
"Authorities first claimed the suspect grew violent prompting their vicious takedown but eyewitness accounts telling a different story."
"I've never seen anything like this, it was awful."
"Hello world, we are surviving the tsunami out here in Pacifica. I can tell you it is happening, y'all. It is happening."
"I saw the bodies... it was in a desert area, and I'm almost positive it was in 1953." - Pilot witness
"When we have so many credible eyewitnesses recounting the same details, saying what they saw, experienced, and felt was a phenomena not of this world, it truly makes you wonder."
"Eyewitness testimony is never really that reliable."
"It's a huge flaw in our justice system that we rely so much on eyewitness testimony."
"The best information you can get is from an eyewitness."
"We got a call from this guy out in Monte Nido. And they think like they spotted her out there."
"Eyewitness accounts from survivors state their abject horror."
"You know what's crazy right his son ydb said he was there that day and he actually watched dirty get high."
"Eyewitness testimony is one of the least reliable forms of evidence."
"...you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to not believing what we've seen with our own eyes."
"...I think every eyewitness kind of goes through that you know it's you try to make sense of what you saw you know it must have been a bear it must have been a person and in your heart you know that's not what you saw."
"We are bringing you an eyewitness account of what's happening on the Wilmeth Farm, Grover'sville, New Jersey."
"We were eyewitnesses of these events. We saw them with our own eyes. We heard the divine majesty say, 'This is my Son in whom I am well pleased' with our ears. We were there."
"No one could comprehend what 14-year-old Yoshi was saying, but she was, in fact, the first person to report to the outside world what had happened in Hiroshima."
"One eyewitness says that the city was uninhabitable because of dust, smoke, and stench of materials being reduced to ashes."
"His sources include fantastic newspapers like 'The Guardian', 'The New York Times', and 'The Wall Street Journal' - none of which are German, and none of which have directly witnessed the events in question."
"For me, having witnessed these events with my own eyes, there's no denying the existence of something beyond our understanding."
"I saw him, clear as day, just like the stories described."
"An eyewitness says as he turned to give the last blessing, the peace of Christ descended on all present."
"We're not making this stuff up. It's not a cleverly designed story. It's actually what just happened. We saw it. We were eyewitnesses of his majesty."
"I wouldn't have believed it if somebody had told me this story, but I witnessed it myself."
"Castillo saw a scene of pure horror inside the car. A man was slumped over in the driver's seat still wearing a seat belt and a woman who had been in the passenger seat was sprawled across the front seat basically on the driver with her head on the man's lap."
"Witnesses describe the creature as resembling a large bipedal humanoid with a muscular build and a hunched posture."
"Witnesses claimed they couldn't see the actual funnel, to them it just appeared as a dark cloud on the ground destroying everything in its path."
"The gospels read like eyewitness accounts."
"We did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty."
"And I start to scream, 'Oh my god the tower's gonna fall!'... And then suddenly it just pancaked in front of my eyes."
"Mark's not an eyewitness. Matthew's not an eyewitness. Was Luke an eyewitness?"
"He called it otherworldly and said he has never in his entire 86 years of life seen anything remotely close to what he saw."
"I knew damn well what I just saw."
"Walter M. Silkey, a witness traveling along Route 20 in West Granby, glimpsed a creature resembling a panther."
"...reports from residents in the area saying that they had seen a strange object in the skies at around the same time that the event occurred."
"According to people who have seen the beast they also say its skin is either black or green."
"I swear it happened and I believe I know what I saw."
"The biblical authors were eyewitnesses to events that occurred and then the archaeology shows how that correlates together."
"He was most invested in recording literally true accounts based on eyewitness or second-hand testimony."
"Historical knowledge is based on the trustworthiness of eyewitness testimony."
"I'm not only am I a believer, I'm a knower because I have seen one."
"We did not follow cleverly devised stories when we told you about the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in power, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty."
"I can only tell you what I saw with my own eyes."
"For we did not follow cunningly devised fables when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of His majesty."
"When it comes to solving crimes or prosecuting criminals, you always want to look for eyewitnesses."
"...do you believe the authors of the gospels were eyewitness to the events they recorded?"
"Testify about things today from what you have seen with your own eyes, what you've heard with your own ears."
"Paul's letters are the earliest first person eyewitness accounts we have of the resurrected Jesus."
"Please believe me when I tell you this, I'm not crazy. I know what I saw."
"Witnesses described the scene as something out of a movie."
"We were eyewitnesses of this event for he received from God the Father honor and Glory."
"We have eyewitness accounts of Africans who describe what happened."
"We are not following cunningly devised fables, but we were eyewitnesses to his majesty."
"I learned more from listening to those eyewitnesses than from all the books about those times."
"Luke is claiming to be a historian and ancient historians thought you had to have eyewitness testimony for the history to be any good."
"They both described a large dark figure, black skin, huge red eyes, about nine feet tall, and moving on two legs like a man."
"Those that did die, martyr's death, they were eyewitnesses."
"Not written centuries later but by a contemporary eyewitness."
"The claims in those gospels are not just eyewitness accounts but they represent the unembellished testimony of what the disciples claimed to have seen."
"I know what I saw that night and I'm always going to stick to it."
"It was difficult to process in the moment, but I know what I saw; there's no question about it."
"I'll never fully trust an eyewitness again after seeing that show."
"Miracles: eyewitness to the miraculous, experience some of the greatest miracles of this century."
"Primary sources only, people who were there in their own words."
"I know what I saw and it wasn't a bear."
"I know it was true because I was one of many who witnessed it unfold in front of my very own eyes."
"Listen, the man is incredible, eyewitnesses you can get."
"When he looked back, he saw a car spinning on the road before hitting the central barrier."
"So what I was thinking, and I think this is going to work really well, I haven't tried this, is that we could have two eyewitness reports of an imaginary car crash that happened in London."
"The consequences of inaccurate eyewitness testimony can be devastating."
"Eyewitness testimony refers to an account given by people of an event they've witnessed."
"People are not good eyewitnesses; our perceptions of things suck."
"He claims that his traditions come from those who from the beginning were eyewitnesses."
"I argue in the book and in the early church there was a principle of eyewitness testimony from the beginning."
"All I can say is what I saw and what I was witness to."
"Mark's writing... has kind of the granule details of eyewitness testimony."
"Instances like that freak me out, they get my attention, they get my interest because there's police reports of it and there's multiple eyewitness accounts."