
Water Cycle Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Every second, about 16 million tons of water evaporates from the surface of the Earth."
"Water lies at the heart of our weather, but not just as rain."
"A body of water that has an inlet but no outlet becomes stagnant."
"It said that a single drop of rain joining the Thames at its source will have been inside eight people before it reaches the Sea."
"...it fills the rivers, which provides water for human activity and the natural environment, as well as transportation."
"A major goal through his career has been to better understand, monitor, and predict key elements of the global water cycle."
"Water connects us all. All the water in the world constantly circles the planet from sky to seas and back again."
"The environment of a closed terrarium has its own water cycle."
"Liquid water immediately boils off, vaporizes, and then crystallizes into a sort of outer space snow."
"Rain is a part of the Earth's endless water cycle and we need rain."
"Water flows from mountaintops down into streams and into rivers and lakes; they're all connected and part of a water system."
"Water is a natural resource, it's not a new resource. There's no new water on the planet."
"Every drop of water that you drink has probably gone through a dinosaur."
"This is how water is made in the Paramos."
"What is the process of water turning into vapor called? Evaporation."
"It's the water cycle: evaporation."
"When water is evaporated via transpiration, it is pure water."
"The sun heats water in the oceans, rivers, and lakes. The tiny droplets evaporate and rise up in the sky to form clouds."
"If enough water gathers up there, it gets too crowded for all that water, and it falls back down to earth, starting the cycle all over again."
"Every two weeks, the Amazon releases an amount of water into the air through evaporation that's equivalent to all of the water in all the lakes in the entire planet."
"Water can become ice, it can become steam, it can become water, it can change form but it never disappears."
"Water that's ice, Water that's snow, To be precise, it's all H2O!"
"Almost all the water on Earth is the same water that's been here since the Earth was formed."
"Water is always moving all around the Earth, there's something called the water cycle."
"Precipitation... that's when water is falling from the sky like rain, snow, sleet, or hail."
"The water cycle is the reason that every living thing on the planet is able to live here."
"This water has been underground for up to three million years before it's pushed up to the surface."
"Water evaporates and ends up in the sky as clouds. These clouds are made up of water droplets; they condense into each other becoming more and more heavy, so they are unable to be suspended in the sky, and then they fall to the ground as rain."
"There's a fixed amount of water on Earth, most of which, approximately 97%, is saltwater contained in the world's oceans."
"All of the water on Earth is in constant motion, largely driven by the heat of the sun."
"The water cycle goes round and round and round."
"All water is recycled via the Earth's water cycle."
"Every 24 hours, the Amazon brings about 19 cubic meters of water into the ocean; this volume would be enough to cover the needs of New York for 12 years ahead."
"This is the way water's supposed to operate; it's supposed to go down in the ground."
"The water cycle is very important and it's foundational to life on Earth."
"Transpiration is the loss of water vapor by evaporation through the stomata."
"Condensation is when you change water vapor to liquid."
"Evaporation is the reverse of that."
"Life in the water that comes from the clouds."
"As long as the rivers run down to the sea."
"Due to its nature, this water is essentially inexhaustible; vapor is regularly replenished as part of the water cycle, which annually moves some 4.5 trillion tons of the stuff."
"The water cycle... how water delivers itself to the land, this cycle depends on the unique capacity of water to exist in three material states in ambient conditions on earth."
"The hydrologic cycle is an important framework under which you can understand the dispersion mechanism of heavy metals."
"Rain occurs when vapor rises up into the sky, it then cools and changes into water droplets."
"On a global scale, the water cycle is a closed system; no new water is created or destroyed."
"All living things depend on the natural cycle of water."
"The water cycle is the reason that you and I and every living thing on the planet is able to live here."
"Evaporation is water turning from its liquid state to its gaseous state."
"Condensation is the reverse process of evaporation, with a gas turning into a liquid."
"Water is cycled on a global scale, with circulations of water between the ocean and the land and the ocean."
"The water we're floating on now could have been drank by dinosaurs."
"Since the beginning of the earth, water has existed in practically the same quantity and is constantly circulating."
"Energy from the Sun comes down, warms the surface of the water on Earth, and this is going to cause the water to evaporate."
"Water exists in three material phases... this enables the famous and celebrated hydrological cycle to turn."
"We've sent the winds, we've also caused water to descend from the heavens."
"Transpiration is where the water caught by vegetation is turned into water vapor."
"Deforestation disrupts the water cycle, tree loss results in a reduction of evapotranspiration."
"Water transports, transfers, transforms, transmits, stores, and transfers."
"The hydrosphere is a dynamic mass of water that is continually on the move, evaporating from the oceans to the atmosphere, precipitating to the land, and running back to the ocean once more."
"The hydrogeologic cycle is really driven by the Sun, which evaporates water from the land, clouds form, it rains."
"All along the crest, it is the same: the snowpack releases its water by measured drops where it begins a long journey across a vast watershed."
"Think of water cycling around our planet in a similar way; moving water runs."
"Plants transpire about 99% of the water they absorb through their roots."
"We follow one drop of water as it makes its way around the world... and so it goes through the water cycle and shows how water moves around the world and the different ways that it does that."
"Water cleanses the Earth, nurtures the earth, gives the earth life. And the earth filters the water and holds the water."
"Rain cleanses and purifies... returning to earth as liquid precipitation in nature's vast and comprehensive water recycling program."