
Presidential Impact Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"No president, not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years."
"This president has been the most pro-black president in my lifetime."
"America is getting to the other side of this challenging period and are in a far better place than when President Biden took office."
"Donald Trump also uh you know he's he's best economy ever for black people."
"Iran is benefiting, the best thing that ever happened to the Ayatollah was Joe Biden's becoming president."
"He's done more damage than the 10 worst Presidents in the history of our country."
"Donald Trump is responsible for that. It is because of him."
"Donald Trump's own National Security advisor believes he's the biggest existential threat."
"In our lifetimes, we will never see a president like Donald J. Trump again."
"If I weren't president you would be in a major war right now with North Korea."
"The fact is that Donald Trump was a direct response to Barack Obama in a thousand ways."
"The best part of being President is every once in a while, you do something that you know has a direct impact on somebody."
"He wins a second term but at the end of that he's gone and ostracized or he might not even win a second term."
"America's wealth has increased by seven trillion dollars since the president was elected."
"You're the first president to deliver on it."
"The President of the United States is the beneficiary of what I call the strong markets efficiency theory."
"Trump did more for black America than Obama did."
"Shifts in party preferences in 2021 are likely tied to changes in the popularity of the two presidents."
"Even if he got back in another four years, he's president; it's you have in this country roughly half of the country this point you know being pushed towards a very far left position."
"Whether you like me as a person your life is better with my presidency..."
"This election is really a referendum on the president and an election around the nature and quality and character of the country."
"He is the greatest president of my lifetime."
"Because he was the president, we have advanced this conversation and it's become even more mainstream under a Democratic president."
"I had this old-fashioned idea that it really mattered what I would do as president."
"This president is responsible for a booming economy that doesn't happen by accident."
"President Biden really is not viewed as this end-all be-all figure as President Trump once was."
"Joe Biden will be our most progressive president by far."
"They'll come a time when somebody will get in office unfortunately who will undo what president Trump has done."
"That's what Biden is seeking to undo, and that's a big part of this."
"I actually don't think so, I think a lot of them were thinking like thank God Trump's not in office."
"Former President Truman got to see his idea come to life, and he got to play a major role in it when he and his wife, Bess, were the first two Medicare beneficiaries."
"It's not just going to be that he was President, it's about how he worked to spread peace."
"Trump's gotta tread carefully because it's not just about him and what happened to him it's about where we go as a country moving forward."
"Not training mobility... a huge huge problem that's going to hold you back."
"He did a lot of things both Republicans and Democrats would have loved to do."
"Only President Biden has gotten it done, and it will make a real difference for millions of Americans."
"He recognizes the everyday American, not the elitist spectacle."
"If the Supreme Court says yes, it's huge because it affects all presidents going forward and it would almost certainly bankrupt Donald Trump."
"Texas is pivotal in this election. If we do well in Texas, Joe Biden becomes the president."
"Someday I hope they realize he was the most fun president we've ever had."
"Trump was not the reflection of hate in white people. He was a reaction to the state of distress inflicted upon them by an establishment that either manipulated them, took them for granted, or ignored them altogether."
"He holds to the opinion that Trump was good for America."
"He would have been the most Progressive president since FDR."
"The White House says thanks to President Biden's bold vision leadership and actions EV sales have doubled since he took office."
"The employment trajectory was moving in the right direction under President Barack Obama."
"He's probably the best president, not maybe even in my lifetime, but maybe my parents' lifetime."
"There has been no president that's for the black community but if that president plan in any way or policy helps the black community I'm for."
"California was a red State dude like California gave two major Republican presidents two of the worst."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"President Trump's legacy will only become more significant if he focuses on moving the country forward."
"Franklin Delano Roosevelt was perhaps the most important president if not world leader during the 20th century."
"America has gone back to work under President Trump."
"President Donald Trump was the most pro-life president in American history and he deserves a lot of credit for them."
"This time in the presidency is going to be a hinge of the ages, and you'd be known as before Trump and after Trump."
"President Biden has been a champion for all the rights and freedoms."
"Obama was a leader, he was strong, he got some things done."
"America's economy is booming like never before since my election."
"Americans overall dissatisfaction with the state of the country is on a downward trend. Joe Biden's presidency is a disaster."
"A growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch."
"Presidencies are circumstantial. You are a byproduct of the circumstances that you inherit."
"If Joe Biden becomes president, what changes do you think would happen related to the Second Amendment?"
"There has been nearly five million jobs created since President Trump won the 2016 election."
"President Donald John Trump will be able to appoint yet a third judge that respects and loves and honors the Constitution."
"President Trump is the most pro-life president that this nation has ever had."
"President Trump is the best president of my lifetime."
"It's going to continue to heat up, but a big victory for Trump."
"Bill Clinton and Barack Obama to be fair them I've got plenty of progressive critique of them but they were good stewards of the economy and the economy did boom in the long run in their presidency."
"Joe Biden hasn't been an anchor on Democratic prospects. We keep winning."
"I credit President Trump for being my inspiration."
"No president ever did more for religious liberty than Donald Trump did."
"Donald Trump was an insurrectionist, the words of a president matter."
"Trump did more during his presidency to open the doors for Christianity than any other president we've had in an awful long time."
"Barack Obama was a failure and a disaster for black folk economically."
"He connects with people on a level I've never seen."
"Reagan and what he was able to do... he connected to the American people."
"Roosevelt's exceptional domestic policy was matched by his foreign policy, seeing to the projection of American might across the continent and beyond."
"President Trump completely rewrote the American standard for what it means to be president of the United States."
"It's called the economy under Donald Trump. Black unemployment reached its lowest ever on a Donald Trump."
"21% of people are more likely to wear a mask following Trump's diagnosis."
"Election of Abraham Lincoln: a turning point in American history."
"Every new thing is actually so far -- turn in the cycle has actually been one that's hurt the President."
"The future of America is brighter because we have a President who believes in American exceptionalism."
"Can Trump take the American economy down with him? No, not really."
"Thanks to President Trump, we can now have the strongest military we have ever had."
"More bipartisan legislation than any president since probably LBJ."
"Biden was exactly the right president for this."
"Markets rallied strongly the day after Ramaphosa joined the presidency, with stocks rising and the rand reaching its firmest since early 2015."
"Barack Obama did good things for black Americans."