
Police Interaction Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"She then tried calling the cops because I refused to give her a refund. When the cop got there and got the story, he looked at her and told her to grow up and be responsible for herself."
"This exchange is a perfect example of the importance of consideration, empathy, and communication on both sides of police-citizen encounters and how smoothly these interactions can go when the parties involved treat each other with respect."
"Flex your rights 10 rules for dealing with police: Always be calm and cool, you have the right to remain silent, you have the right to refuse searches, determine if you're free to go."
"There's been so much negative and crazy commentary for me trying to teach our students how to interact with the police, and this is just a routine traffic stop."
"Comply with police. Listen to police when they show up in a difficult and pressure-packed situation and make a request of you."
"Usually when people are innocent the reason why you don't want to talk to the cops is because what happens is especially if you're innocent you want to talk to the cops because you know you didn't do anything wrong."
"The interaction with cops varies based on where you live."
"You are under zero obligation to tell the police you are committing a crime. You have the right to remain silent. Use that right in your favor."
"I think the reason for that is because a lot of the encounters that people have with police isn't in the light of protecting and serving."
"She's pretending that nothing happened with the police."
"You can't pull somebody over, I gotta pull because you're the police. I didn't do anything wrong."
"The cops got my number and told me that if they needed me to testify that they will call."
"Simply recording police interactions is not interfering with police activity."
"What's the risk and reward, especially involving more people that you can't control what they're gonna say at the police department?"
"Actively worked to dispel the officer's suspicions and respectfully challenge the conduct of the officers."
"If you're ever arrested for a crime, call your lawyer and say nothing to the cops."
"Everyone is one police interaction away from their life being destroyed."
"Why would any person of color ever comply with a police officer when there is a 50/50 shot of getting 'accidentally shot'? This is dangerous."
"What I see here is four male police officers coming over to a woman who is by herself on the beach."
"Under threat of arrest, I'll give you my ID."
"This interaction demonstrates the importance of maintaining composure during a police interaction."
"Karen did not get her way, and the cop was pretty chill."
"It's a bit strange for someone to walk into a police station with a camera."
"LAPD has historically been our first contact for people experiencing homelessness."
"Do the black lives only matter when the police are killing us?"
"I said on the ground, what are you running at me for?"
"He just said put me on the ground choke I can't breathe. Okay? And then they end up finally pulling them out of the car."
"This literally looks like a man trying to comfort someone saying we're here man we're here with you."
"He's like a giga chat. He acted in super schizo and he didn't do anything illegal then the cops arrested him so he's like a plus."
"You have the right to remain silent when the police officer asks questions."
"Always make sure you know your rights and always record the police."
"You're making me nervous, okay? And I need your name and badge numbers."
"It's okay to report things to police. You should be able to report things to police if you are scared."
"Some of us had a scanner in the car, oh the F Buster. Tell the police that was some clever [__]."
"I'm here with my son; I love this kid, so to call the police on us is a little, you know, I wouldn't want somebody to do that to your family."
"It's very telling that Justin doesn't know that talking to the police in this specific situation is only going to hurt him."
"Always film the police, it is your first amendment right."
"You should never talk to police. Know your rights."
"Is that a law? Most people understand and accept that citizens have a constitutional right to record video of their interactions with police officers."
"If you're talking to the police, get legal representation."
"The Constitution and settled case law protect all verbal insults of police."
"Tell them if you're going to charge me, charge me; otherwise, I don't talk to cops."
"Critical thinking faculties are not as well formed as people that may have been railroaded by the cops."
"Transracial black folk can't decide to be white when the cops raid their pool party."
"Don't ever talk to the police... if the police say can I ask you a couple of questions you say no."
"As long as an officer's subjective intentions cannot be considered when determining if an individual's rights were violated, encounters like this one will continue to occur."
"Some claim they initially did contact the police with their information, but they were never asked to give an official statement."
"That video was just really disturbing her fighting the police see if I can pull it up."
"We're excited to go on tour we're excited to finally Kiss An NYPD police officer on duty and then if they're a cop they have to kiss you legally."
"The cops in Parma realized that one plucky morning dove had built its nest on top of their backup patrol cars."
"Shut up. Don't answer questions. Don't talk to the police."
"This is obviously Kevin McCallister, any of the traps that have to do with trapping the cops or stopping the cops from going into their layers."
"You have a lot of anti-police sentiment particularly in urban centers in this country and even when the police are saving children from harm's way they're being harassed, it's crazy."
"Every encounter with the police officer matters."
"Just sitting in the car... now killed by the police, it's just crazy."
"Police still assume they can mess with you when you're on the sidewalk filming."
"You want everybody to be safe. If a cop wants to arrest you, just don't fight it. The best thing you can do is fighting in court because we have that case an alternative driver which affirms that you do have the First Amendment right to record."
"Lucia engages in a firefight, earning five wanted stars with cops on the streets of a northern Florida looking town."
"My hands are on the steering wheel, don't shoot me."
"She was arrested on a ton of charges for having the gun, not listening to police, holding me at gunpoint, etc."
"Seoul Dynasty just ends up winning it so very one-sided 3-0 here for Seoul Dynasty really nice plays from them and a bit refreshing after a few unfortunate losses as of late"
"When a cop comes up to you, you just say, 'I'm only exercising my constitutional rights.'"
"Sergeant Faye was professional with you and spoke to you in a conversational tone never once using any derogatory or insulting language towards you."
"Tiana had contacted the police over 33 times in the six weeks before her murder."
"The best way to survive any police encounter is to say as little as possible, do as little as possible, and be as polite as possible."
"She tried to file a police report the next day, but for some inexplicable reason, the officer didn't seem to think that this was a crime."
"My overall goal was to help bridge the gap between police officers and the communities."
"Don't run from the police just don't don't do it doesn't always work out it's Superman right in front of a car."
"He starts taunting the police, literally, saying, 'Well, of course you think you may know, but actually I know, and what's more, I can prove it. Here's some examples.'"
"When domestic violence survivors face coming forward to the police about these kinds of incidents, they often have to contend with the prospect of being gaslit about their claims."
"If you're black, calling the cops could end in death."
"I didn't even think about it. It was just my reaction. And so my question to you, Nick, is what made you react the way you did when the police show up?"
"Calm down," she said. She told the police that she wouldn't leave the hallway until they began evacuating the classroom."
"It wasn't just a traffic stop when it ended in death."
"It's always dangerous to talk to the cops including when they make promises to you as in this case."
"Never talk to cops without a lawyer present."
"It's just so much that we have to endure when it comes to dealing with police."
"We need to start having conversations with each other as far as how we engage with the police."
"You're like the worst cop I've ever had, thank you."
"The presence of a firearm in the hands of civilians should not terrify police."
"Keep your mouth shut is always good advice for interacting with the police."
"Train your children on how to interact with the police."
"I remember becoming physically ill and having a detective grip my hair as my body uncontrollably expelled everything from my stomach."
"Step down here, what's your name? Calm down, hands where we can see them!"
"They got educated here. Southampton police did the walk of shame and they learned something here today too."
"During a law enforcement stop, turn on your right turn signal to acknowledge the officer and move onto the right shoulder."
"When you're in public places, you're not required to talk to a police officer simply because they want to talk to you."
"The police understood what we were doing and told Karen that we were not stealing from her and there was no emergency."
"I am personally devastated to see yet another young black man lose his life during an interaction with the police."
"Quite free to go and investigate on our own, seeing that we've made our report to the police and it's been turned down with scorn."
"Look after your children, understand that police officers are humans too, and we don't always get it right."
"When you get arrested, do not talk to the police, ask for a lawyer."
"I've been harassed by a lot of cops."
"Interacting with the police can be a really positive experience, just follow these rules so that you make sure you're staying safe."
"All of my interactions with the police have been really positive."
"What white people need to understand is that in families where their children are not white, they have to talk to them about how to deal with the police."