
Personal Involvement Quotes

There are 330 quotes

"I don't think it's ever smart, unless absolutely necessary, to get involved in relationships that are not your own."
"In gardening, sometimes the best fertilizer is the gardener's shadow."
"I'm going to be in there myself at some point; I don't want to hide anything from anybody."
"Are you not entertained? As the battle rages on, I find myself in the midst of small pocket of close-quarters combat."
"Arcane is a singularly beautiful piece of art, and I'm lucky to be a part of it."
"This is the most important team you will ever be part of in your whole life, right now."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"Understanding is the first step to caring and once you care it's hard to disengage because it matters to you."
"How do you address a problem that you ain't even get up close and personal with?"
"I'm a firm believer in I would want to record the thing, I want to track the overdubs, I want to mix the thing."
"I'm really digging the way that this little community is turning out."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"Let's get into it, especially with me playing."
"I'm not gonna be anywhere, but I am gonna be presenting the final 'This Is Not Happening' of the year."
"There is a critical mass of black people who are trying to think about things... and yes, I am talking about me as being one of them."
"We've been helping with disaster relief just came from a funeral."
"Areas like this is the entire reason I'm in this trade on the euro New Zealand."
"At the border, he stood together with soldiers on duty."
"The majority of the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. I am part of that positivity."
"Sometimes when I read discourses like this, I want to provide my take because sometimes I have a personal stake in the situation."
"The Critics Choice Awards of which I'm a member are also tonight."
"I'm just involved with this level of greatness." - Paul Heyman
"So I was very very glad to be asked to do this."
"Wow, man, is this part of the thing you mentioned?"
"I've always been very politically motivated to stand up."
"I don't think that Lynne has just been sitting on the sidelines allowing this to happen."
"When someone you care about is having a rough time, you should never be scared to help them in any way you can."
"I live this stuff. I spend time having these conversations outside of here and with lots of people and sometimes just with me."
"It's so wacky that I was engaged in it the whole time."
"Somebody has to be there to have the conversations that might change their outlook."
"We gotta fight, you know? Like, I don't know. I think maybe it'd be so easy to just keep scrolling past it, but instead, we wanted to do something much bigger."
"I just love seeing how much of an integral part you take in your own creative direction with everything that you do."
"The first merch drop I ever did, I shipped everything out myself. It took 17 hours so I'm freaking ready for this."
"When tragedy strikes and it's something we do, it moves us differently."
"King Richard personally took part in the fighting, charging at the forefront of his cavalry."
"The metaverse is first-person; you feel like you're in it."
"For me personally, that I felt about them, and certainly conveyed that to working with all the rest of guys in a collaborative sense."
"I've inserted myself into drama that made a huge and positive impact."
"Just because I'm so busy with other stuff and, you know, we finally had to take the video on, my video we produced and yeah, you directed it yourself and then edited it. Yeah, crazy. Thank you."
"I really admire what you did with hip-hop homicides... it does make a difference when you go and speak to people in person and you get those original first person perspectives."
"You are the voice of your brand, you are the voice to your product."
"It's nice to have been part of this phenomenal journey."
"It was as though Melanie was helping detectives solve her own case."
"You could theoretically add yourself or your own club into the game."
"I love it you know what I mean like she just did the campaigns for Prada so she's in it and she's saying listen I'm gonna let myself will be a vessel for the fashion of Prada."
"Now my reason for owning Google stock aside from the fact that they pay me a lot of money as a YouTube creator, is the fact that I am very bullish on the digital advertising space."
"Years from now, this moment will have passed, and our children and grandchildren will look in our eyes and they're going to ask us, 'Where were you when the stakes were so high?'"
"Our houses, our lives, we're right in there with them."
"I had a significant role in this and it's it's it's cool to see."
"I understand it way, in a sort of I don't and I'm actually entirely part of it."
"People like that need to be challenged, especially by another person."
"If you want to, you can be a big part of something big, something grand, something majestic." - President Russell M. Nelson
"I've never worked on something as meaningful and compelling as this project."
"Kyrie just walks out onto the streets of Los Angeles on the sidewalk and is just talking with the girls from Gigi's team just being there for him."
"There will be Justice for Gabby. I've shed so many tears over this."
"I'm trying to spark a revolution. I want to be one of the players involved in making change."
"He lives inside his design and right now he's living inside the united states and he's designing it from the inside right in front of you it's spectacular and wonderful."
"There's a reason behind this... it involves getting a wedding sash... it requires your attention... this is a problem only you can solve."
"I want to be a part of the change I want to see in the world."
"Well, my daughter's really, really big into it too, you know that's true."
"Despite her fear, Sharon continued to open up to investigators."
"I'm in it... okay I'm done but also I'm still in it."
"Loki's emotional arc from objectivity to personal investment."
"We're just participating in it as best we can, come on."
"Blaze's blood was in his car on the murder weapon, and Sam's dad's name was etched into the handle."
"I do like how he kind of inserted himself into it."
"This is my answer to the question of how can I help in these crazy-ass times we live in today."
"You're realizing your part in a certain situation."
"No one is going to run your business like you. Period."
"You gotta be hands-on with what you're doing if you want it to reflect you."
"I feel like I helped build hip-hop. I put a brick in that wall."
"If I'm not gonna be on it, then who the hell will?"
"President Trump was directly and personally involved in this effort..."
"I'm extremely excited for this, I have been since day one."
"I will probably put together a silly little ad to show off some of the gear, I can't help it, I want to."
"As much as I don't want to take the ride with you guys, this sounds like something I'm probably gonna have to take the ride with."
"Filming is going just fine. I work on the show."
"We need to all participate in our own health and well-being."
"Certainly outside the norm and a case that I know has put me on an emotional rollercoaster."
"So let us seize this moment. It is a critical time, I feel it so deeply."
"I didn't just slap my name on it. It's not something like that. Actually was a part of this whole process."
"I feel like everything in the car is becoming more and more thought through and which is really exciting and I feel a little bit like an imposter looking at it all and doing it all but you know..."
"This goes beyond the usual kind of work that I do. Believe me when I say that I have a more personal stake in this whole Cuties fiasco than some people might think."
"I'm an optimist... Forget hope, get up, rise up, turn off the TV, put down your device, get out there and be involved." - Michael Moore
"In every aspect of healing, you must participate wholeheartedly."
"If you really want an opportunity to be there, you need to ask yourself how am I being proactive in this? How do I play a role in this?"
"Use your voice, use your actions, and don't be afraid to get your hands dirty."
"David Cage from Indigo Project: putting himself in the game."
"I hate, I got the beef though, I hunted it, you know."
"Ultimately, what it is is people have to take part in telling their story."
"In listening to interviews with Spencer Roth Bell, he truly does treat this show like his own."
"But what I would avoid... is trying to have it write everything for you and replace yourself, because I don't think it'll work."
"It's the biggest thing that I've ever been a part of by a long shot."
"It's about enjoyment, it's about involvement."
"Even I find this game to be very compelling, and I, you know, I made it."
"The quality of the game is going to be directly proportional to the involvement of Todd Howard."
"I run my Instagram, I run my Twitter. I don't hire people. I take my work seriously."
"I never asked about Joe Biden, I was told about Joe Biden."
"Was I just there or did I actually create it?"
"It's not the critic who counts because we were the ones that were in the arena."
"You've been trying to pull your person in through all the stops."
"I'm really freaking excited about this project."
"A lot of stuff happening that I'm super stoked about."
"Prayer is less about God you do it and more about God do it through me."
"For the rest of your life, you can come here -- and look at this and know that you had a part in it."
"We ripped out the bathroom, that's right, I just demolished the bathroom at my Palm Springs Airbnb to give it an Extreme Makeover."
"Make those adjustments... otherwise you could end up involved in something that you don't even like."
"Every scenario, Jack's in that house, he would have set the alarm off."
"It's the immersion that you really get out of doing those things."
"By actively being involved in the process, you scare narcissists away."
"You're a co-writer and a co-producer on the story of your life."
"He's now part of the president now... Dad every time Norm takes people around the Bible Museum."
"She was brought in, and this reality was created for her."
"Start off by being a part of the change you want to see in the world."
"I didn't think I did, I did make a video, this video I'm making on it right now."
"Elon Musk decided to put his money where his mouth is and get involved in the free speech fight."
"The act of doing and intervening... has seriously positive consequences."
"We're just a microcosm of the big macrocosm."
"Societal breakdown and societal building. That's what I'm trying to build. I'm sorry, that's what I am building."
"I really like that I can be a part of changing people's lives for the better."
"I want this whatever I'm doing being honest, be a part of whatever it is to empower them."
"It's going to be a big year, and I know you're going to be a huge part of it."
"I'm not on top of the mountaintop telling motherfuckers what to do, I promise you, I'm out there in it."
"Throw your heart into the picture and then jump in after it."
"Gibson was the producer, the director, and the screenwriter of the movie."
"This case is personal for him... Working around the clock to find the killer."
"We're literally just a part of my community here. I don't charge you guys anything."
"If I'm involved, I'm gonna assess it and decide."
"It was my favorite interview of Mike Lindell, not just because I was conducting it, but he was really about a couple of things that I'd never heard before."
"It's like you're invested in it right? It's like you gotta just see the end, it's like a movie that you just don't know how it's all going to end."
"Ridley Scott said, 'I always read everything myself. You can’t employ a reader. You’ve got to go through the chore of reading the book, the screenplay, whatever.'"
"Donald Trump isn't even going to bother to show up for his own trial."
"I like being in the thick of it, fighting the evil."
"If you care about whatever issue it is, you gotta fix it."
"It's amazing and I'm really glad to be able to be a part of this."
"I was unlocking new levels all night, I felt like I was in a video game."
"I feel like this is the first film where I felt like I was inside the film instead of watching it."
"Statistically, you are way more likely to be the reason that person was last seen alive."
"Give other people some slack because while you're running your one man band, your date or your lover, they just want to be a part of it. So let them."
"How excited are you, Jack, to be involved in a model shoot?"
"I actually am a member of Society of Cosmetic Chemists. I really am hands-on. I really go in and formulate."
"Doing things that don't scale is doing something that's provocatively manual on your part where you the founder does a thing personally."
"As long as I'm on the court, I don't care who it is."
"My mother went to every one of my wrestling events."
"Intel's plan is to do what they're going to do year over year and hope they can weather the storm."
"She's holding her up, she's holding her up, and it's, you know, my I'm watching this thing and it's like crazy."
"It's just so cool to be part of this growth, just watching NXT since we've gotten there."
"You created the narrative, you created the motivations, and you decided what the point of everything should be."
"Hey girl, you're standing in a revolution. This is not the end."
"We're playing in a game by rules we had nothing to do with."
"The best compensation plan in the world is the one that you are going to build."
"In the last 10 years, that's the game that I think has affected me the most and I've invested myself in the most."
"I was in Georgia for a good chunk of it, helping Reverend Warnock and John Ossoff flip the Senate."
"There's just something quite wholesome about making it yourself, knowing what you put into it."
"Active conscious security means you're consciously involved in gathering the information around you."
"One of the great interesting areas is genomics and CRISPR and things like that and that's the thing you need to dive in personally."
"You're inherently pouring some of yourself and bringing some of yourself."
"I just cared about you guys... I always made time to help you."
"I want to be involved with the next wave of thought process when it comes to fashion and lifestyle."
"I'm actually the top customer of our own product."
"I just need people to be aware and I try to do this as best as possible and that is that you have to look for the good in certain projects."
"What bike is this... put together with my [__] two hands... mostly Paul's."
"I like to be in control of all aspects of my brand."
"I'm an active participant in tearing this kid's life down because somebody made a stupid law that doesn't make any sense."
"I don't do a whole lot this is one area where I kind of pay attention."
"I want to jump in to bring some like normalcy to government."
"He's a well-known fan of Bitcoin, he's initiated several Bitcoin projects through Twitter and Square."
"The 20/20 election right around the corner, and it's about one thing: you."
"I'm actually on the ground talking to people. They're making cards, okay? I know because I've met these people in person."
"I'm more than happy that this was my controversy."
"I wanted to really make sure that whatever merch I provided was good quality and something I really put my heart and soul into."
"Every single corner of this house was well planned and designed with our heart."
"I'm happy that I'm a big part of a sustainable future."
"Everything I do and everything I say comes from just a good place of wanting this game to be better."
"That day fly Todd was like he's off the tour, your man can't go."
"What is Jesus doing right now in this moment in history and how am I partnering with him in that."
"Being a space that I'm personally going to use, it is just so easy to get very attached to the process and I want to make it as good as possible."
"I'm nuts and crazy enough to speak up for Gabby."
"Are you a fan of historical dramas? Because you're about to find yourself in one."
"Jimmy Johnson is returning to NASCAR in a major way, buying into a team and driving the race car himself a few times here in the near future."
"Our beliefs began to morph and to change, and that's where you come into this story because the stories diverge. So we haven't been able to agree on what happened and we need you to decide."
"I just have a hard time believing you when you stand there and not show any kind of emotion and you've known about this. You even participated."
"Saving the galaxy is all fine and good, but it doesn't mean anything until you have a personal stake in it."
"Trump Jr's passionate critique of New York City's leadership and its treatment of his father has become a rallying crime for Trump's Base."
"I'm actually in a way doing uh what you're doing too, bringing Awareness on freedom of the press."
"Once you get that exposure, well that's really where it all begins, right? Once you get some skin in the game."
"The experience is really one of the most involved processes in this entire thing and I absolutely loved it."
"I thought my ass was just gonna be a cameo in it then no no it's it's not even like that but I think you know I have a certain personality I have like a spice to me right."
"We have to walk out revival, we are revival."
"You feel so small out here and yet what you're doing is so big, potentially."
"My next video is going to be featuring my mama."
"We're not called to sacrifice ourselves for anyone. Jesus Christ already did that. While it is powerful to carry the burdens of another, you can't do the work for people. Change comes from within."
"It was basically like they were filming a reality show and I got in on it."
"Guys, huge announcement again. Okay, you know my wife that started a Roblox channel very recently? Well, she just uploaded a video of her building our real-life house that we're building in Blacksburg."
"When I saw his initial announcement related to the Florida State Guard, I knew I had to sign up."
"It's time for us to support our own so I'm here to support this sister."
"You're just not here to just come on, man. You can do something."
"We need to be actively standing up against racism and racial injustice in our everyday lives."
"You're the common part of all of this. Nobody else is fighting, you're the one doing the fighting."
"As the expert in this game, and since I'm doing this for you..."