
Wildlife Rescue Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The fawn did survive and headed off into the woods. Incredible capture here."
"This adorable little fox cub was abandoned and stuck under a pile of wood; it never would have survived these harsh conditions on its own."
"The little fawn was very lucky because a man who was passing by noticed the poor baby being in trouble."
"The rescue team went to Kangaroo Island to help koalas that suffered due to the wildfires."
"According to eyewitnesses, the manta ray didn't move while Wilton dived several times trying to get the hook out of its eye. As a result, the hook was successfully removed."
"Watch this man risk his own life to get an eagle out of a swamp."
"Their plan was to take her in, get her healthy, and release her back home to the ocean."
"The fisherman then donned a survival suit and jumped in the water to help the poor whale."
"A dramatic whale rescue captivated the whole world."
"A kangaroo was rescued from the freezing waters."
"The group of friends witnessed the accident and were determined to save the squirrel."
"Years spent dealing with these crocodilians means Mark has experienced firsthand the wild nature of these highly powerful animals."
"The newborn dolphin leapt up after being freed and returned to the sea to express its gratitude."
"Guy jumps off his boat to save sea turtles tangled in net."
"When reports come in of a baby gorilla caught in a snare, there's no debate about what to do."
"Through a long and complicated struggle they finally managed to free the exhausted animal and transported back far into the wilderness."
"These two Brave and quick thinking kayakers rescued a distressed moose calf from drowning after watching it fall from the Steep Mountain into the cold water."
"Seal rescued from fishing line entanglement in Namibia."
"Guy jumps off his boat to save sea turtles tangle."
"A climber stumbled upon two bear cubs that were stuck at the top of a 70-foot spruce for three whole days."
"Patsy Gibbons from County Kilkenny in Ireland found the foxes abandoned as pups."
"Meet Mufasa, an elderly mountain lion who tragically had to spend his entire life chained to the back of a truck."
"Wild elephants salute the men who rescued their baby elephant from a ditch."
"Saved by a sea lion: a man who survived to fall from the Golden Gate Bridge was saved by a sea lion."
"Disoriented deer with paint bucket stuck to its face rescued in extreme cold."
"Giant moose rescued from a swing entanglement in Sweden."
"Number 15: Mother saves baby zebra from lion attack."
"Using pliers, he carefully cut through the net, liberating the young fox. Even after ensuring the fox was unharmed, this man's kindness didn't end there."
"This baby penguin has been rehabilitated and the time has come for him to be released. He's not so sure about parting with his rescuer, but an ocean of adventure calls and the little guy eventually answers it."
"This snow leopard's life would have ended if volunteers hadn't saved it in time from the injuries it received from broken glass. But we can certainly say that thanks to them, this 50 kg cat will be able to go home."
"This is Gaston, and today is an important day for him because he's returning from Rehabilitation after losing his leg. But thanks to these volunteers, he didn't lose his life."
"Okay guys, big Ridge here with Ohio Fish Rescue."
"We did it, we found the baby elephant's herd and mother. Great work, everyone."
"Snakes belong outside, not inside the house; but if you find yourself in this terrifying situation, make sure to contact Australian Wildlife Encounters so they can safely relocate your resident serpent."
"Dawn is actually the brand of choice for cleaning up oil-soaked birds like penguins."
"They look back as if to say thank you, and that's the best feeling in the world."
"There's a baby sea turtle, guys, and we just saved his life."
"What an awesome turtle, let's get this guy to safety and keep moving."
"We are South Florida's largest non-profit alligator rescue."
"Mission accomplished. I'm glad we managed to rescue the Lioness and her cubs and reunite them with their pride."
"This little guy right here is otherwise 100% healthy and he's going to go back to the wild."
"It's really fun to be able to say goodbye seal and when they go back to the ocean."
"Last week I rescued a Western Pipistrel bat with a broken wing."
"He's coming along, he's looking beautiful, and I'm really hoping in the next week, maybe two at the most, that we will be able to get him returned back to the wild."
"I'm really hoping that we will be able to get him returned back to the wild."
"We will always take in injured Wildlife that may need help and rehab, and we're always the ones to do it."
"It's all about helping injured animals."
"But if one of these volunteers is in time and the turtle is still alive, it has a 75% chance of surviving."
"Koalas are in serious, serious trouble, but what we can do is try and make a difference in our little corner, and we do that one koala at a time."