
Bird Watching Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Installing a camera near a bird feeder can allow people to observe and learn about the different species of birds that visit that feeder."
"A lot of people come out here bird watching."
"A Big Day is when you try to see or hear as many bird species as you can."
"Wouldn't it be amazing to hear their song and know the species, even to know what the call means?"
"I didn't even recognize it as this type of bird because it was so tiny; it was like a little baby cardinal, but man, was it beautiful."
"Bird watching may not have been at the top of my list, but I can say this has been maybe the perfect balance of exciting adventure with relaxing comfort."
"The Bird Buddy smart feeder will help you observe the wonderful world of birds."
"if you're into birding or just animal spotting in general then you'll want to bring your binoculars"
"There were birds at the bird feeder. Chickadees are super cool little birds and they will actually eat out of your hand."
"I've always loved Birds, going on Hikes, pointing them out to my family."
"Until the next one take care happy birding see you later."
"On paper, it sounds perfect, especially with the lens lineup that Nikon offers for bird photographers."
"It's fun to check off the little boxes when you see a new bird."
"A celebration of birding in winter."
"Habitat diversity to me is the most important thing when it comes to finding birds and being in a good area."
"Bird watching in the nearby Dong Natad provincial protected area is a nature lover's Delight."
"They usually are quite pretty, it's a beautiful gray color like this real soft gray, um to them, and then of course like these black tips on the tips of their feathers or their primary feathers and then they've got these beautiful white, I mean white, yellow faces."
"To my surprise, I found a common golden eye mixed in with a group of mallards. Usually, this bird is much further out in the water and dives at the sight of a person, so this was a great opportunity to snap some photos."
"...the birds themselves, the places you find them, the people that chase them, there's really nothing that can compare to it."
"Bird watching is something I might actually enjoy someday."
"Use your phone to record a bird call in the wild that you haven't seen and then you can play it back to yourself."
"Review the birds that you saw in the field and enter them into eBird, which is a massive online citizen science database."
"Spend as much time in the field as possible because nothing beats actually seeing a bird in the field and spending time observing them."
"I'm not using my hands, I'm not coming into the bird's bubble in a way that would scare it, and so I love targeting because it's a hands-off approach that everybody can use."
"It's a good-sized bird, a Bluebird with a bluish hue to it."
"It's mostly up here in the neck, a wood duck. Another one, another wood duck."
"If you're a birdwatcher, you can't help but care about the world."
"I actually believe that birdwatching can save the planet."
"The honks, the loudest notes, are what we use to get the attention of birds off in the distance."
"Found the birds and put out some of these little chuggers."
"There's nothing I love more than a birdie with its butt out we love it so much."
"The anticipation of spotting a new bird, the quick cerulean flash of a bluebird darting through foliage, the silent glide of an owl as it cuts through the twilight, all of it thrills me."
"What I like about birding is the peacefulness and just being in the now."
"I love it. I've always loved bird watching and this will be perfect."
"Thank you for bringing birds into my life. It's so much more relaxing to sit and watch the birds and feed them than I ever thought it would be."
"Try to come out here for bird watching and all I see is a sea chicken."
"It's a perfect lens for birders and you can also throw on the teleconverters, of course."
"With birds in flight, usually the more time you put into studying the birds and finding the right spots, the more successful you will be."
"You can't go birding and not focus really focus on what's around you."
"Robin, the quintessential... I think it's Britain's favorite bird for as long as I can remember now."
"Knowing exactly what type of bird is gravitating to a birdhouse would be really neat."
"One of the key things with bird photography is having a great spot."
"Spotting scopes can offer fantastic detail at close range even of very common and well-known birds."
"Digiscoping brings a whole different level of enjoyment to birding."
"Definitely, this is the best buy binocular for under 1000 bucks if you are a birder because it has a really, really flat field of view; it's very, very sharp."
"An interest in birds and a desire to know more about their habitats and lifestyles will do much to ensure the survival of every bird species that you've seen in this program."
"One of the great delights of bird-watching comes from getting out and about to see different species in their natural habitat."
"Bird-watching is without doubt a skill that becomes well honed with practice."
"The feeding of birds is a huge subject and as your interest in bird-watching increases, you'll soon become acquainted with the most effective offerings to make."
"Dipper at last, one of our favorite birds and very specific to this habitat."
"The most common type of bird seen in this area is the red-bellied woodpecker."
"I like the tufted titmice, that's probably my favorite bird."
"The little black and white Dipper with a touch of chestnut at the bottom of his tummy, a delightful companion on a fishing day."
"More than 450 species of birds have been recorded in the park, making it one of the best places in all of North America for bird watching."
"We saw stunning tropical birds dancing and displaying to the females on top of their branches overlooking their nests."
"If I see a pelican spiraling and then crashing into the water head first, I know that this plunge diving behavior can only belong to the brown pelican species."
"Flight behavior is the single most useful ID tool when trying to identify birds in the air."
"All birds have distinct flight patterns, and learning these can make you look like an absolute pro."
"Knowing the flight patterns of different types of raptors can narrow down the ID challenge to just a few species."
"Mating behaviors differ widely from species to species and can make for really interesting birding."
"The variety is truly remarkable, which presents us birders with a lifetime of opportunities to compare, contrast, and discover something new."
"Who knows, maybe soon your friends, like mine, will be marveling at your ability to turn subtle quirks of behavior into a confident identification."
"Please, Hassan, let's watch the bird video."
"Happy birding, take care, and see you later."
"I'm just bird spotting, looking for the yellow-bellied great tit."
"Little Saint Simons is a bird watcher's paradise and one of the reasons we came."
"So for me and the exquisite pigeon, hope you've enjoyed this one, and I'll catch you next time."
"Be patient; it can take the birds a while to find your feeder."
"There's just a few places in the world where the very name leads birds and birding; Cape May, New Jersey is one of them."
"I really think that more than anyone else I know, Cape May represents that one element that I think makes birding so satisfying: migration."
"The entire park is classified as one of BirdLife International's Important Bird Areas and is home to some of the country's most colorful species."
"This area is also home to the endangered Kirkland's warblers, so it's famous for bird watchers as well."
"It's not the quantity of time that you spend with the birds, it's the quality of time."
"Take care, happy birding, and see you later."
"He didn't collect the birds, but he kept lists of all the birds that he's seen."
"Nature taking it back, the water is fully in, the birds are coming back."
"I tell you one thing that I really do love, and that is watching the birds after it rains."
"In flight, they are just fantastic to watch and photograph; they're so graceful and acrobatic."
"If you're off to a location to photograph these birds, then we're going to give you some tips on how you can capture them when they're diving."
"It's a magnificent bird, well worth a crick in the neck."
"The aspect of blending birdwatching and natural history with culture, I find, just really great."
"It's been really lovely to watch the birds."
"I'm not used to a lot of bird watching but there's such a delight and I love to see them in the cherry tree outside."
"Look at the birdhouses up there, that's awesome."
"Never get tired of watching birds work decoys."
"Binoculars have become probably one of my most important tools for bird photography."
"Watching a flock of birds take off is just the most magical thing."
"Beautiful secluded place, lots of bird life."
"Birding really helps keep my sanity."
"I went bird watching once in Africa, and I saw a flock of flamingos."
"I've traveled 1.4 million miles on British roads in the pursuit of rare birds."
"I've lost marriages through birding and well, everything in life, you know, it all comes back to birding."
"The exaltation of it all, it's just ginormous."
"But to me, birds are like a drug. I'm addicted to birding."
"I have a hoopoe, an African Hoopoe. Are they just gorgeous? Look at that long beak."
"Birdwatch is the future of social media, a platform where users can post their best pictures of birds they've run across during their adventures."
"Kingfishers sport colorful plumage, often found in vibrant blues, oranges, reds, and yellows."
"Oh, how wonderful, I've never seen a fledgling magpie."
"The best part of this really is that one can get very close to these magnificent birds."
"There's lots of birds to see, and we're really looking forward to getting out there."
"I like to go out on long treks, sometimes for weeks at a time, just enjoying the scenery and keeping an eye out for some of the rarer birds."
"I'm just going to go for a little drive, do my winter bird counts."
"A northern goshawk is an amazing bird, both for ground quarry and flighted quarry."
"Come back tomorrow to see the birdies, come back tomorrow, look at this beautiful view with us at six o'clock."
"The bird life is just completely different than what you would get on a normal fishery."
"What's up guys, Kevin from Epic Gardening here, and do you want more birds in your garden?"
"If you want to encourage birds throughout the winter, you can opt for a heated birdbath."
"I found a really cool tool that tells you the types of birds that you're likely to find in your region and then what types of food those like."
"The variety of birds you can see make for a Bird Watcher's delight."
"Central Park is listed as one of the great places to go bird watching."
"I love the way this bird looks, it's got these really kooky looking eyes."
"I like the adventurous part of birding, you know? Traveling to remote places."
"For me, the ultimate birding experience is finding a rare bird in the Netherlands with two friends of yours, and you can high-five and you can drink beer afterwards."
"I fell in love with it even more through my big year, so I became more fanatic."
"Sometimes the biggest dips will amplify your biggest finds, your biggest victories."
"Dipping is a vital part of birding because it keeps the emotion and the excitement going."
"Making wrong identifications is part of the game and it will make you a much better birder."
"Those are the best days in retrospect, adventure-wise."
"That has to be probably... It's also 'cause you're also right about my nemesis bird."
"Now let's find a better spot where we've got more bird action."
"There she is, a gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous bird."
"That is an impressive bird right there."
"The lilac-breasted roller, common as chips but magnificent bird."
"Birding is a nice way to soothe yourself and calm the nerves a bit."
"The lilac breasted rollers are probably one of the most beautiful birds that we get out here."
"Most people come to game parks like this to see the big five, but the bird life here was also incredible."
"The reserve has beautiful walks and hides to observe the bearded tits, Cetti's warblers, lapwing, and the many waders and other birds which shelter in the surrounding reeds."
"I see a spotted towhee; I see a California towhee; I see a red house finch."
"Birding is not only about the rarities; it's about connecting with birds."
"You don't need to go to the most remote national parks to see birds."
"We've got what the Royal Terns and the Sandwich Terns here."
"Grandpa, I saw a nest and had baby birds."
"It's a great, great place for birding."
"We're looking at a beautiful yellow-billed hornbill."
"Welcome everybody, what we are looking at right now is a lilac-breasted roller, the national bird of Kenya."
"My favorite bird, the wood thrush, has finally arrived."
"That Southern Boubou was 174 on your list? Congratulations, that's fantastic!"
"Don't go bird watching in the state park alone."
"One of the driving forces in the world of birding is scarcity."
"Spring is always the most exciting time of year for birding, and more rare species will continue to show up in the coming months."
"If you like this video, let us know by giving it a like and a comment, and as always, thanks for watching. We'll see you next time on Badgerland Birding."
"It's such a wonderful time of year when we start to see the cuckoos and the mangrove kingfishers and the Wahlberg's Eagles."
"Listen to that, that is the Cape Turtle Dove."
"The African hoopoe is a bird that you cannot confuse with anything else."
"It's amazing to be out at this time of the year because we have a situation where we've got a number of birds arriving."
"It's almost like a potluck every day as to what migratory bird we can find next."
"Well, it is a beautiful beautiful afternoon, and as you can see, we've got a stunning grey go-away bird."
"Keeping my eyes peeled for some birds is one of the best hobbies in the world."
"Birding, a very passive way of enjoying the environment."
"The birding down here is honestly spectacular."
"It seems as though it's going to be a good day for birding."
"Looking at different birds is almost like a treasure hunt because there's so many different kinds of birds."
"...birding is such a growing hobby around the world that it's a very important passive hobby..."
"I am left feeling a sense of tremendous peace watching a bird like this fly."
"A beautiful orange-breasted Bush Shrike calling at the moment."
"Some days are magical, and this is loads and loads of birds."
"The beauty of exploring at different locations is that soon enough your bird list will grow to 500, 600 quite easily."
"Thank you so much for the Birds of Arkansas Field Guide."
"One of my favorite little birdies, a little three-banded plover."
"Birding can be a very, very nice pastime and in its own, a fantastic experience."
"It's an electric turquoise flash or flashes we will see as it flaps its brightly colored wings."
"It's about as colorful of a bird as you could ever get."
"It's my absolute favorite bird of the year."
"...I was hoping to see a chagra, lovely birds, they've got very beautiful calls as well."
"I'm overjoyed with excitement because I've been trying and dying to see these birds for such a long time."
"I'm busy birding at the moment, and there's a beautiful pale morph of the Wahlberg's eagle that we've got over here."
"Black-capped chickadees are easy to recognize: look for their black bib and cap, white belly, gray back, and a hint of tan on their flanks."
"Many individual black-capped chickadees have made a huge impression on me, enriching my whole birding experience and helping to lead me into a world I did not know was possible."
"The biggest joy I got on the birds is watching them flying."
"We get excited about watching the same kit fly that we saw fly eight hours before."
"We've had a good day birding, I've actually thoroughly enjoyed doing a bit of birding for a change."
"That would be a very, very good bird list."
"How beautiful! There's a cardinal woodpecker out there."
"Thank you, little bee-eater, for showing us such beautiful aerial displays."
"Beautiful, there's also a greater blue-eared glossy starling here, singing. Perfect, glorious center. Look at there, isn't that a gorgeous bird?"
"Bee-eaters are so pretty, we're very blessed to have quite a few species down here."
"The best way to learn the birds of an area, of course, is to find a local expert."
"...I'm always keen for a good birding session."
"...we're doing birding there's a beautiful lilac breasted roller and then this light it is so gorgeous..."
"I've never seen a cutthroat Finch before; that's a brand-new bird. Wow!"
"It's been a wonderful birding day this morning."
"The birds are all starting to come alive, the Sun hasn't even risen."
"The woodland kingfishers are shouting, the first ones out this morning."
"Guys, there are literally five hummingbirds fighting to feed on our feeder right now, but this is incredible, this is the best thing I've ever seen."
"Vocalizations are one of the most important ways that people find birds."
"One of the great challenges that we all look forward to year after year when the migrant Warblers arrive."
"The best time to see birds in this part of the world is between November and April."
"I really enjoy birds, I want to know as much as I can about them."
"Bird-watching is not just about seeing; it's all about listening and seeing with your ears."
"Lucy, you said that your bird list is up to 301 and you're looking forward to adding some new ones to your list."
"It's always such a treat to see this beautiful bird."
"We have spotted an African hawk eagle in its nest."
"If you want to be a better birder, go out and watch birds."
"Learn to recognize patterns, behaviors, and those things will take you a little bit farther on understanding your birds than will color."
"We have a lilac-breasted roller that's come to join the party, come to say 'I'm also colorful'."
"There's a beautiful green-backed heron."
"I've never met anyone who actually watches birds. It's really interesting."
"Warblers can instill awe in people."
"Learning their songs is a wonderful way to understand just exactly what you're hearing in the trees."
"It's time to get out, do a little birding, find some Warblers, and go look for a mushroom or two."