
National Impact Quotes

There are 258 quotes

"This power project is now completed. This will create a very huge value in the immediate community and, of course, also will create energy into the national grid that will be utilized elsewhere in the country."
"Every state now is a border state... every state is affected."
"A couple of dozen people immigrating to this country each year can change the fate of our nation."
"I believe the Postal Service plays a tremendously positive role in the lives of the American public and the life of the nation."
"Just one of the many victims of the tragedy that is shaping our nation."
"Revival's real, it isn't just a story. It's come, and it's not just come here today, but it's about to spread out to the nation."
"This is going to have massive economic implications for the rest of the country."
"What could have been for our nation and our world."
"The death of Warren G. Harding hit the nation like an apocalyptic asteroid."
"We've lost an enormous figure in our lives and in our country."
"The President's failure to tell the truth rips at the fabric of the nation."
"It's heartbreaking for our country to have a president of the United States with this list of charges against him."
"This could be the most consequential thing to happen to this country to this world maybe ever."
"If not, the resulting mega drought could have a catastrophic impact, not only on the Southwest, but also the entire nation."
"We managed to make that the law of the land for our country somehow and it's great."
"I think Governor Abbott is on his way to being a national hero for standing up to this."
"Unless those militant moderate Democrats start to sound off in fairly dramatic order, I think that the Democratic Party is in real trouble and then the country is in real trouble."
"It's absurdity piled on absurdity... and very bad for the country."
"Voting is more essential than anything else in this country."
"In every generation, African Americans have enriched our culture, deepened our faith, strengthened our community, sustained our values, raised up our conscience, and called our nation to greatness."
"This is a very, very big moment for our country."
"This is a period when India is likely to be involved in some wars and some destruction."
"The decline in religious affiliation is bad for the country."
"Are you really going to risk the economic collapse of your country?"
"Australia is very clearly on the front lines of dealing with the impacts of climate change."
"In our lifetime...we need to establish His kingdom in our country India."
"Socialism has failed our nation. Away with it before it does the final damage."
"Erasing the history of an entire group of Americans is not only a heartbreaking injustice that continues to inflict quantifiable violence on that group, it's actively destroying the country."
"We cannot lose sight of what COVID is doing to the country."
"Louisiana can do more than its share to set the stage for a great victory for America in 2020."
"On January 6, 2021, the world bore witness to what can only be described as one of the dumbest days in American history."
"After the 20th and the 21st of August, you're gonna see the biggest change this country has ever seen."
"Brexit is still a profound and long-term national diminishment."
"Reflecting on political legacies, Tucker Carlson offers a critical perspective on the bush family's impact, asserting that their influence has not worked in the nation's favor."
"The World Cup final is upon us... and it all comes down to this, a game in which legendary status can be won or lost, entire nations can be healed or wounded, and where legacies are so often defined."
"Their book on Belgium's X-files shook the country."
"The Bible is full of testimonies of how prayer and fasting change the trajectory of a nation, of a season, of a people, of a bloodline."
"Joe Biden's deliberate inaction has decimated America." - Governor Abbott
"This is Adani's story, but how India responds to it will affect the trajectory for the India story."
"The effects of the deteriorating Russian economy affect the whole of Russia."
"They just crossed a hundred stores nationally"
"The decisions that we make in the next five to ten years will determine the trajectory of this country for the next 50 to 100."
"We will end affirmative action in every sphere of American life. It is a cancer on our national soul." - Vivek Ramaswamy
"A huge win for the Department of Justice and for all Americans."
"This whole treasonous affair is terrible for our country."
"Good evening. Three days ago, a federal judge issued this injunction right here against the vaccine mandate on federal employees, meaning that the Mandate as of this moment is officially blocked across the entire nation."
"Secure your county and the nation will follow."
"The violent economic dispossession of black people created America as this powerful beast in the world, moving through with all the fat and all the money and everything, is on our backs."
"Passing the 1.7 trillion dollar Omnibus spending Bill – a massive win for the nation's future."
"With all states and territories signed on by the middle of 1996, the agreement flipped Australia's loose decentralized gun laws on their head."
"Together we changed the course of this country forever."
"Revival has hit this land Revival has hit America come on babies babies Sons and Daughters will be saved."
"Their whole agenda is to tear down. I mean that's really what they are there for, that is where they get the Bona fides among their constituents, the people who voted them in."
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"The Madison Railroad celebrating 40 years of local service nationwide."
"Racial injustice is a scourge on this nation."
"If you are, we can in fact transform this country."
"People from Hong Kong will make this a more successful country. They will make this a more decent country."
"There's no magic number... the 10,000 hours of practice in any discipline basically is both necessary and sufficient for elite performance."
"Douchebank issues dire economic warning for America."
"It'll be a great thing for our country and the players and the coaches want to do it really badly."
"They got caught in the biggest political scandal in the history of our country."
"It's the most important election in the history of our country."
"This is a huge religious liberty win not only for the Little Sisters of the Poor but also for all Americans."
"Corruption of the powerful destroys a country, not the corruption of the weak."
"In 1789, France—the strongest and most populous country on the continent—was in crisis."
"The layoffs also mean a reshuffling of the talent market in the industry."
"Will the gaming industry become a pillar of China's economy?"
"It's important for countries to know that they can change with protest."
"If you want to save America, you must go out and vote."
"Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That's why I grew up."
"However, the same psychological factors that hurled America into a state of financial chaos before are growing once again only larger beneath the surface."
"Maybe he didn't know what he was trying to cover up, maybe he didn't know what he was trying to obstruct but he did and that's bad enough and that's bad for the country."
"The Qatari economy is far bigger today than it would've been otherwise because of migrant labor."
"This will destroy our country and make us non-competitive with other countries."
"Impeachment is bad for the country when it's only partisan politics; there is simply no way you can argue that this is not partisan politics."
"It's going to be much beyond the United States of America."
"Luis Carlos Galán, a man who many found hope as Colombia's next president."
"This coffin of steel at the bottom of the Barents Sea is a tragedy for the entire nation."
"The day that Nancy Pelosi hands that gavel to Speaker Kevin McCarthy is a great day for America."
"America has saved more people from poverty and tyranny than any other."
"Brett Kavanaugh may be the very turning point of this nation that will stop the killing."
"Kyle, your love for your neighbors lifts us and the entire nation."
"I think the best role this bill can play is a way to create National momentum."
"It's destroying the country... we're tearing each other apart."
"Your heart to give, your heart to give to local people, your heart to give to this nation." - John Bevere
"January 6 was a tragic day in the life of our nation."
"The invasion of Ukraine has gone from being a matter of patriotic pride to becoming the Kremlin's worst nightmare."
"This is not a singular event that we simply move on from. It will follow our nation the rest of our lives."
"The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre shock the nation."
"What Sanders did in that city is kind of a preview of what could happen if there's an actual movement behind him on a national scale."
"Us fixing us is going to fix this country 100."
"He's a very Petty individual who will always put his interest ahead of the country's."
"Campbell and Tony Blair is the best thing that has happened to Labour Party and a very large extent to the country."
"She stunned her supporters and the entire nation."
"This judge laid on it the line -- Michael Flynn betrayed the nation."
"Ukraine is now struggling with a massive fuel crisis a transport crisis this must be compounding all kinds of other problems across Ukraine's economy."
"You are doing that black person a disservice, you are doing everybody in the room a disservice, and you know what, you're doing the United States of America a complete disservice."
"I don't want this country to be known as a country that tolerates falsehoods that doesn't stand for the truth."
"Socialism is a drug, and like a drug, it feels great at first, but eventually, it will ruin your country."
"But I think he feels that what’s happened in this country was a bad thing and bad for our country."
"We're going to keep an eye on that one because as i said whatever is going on in one municipality can end up going on throughout the nation and the local fight is the one that matters."
"This is the biggest political scandal in the history of our nation."
"This is about a reset of everything... the United States of America is in the way right now of all of it."
"October 20th, 2008... horrifying the entire country of South Korea."
"Praying with fervency makes change in a nation."
"Praying with fervency makes change in people's lives and it can make change in a nation."
"You turned out more and you saved America. Thank you."
"This earthquake was so strong it was felt throughout the entire country."
"The mount erebus disaster is not only one of the worst disasters to ever occur in aviation but is also considered to be a monumental loss of life to the country of new zealand."
"The presidency has such a great importance in terms of what we're doing."
"So we've been going ham, we're turning out nationwide cases at this point."
"Fight for your rights and fight for the future of this country to keep it free."
"Russia has become the most sanctioned nation in the world."
"Iran was in chaos... a national humiliation."
"We're seeing something that's truly gonna shape the future of this country."
"We can never forget what happened on 9/11, what caused it, how we were asleep at the switch, and then what came from that, that led us to this point today."
"Every decision... has been nothing short of disastrous for the American people."
"It's reckless, it's bad reporting, and it is dangerous for our country."
"Regardless of the outcome, this event will mark a special place in British boxing history."
"If we save Alberta, we may actually just save the rest of Canada as well."
"Regardless of what comes after, this was something they didn't want to happen in America."
"The only game in town is going to be, you know, countries such as India which is going to drive and add to the aggregate GDP of the world."
"I think the whole world, and the United States in particular, is paying a price for his policy."
"It's support for the movement, it's support for, hey, you know what you cannot do this to us."
"What is so important about this battle is how it would affect the future of Japan."
"The truth can now prevail. Elon Musk has done a tremendous service for this country."
"The 2024 election isn't just another vote it's a pivotal moment for America."
"Few other parts of the country have had as much of a historical and modern impact on the United States as Massachusetts."
"They're destroying this country. It doesn't just affect people on the border either."
"Together we can create real and lasting change not only for our country today but for future generations."
"This is a watershed moment for the country, it really is for the first time."
"Saturn is stationed on the natal Moon of the United States chart."
"There's a larger casualty than the house than the chaos in the house than the lack of governing in the house and it's the country."
"It's just so alarming that people don't see that...if she was the nominee, it would be better for the country."
"Economic disaster: Nigeria's naira lost over 500% in value."
"The big C19 risk that could shut down the US once again."
"Justice for black America is justice for all America."
"Our national life is on every side distinctly poorer, uglier, meaner, for the kind of influence he exercises."
"American manufacturing, the backbone of our economy, began to get hollowed out."
"For the first time in the history of this nation, all 46 million black folk in this country will benefit."
"The power of Christ is the only thing that will transform a nation."
"The Bisbee deportation of 1917 was not only a pivotal event in Arizona's history but also affected labor activities throughout the entire country."
"The entire atmosphere of America is going to shift... like overnight."
"What is at stake is the greatest move of God in history... for America and actually going to be for the rest of the world."
"Critical decisions that may determine the fate of nations, category for me."
"With George VI on the throne, a national crisis was averted."
"The ACA is the most consequential healthcare legislation passed in generations in our country."
"The final death toll was 202 people dead, including 88 Australians. This was the worst attack for my country, Australia, outside wartime."
"Everyone's got about this, America's economy is at stake."
"It's impossible to understate the importance of this moment as an inflection point in the path of the United States of America."
"It's your choice, it's your decision the fate of the nation."
"Let your name be glorified by the gospel we preach in a nation that so desperately needs it. In Jesus' name we pray, amen."
"No ship that ever sailed did England such disaster."
"New parties emerged... a unique individual created or reshaped a party such that it could become... a vehicle for a transformation of the nation."
"The fight saved the UFC and in turn probably saved MMA at least here in the United States."
"You will become the leader this country truly deserves."
"God's people triumph, there is such a move of God coming that it shakes this nation."
"Government corruption is one of the worst things that could ever happen to the United States."
"Critical decisions that may determine the fates of nations are settled by vote on the scales of conviction."
"God is about to pour out his spirit in this country like never before."
"What are you going to walk into, the greatest hell this world has ever known? America could be on fire from one coast to another."
"It's time for those who have been carrying the coals of revival to carry them and to begin to scatter them into the nation."
"Joe Biden is a corrupt politician who's bled America dry."
"It's very likely that the American people will have a huge role in saving our democracy."
"Well done, Violet, you could save America with this."
"This is a moment that is going to change this nation."
"These people that are trying to intimidate people into silence, they are purposely wanting to destroy our nation."
"We have an opportunity to change the destiny of our nation."
"Unless it is resolved now, it's going to consume the country both economically and generationally."
"The election of 24 is the single most important election in the history of our country."
"Either the application for the renewal of the charter is granted or the United States will find itself in a most disastrous war."
"It's harmful to the country to pretend that a party isn't fascist when it is."
"This is a very pivotal moment for the United States and the world."
"It's not just about growing and forging my own food it's about trying to create food sovereignty all across the country."
"Any demographic change by force or by wish or by any means, that is going to literally ruin a country."
"Now, none of this is to say that China’s vaccination practices necessarily are or are not immoral or harmful or any other value judgement, but it is to say that the practices are problematic for China itself."
"It'd be a huge victory for the American people."
"The whole global economy is in a slowdown and China has, of course, borne some of those consequences."
"So what I want to share with you before we get deeper into this is I want you to understand that Satan is using this as a conspiracy to defeat and destroy America."
"The entire country got behind this movie."
"Local action has national impact, and there's only one way that we're going to get our country back, and that's with the community."
"You become a Force which even Central Bank of Kenya can't ignore."
"I believe the collective prayers of God's people can change the course of Nations."
"Public reaction to the death of Giovanni Falcone took on the dimensions of a national tragedy."
"What happens in California sets the tone for what happens around the nation."
"Voting is important, and if every woman watching the show did it, we could change the course of the country."
"We sometimes do not give ourselves enough credit at this country's ability to affect change."
"The greens saw huge gains across the country."
"Biology and biomanufacturing have an opportunity to be truly distributed to hit all 50 states."
"We will see the name of Jesus exalted across our nation and throughout the Earth."
"As the story unfolds, the impact of Kenya's decision resonates far beyond its borders, painting a compelling narrative of unity, inclusivity, and progress that echoes across the African continent and the wider world."
"All major wars have always been and in the future will be ever more so directed against the nation as a whole."
"Arle's injury wasn't mere racing news; it was a national disaster."
"Olivia's death has shocked not only the city of Liverpool but the nation."
"It's important to the growth of the North and the Northeast and important eventually to Scotland and Wales because you're actually opening up the whole economy."
"The history of this great sorority has buoyed this nation and the world."
"One woman transformed it into a flashpoint for meaningful change on a national level."
"The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas rocked the nation."