
Class Conflict Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Capitalism was the last form of society to feature class conflict, and that communism will be the first society without class conflict, which will bring on a new era of history."
"Louis winds up revealing one of the most effective means to build social solidarity, mutual alienation, mutual class conflicts grants Louis a bond between the Shishigumi that immediately transcends the thin line of racial prejudice he originally lived by."
"Joker does a tremendous job of illustrating very contemporary anxieties about class divided and marginalization in our current society."
"That's the politics of the future: the people versus the political class."
"Policing is deeply racist, but if you even want to complexify the data and look at it by other metrics not just race alone, you would reveal a huge nationwide class problem with policing."
"The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. And if you in the middle class have to pick, which one we're going to decide?"
"It involves farmers and industrial workers versus the owners... This is the original class conflict."
"They are inflating racial tensions as a way of obfuscating class tensions so they can maintain their Elite status."
"For once in American society, we actually got the divide correct: the 99 versus the 1."
"The logical conclusive conclusion of critical theory is you have to get rid of the oppressor class."
"If you don't stand in solidarity with the workers, then you might as well come out and be like, 'I don't like this,' and I'm siding with the bosses."
"Class war isn't just a euphemism, employers actively made sure they were well enough armed to wage war against their employees when they complained."
"When the people have no bread, they eat the rich."
"If I had to summarize what the communists did worse it was killing the most productive classes."
"The working class has the votes but the professional class runs all the institutions. This is the source I think of all of our political strife in America."
"Class struggle defines most of human history."
"They viewed the system as being rigged against them."
"This is class warfare with real financial consequences."
"The struggle between new and old money has stuck around as an enduring archetype in fiction."
"The class structure channels conflict into manageable directions for Capital."
"There's a class war going on... People on top have the money, they have the power."
"There's class warfare all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning."
"It's going to be the haves against the have-nots."
"The class system is a mess and it has been for a long time."
"Squid Game deals with the ever-increasing divide and unfairness between the upper and lower classes."
"It's the war of the rich against the poor and the working people middle class."
"Class conflict is the influencing force of human history, absolutely yes."
"If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we'll never address the very real problems our country faces."
"Marie's story fascinates us as a symbol of class conflict, a woman in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Profit, corruption, and greed of an overclass happy to set workers upon each other."
"A perfect example of how special interests and the powerful have pitted white working-class Americans against brown and black working-class Americans in order to just screw over all working-class Americans is, um, is Reaganism."
"Trade wars are not National wars; they're class wars. Certain sectors benefit while others suffer."
"Inside of this crash, we're gonna see it intensify because we've seen for the past 45 years a class war on labor."
"Hopefully, that doesn't mean it's going to be Lord of the Flies in the streets tomorrow, but it does mean... more class friction."
"The weapons with which the bourgeoisie felled feudalism to the ground are now turned against the bourgeoisie itself."
"That's the game, and I've always told people, if you find yourself being angry at someone on the economic rung lower than you, you're probably being manipulated by someone higher on the economic ladder than you."
"There's always this effort to pit people against each other."
"We need a class war not a culture war strategy moving forward."
"This is not about class Warfare freak, this is about the consequences of making bad choices and risking it all when you feel like you have nothing to lose."
"The revolt terrified the rich that a century later it was still discussed in hush tone."
"I think the ruling Elite now have put they don't care if you're black white green gray or Grizzly the ruling elit see the working class as fuel to be burned for their system however they need to burn it."
"Using working class people as human shields to protect the profits of your fellow members of the establishment… that's not a difficult decision."
"If your plan is to starve workers like dogs, don't be surprised when they turn around and eat the rich."
"The predator class does not give a [ __ ] what skin color you are."
"These are rich men's wars; that's actually reflective of the class nature of this imperial system."
"The trucker convoy is the closest thing to a working-class uprising I've seen in my lifetime."
"The unification of the lower and middle classes against the elites, even under threat of their own potential financial loss, is perhaps a perfect example of schadenfreude."
"Some people say tax the rich. Eat the Rich. Not if I eat you first honey."
"There's going to be some kind of working class Rebellion against these conditions being Unleashed by our leaders right now."
"The movie carries the theme of the rich dumping on the poor."
"It's as if the wealthy families have got together and said, 'How can we thin out the population?'"
"The expressed intention of the global elite was to wipe out the middle class, destroy it entirely."
"What gave us Trump is people desperate economically because a class war has been waged against workers."
"The only way to permanent negate all of the various forms of class conflict is to understand how capitalism controls and manipulates society."
"A revolt of normal people against the ruling class."
"Mass unemployment that we have in this country now, tens of millions—that’s called class war."
"It's a mistake for the wealthy to think of leftists as people who want less or are content with less, a mistake that will cost them dearly."
"The oldest trick in the book is rich elites pitting the middle class against the poor."
"You guys can break as well for all I care, there's gonna be nearby breaking peasants."
"It's class warfare... Follow the money trail."
"Every race relation problem is basically a poor versus rich problem."
"This is white liberals versus white conservatives, this is classism warfare."
"Absolutely we need solidarity financial contributions obviously we we don't have the money that the billionaire class has which is the whole point."
"One-sided class war: the masters of mankind against the rest."
"One-sided class war... None of this has to do with the Chicago school."
"...the politics of the 21st century will be about generational conflict not class conflict."
"The police are here to first and foremost serve and protect the hierarchical bourgeoisie from you"
"Machiavelli offers a particular interpretation of the classical Republican tradition that attempts to guide us towards new ways in which we can institute class conflict and the empowerment of the popular classes in contemporary Republican institutions."
"The class conflict in this book is fascinating."
"The events that took place enhanced and exacerbated the class divisions that existed in Britain."
"Most of the uprisings happen because of class division."
"The middle class is better or, at the very least, in any conflict between the upper class and the middle class, it is pretty clear why the middle class will always triumph."
"It's the goofball lovable slobby guy who is pissing off the stuffed-shirted rich folks."
"It's like Animal House in that you have a group of mean health the tagline of this movie is the snobs versus the slobs."
"...the elite of the first class caused the end of the world yet the Common People bore all the suffering..."
"Absolute impossibility of foreseeing how it will end and who will come out of the struggle as victor, only one result is absolutely certain: general exhaustion and the establishment of the conditions for the ultimate victory of the working class."
"It's a slow look at the cost of two distinct class distinctions... the consequences can be very extreme for everyone involved."
"There is a never-ending struggle for the definition of social reality between the workers and the capitalists."
"What's really going on is a political struggle, a struggle between the workers and the capitalists."
"It's this side against that side, the haves and the have-nots."
"In class society where there's class conflict, those who are taking the side for change can die or anything."