
Historical Perception Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Every time a new study comes out, it's like, wow, they were really smart and they did things that humans do."
"Contrary to the traditional historical characterizations of him, Edward VI was not the weak and sickly boy he has often been portrayed to be."
"The mysterious land of Da Qin became a legend."
"Our ancestors were very clever and these societies were more sophisticated and capable than we commonly think they were."
"The American story was once seen as a light of strength and freedom for the world."
"They were highly intellect way more intellect sure than us right now."
"Suddenly I'm like, 'Oh wait... black people were kings.'"
"If you control the perception of the past, you control the now and the future."
"At the time he died, his name was mud across Europe."
"Were these ancient encounters with the gods as people back then would put it were these the same as encounters with aliens that people talk about today?"
"Our modern perception is based upon what is most likely fabrications and exaggeration."
"This top 100 list that I used to regard as a list of historical time capsules now looks more and more like evidence of a tumultuous, confusing, changing time."
"God sees human history as rapacious and horribly murderous and violent and monster-like and humans should think of glory and Splendor because they look at the architecture and all the gold vessels and God looks at the heart."
"The black panthers were broadly dismissed as racist gun-toting militants decades ago."
"She was famously alluring and seductive. Well, that's great for fame."
"They have been seen as the epitome of courage and power throughout history."
"Conspiracy theories are a staple of popular culture, challenging how we understand not only our history, but our relationship to the passage of time."
"The conservative party rely on... a whitewashed and positive view of Britain's past."
"Lies shape history just as much as the truth, very often."
"California as an island teaches us something bigger than just how humans draw maps, it's actually more about how humans want to see the world, about how fake ideas spread and why."
"King John has been used and abused frankly over the centuries as a kind of foil or a kind of prop figure in whatever history people want to tell of the past of medieval England."
"The dream is real. I can't believe I got hit twice in spite of decent crowd control, but life goes on."
"The only real reason the Vikings were considered especially brutal... was their habit of appearing suddenly out of nowhere and killing many unsuspecting people."
"All these individuals seem to completely dissolve the idea that early humans were savage or cruel when it comes to handicaps and disabilities."
"it's just a very kind of eerie cool feeling to look at old photographs"
"Traveling around Iran it makes you feel like you're stuck in a time machine."
"1920 feels closer to 1776 than it does to 1970. History is a way of flattening the depth of the experience."
"Many people have the wrong impression of Caesar thinking he was some sober-minded military genius. The reality was that he was as mad as Nero but simply higher functioning."
"Black Rain looks and feels like a much older film than it is."
"Most people who have a mythical Golden Age at least it's utopic and however hard it is to actually realize it but even their Golden Age is full of bloodshed."
"The Founding Fathers too often appear to us across the sea of time as rigid, stern, and unemotional men, prone to piety in thought and deed."
"It was a bizarre time to live in, like a photo or a memory with a different kind of energy."
"People don't like to think of the first woman to ever be created like they don't like to think of Jesus as being black, so I'm gonna just go there with it."
"It is not at all bad going for a country which prior to World War II was actually regarded as a bit of a black sheep."
"Everyone watched 'The Greatest Showman' and was like, man PT Barnum sure was sweet."
"This sophistication challenges the simplistic view we often have of prehistoric societies, revealing a people capable of complex thought and remarkable feats of engineering."
"It matters whether people think that the American revolution was or wasn't motivated partly by a desire to protect slavery."
"This letter is very affectionate and it crushes the myth of him being a cold-blooded, not-caring kind of person."
"Wolves are actually the most demonized animals throughout human history."
"The name Stalin becomes in itself almost a prayer."
"I'm the villain in your history book. I used to fight so hard about that, and I can't change your synopsis of me."
"MLK was not beloved by the establishment. He was hated. He was hated by the establishment."
"Napoleon III in fiction: 'I'm the worst version of Napoleon.' Napoleon III in reality: 'I highly industrialized my country, made numerous reforms, intervened in the Crimean War, and made Paris the city we know today.'"
"Even if our perception of the untouchables strays from the truth, Eliot Ness and his men still played a critical role."
"Ancient people were a lot smarter than we give them credit for."
"This is Magic, like I get why mfers in like the year 200 would jump into a lake see that and be like 'ah, there's a God in that Lake'."
"Firelight brings cave paintings alive in a way that is lost when we look with sterile static electrical lights."
"It can make it feel like we're living in the worst time in human history."
"The early Church was perceived as a 'cannibal cult' because they claimed to eat their God."
"You know, recognized by swathes of people as being very martial. This is why I think she was a man in a previous life, actually."
"They put their lives at risk in combat and in exchange they received ambivalent sentiment, a feeling of formal disgust, 'Oh my god, how disgusting it is to become a gladiator. How horrible.' But, in fact, we know that gladiators were heroes."
"However, it is one that has left the British people especially feeling as stung as though it were defeat."
"If you only know Oskar Schindler from Schindler’s List, you might be wondering when his life story is gonna start sounding less like one of our depressing videos about Nazi criminals."
"We're a very unique people... History will remember America as having a warrior culture."
"Wow, but always was just there was no memory of the Great Depression for my grandmother because she was cared for, because it was good, yeah, it wasn't nothing."
"I think anybody with a brain or that anybody that took the time to listen to Sabaton knows that these guys are not glorifying war or sympathizing with Nazis."
"...Americans also tend to think that America basically won the war single-handed... there's been a long tendency to downplay the role that other countries played..."
"The romans perception of the germans and the gauls from five, six, seven hundred years earlier was probably no different to that."
"Christians were accused of being haters of humanity."
"Calling them Greeks began only after the split between Constantinople and the Papacy in the 8th century."
"It's entirely reasonable to assume that if Pastrana had been perceived as fully human, created in the image of God, she and her son's remains would never have been allowed to be displayed for profit like animals."
"A slab of history we can envisage so clearly will always trump all those other slabs of history we can't envisage at all."
"It would have seemed so futuristic."
"There are those who want the monsters in history to be represented as a species unto themselves; this is a delusion."
"If you look at a picture of a Viking, you hardly would ever see an overweight Viking; they were always fit, they were always pretty lean, and they always looked strong."
"We actually have a false impression of what the 19th century was really like."
"Victorian has come to stand for a particular set of values, perceptions, and experiences."
"The Visayan warriors were not savages, they were capable of strategic warfare."
"It is our hope that the publishing of this document will help change the perception of Islam's history in America."