
Disengagement Quotes

There are 125 quotes

"The best strategy with a narcissistic person is to disengage."
"It's such a corrupt system, it's so corrupt that honestly, I want nothing to do with it."
"Gray rocking is a form of disengagement, not taking their bait, not having the usual invalidating conversations, not sharing your achievements with them so they can minimize them."
"China's youth is giving up, they've quit their jobs, they've abandoned their families, and they have stopped trying in pretty much every aspect of life."
"The only way to win this game is to stop playing."
"I just came to believe that my engagement with Twitter was making me a worse person. It really is as simple as that."
"There's never been a better time to quit the World of Warcraft."
"The solution is to disengage. A polite smile will acknowledge you've heard them."
"I withdraw my trust. I withdraw my cooperation. I withdraw my good faith."
"Let's just focus on ourselves for a while, not worry about the big world out there."
"People are beginning to tune out the public health propagandists."
"I have no desire to get back in the frontline of campaigning politically."
"When young people tell you they don't want to go to college whatever look what school was school wasn't [ __ ] they didn't even really engaged a lot of these kids."
"Just count me out. Just don't even count me in."
"There's an enormous problem with young men checking out of society."
"Politically, I don't play that [ __ ] anyway. I don't do any of that stuff."
"When you finally turn off the news, you are no longer being poisoned by a toxic cloud."
"Perhaps it's worth quiet quitting dating in general, at least for a little while."
"I don't care, disable, stop, nope, no go away please."
"I already have a new job and I'm very happy here. I want nothing more to do with your company or you."
"Your company and your problems have nothing to do with me anymore."
"It's not worth all of that, that ain't got nothing to do with me, man. I'm just keeping it from you."
"There's an atmosphere of disengagement... it has migrated to a mood of Menace."
"Dating is like a game of tennis. If the other person refuses to hit the ball back over the net, let them go and find someone else to play with."
"Okay, well anyway, I'm done talking. I don't think I have anything else to talk about. Okay, bye."
"I like how I'm not in the game because I don't have to worry about it, I'm just gonna chill here."
"Decoupling from the CCP is the solution to the problem."
"Men as a whole have been checking out of dating in large numbers."
"I just get [ __ ] angry in the opening three minutes, and then I'm just... I'm checked out."
"If you're after peace, disengage strategically."
"That's why I don't get tied up in this stuff, I'm just like it's literally none of my business."
"Don't poke the bear. Now is the time to detach and disengage."
"The second anybody steps into a realm where it's like not about the politics and the policy and it's more about casting personal aspersions or talking about somebody's private life, nah now you lost me and now you're an [ __ ]."
"I don't care. I don't give a [ __ ] dude. I don't want to be a part of that at all. No, I hope they're nice to my family and you and your family."
"If I don't like a video, I just click off it. I don't even bother leaving a dislike."
"I'm stepping back... y'all can keep your [__]."
"I don't want to do nothing more involved with that [ __ ] I already did all that."
"The best thing you can do is walk away and not participate."
"If you disengage, if you won't spar with them... they're losing some of that power and control and they do not like it."
"The minute he reaches a conclusion that nothing is going to come out of it, The Narcissist becomes indifferent, dismissive, bored, and impatient with you."
"I would like to be left out of this narrative, please."
"Angry fans are fans that care but at some point they stop."
"I just feel like a prick every time someone mentions them and I'm like uh yawn."
"If genders exist to control us, maybe the only noble move is to just… disengage."
"I almost prefer the like you're in this but like you don't really need to be in this."
"I think these people, it's, people are just checking out because they're just like, you know, it's too much. You know, this is too much."
"The truth is he was not invested in this relationship."
"You turn on, you tune in and then you drop out."
"I kept this up for my last month with the company, during which I turned into Peter Gibbons from Office Space and completely and totally stopped caring about everything."
"If you don't care, I don't care. I quit."
"There's nothing wrong with that, it's okay to become uninterested in something."
"You're teaching them to disengage from school."
"I'm not going to put my energy into this that hardcore."
"We had reached the point where nobody cared any more."
"I told him that I wanted no part of the research project anymore."
"...just was not feeling this one."
"I'll be honest, I'm not sure that I could continue to watch this."
"It's better to disengage with toxic people rather than retaliate."
"I couldn't even get to the middle of act 2 before I was just done. I'm like I cannot get back into this game and for that reason it's gonna be this low for me."
"I pretty much just shrugged and left when the whole sh show was done."
"It's become so fragmented and so convoluted that people are just checking out."
"I woke up this morning to a lot of whack disrespect that's funny to me 'cause that hoe ass [ __ ] that I was voluntarily taking my foot off his neck to give him a pass just because I felt more mature than keep engaging in these exchanges."
"At some point they're gonna have to look at what's going on and be like I don't want to be part of this anymore."
"Boys, that are you guys is kind of not as excited about your band anymore."
"I feel like there's a lot of crazy activity going on out there that I want no part of."
"I don't want any part of it, you know, about the whole thing."
"Millions have stopped watching the woke sermons on television and have begun to look for Alternatives."
"Yeah, I'm totally off on crypto. I'm out."
"I stopped watching their channel."
"Some of them, it's not even worth engaging them."
"We all just left, we were all like I'm not angry, I'm not entertained, I'm just bummed."
"Log off and do something else. Their mind immediately fails in the gap and says, 'Oh you mean stop caring about politics?' No, I mean force yourself to keep looking around you until you hit something. Don't give up."
"It's like I'm just like, 'Oh, that's just not my life anymore, so I just like don't engage in that kind of content.'"
"Just lead me out of whatever narrative you got going on."
"I don't know what to think anymore about anything so please forgive engagement."
"Sean Hannity said 'Alright yeah, that's enough of the politics for me.'"
"He's just like, 'Sure, whatever. It just seems completely checked out.'"
"And yet in all cases, what was being experienced was so inexplicable and haunting in nature that those involved felt the need to disengage with it."
"Not my chair, not my problem, not my monkeys, not my circus."
"I just want to quit this social media rat race entirely."
"I gave up on Married at First Sight because there was no inner work."
"Plan your disengagement when you have been invested your heart, your money, your life, your social connections."
"If you're in a conversation and it's lame... walk away from it."
"Maybe the best thing the United States could do would be to adopt a policy of constructive disengagement from Somalia."
"My eyes are now wide open and now realize I've been used to spread messages I don't believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative."
"You're learning to disengage from this; that's your lesson. But all it really did was strengthen your particular conviction that your heart was coming from the best possible place for this connection."
"It's not something I want to subscribe to; it's not something I want to participate in."
"Disengagement costs our global economy 7.8 trillion dollars a year."
"Sometimes you just want to zone out."
"It's getting a little bizarre, and some people are saying they're just tuning out because they can't focus on what's going on."
"If it feels like the person that you're cheering for doesn't care anywhere near as much as you do, that's an easy way to kind of just kind of check out."
"You need to disengage, and let your mind sort of mellow."
"Learning when to disengage conversation is a big skill because a lot of people don't know how to or when to disengage."
"Now it's time for me to focus on myself, I'm disengaging from what does not serve my direction, my purpose."
"Every high-value woman is able to disengage emotionally from a bad situation, the power to walk away."
"The Drazen fleet has broken chase and appears to be disengaging entirely," confirmed Lady Cynthia.
"We have to understand how to strategically pull out of certain things."
"Quiet firing refers to treating an employee so poorly or disengaging them to the point where they quit on their own."
"It's not your circus, it's not your monkeys."
"It's time to heal, it's time to stop engaging, it's time to stop playing."
"It's time to quit investing your energy in ungrateful people."