
Character Connection Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"I'm such a big fan of his movies...but I actually think this might be my favorite of his movies because he creates these intimate relationships where you relate to at least one if not all of the characters."
"You might catch yourself thinking about the game and its characters, or even missing them when you haven't had time to play for a few days."
"Nothing quite grips a reader or an audience but being connected to characters."
"Guts truly does it all. He is a character that I think anybody could connect with on whether a small level or a big level."
"Samus's connection to her original power suit wasn't akin to the likes of normal armor; for her to remain connected, it required an unfathomable amount of mental energy ordinary people can't imagine."
"The only remaining threat in the story is Jobin Higashikata, who had ties to the Domo group."
"The best character in 'Overwatch' is the one that you, the player, have an immediate emotional response to."
"Give me characters that I can connect with that are exciting that I want to learn about."
"This bond is the heart and soul of the game's story."
"I think readers see themselves in Naruto and that's what appeals to them."
"There's at least one character you'll find yourself connected to no matter who you are."
"Stakes that are tied intricately to a character’s emotions are so much more meaningful than some grand, unimaginable stakes like the destruction of the universe."
"I had so much fun watching it, I was laughing, I was smiling, I was identifying with the characters."
"If you really enjoy playing a character and you love that character then good for you."
"If we're going to care about the stories, we need to empathize with the characters."
"Are we really gonna do this? Is Snoke really Palpatine?"
"A brief encounter in the past hints at a connection between Vellum Ear and Baron, offering potential for deeper exploration."
"Robocop is not just a cyborg that fights crime. He is a real person who the audience feels for and connects with."
"Every time I talk about Dany and Jon being mates and bond all that stuff, I really think the emphasis here is on magical destiny."
"That's how you become wed, that's obviously what happens, and Bajirao kind of knows this, kind of doesn't know this. He's definitely giving a living a part of her, his most deadly weapon to her."
"Harry's connection to Voldemort is actually a cool plot point that has been developed well over the series."
"Ariel and Hercules are cousins, so the hair color and excellent vocal skills of both characters are no coincidence."
"Zach is a brilliant device that all at once keeps the player engaged, helps define York as an eccentric, and forms a palpable connection between player and protagonist."
"That when Joel is looking at this woman, and we hear that theme, we feel it. We feel the loss. I feel it every time."
"Angela gave me something to personally relate to in Boy Meets World, which only further increased my love for the show."
"It was a form and transformation in the Dragon Ball Z series which gave me the fire to train hard and, more importantly, loved the characters in Dragon Ball through all of their hard efforts and struggles."
"I'm just very happy that lost soul found the character that he relates with."
"I'm so emotionally invested in this story in this character that I've grown up with."
"How do you utilize space? Hello, how are ya."
"If you're looking for a game where you can really connect with your character, Star Wars: The Old Republic is great for that."
"Origins gave me that excitement of exploration a deep connection with various characters the thrill of uncovering hidden treasures and that nagging suspicion that I might have overlooked a quest or two upon arriving at a new region."
"Fl4k is your AI if you feel a connection with a cold, unfeeling robot."
"Bad Company was the first Battlefield game to diverge from the typical nameless soldiers...a real connection to the characters you play."
"The death scene at the end feels brutal. It's empathetic characters in a horror environment."
"She's connected with the Avengers. She's one of these periphery characters, and she's sneaky. She lied to Steve at least once."
"Without that information, it can be easy to feel distant from the character’s emotions, from their central struggles and conflicts."
"Artyom connects with the world perfectly with those things he touch and cast shadows onto them."
"The best scene in the movie is when these Icelandic women linger at the sea to sing a song to Aquaman."
"If acting is the ultimate form of empathy, my God, did I empathize with her."
"Thank you for advocating for me and thank you for caring about my connection to the character."
"It's kind of easy to find empathy with the protagonist of a story."
"Yuki smile also always crushes my soul why do they do this to us I don't know."
"It's such a subtle method of connecting you with the character. In fact, it's so subtle that I didn't even know these interactions existed until recently."
"He's the anchor of it. You have to care about the protagonist of an action movie, and that's what makes John Wick special."
"He has tased Rama ties so many of the things I write about in this book."
"Update time, I've reached chapter 12, I'm on page 303 and we have 480 pages."
"This series means so much to me, specifically Jacob's character means the world to me."
"If you don't feel connected to that character, then the movie sucks."
"Richard Thomas's heartfelt performance as John Boy Walton endeared him to audiences worldwide."
"I'm connecting with this character right now. I'm ready to fight for him."
"Donald Glover has appeared in Spider-Man Homecoming as Miles's uncle."
"We get the amazing emotional connection between Picard and Roe."
"Jamie and Claire have infiltrated my body, my mind, and my heart."
"I cried because I would never have Jamie in my life, you know, it was just like a couple of tears down my face."
"A great video game companion has to connect with the you in the real world as well as the you in the video game."
"Steve Rogers, hold on a second, she's friends with that Hydra stomper."
"There's a great connective tissue between Bruce Wayne and Batman."
"Now you have empathy for the family but also like you're kind of like screaming with this guy and you understand him going crazy but like you also feel bad for Mark and it's like you don't."
"I absolutely loved it and got so immersed in it and so attached to the characters that I just cried so much by the time I got to the end of it."
"It's easy to follow, it gave me characters that I felt engaged with, and the pacing was so fast."
"Rick and Morty might be a little more connected than they think."
"The Legend of Korra is still the closest thing out there to it, which makes me care about it in a weird way."
"I love how they incorporated their secret whistle from the Black Widow movie into the scene."
"But that specificity worked for the film. It drew the audience to the character of pink and helped them to identify with him."
"Understanding between the player and character forms the basis of the connection."
"Bran is Winterfell and as he says it's not dead either."
"The bite of Max, dude, I actually must have missed that Max is gonna be the babysitter because it was a surprise to me. I was like, how are they going to connect, how are they going to connect, like Hank and that group to Mike?"
"She feels a connection with the tethered girl, paralleling Chris checking on the deer in 'Get Out'."
"I am already feeling what Joel is feeling in this moment."
"The reason people get hung up on fictional characters is because while they may not be real, they represent something that is."
"A lot of people actually find themselves relating more to these characters."
"He thought he must be able to awaken because the Crystal reacted to him and he knew that the blue light represented the magic system."
"The broad idea that connects all of these characters... is family."
"If you're looking to get attached to a character who you are going to be rooting for and feel connected to just because he has such real issues."
"Guys I'm literally not okay, Alistair and Thomas, I just, I'm not okay."
"And considering that one of the biggest pieces of evidence with this theory is Dabi knowing Shoto's full name, this is pretty important."
"Martha and Jonas... are the center of the family tree knot that is Winden."
"I think the audience should connect to you as a character."
"Ruins relies on the reader's connections to these characters to shock you."
"'Code Geass' does an excellent job in making us feel connected to Lelouch, similar to the way C2 feels."
"Overall, I would give this film, I think I would give it an eight and a half out of ten because it was just... it was a good film. But it also had, again like, those deeper moments where we could kind of connect a little bit more with the characters."
"I loved the utilization of this kind of storytelling to always make the reader feel more connected to the characters."
"The 5-year-old shaman is connected to the dentist, she's the healer's apprentice."
"You just felt what it felt like to be with this character."
"I had to love Adora in order to play her and it's brutal, but I had every day I had to be that person and love her and love whatever I could about her in order to survive, you know, in order to do this and be exactly what I was supposed to be."
"He understood how James Kirk must have felt about the ship, and why he had to die."
"Just making sure the player feels like they're getting to know the character because he's your avatar, but he's also his own person."
"I still want to anyway for the animation potential and my connection to both of the characters and the series that they come from."
"When a character hurts, you hurt."
"The thing that makes a cartoon good is when it is relatable."
"Emotional deaths yank on our heartstrings and fill us with character grief."
"I guess you could say that I love this movie as much as Shrek and Fiona love each other."
"That's why I love Gossip Girl, because of the connections between the characters and how much you get invested in them."
"I absolutely care about Kaladin; there are a lot of his thinkings that made me realize that I do resonate with him in a lot of ways."
"The series features a few complex themes, primarily focusing on mental health, isolation, and depression which has allowed many fans to connect to Mary's journey and her struggles inside the house."
"Chainsaw Man is just better at creating emotions because the characters feel more human."
"It's just the joy of those characters going through that struggle and then how I can connect information to the struggle of those characters."
"I think when it comes to drama and the connection of all the characters, I gotta go Vinland."
"I was so emotionally invested, I was tapped into every single one of these characters."
"...I feel like I know these characters I feel like Nina Lacour's writing in this book is just so beautiful..."
"I felt really sad; I had a lot of sympathy with Ivar in that moment."
"Charles Schultz's Peanuts... Charlie Brown is the first cartoon character that you feel for and feel through."
"She was bit by the same spider that bit Peter Parker, so really interesting."
"There isn't a pony in all of Equestria I have more in common with."
"I was ok with the story, I did get attached to characters."
"I definitely really empathized with Michael B. Jordan's character a lot."
"I'm completely in love with this film, the characters, the storyline."
"I find myself connecting with the characters that I feel are the most rational, logical, sensible, reasonable."
"I don't think I've ever felt more related to a character than I do with Lexi."
"That's a great way to make you really feel for those characters."
"I personally see it as being Spencer's most valuable relationship that he has."
"One key way that Atwood gets us to really care about Offred is through the exploration of the really traumatic events of being separated from family."
"I just felt so connected to these characters."
"Ichigo's words and actions reminded Byakuya of Rukia's former lieutenant, Kaien Shiba."
"Not only do her size and intellect set her apart, but her ability to experience empathy enables her to develop a close connection with Owen Grady."
"I really quickly felt for the character; I very quickly wanted her to attain everything she was going after."
"It's the interpersonal stories that take place, the connection between the characters that make them so good."
"It feels like a character that was made for them."
"I felt so rooted in her life and in her story."
"I absolutely fell in love with this book and I just fell in love with the story and you will fall in love with the story of the characters, everything about it."
"I've never related to a character more than I have to Dumplin'."