
Cosmic Understanding Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The Fermi Paradox is fundamentally a response to our deepening understanding of the antiquity of our world and the evolutionary path of life on it."
"Anything about the universe should be knowledge shared by all humans."
"So like you know through meditation I've come to understand the rhythms of the universe."
"Once humans feel the unconditional frequency of the central sun, they will choose unity, they will choose to help the universe rather than to hurt it."
"The universe understands where you've come from, the universe understands where you're going."
"He wanted to know the reason the universe is the way it is."
"We exist on this relatively tiny rock called Earth floating around a relatively average star, the Sun."
"It's going to be absolutely essential for our long-term survival that we understand the larger cosmic environment."
"We are in a position now where we... can really begin to understand the larger cosmic environment that we're a part of."
"What everybody wants in life is financial stability. I mean, that's the most important thing."
"Astrology...help you time your best life by understanding the cycles and rhythms of the sky."
"Ultimately, it's really identifying with your true essence and your true cosmic spirituality."
"We deserve to know our place in the universe."
"We have only a fraction of the knowledge that we used to have pre-flood, pre-12,000 years ago when these cultures knew incredible details of the cosmos and our planet and our role."
"This is going to give us a leap in technology, a leap in Cosmic understanding, a big jump I think in space exploration."
"Type 1a supernovae are lights into the universe."
"Theosophists have guessed at the awesome grandeur of the cosmic cycle."
"If he understood how we fit into the cosmos, he can actually celebrate that fact."
"Our universe is very profoundly mathematical."
"We humans have managed to figure out so far during the first 13.8 billion years of cosmic history about our place in space."
"Understanding the galaxy could help us know the right questions to ask."
"Nikola Tesla: 'My brain is only a receiver. In the universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge.'"
"We can collectively seek greater enlightenment to better understand this Incredible Universe we live in."
"The universe is mostly dark guided by islands of light learning."
"People have a genuine instinct that there's something theological about this, this has something to do with the entire makeup of the cosmos."
"Our role is to learn the laws of the cosmos and work with them."
"I think we would do much better to understand our place in the cosmos."
"This was worth all the terror and confusion of the trip and I spent a very long time sitting in a puddle learning about the universe."
"We stand to gain much from a partnership, not just in technology but in broader cosmic understanding."
"We're gonna all be back at this and just think that it was supposed to happen if meant to happen and it's going to transition us into a completely new stage of understanding about everything about the universe."
"The revelation that the universe is not only vaster but also far more complex than previously understood underscores the need for a philosophical realignment in how humanity perceives itself within the cosmic order."
"We are really the first generation to have any decent idea of what the cosmos is like."
"This was that moment in science where everything changed about how we thought about the whole universe."
"When we gazed out of the immensities of space, we understand them because there are immensities within us as well."
"Engage with this profound aspect of your being and watch as your understanding of both self and the cosmos transforms."
"Methuselah's story captivates not just because of its age, but because it challenges our understanding of the cosmos, offering a paradox that has puzzled astronomers for years."
"Our understanding of the universe has changed a lot over the years."
"The discovery of 'Oumuamua marked a milestone in astronomy and our understanding of the cosmos."
"You will be unable to harness all of the elements until you stop thinking of them as primitive weapons and instead treat them as they truly are: blessings from a cosmic force beyond your current comprehension."
"Astrophysicists are basically astronomers who use the techniques of physics to understand the cosmos and phenomena outside Earth: our solar system, our galaxy, the universe."
"The Voyager mission became symbolic of our acute longing to understand our cosmic place and the significance of our own existence."
"If we really understand the destiny of a man, we also learn to understand the secrets of the world of stars, the secrets of the cosmos."
"The stories these ancient structures tell of humanity's quest to understand the cosmos and our place within it continue to fascinate and inspire."
"I'm not evil, I'm not good. I'm simply a person with the ability to read the universe in its most raw form."
"You got to know your cosmic age and got nothing to do with no religious outlook."
"The universe gives the answers to us in a way that we, as individuals, will understand."