
Customers Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"If you want to earn more money, you have to create more value. Who do you create value for? You create value for customers."
"One of the beautiful things about capitalism is it turns strangers into customers."
"Every single business in the world needs only two things: a product and customers."
"To get started, you need five things: a winning product, a great design, a place to sell the product, a great supplier, and of course, paying customers."
"We're looking forward to sharing some very exciting things with our customers soon."
"Constantly involves feedback from clients and customers."
"Without customers, there is no corporate staff, there is no CEO, there's no reason for your existence at all."
"Regulations impose a cost on the customer at the end that they generally have to pay for."
"If you're looking at the business as a product, then you have two customers: the customer that you're selling a product to and the customer that you're going to sell a company to."
"There's a difference between followers and customers, right, and you gotta find your customers and then you gotta find the followers that you can turn into customers."
"Happy customers mean happy pockets."
"Find those customers that are willing to pay for a top quality service and you'll be able to start charging what you deserve to be earning."
"You don't just want customers, you want community."
"We have 250,000 customers in 70 countries. There are no two customers that have been given the same diet."
"It's important to have social proof... in this case, they have photos of actual customers using them at a show."
"When we focus on our customers instead of the algorithm, the algorithm just ends up working in our favor anyway."
"It really makes a huge difference to a lot of people and a lot of customers and managers like it because it gives visual changes to things."
"Instagram is the best platform out there to help your food truck business gain more popularity and gain more customers."
"I always believe if you build a good product, a good service, people will come."
"If you implement these tips, they can help you generate new customers and more sales."
"Social media's biggest power lies in touch points - meeting customers where they are."
"Word about this spread quickly on the boardwalk generally these people would be the nicest most polite and considerate customers even if they did smell a bit stinky and their money got pulled out of a sweaty sock."
"Customers paying you money is a great sign that you're providing them real value."
"Your customers will make you rich if you have the courage to go and ask them what can we do to make you happy."
"When running a good business, you have a good product, customers will come to you organically."
"Pricing is actually pretty simple; customers will not pay literally a penny more than the true value of the product."
"There's more benefit in the long term to treating your customers with respect."
"You want the viewers to know exactly what they're buying before they actually have to click on the item."
"A brand is actually the promise you are making to your customers."
"We want to help you connect with your customers in a whole new way."
"You're a trailblazer in this fourth Industrial Revolution and your customers are connected in more ways than ever."
"Social media is a completely new way for businesses to engage with their customers."
"Happy customers we've got, a restaurant full of happy people."
"Customers can't tell you what to build."
"Jesse believes that they're cooking poison for people who don't care, meaning that they probably have the least picky customers ever."
"...Ed began working out of his home Garage up-and-coming drag racer TV Tommy Evo was one of his early customers."
"Customers are the whole point of it."
"Listen to the people who you've already helped. Your best customers are your current customers because they're going to tell you what they need next."
"Niching down doesn't push customers away, it attracts more."
"Once you niche down, you attract better customers."
"We work a lot with startups and independent software vendors, what we call ISVs, and other customers who are building, for example, their software as a service and selling it to their customers."
"Never forget that the only true validation is a paid customer. Everything else is just fluff."
"I am just ecstatic with the amazing people that buy my pieces."
"More and more bank customers are becoming mobile only."
"...you need to get some traffic and customers to your website."
"Then to our surprise there was an influx of customers in the span of 10 minutes."
"Our customers are wonderful, generous, giving, supportive."
"What strategy is is the defining of how we are going to make ourselves special it is operational in nature it is is it a discussion of who we are going to be and how we are going to deliver value to our customers."
"They Ask, You Answer is about how to use content marketing to attract loyal customers to your business."
"Customers, without them, you don't stand a chance."
"Our customers have money, right? And they want to spend it, baby."
"Out of our 18 million customers, we have about 700,000 vulnerable customers."
"Once you've got those first 10 customers and more than 20% of your time is booked up with customers, you need leverage."
"I like to think of content marketing as anti-marketing because all it really is is sharing what you know and being really helpful to your future customers through the content you create and put out online."
"The strategy here is to create something of value that can attract potential customers."
"It's actual customers that are buying from your shop and then we can get those people over onto our email list that we can communicate with."
"We know who our users are, who our real customers are, and they're going to be the people who care about this."
"Cars are always sold by going out after the customers."
"Find customers that value what you do."
"...they actually spend a much higher percentage of their staff's time dealing with customers coming in asking for these rare bottles."
"All the people that's bought a camper from me over the past year, y'all are awesome."
"We have many customers today who are seeing those benefits of autonomous."
"And no facts exist inside your building, or very few. And if you're in sales or marketing, it's impossible to be smarter than the collective intelligence of your potential customers sitting in your building."
"Last year, Van's was Lycoming's largest OEM customer."
"Our customers don't really care about what specifically is in the bouquet."
"Even the customers of various companies would like to support a company which supports the environment."
"We finish with value and all the components are interconnected in that model to deliver the right value of the services to the customers."
"And it makes it easier for the right customers that are interested in buying your product to find you."
"Buyers are like ten to twenty times more valuable than an opt-in probably hell even more than that,"
"So you want me to what again? Now I've decided to hold a goodwill baseball game among server customers and server employees. She explained with a malicious glee in her voice as she spoke."
"Good news is, the customers are actually way closer than what I thought."
"One of our core values is relationship, so I invite customers into that first-name basis relationship. We nailed it."
"I felt I was obligated to partake every combo day just to make sure my customers didn't have to go to another comic book store to get it."
"Explain what you have to offer and how customers can benefit from your product."
"People always blame the revenue because they didn't have a good revenue plan. Why don't you just build a great product, right? If you have a great product, your customers will come to you. Yep."
"Your customers are online. Billions of people spend much of their time on the internet."
"It's all about knowing the market, the customers."
"This is where we tried to inspire our customers."
"We need to be grateful for the people who drink our tea because without them it couldn't exist."
"Roughly $110,000 a year. You only need 30 customers a year. 30 customers a year."
"First and foremost as your relationship manager, I would remember that all customers and clients are one of our most important assets."
"Customers are a dime a dozen; good customers are rare."
"I'm getting Goosebumps Lally talking about it I love you all if you place an order I'm so freaking grateful for you."
"The feedback from the customers is free. Why wouldn't you take it?"
"Real customers using Power Pages: EY, Microsoft, New Zealand Migrations, PwC."
"Just don't expect friends and family to support your business. You need to find real customers and real people who resonate with your business's ideals."
"The more customers you have, the higher you can charge."
"You've got to make work fun... if you're having fun in the store, your customers are probably having fun."
"The more options you give customers, the better position they're in to get what they want."
"I have a conscience and what I knew was that most of the people that were buying the cars from me tended to be people in pretty bad financial straits."
"We forget how much happiness it brings customers when they have a theater in their home."
"You actually own those customers as opposed to any other type of platform you don't own."
"If you don't have customers, you don't have a business."
"Finding customers, this is really important."
"Shout out to all the customers and subscribers that pulled up on this, hey, thank you guys."
"Recognize the ability to have a profound impact on a company's customers and their experience, as well as, of course, the employees and their experience within the organization."
"They're the most important part of any business."
"Because doing this forces you to look at things from a different perspective, it forces you to think about who your customers and consumers are."
"Lumi starter pack bundle is a great deal for new customers with Incredible savings."
"...thanks for watching and remember that none of this would be possible without our customers."
"I think everyone's just as important, our business customers are just as important as our celebrity customers."
"The number one reason why most businesses fail is because they can't get customers."
"You're not in business because you have a mower and a blower and a trimmer and a truck. You're in business when you get customers."
"And then by the time you launch, you'll already have paying customers, and that's the power of this."
"Can you find actual customers for this in a very short window of time?"
"Seeing customers leave with sparkling eyes and cakes in their hands fills me with indescribable joy."
"We've got some cracking customers in, we really do, from all over the country."
"Your target audience is a specific group of customers who more than likely want to purchase your products."
"We really appreciate your continued loyalty to us."
"Every week we're talking to customers who are trying to figure out how to do data science at scale."
"I love the work, the customers, and my co-workers."
"Sales shoppers can become regular customers eventually."
"Enhancing your headline with adding customers is super important."
"Customer count grew 35% year-over-year."
"There's just this Brotherhood of our customers, and I love that."
"All of our customers are celebrities because y'all are the best."
"Remember, customers means a family."
"Often people look at customer reviews before making a buying decision."
"All of our patrons are beautiful and perfect."
"The basic formula for entrepreneurship is an initial idea, followed by a lot of hard work, and then customers who are willing to pay for it."
"Customers are loving this, signing up like crazy."
"Thanks to you all out there that purchased the boats from us."
"It's really about creating this conversation with your customers, and data is the tool that helps you do that."
"User documents provide customers with information they need to use the product."
"They built it in two weeks and got their first customers. Great."
"Try to understand who your target customers are and try to think of them so that you can identify the signals that this sends that mean that they are ready to buy."
"You never sell to a company, you sell to customers and users in a company."
"If you do not have customers, you do not have a business."
"We've been running for 12 months, we have over 65,000 customers."
"Thank you to a lot of you guys who already purchased the box. I'm so thankful that everyone loved this box."
"Our next chart is going to be called top customers by sales."
"Critical success factors are the product or service features that are particularly valued by a group of customers and therefore where the organization must excel."
"Look at all these loyal customers."
"The customers are there on Amazon already."
"Protecting your customers should be your number one priority."
"The more specific you are, the more likely you are to find the right customer."
"I am so thrilled with how they turned out and I think our customers are really enjoying having a flower in their bouquets that they would never have in their garden."
"Trust your customers, and they will trust you."
"Thank you so much if you've placed an order."
"Business grows with customers; if you don't get new customers, your business is just not sustainable."
"That's the game, that's how you go from zero to hero and get your first five paying customers."
"Celebrate new customers, cherish the old. One is silver, the other gold."
"I personally understand how frustrating this is for our customers across the country."
"80% of your sales comes from 20% of your customers."
"High caliber customers will spend money on extra items."
"Season greetings to all my customers, everyone."
"You do not have a business if you don't have customers."
"You can segment your customer list, your leads, your email addresses."
"86% of global Fortune 500 companies are SAP customers."
"The big beneficiaries of technological innovation aren't the innovators. It's their customers."
"The critics aren't real; customers are real."
"We're gonna celebrate customer heterogeneity over averages."
"Expanded business brings lots of customers."
"The best capital to get to scale is from your customers."
"Let's face it, every customer is different."
"Your potential customers... they also have access to exponentially more misinformation than ever before."
"Your brand name is going to be the first impression that you make on your customers."
"Over 90% of startups that fail, fail from a lack of customers, not from a lack of technology."
"1% of your customers give you 50% of your money."
"We love this city, we love this country, we love the customers."
"We want all our customers to feel that they are home."
"We appreciate the customers giving us their feedback because truthfully, you guys are what make a difference in our product."
"If you build it, they don't come... you got to grow your customers."
"If you don't have no customers, you don't have no company. You do the math right there."
"We're extremely honored to have received it and just want to say a big thank you to all of our customers."
"To all of our current and future customers, thank you for your support."
"Thank you so much to those of you that are my valued customers."
"We're committed to not balancing your budget on the backs of the most marginalized customers."
"Curate a really healthy relationship with your customers and your contacts on your list."
"Customers for life. That's exactly right."
"Why can't we love the people we work with, love what we do, and love the customers we serve?"
"We had to use that same thing to communicate to people who wanted to buy the book, right? Because they're a customer too."
"He continues to farm for his 400 customers that are relying on him for his fresh produce."
"Our best gasoline customers are the ones who are on the move a lot."
"Thank you very much for purchasing the plans if you have, I've been quite overwhelmed by the number that you have."
"Let's say we've got our customer table, and each customer is going to have separate employees that they deal with."
"Building a deep relationship with their customers based on trust."
"I'm going to be putting $100 in some of the orders so a lot of y'all are going to get lucky."
"In every one of our cars, there are two customers: there's a rider and there's a driver, and they both matter the same, full stop."
"Thank you our customers for taking time out of your busy schedules to tune in and listen to what we had to say."
"Encourage your happy customers to add a review, specifying the location where they received your service."
"Create a leap in value for buyers."
"RF gains all the production facilities of the neighboring farm as well as its customer base."
"On average, Gabby customers save $961 a year."
"We've managed to reach 75,000 paid customers since inception."
"Build an everlasting relationship with your leads and customers."
"Thank you to all of you guys who have purchased any of my upper receivers."
"It would open up Link2 to a potential customer base that includes vastly more people."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you customers."
"Protecting your customers will be our first concern; without protecting your customers, you do not have a business."
"Look for places that there's already active customers."
"Now we can think less about tech stack and more about how to bring financial security to our customers."
"The goal of a company is to create customers."
"A big thank you to all our customers and viewers."
"Our staff, they're just like, it's so nice that our customers appreciate our staff as well."
"It's not a product that creates a market, it's customers that make a market."
"Try to build something that's recurring, where you're not always chasing new customers or exchanging time for money."
"If you don't have a paying customer, you don't have a business. Period."
"We are your repeat business, the ones that come every year without fail."
"The hype is cute, but at the end, what you want are customers who are going to go hard for your company."