
Learning From History Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"I believe that the same things happen over and over again and if you study the patterns of them, you understand the cause-effect relationships and then can write down principles for dealing with them."
"Lessons learned in blood; we don't want to relearn those."
"Remember the lessons we learned: if you wait to act until it's obvious, it's already too late."
"The difference in us and them is that the future still lies ahead of us to create. Let's prove that you can learn something from history."
"If you learn from them, you can use it to stop it from happening again and again."
"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it."
"Just because it's all bad news when it comes to like our history, it doesn't mean we're bad people. It means we could be better and learn from it."
"One of the great lessons of history is that it repeats."
"I feel like the only way to survive it is to say you know you can't, you can't pretend that the past hasn't happened but you can learn from it."
"History is about how people lived, and what we might learn from their lives."
"I'm always going to want to go with history. History is doomed to repeat itself."
"We are now in the beginning of the 21st century, but we still learn from these people."
"Let's learn from the past. What does the federal government do and what does the state do?"
"Maybe Rey or some other Jedi will finally learn from the mistakes of the past Jedi."
"The results of the second Mongol invasion of Hungary are an important reminder."
"What we need to do is learn from them. We can choose to see their flaws as opportunities to do better and be better in our own lives and in the stories we tell each other going forward."
"History repeats itself. Those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it."
"But I wanted to set out to find out the truth to find out the truth about the Rothschilds because like them or hate them there's gotta be something you can learn from the world's most powerful banking Dynasty."
"Once you understand the atrocities of the past, you can see the patterns start to emerge."
"Perhaps there's a lesson to be learned here though a lesson that Angela Davis and her left-wing Ray hustling ilk need to learn."
"That's called presentism... rewriting history instead of letting people learn from the mistakes."
"Document it. Learn from the mistakes of our past."
"Unless we have a political process... we will see the same sort of results as we've seen in Afghanistan."
"Not understanding history will always allow us to make more mistakes."
"We can only hope that they have learned from their mistakes."
"We're either going to learn from data, facts, knowledge, wisdom... or I think we'll probably have some kind of civil war."
"If you're to draw the right lessons out of it [history], you do avoid making the worst mistakes."
"Maybe the next YouTube will learn from the mistakes of the current YouTube."
"We're not learning from the floods of the past."
"It's just something about this nation... we have to learn from that and do something different."
"If we don't learn from history, we're doomed to repeat it."
"Actively trying to forget the past is a good way to avoid learning from it."
"This gives an emphasis on the past this gives an emphasis on the lessons of the past that we are pushing forward from so it's not about regressing and going back to the past."
"I want somebody to pick it up and go, 'Yeah, that's the one.'"
"History is the most important of all the lessons of history."
"Americans are starting to get the big picture which means thank God a lot less people should get burned hopefully should get burned this time versus last time."
"Bubbles may be a part of our economic history but that doesn't mean they have to dictate our economic future."
"He learned from seeing those societies that you need a strong state to have a functioning society."
"It's deep to me fam and I still believe that when you learn about situations how the government set up people."
"A lot of it comes down to the fact that we are seeing the same mistakes being repeated over and over and over again."
"The First Order is learning from the Empire's mistakes."
"Those who fail to learn from Mystery are doomed to sound stupid when arguing on the internet."
"History is about people, and we learn from history because we're dealing with other humans and how they deal with crises and different types of situations."
"Don't get stuck in the past, but learn from it."
"History is the stuff, history is the magic, history is the reservoir of wisdom from which we can all draw sustenance and refreshment."
"If we actually learn from the Holocaust, things that are a bit unfamiliar start to look a little more comprehensible."
"It's much easier to look back at remarkable men and women of the past and say why weren't they exactly like me than it is to say I wonder what they have to teach me."
"At some point or other they may find themselves in an equivalent struggle in the future, and if they see how people lost in '65, they might be able not to lose in the future."
"History and the Word of God should inform our ministry to avoid past mistakes."
"I know the children cases are tough to watch but I just want to remind that it's important to learn and know the signs so we can continue to grow as a society and learn from the errors of the past."
"While these scandals have marred the reputation of the papacy, it is crucial to remember that they do not represent the entirety of the Catholic Church or its teachings."
"History in here is very traumatic and emotional, but the most important aspect is the lesson that we learn from this place."
"We cannot be content merely to celebrate the achievements of the 20th century, or enjoy the comforts of the 21st century; we must learn from the past to build on its success."
"It's a lot better to be a country that just learns from its experiences and evolves politically than to be a country where we divide ourselves up into two blocks that are randomly scattered around the continent."
"The purpose of our discussions today is to learn from what happened so that we can keep it from happening again."