
Collective Experience Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"It is so rare, but every now and then we as a culture are blessed with a collective experience that is so weird and so crazy."
"Being is what each of us experiences subjectively, personally and individually, as well as what we each experience jointly with others."
"We see now that the abyss of history is deep enough to hold us all."
"We're all struggling, man, and I believe that we're all in the same water, but we're not in the same boat."
"This way of life is simple and calculated. You need to decide for yourself weeks in advance what will be the greatest threats to your life, or you might find yourself without any food to sustain life."
"It's fun to be able to do it together, watch it together, have some hope."
"We're all struggling with this. It's nobody's fault."
"What will be the experience of all of us collectively to be in the presence of AI that passes the Turing test?"
"A spiritual experience does not require one to be alone. You can be alone and have a spiritual experience, you can be with the collective and have a spiritual experience."
"I can just see everyone watching this show going 'How could anyone fall for this?' and I'm just thinking 'We all fell for it, it's all us.'"
"And we all, 5 billion people on the planet Earth, saw Mars for the very first time."
"It's going to be a rough few months for all of us."
"We're co-creating this experience together through our desires, our hearts, our dreams."
"Just because we are here doesn't mean we're only here we're in this as well we're in this and we're in this that's where we all are right now."
"It's not weakness, it's truly a strength because you have to get over your own ego and you have to accept the Grace and the help of other people."
"Literally the whole damn world stopped and just said wow."
"This is not something we're going through alone; this is a collective dynamic."
"Let's all start to think about this now. What did we learn during this personally, socially, collectively?"
"This is a story that's bigger than all of us."
"Every generation has a defining moment, a collective experience that will leave an indelible mark on each member."
"The trauma is collective, yes, but the coping mechanisms are all over the place."
"At last we've reached the end of 2020. The world is breathing a huge collective sigh of relief that we survived it at all."
"The grace of God is experienced by everyone fighting this pandemic."
"We all survived the eclipse! Not the end of the world, not this time."
"These events don’t just affect the person directly involved, they affect the entire community, the families, and everyone involved who has ever even known that person."
"Your whole world is about to go through an extremely big change. This is the collective experience it. That's what the build-up of this whole week is."
"We are elevating human consciousness through the bringing together of this connection."
"We're all going through this shift together."
"Every generation apparently has something they carry with them."
"We're not alone, we're all in this together."
"Now is a really special time in history. We're all here to live a powerful and inspiring life."
"We grow together, all of us. We grow together."
"This year has been a garbage fire for reasons that we all know and understand too well."
"We are all but lambs, lambs that walk upon the path of life all together."
"When people are living through what we're living through, we're experiencing it now."
"Stadia is now free to try with free pro games for two months. I mean, you have nothing to lose, it's a free trial."
"I think the outcome of the way we made this movie is our communal sense of being together."
"There's some sort of message that says everybody is kind of in the same position."
"Don't you guys think it's really cool that we are all living inside a history book now?"
"As people process pain, there is a collective pain stored inside everyone and this must be brought to the surface to detoxify yourselves."
"You are really going in a huge transformation that you're going through and we are going through it all together on the collective, you're not alone."
"We live in a time where electricity is in the air, a moment far bigger than each of us alone."
"Have a soul tethered to the millions of people who have lost, cried, wondered why, and eventually came out the other side intact yet damaged."
"Having a thing that brings people together is important."
"We are all individual selves but also nodes of one system experiencing itself."
"We're all in this together. It doesn't matter how you voted in the last election, you're in this situation."
"Aquarius season collectively is gonna be a very pivotal time for everyone."
"You don't have to be physically present to have been a part of something."
"It's nice to feel such a living crowd are out of oneself."
"It all comes down to this, we had our fun, we got one one ring but not the one ring."
"You're living in two different realities, one of them is the collective."
"Many of us still to this day haven't even fully processed it."
"The earth was shaking, and everyone was just looking at each other."
"Welcome, welcome to this momentous day because today marks the start of a brand new journey for you, for me, for all of us."
"I think we all are very humbled at this time, what this virus has done to us. I think it's brought all of us to our knees."
"Let us all gaze and wonder together and make a collective 'oh ah', don't you enjoy it? I enjoy it, that's my review."
"Everybody is just talking about it. It's so true. It's like a binge watch, we're all watching this show at the same time as it unfolds."
"If the police officers and security company had not arrived within those two or three minutes that lady would be dead today I'm sure."
"We've collectively come through a lot of dark times and we're stronger than ever."
"We're in a giant movie where we're all going on this journey, we are all on the hero's journey together."
"What could be more real than everyone's plans falling apart all at once?"
"Humanity exists, and we're all in this together."
"I think we are spending a year recovering from what just happened to all of us."
"This thing that happened to us is something that we now are able to call historical trauma."
"Even if you may also be stressed out with finals or holiday travel, we all took a pause together to think about the bigger picture."
"Life is crazy and we're all just doing the best that we can."
"It's a film that you shouldn't miss... it fills a void in us collectively and personally."
"The train scene really got to me with all the people and everything."
"We will not miss this moment in this room and online we will not miss the opportunity to be a part of a God thing."
"That night was like the best as far as like a collective bonding moment."
"Here we are at this historic moment that we're all part of, not just the astronauts but everybody who's alive today."
"Do not give up, because I'm telling you, it's coming for you. Everybody on the collective is going through this now at this moment. You are not alone."
"Just because you are one of the first or the loudest to speak out does not mean that this is an isolated experience."
"This is bigger than us. This moment's bigger than that. We're witnessing something, some greatness here."
"It really is about the injustice that we are all experiencing on so many different levels."
"We share our journey, we are all enthusiasts at the end of the day."
"The more people that you get together, the easier it is to hear and the easier it is to drop into that sacred space."
"That collective energy where you go opening night, and you know that energy of like everybody's there to be entertained."
"If we could prove that we can all have this altered experience together, that would be a holy grail kind of experiment."
"It's a healing crisis and very many of us are feeling it already."
"One of those great moments to bring humanity together."
"Television programs like The X Factor attest to the fact that people desire collective experience."
"This is an incredible moment we're sharing live on the YouTubes together."
"There was something kind of spiritual about it definitely. I mean all those people doing that at the same time there was over 50,000 people there."
"We are all experiencing it, we are all going through Massive Internal shifts."
"There's something profound that begins to happen right. And if you get enough people together doing that, you don't have to dance, sing, play anything, nothing. You simply, we're just going to be together and we're going to feel that connection."
"All of us, crazy human beings, we'll sit down in a theater full of strangers and we will forget everything, and we'll all collectively together, despite our political differences, despite whatever, we'll forget all of that."
"It's a big deal and it's going to be. It's so I'm just wanted to bring it beyond the pandemic because it feels so collective and so big."
"Nothing truly replaces being in the dark and just energetically having that experience with strangers, bringing that collective feeling together with people that you don't know."
"It becomes clear to everyone present that they have all experienced visions of the future, all set on April 29, 2010, exactly six months from the current date."
"It's so amazing to me. So, think about this. Okay, so you've got millions of people and they talk about these consistent common elements..."
"...the collective experience is much more impactful."
"It's really about perspective and having compassion for what we all went through."
"Masterpieces are not single and solitary efforts. They are the outcome of years of thinking in common, so that the experience of the mass is behind the single voice."
"Now that it's over I feel like this is such a journey that we have all been on together."
"It was the collective trauma that we all experienced that year."
"It really just spoke to how cathartic that collective music experience is."
"It's like the entire world having their dark night of the soul at the same time."
"Every once in a while, the internet uses their collective brain cells to come together and celebrate something so awful that one can't really help but join in on said celebration."
"It's beautiful, a massive moment for the crowd."
"...our griefs collect. When another person dies, everybody dies again."
"The whole collective is going through likely but maybe just specifically the spiritual community."
"Only a handful of people went to the moon, and yet we all went to the moon. We shared in that adventure."
"When everyone was asked, 'What was the highlight?' Yes, all of it!"
"It's collective because it draws upon a shared traumatic perception, looking up at the sky that morning."
"We're gonna share it with our families, all try the different chocolates together."
"It's like the country just coming together; it's got to be pretty special."
"More people will witness a total solar eclipse than at any other time in human history."
"There's like a collective maestoso, glorious feeling about it that we are part of something bigger than us."
"It's not our moment, it's everybody's moment."
"Couldn't we turn into something like a collective subject which feels the pain of the earth everywhere and the pain of our fellow human beings?"
"We are just moments away from one of the most majestic and historic things that many of us will see in our lifetime."
"This is a moment for us all collectively to reflect and grow and learn."
"We're all literally growing at the same exact time because we're all on the same journey."
"I fell in love and what's more, I fell in love with all of them."
"It's still a piece of work that most of us enjoyed."
"When you get 11,000 people who claim they've seen something, maybe they've seen something."
"It used to be about us, it's still about us."
"I stood amazed at the influence that seized the audience almost universally."
"We are one dance party, experiencing physiological arousal, a gratitude practice extending ourselves to everything."
"I hope that this experience just makes us more aware about each other."
"This is history, this is now history for all of us."
"We are not broken people in a normal world; we are normal people in a broken world."
"It was cool, you felt like you were something bigger than yourself."
"It was probably one of the rarest moments that we have collectively come together in a positive way to share an experience here on this floating rock, and that's pretty damn cool."
"Thank you all for joining us on this amazing journey."
"For a brief, fragile moment, it seemed to Joe as if all of them were part of a single thing, something alive with breath and spirit of its own."
"Everyone realized they had just witnessed a miracle."
"Cinema as collective dreaming, public dreams shed collectively in theaters."
"'It's a rainbow,' everyone said at once, 'they are making a rainbow.'"
"This thing happens that's bigger than everybody that's a part of it; it just magnifies, it sounds like God, it just sounds amazing."
"Touring is the one element where there's still somewhat of a collective experience in music."
"We're doing it together, that we're all suffering together, but if we just wait a little longer, if we hold tight just a little more, we'll have rescue because we're chosen, all of us."
"To be around a sea of humanity and enjoying that moment was really quite something."
"We all chose to come here at this time to be part of this life party."
"It's a collective experience. It is at some point going to fundamentally change the world."
"Learn from the masses of people who have traveled the same road, not the one-offs."
"We should make it into an event where we watch all nine."
"We were all in this thing together, and a paradigm was shifting."
"It was so strange how we all felt the sudden urge to look at the door at that time; it was like we all collectively knew that something was about to happen."
"It's one of the very last artistic in-person collective experiences we share as human beings."
"Identification with a group... is the identification of an individual with a number of people who as a group have a collective experience of transformation."
"The whole building turned their cell phone lights on."
"Perusal makes the reading an engaging collective experience."
"We've been on this journey now for several years, and it's just awesome that we all get to experience this all together."
"I have designed this collective experience to give the public the opportunity to be free from this destruction and to be connected with themselves, with each other, and with the present moment."
"That sound you heard was America falling off its couch."
"It's still about community and everybody that was there, that's the sentiment 100%."
"What the post-war music collective was suddenly able to realize was that all this suffering that people went through in the privacy of their own miserable bedrooms could suddenly be joined up in the Zeitgeist."
"I'm glad we were all there for it."
"I feel like we're collectively in a place where we all need some closure."
"This is the beginning of something new for all of us."
"We all heard it, we all saw it, it was a wonderful thing."
"If millions of people independently all over the world in lots of different cultures think something's happening and claim it's based on experience, then maybe they're right."
"All I know for sure is we are all in for one heck of a ride."
"I'm not going to ever be selfish with my pain; it's a lot of people's pain."
"It's the moment that left millions of Americans in total awe."
"We humans need cinema as a collective experience."
"I'm excited for us; this is new for all of us."
"Taking what resonates basically means that there's a collective here experiencing similar phenomenon."
"I am the right person at the right time, all of us chose to be here at this time."
"It's a lot going on in this world; we needed that."
"The purpose of human life is learning and experiencing, and indeed in this learning and experiencing, we all are together."
"The entire world has this collective experience right now, it's only a matter of time for arts to reflect that."
"But also of the collective experience that living in such a place entails, which I believe gives the reader a penetrating insight into the human condition as a whole."
"This does count as one big colony; what happens to one player affects all the players."
"You get together and you're doing something, and you experience a sense of self that literally transcends the borders of your skin and your body."
"We're all collectively moving through a very awkward phase, but there's an importance in seizing the opportunities that really present themselves."
"This is a time to remember, and this is a life-changing month for so many people in the collective."
"It may feel like the culminating moment in some sort of suffering at a collective level."
"When sporting events are really impactful is when you feel like you're part of an organism, everything works."
"I think we're all just losing our minds collectively."