
Competitions Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"These competitions bring me so much joy, and they're always worth the money I invest in them."
"Pokemon showcases were anime exclusive competitions that are pretty much like the beauty pageants of the pokemon world."
"For many years now, I've been entering competitions."
"I ended up winning the competition this year for the eighth time in ten years."
"I feel like after road to kingdom and during road to kingdom, that's really helped me improve as a performer."
"Yeon, the first Korean athlete to win the Arnold Classic Europe."
"Not many expected to see it go past the first but here we are."
"There are some contests in the world that you honestly have to wonder what brainiac came up with this idea."
"I would like the judges to acknowledge my existence."
"She's looking impressive in a lot of the sanction events that we've seen so far."
"Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, Infinity joining us once again for PlayStation tournaments fight nights. I'm excited to be here Infinity as always."
"Personality is still important but it's not everything this is not a personality contest."
"Meet me in person, competitions, interaction, and lots of fun!"
"IG wins if I'm told you all final is three zero if it's a 3-0 I think IG wins I agree yeah"
"Manchester City are still in four competitions... it's massive."
"It just goes to show if you get involved in the business plan competition, strange things can happen down the road."
"The biggest thing... that I'm looking for as a judge is creativity."
"This has been a year where title after tank has been won by an underdog."
"We're going to continue our regular cadence of cash cups and LTM tournaments in season eight."
"Zoids are, depending on the series, either piloted mechs, techno-organic life-forms, or both."
"Zoids New Century Zero is set in a world long after a devastating war, where Zoids that were previously used for combat are now paired with humans and featured in competitions and tournaments."
"I wrote it on like how I entered like 25 different concerto competitions for cello and I have not won like a single one of them."
"He knows how to win competitions and he knows how that feels."
"I mean seriously i could see competitions in tournaments galore."
"In this case, there are way too many variables to actually pinpoint an accurate winner and loser in terms of strategy."
"The Ben weer is like the Olympia it's like the Super Bowl of ofal division and we added a lot more in Korea natural Stuff Plus in Europe and other places."
"Fishing was the first sport in the country to be allowed to run competitions again after the first lockdown."
"The Dodgers rattle Freddie Freeman come from behind on Sunday night and win it."
"An authoritative win for the American challengers."
"There's something for everybody. If it exists, somebody's probably made a competition around it."
"My recipe has won a few baking competitions and I am extremely proud of it."
"I just like putting on hot dog competitions. I like seeing my boys eat."
"Ten new routines in a row. Ten competitions in a row. Undefeated."
"The outcome of these competitions can be catastrophically game-changing."
"Competitions or contest videos enable your audience to get involved with your channel, generating fresh and original content."
"It's one of the most exciting competitions in college gymnastics."
"I got nicknamed the Veto King because I won four Veto competitions."
"Some of them only give you like 500 bucks or a thousand dollars, those are also things that I think are worth your time to apply to."
"Dynamite was the easy winner here with seven times the first place votes of SmackDown. Dynamite dominated and highly ranked matches in almost every poll around."
"Competitions not only Kaggle but also like other platforms or competitions related to conferences like NURBS or CVPR and so on. So it's a really high synergy between like both worlds."
"The UK is also known for their weird and wacky sports and competitions."
"Gradient boosting is heavily used in production of many companies and for machine learning competitions."
"We're lucky we get to travel to lots and lots of competitions."
"I love when she's at competitions, it just makes everything so much smoother."
"I'm actually a poet. I've won several poetry competitions."
"It's an extremely efficient algorithm and for many years it has been used in Kaggle competitions for the winning solution."
"Tried and tested, they've won so many AYC fishing comps over the years."
"More than half of the machine learning challenges actually winning solutions used actually."
"I'm looking forward to the streams and the competitions."
"He's good at competitions, he's played a good social game, everyone likes him."
"Yes indeed, you can fight with lightsabers; there are competitions, there are tournaments, there's everything now."
"I started entering crossword competitions and within a short space of time, I'd won a holiday to the Lake District, then I won my first car, and then I won a trip to Miami for four."
"Also so many more hands-on activities, competitions, being outdoors."
"You win a fabulous trip to Washington DC."
"We'll run a series of monthly prize competitions throughout the 30 weeks with the aim of encouraging existing and new customers to join the Loyalty scheme."
"We'll promote these competitions on all of our social media accounts and use pay-per-click advertising."
"I had a ton of fun at all 21 competitions, and there's a lot more coming up next year."
"It's not the cubes that make the competition, it's the people you meet."