
Landscapes Quotes

There are 207 quotes

"Despite its terrifying reputation, the Karakoram Highway offers an unparalleled adventure through breathtaking landscapes."
"Mexico has every type of landscape you can dream of."
"It's a place of a lot of religious and spectacular sceneries."
"A scenic route that runs through some of the most beautiful landscapes."
"100% of landscapes look better just before the crack of dawn or just before sunset."
"I love the hills in the back right, who just not a fan?"
"Wide sweeping forest landscapes like this make for a perfect day."
"Iceland is home to some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world, but one look at the stunning and surreal black sand and mighty Basalt stacks of Reynisfjara, and you can see why this beach tops this list of the 10 most amazing beaches."
"The world looks so cool, Palday is a sprawling region bursting with lush nature and magnificent landscapes."
"This is probably one of my favorite landscapes I've discovered so far."
"This continent has some of the most dramatic landscapes on the planet."
"More than just a scorching desert, Death Valley offers park visitors a striking contrast of landscapes to explore."
"Exploring Romania's medieval wonders and wild landscapes."
"From palm trees to glaciers, the span of shapes and colors could hardly be wider."
"Water continues to change the landscapes to this day."
"We have rain forests, mountains, swamps, tundra, deserts, and we have canyons. So we have kind of like all of the types of the landscape."
"Of all the things that I saw during my trip that I didn't buy, this gorgeous landscape is the one thing I wish most that I could have brought home with me."
"There's very few landscapes in the world that make me happier than this one right here."
"Those Utah mountains are stunning in the daytime and at night you have one of the clearest views of the stars you can find."
"Cyprus, an island at the crossroads of continents, enchants with its blend of stunning landscapes, ancient ruins, and vibrant cultural life."
"Beyond the cities, explore the rugged Landscapes of the Atlas Mountains."
"The film's sweeping landscapes, raw emotions, and Costner's performance captivated audiences worldwide."
"Healthy food off healthy landscapes is the best medicine you can have."
"Some of the most beautiful scenery you're going to see ever."
"It's incredibly diverse. It has amazing different landscapes, and it actually feels a lot bigger than it is."
"The panorama mode is great for capturing landscapes or cityscapes."
"Utah, out of all the states in the southwest, even though this might be sacrilegious against my home state, there's just something about this state and the endless landscapes and just the surprises that this just can't be beat."
"The Ring Road is a road that goes all the way around Iceland and lets you see all of the dramatic landscapes in the distant corners of this country."
"The country's stunning Landscapes, including the renowned arav volcano, offer hiking trails, hot springs, and breathtaking views."
"Glacier National Park: effortlessly beautiful."
"Grand Canyon: A destination photographers love to travel to for its vast open scenery."
"Is there a better peak in Scotland? I mean, this is so dramatic. There's just ridges everywhere."
"Wyoming, you got some crazy views."
"A Fantastical place with a variety of diverse and breathtaking Landscapes each housing magical Mighty creatures known as Pokemon wielded by Fierce Warriors known as Pokemon trainers."
"The real star of the park, truly, was the dozens of miles of well-marked trails with some of the best desert landscape we've ever seen."
"Hawaii is literally breathtaking."
"It's easy to see why so many myths and legends were born here; it's one of the world's most enchanting lands."
"A spellbinding location that presents a panorama of majestic Landscapes mingling amongst complex socioeconomic challenges."
"Landscapes that change from dry shrubland, cactus gardens and Rocky wastelands to eventually The Towering Dunes of Taroa."
"The landscapes in southern Utah and Northern Arizona are some of the most uniquely striking areas in the world."
"Good value control is crazy important especially in landscapes."
"Our country is beautiful with the best terrains ever."
"It's always good to do new things and I know I like to stick to my standard landscapes and things like that but something like this really opens my mind up."
"I've learned that Wales is an absolutely beautiful place. It's gorgeous, some of the views along the way have been fantastic."
"I've always had a passion for gentle landscapes."
"Some of the most dramatic and beautiful landscapes you will find anywhere in the world."
"Being able to paint a nice smooth flat wash is so important. It comes up all the time when you are painting landscapes."
"This massive volcano has a summit that surprisingly is sometimes covered in snow."
"Who knew the northeast had landscapes to rival the west?"
"Welcome to the Arctic, a truly fascinating polar environment with some beautiful landscapes, bears, ice and many things nice."
"Don't miss Tasmania out because I actually think it's got some of the most beautiful landscapes that we have seen all year."
"Artist Point is the most iconic view of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone."
"Join us in the inspiring exploration of these expansive landscapes."
"Wildlife photography, landscape photography, maybe both at the same time? I don't know."
"It's a huge cliche in the world of landscape photography, but these places are popular for a reason."
"Rugged peat bogs, pristine golden sandy beaches, and emerald Blue Waters are just a few things the outer Hebrides are famous for."
"Lots of footpaths you can take, beautiful scenery."
"...take pictures of these barns and just take a good look at those mountains from this very flat area."
"Rainier is still there, it's in the process of rebuilding itself."
"We are given Fantastical worlds sweeping picturesque Landscapes laughter amongst friends silent tears of determination a warm meal."
"You can capture grand sweeping vistas even better with a telephoto lens."
"American Landscapes are so diverse, there's like so many different environments so close to each other."
"Star Wars has some of the most beautiful landscapes and CGI I've ever seen in any series."
"Wild nature, breathtaking landscapes."
"It's a solid game, beautiful landscapes and stuff like that."
"The Wind River Range, one of the most beautiful places on earth."
"Roller coasters define landscapes and skylines, much like architecture defines cities."
"The Pacific Northwest is known for its lush landscapes, dense forests, and misty coastlines."
"There's nothing like Oregon with the beaches, the valleys, the mountains, the high desert, all rivers, and all the scenery we have."
"Geographically beautiful with stunning views."
"The things that move me more than anything are landscapes."
"Experience the awe-inspiring grandeur of Glacier's landscapes."
"Driving towards the campground, surrounded by beautiful landscapes."
"These are some of the most magnificent landscapes in England."
"Poland is home to some of the world's most stunning landscapes."
"I love this landscape; there's little waterfalls dotted around."
"There is something about the beauty of natural beauty and particularly the beauty of the hills."
"I love being in these huge landscapes... they just make you feel really small and I think it's a really nice feeling to have."
"It spans over 100 miles of awe-inspiring landscapes and this trek offers a blend of cultural immersion and breathtaking vistas from lush valleys to towering peaks."
"Protecting the highlights is one of the absolute most important things to do with digital photography, particularly with landscapes."
"Sometimes it just looks really cool, but it works really well on landscapes because here all the information that I wanted to really show is right in the middle."
"It's probably one of the best rockscapes I've ever seen."
"From its unique landscapes that look like heaven on Earth to its people that only want to give with nothing in return."
"It's a beautiful country with a very huge variety of different landscapes."
"Many offering lovely landscapes for solitude and contemplation, opportunities to inspect impressive funerary art and architecture, and a peek into the city's history and the people who lived and died here long ago."
"I love his paintings, though, and his landscape paintings especially are just very beautiful to look at."
"Iceland, a country sprawling with dramatic landscapes and explosive volcanic terrain, a place that truly embodies the meaning of the word Adventure."
"I think the primary focus of all of it is landscapes; that's what I love."
"Antarctica, the icy continent at the southernmost tip of the planet, is renowned for its vast and desolate landscapes."
"We're gonna ride on beautiful urban landscape, go through small towns, rural settings, farmlands of western Pennsylvania, and even go a little bit up into New York."
"Smells can be a very effective way of transporting us to different landscapes."
"Antelope Canyon lies in the north of Arizona, meandering magically through desolate landscapes."
"I'm very into using greens in my night landscapes now."
"Captivating mountains, beautiful canyons, and stunning waterfalls everywhere you look."
"We've been gaining altitude this whole time, and before we know it, we are right amongst the dramatic landscapes of the Drakensberg."
"It allows you to capture landscapes and scenes from angles that are so unique and can't be captured any other way."
"There are so many different types of landscapes amongst the United States."
"Unimaginably stunning lunar and volcanic landscapes."
"Europe does have some good ones, but just in sheer volume and numbers and things to see, we're a bigger country and we have amazing landscapes."
"I saw incredible landscapes, met fantastic people, and felt finally free from so much of the darkness that had clouded my mind."
"I've been having a lot of fun with those actually doing some landscapes."
"So there you have it, 10 easy watercolor illustrations for your landscapes."
"Lucky for us, these natural forces have created beautiful and varied landscapes for us to drive through and explore."
"By regenerating landscapes, can we actually start restoring these hydrological dynamics?"
"He is no stranger to beautiful scenery, in fact, he's traveled around the world to paint interesting cityscapes and landscapes."
"This nine-day trip is all about seeking out ancient landscapes."
"The landscapes really change their personality depending on the weather, the time of day, the season."
"This mecca diverse part of the world is a vibrant combination of landscapes and climates."
"Greece is a land of contrasts, dynamism, and grandiose landscapes, made out of mountains which makes the whole country pretty epic by itself."
"The middle of Australia is home to some of the world's most ancient landscapes."
"I love being up on the hills and on the moors... getting great sunrises and sunsets."
"Colombia, a land of breathtaking landscapes and vibrant culture, holds a treasure trove of secrets that might just leave you astounded."
"I'm drawn more toward sceneries and the sceneries that kind of speak to me."
"You won't be able to resist the charm of Bhutan once you discover its unique philosophy of gross national happiness and its awe-inspiring landscapes."
"The Bonneville Salt Flats are one of the craziest landscapes in the world."
"I've spent all my life working on historic landscapes."
"An adventure packed with beautiful landscapes, some comedy, intrigue, and very fun and interesting characters."
"When we think of photography genres, landscapes are probably the most popular of all."
"It is superb for portraits, top of the class for landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes, and architecture."
"If you're dealing with landscapes or environmental portraits with a horizon line, it's best to keep the ratio of sky to foreground that kind of 1/3 to 2/3."
"Driving in the Faroe Islands is an amazing experience due to the beautiful landscapes."
"Abruzzo is the greenest region in Europe, filled with mountain landscapes, national parks, and nature reserves."
"The geography is dramatic with the sculpted landscapes of Zion, Bryce Canyon, and the vast expanse of the Canyonlands National Parks."
"It's just nice to see such a beautiful sculptured rock like that, right on the prominent Fairbrook Nays."
"The spontaneity of Africa, the massive amount of languages... the variety of landscapes, places to see, people to talk to, stories to tell."
"Wide angle lenses are great for landscape shots as well as situations where space is limited and you want to include as much of the scene as possible."
"An artistic celebration of our many awe-inspiring vistas."
"This is my type of riding, beautiful big sweepy roads."
"Each park is a symphony of colors, textures, and landscapes, a canvas painted by the hands of time and shaped by the forces of nature."
"There's landscapes in this story that are going to be amazing on the big screen."
"Germany is home to some of the world's most stunning landscapes."
"These national parks contain some of the most majestic landscapes in all of the continent."
"What I'm looking for is what I call vanishing landscapes."
"The canyon boasts some spectacular landscapes; it's colorful and corrugated canyon walls are a sight to see."
"Northumberland is full of surprises and such beautiful landscapes; it's hard not to see the attraction of this unspoilt region."
"What I've tried to capture in my landscapes is the way the light transitions across the landscapes."
"Especially when you have landscapes, you will notice that objects in the foreground tend to be more detailed."
"The thing about these landscapes is that they're usually pretty relaxing."
"The landscape varies, and you feel like you've traveled the entire country when you visit it."
"Watercolor painting landscapes opens this world of possibilities."
"Its spectacular mountain landscapes make it an incredible place for cycling."
"Man, I can't get enough of these desert landscapes though, every day I don't care."
"It's such an incredible place, it's really hard to describe because there's such diverse landscape and cultures."
"Where the land is always green and beautiful."
"It's such a rich country in terms of its landscapes and its heritage."
"It's an easy hike, goes through some beautiful changing landscapes."
"Having randomness is really key with landscapes."
"I have really enjoyed diving into landscapes more lately."
"How lucky am I to live in a country that has such an amazing variety and diversity of landscapes."
"I'm really hoping to show you how cool it is to model really complicated landscapes in Vectorworks in no time at all."
"What an amazing planet we live on, just the variety and diversity of landscapes that we've got."
"Mykonos, a captivating island in the Aegean Sea, is part of the Cyclades archipelago in Greece, known for vibrant nightlife, picturesque landscapes, and charming whitewashed buildings."
"It's the beauty, the landscapes, scenic, raw, raw nature."
"One of my favorite aspects of the Annapurna circuit was the diversity that you get in the landscapes."
"New England landscapes were made to look at in a mist."
"I've been inspired lately by seeing all those beautiful landscapes."
"Over half a million square kilometres of some of the most contrasting landscapes in the world."
"We love the landscapes that we love, so it makes more sense to actually start with the actual experience of being in a landscape."
"Utah offers gorgeous mountains, high plateaus, and some really unique desert landscapes."
"These tours that we do are very much about seeing and taking in the magnificent landscapes, but it's also about learning."
"The landscapes here are just mind-boggling."
"The landscapes are sort of emerald dream with Titanic Mountains jutting out aggressively."
"It's pretty amazing landscapes, isn't it?"
"It's always very serene, always very quiet, great landscapes, great views, lots of serenity here out there."
"The vistas in the Mara are just to die for."
"Love those views, man. They go on for miles and miles and miles."
"Africa boasts myriad landscapes of abundant life."
"The experience being able to traverse so much land and see different landscapes on every turn has been really phenomenal."
"I find this is an effective technique for me, and I don't use masking fluid in many of the paintings I do, but when I'm doing sometimes landscapes or snow scenes, I find it to be a very effective process and gives me the result I'm after."
"Africa boasts myriad landscapes, from true forest to true desert and countless stunning ecosystems in between."
"Vietnam has opened up its borders; it's a country of beautiful landscapes, amicable people, and a great cultural heritage."
"That mountain off to our left, very impressive, like something out of Arizona."
"Livestock outnumber humans 200 to 1, so lots of animals in Mongolia, but a beautiful place, a lot of empty space and open land and vistas when you get out of the city."
"It's just another way of playing around with people in settings of landscapes."
"I've become more of a guide, making sure that other people are able to go to the ends of the earth with me and see these absolutely amazing landscapes for the first time in their lifetimes."
"Good bad weather is exactly what it sounds like, and cloudy and overcast days are fantastic for capturing fall landscape scenes."
"Ever since I started growing these acacia trees, I've been fascinated by some of the African landscapes."
"Iceland is not just a place to visit; it's an environment to experience, a journey through landscapes that defy imagination and rejuvenate the soul."
"I've just loved painting these like intuitive little landscapes."