
Surreal Experiences Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Upon entry, one will be greeted by faceless cutouts of ice cream scoopers."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"It's truly one of the wildest rabbit holes that I've witnessed and honestly I hope it ends in a very positive note."
"It's always surreal, I think, for them to see it, because it's like they couldn't imagine it, we didn't grow up rich."
"I live in a constant state of disbelief... my life in the last three years has been just a continuous series of surreal impossibilities."
"Real crazy stuff go down. It was surreal driving down fluorescent when all of the buildings were set on fire."
"This is very surreal, I've been watching roadkill since the first one."
"You go to the market and there's no paper products and shelves are bare, it's like the Twilight Zone."
"I've been attacked by cheesy, I've been attacked by junk, what the [ __ ] is going on?"
"So surreal... I can't believe something like this could happen."
"We are literally living in a movie, nothing is making sense."
"Imagine going on vacation and seeing a massive duck bringing a fleet of ships."
"It's surreal for sure, but it's f**king cool."
"The more real you get, the more unreal it's going to get. Everybody around you starts doing things that they wouldn't normally did if y'all was just on a regular level."
"I do feel like I'm living out a dream. It's weird... like, that Hartley, how was that here?"
"I swear that I seen the chandelier like hanging from the side."
"I love seeing you guys in my merch. It's like the craziest, most surreal thing ever."
"Explorers that got in here... stuck in this shaft... must have been just a surreal experience."
"And it was so surreal but that is my first ever celebrity encounter so there you go."
"It was like flowing electricity, it was not even 75 feet up. I could have hit this thing with a rock."
"Violence Voyager, it's like a fever dream, the pieces don't make sense."
"He found himself on a strange unknown Highway with six lanes that were not there before."
"Sometimes it feels like all this stuff that's happening, it doesn't feel real."
"Honestly, it was so insane that if my brother hadn't been there... I'd probably try and write it off as a dream."
"There's no part of the house that's not active, Jason. That sounded just like art."
"It's all fun and games and beavers until somebody sees a crouching dark angel in their fireplace, okay?"
"It's almost like we're living in a surreal time."
"These surreal experiences, these existential kind of crises, where there is a small part of us that, I think really, we don't pay attention to it enough."
"It's insane that this is even happening right now."
"It was the craziest, most surrealist thing I've done in so long."
"It was so surreal it was so odd and it's definitely clocked me on to the fact that in the future I do really want to try out diving."
"Dream the impossible dream: sometimes it's all too real."
"It was the most surreal week and I cannot believe that I was in New York."
"Guys, comment down below why you think that the book said 'dreams come to reality,' because this is actually the weirdest thing I've ever seen."
"It was like a dream inside of a dream inside of a dream."
"Finally getting approached by an opportunity that you've so wanted all of your life, it's kind of unreal."
"Another example of how basic things in Steven's reality are not abiding by normal logic."
"It's actually pretty crazy, feels like a dream life."
"Shit is real out here. Twilight Zone, full effect."
"Positive feedback is surreal and magical: Seeing my products out in the world."
"I'll just wake up at like 4:00 a.m. and she's John Cena walking down the street going like what makes a real American and I'm like what."
"It's been really surreal... but it was just mostly healing."
"It was kind of surreal. I kind of left myself and I was kind of looking at the whole situation."
"I wanna be able to feel like I can pet a dinosaur."
"It's kind of surreal because it's happening, so I'm just going with it."
"I couldn't remember my own name, let alone what had happened. It all felt so surreal, like a dream I couldn't wake up from."
"It just felt like I was falling through some stuff, you know? I was like, 'whoa, what is...'"
"Just swimming eye to eye with St Paul's Cathedral is one of those moments that you need to kind of like pinch yourself."
"When you see that [stuff] in person, when you see people crying because they are meeting you, when you see, it's [expletive] crazy."
"A dream when you're asleep... No matter how crazy it might be, it all seems to make sense."
"I've had the most bizarre dreams this week, just straight up weird but super real."
"One of the most shocking and bizarre aspects of prison life is the unexpected and sometimes surreal experiences that inmates encounter."