
Mysterious Phenomena Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Any object that the lighthouse's light shines on will be destroyed through unknown means."
"To add to the perplexity, the vegetation in the vicinity withered and perished, soil analysis revealed an unusual abundance of calcium at the landing site."
"Every year since 2018, astronomers have spotted a mysterious blue flash in the sky. It is one of the brightest phenomena in the universe - an explosion that makes the average supernova look like a faintly lit candle in the distance."
"Dostert has been sharing peculiar videos from his property located in the wooded upper peninsula area of Michigan, where he alleges he's exchanged gifts with the mysterious beast."
"Witnesses claim that a lot of times these lights will either ascend from out of the lake or descend into the lake."
"The Specter of Newbie Church: an enduring enigma in the field of paranormal phenomena."
"The Soulway Firth spaceman: a testament to the many inexplicable phenomena."
"It was almost perfectly round, 180 feet in diameter, and it looked like a UFO."
"That's so special... I truly believe that there's such like weird unexplainable things."
"He described an electromagnetic yellow, grayish fog surrounding the plane and messing with his instruments."
"Christopher Columbus was on board the Santa Maria with his crew on his first voyage to the New World. He sailed through the area we now know as the Bermuda Triangle and reported seeing fire on the horizon despite there being no discernible land."
"The Montauk Monster is a mysterious carcass that washed up off the coast of Long Island."
"A Nancy story adds to the legend, is a distinct electric smell when in the presence of the goat men, and honestly, this creepypasta."
"He said this might be how people disappear... there were people out there coming out of the ground and moving around."
"The mysterious photo has captured the imagination of many, igniting debate on the existence of the supernatural."
"Balls on the floor mysteriously seem to just start rolling around on their own."
"The tale of the Bulgarian curse phone number 888888888 has gained attention as somewhat of a modern urban legend, representative of chain of mysterious events."
"Why in our oceans? And how could they engineer craft that is essentially a flying submarine?"
"Many people that visit the Frio River have reported a strange white mist hovering over the water."
"Accidents happen in Alaska, it's a place of deadly beauty but something else may be lurking just beyond your front door waiting to make you vanish into thin air."
"I just get like goosebumps thinking how eerie that is."
"Locals have reported feeling as if they were being pulled underwater by unseen hands."
"Fast radio bursts: one of the most mysterious phenomena in astronomy."
"The mansion was first built as a hotel in the 1890s... Objects would disappear only to reappear later on or would move on their own."
"Incredibly, some experts believe Boo's response may have been triggered by psychic abilities."
"The photo of the Solway Firth spaceman is still hotly debated."
"Many believe that extraterrestrial visitors may well be the reason for the vanishings."
"The most active of all phenomena, though, were the orbs, or bright blue balls that zipped across the fields at night."
"Around the world, people are reporting a low, incessant, highly disturbing hum."
"The black flash never returned to Provincetown."
"My job is not to say it's an alien or it's a gigantopithecus. My job is to get people to bring me into these areas, to let me experience what they experience, to see what can happen, and to keep an open mind to all possibilities."
"During a Good Friday mass, in a certain moment, you can see a statue moving by itself."
"What if there is some kind of signal or whatever is happening spiritually that could turn these sharks on?"
"The ghost boats of Japan have been washing up on the shores of northeastern Japan."
"There's something like blowing at the very bottom."
"Strange lights and phantom campfires are frequently reported."
"UFOs aren't just an American phenomenon, you know. Whether it's strange flying discs, inexplicable flashing lights, or clouds that don't look like clouds, these things have helped to build UFO folklore all around the world."
"Cases often involve elevation changes, with people found at higher altitudes with no explanation."
"It's as if these glowing orbs are all part of one cohesive unit dancing in Perfect Harmony."
"Mapimi Silent Zone: Where communication mysteriously stops."
"Known as Deja Vu or already seen, as of yet there is no real scientific explanation for why people all over the world experience these feelings."
"It’s all about a creepy alternate dimension of endless office hallways that people are 'noclipping' into and getting trapped in."
"Brazil is known as a UFO hotspot, and has some of the most bizarre, terrifying, and mystifying UFO encounters in the world."
"The lights have become a tourist attraction to Marfa, and many travel to the desert town in hopes of catching even a glimpse of the strange balls of light."
"This thing is real, I believe 100% now, it's real whatever it is, I don't know, I don't know how it works but it works."
"It looks empty, but there's a whooshing noise coming out of it."
"I believe that the Basin is one of a handful of locations around the world where phenomena exists both underground and in the airspace above."
"There's no natural creature that has anywhere in all of the Earth that has glowing eyes."
"Is it possible that these encounters are linked, and that there is an unknown force which resides in the polar regions?"
"The family's pets led by the blue orbs disappeared into the trees, leaving behind burned grass circles."
"Mysterious glowing orbs: the Min Min lights, source of Aboriginal Legends."
"They saw this little vortex sitting there just pulling in life with no one in it."
"These objects were flying with impunity over the weapon storage areas, firing beams of light down to the ground."
"I watched the lights off in the distance for a time before they faded. One of the strangest things about this is when the strange lights faded, the sounds of nature returned."
"While still controversial, orbs are still a sight to cause excitement from enthusiasts."
"Within minutes, there was a light pink craft hovering directly above us."
"Odd noises or disembodied voices that emanate from thin air or seemingly from within the walls."
"We were all like, 'Oh look, a satellite'... until it just disappeared, blinked out."
"Legend says that if you stop your car on the right spot on Spook Hill and put it in neutral you can experience your car rolling uphill."
"There is a mysterious object... about 10 times the mass of our own planet and seems to be pulling other celestial objects towards it."
"We saw fires, torches, and flaming globes, which sometimes fell to the earth and sometimes dissolved in the air."
"Energy vortexes... can lead to spatial anomalies such as those documented in the Bermuda Triangle."