
Destiny Control Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"A social society is one in which people are more empowered to have control over their destiny."
"She grows up within a few days in the play... she's become a woman, she's gained wisdom, she's decided her fate, she's taken control of her own destiny."
"Don't wait for the stars to align, reach up and arrange them the way you want to. Take charge."
"Being proactive and taking control of their own destiny is a fundamental belief."
"You are the author, the writer, the director, the creator of your destiny."
"I am obsessed. I am not like others. I do what others refuse to do. I must control my destiny."
"Your future is up to you, you have to be the arbiter of your destiny."
"We don't have to be doomed to the same destiny."
"You are in charge of your own life, your destiny, and all of the manifestations that you create."
"We can alter our destiny, it's not written in stone."
"Don't let your narcissist become your destiny. Don't let them set you up for a lifetime where you always settle for doubting."
"You are a creator, an architect of dreams, a maestro of your destiny."
"Your past creates a predisposition, not a destiny."
"We can't predict the future, but we can determine it. We are architects of our own destiny."
"Circumstances and environment do not control your destiny."
"Your destiny can drive you, but your destiny doesn't need to shape you."
"There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny."
"You have the free will to write whatever destiny you want."
"Arrakis: greatest treasure in the universe, he who controls it controls our destiny."
"You are the co-creators of your destiny and you can basically have anything that you want."
"We write our own destinies all the time. Fear is the opposite of trust, and trust is based on love."
"We got to take soul control of our destiny, where you in full control of everything that's essential to your life."
"I control my own destiny. You control yours."
"Black ownership is about taking control of our own destiny."
"You are strong, you are powerful, you are capable, you are a creator of your own destiny."
"Our destiny is determined by actions that we can take."
"We are the forgers, the creators of our destinies."
"She had always felt like a prisoner to Destiny but now she finally feels like she knows who she is and is the master of her own destiny."
"You control the outcome of your own destiny."
"It's time to take control of your destiny, to make it happen, to make life happen how you want it to."
"Your personal power is also enhanced during this time. It's time to take control of your destiny, to make it happen, to make life happen how you want it to."
"You are consciously controlling your destiny by controlling your attention."
"Framing empowers us to rewrite our internal scripts, giving us the keys to the kingdom, allowing us to forge our own destiny rather than merely enduring."
"What we do know from science is that we can do something to change our destiny."
"This show showed us that as kids, we were in charge of our own destiny, no matter what was in the way."
"Her best place for her is to actually be the ruling lady and she can be in charge of her own fate."
"We have the ability to control our destinies."
"I feel like if I just keep doing the right things, I'll be able to kind of control my destiny."
"We have to work to resurrect a basic belief that we have any kind of control of our destiny."
"You become the creator of your destiny, no longer bound by the karmic patterns that once dictated your experiences."
"Those who refused to become victims of an unknown destiny began preparations to alter the outcome."
"Your star is the remote control of your life; it controls literally everything concerning your life."
"You're in control of your destiny, bro."
"Master P was a man of conviction and belief in being control of his Destiny."
"You've regained control over your destiny; you've realigned with your higher self."
"We are not trapped by the mistakes of history, that we are masters of our fate."
"I think you got to make your own destiny."