
Hitler Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Hitler was obsessed with the symbolism of Stalingrad," explained one of the staff officers. "The cause of the Sixth Army's destruction at Stalingrad is obviously to be found in Hitler's refusal, doubtless mainly for reasons of prestige, to give up the city voluntarily."
"Withdrawal was the sensible option, but Hitler would not hear of it."
"Hitler's all too public statements in the sports palace and then to his Gauleiter had meant that taking Stalingrad had become a matter of prestige."
"The invasion of Europe kicked off an offensive that wouldn't end until Hitler's 1,000-year Reich lay in ruins."
"Hitler's mother fixation stayed with him when he grew to adulthood."
"Nobody can overestimate the importance of Hitler's mother to his life."
"There is no evidence to suggest he was mentally ill. He knew exactly what he was doing. There's only one way to explain him: he was pure evil."
"Hitler, having monopolized our discourse on evil, isn't productive for a world that requires complex thought to tackle complex issues."
"Who did people compare people to before Hitler? Because Hitler is the litmus test for horrible... And apparently, it was Napoleon."
"By June 1941, the invasion of the Soviet Union had been initiated and Hitler was effectively locked away from all party officials, leaving Bormann alone as the unchecked representative of the Fuhrer."
"It's just beyond belief that Hitler could have done that."
"Hitler's unscrupulous plan involving an outrageous crime against the state."
"Hitler's racism represented the gutter level application of an idea discussed in more lofty tones at higher intellectual levels."
"Hitler is uniquely the most genocidally evil dictator there ever was."
"Stalingrad doesn't just have an impact on the men who were lost there it has a massive impact on Adolf Hitler himself."
"The religion of Hitler was this basic philosophy of theosophy."
"Hitler was not a liberal; he was a conservative and a nationalist."
"Hitler's Revolution Ended as quickly as it had begun."
"Hitler left saying he would rather have teeth pulled than meet with Franco again."
"Hindenburg reluctantly appointed Hitler as chancellor."
"Most Christians in Germany feared Hitler more than God."
"Was Hitler an atheist? Hell no, he definitely wasn't."
"Was he a Christian? Well, no, but here's where things get complicated."
"If I were to tell you that some of Hitler's physical remains still exist today and they're in Germany, you'd probably not believe me."
"What became of Hitler's ashes was revealed by Hitler's former pilot Hans Bauer."
"Between 1933 and 1939 Hitler used the draft to mobilize over 3 million troops."
"When on the 8th of March, 1945, Hitler learned that American troops had unexpectedly captured a vital bridge over the River Rhine, he flew into a rage and demanded it be destroyed at all costs."
"The terrifying thing about Hitler, and men like Hitler, is not that they are monsters from Mars, but that they are people like the rest of us."
"At Hitler's mountaintop hideaway, the Obersalzberg in southern Bavaria, he maintained a private house, the Berghof."
"One person who was nearly always at the Obersalzberg was his girlfriend Eva Braun, who came to be called the Lady of the Obersalzberg by staff and locals."
"Hitler was a gambler for 9 years he was also a highly successful Gambler."
"Hitler abandoned the idea of creating a nuclear bomb as early as 1942."
"There's no question that Hitler's decision-making deteriorated in the course of World War II. He became more and more self-pitying, muddled, sleepy, just kind of imprecise as the war went on."
"Adolf Hitler was a megalomaniac. He had a God complex, he had all of these different issues that have been stemming since his childhood, and which made him a broken man."
"Ultimate responsibility for this dysfunctionality lay with Hitler and his control freakish Behavior."
"Hitler was driven in large part by structural considerations."
"Hitler's hope was that he could repeat 1940... eliminate a large part of the force in the west so that then he could turn around and fight the Soviets."
"Hitler's shocking scandal with his teenage niece destined to be murdered at his command."
"Hitler was very much addicted to the adulation of crowds."
"Hitler and Pol Pot unquestionably two of History's biggest [ __ ] but let's try and see the good in the bad and both Hitler and Pol Pot managed to conduct an awful lot of medical research without hurting any animals."
"There's no doubt that Hitler, I think, saw himself not just as the fuhrer and the chancellor of Germany but as a modern-day Emperor."
"Congress Hall was for having the great party congresses, the great party meetings and gatherings. So its function was entirely political. It was essentially the ultimate podium from which Hitler could perform."
"Who knows, who cares? What the [ __ ] do you mean, who cares? There's a new Hitler, that's a scary thought!"
"Hitler of course was very clever at sounding very moderate."
"Hitler was one of the few people in Germany who welcomed another war; he wasn't scared."
"Ecological panic or ecological stress or ecological competition... Hitler saw that as the natural state of affairs."
"Eyewitnesses and people in Hitler's entourage realized that the relationship was becoming quite fraught."
"This is the story of Otto Skorzeny, Hitler's answer to James Bond and a man so notorious the Allies came to refer to him as the Most Dangerous Man in Europe."
"Imagine if Hitler was good at painting."
"So, he's a pretty big name in Germany in 1926 and Mimi recognizes him immediately. Not a lot of guys look like Hitler."
"Hitler regarded defensive weapons like the vasal as defe he didn't see the point instead he promoted the Vengeance and offensive weapons up until the very end of the war still dreaming final Victory."
"Hitler's most powerful accomplice."
"Hitler's decision-making became increasingly irrational as defeat was inevitable."
"There was a tremendous opportunity to stop Hitler early."
"How trigger do you think Hitler was when he saw Jesse Owens beat all his perfect white Aryan race Olympians? Probably not happy."
"Without additional information it's hard to tell whether these vehicles truly performed well in combat or if they were largely pushed by Hitler as he seems to have been quite fond of the vehicle."
"Shortly after on the first day of the month of May 1945 the unexpected news of Hitler's death was announced."
"A good segue into our art discussion actually. Failed artist Hitler, yo."
"But it was not Hitler's biggest mistake. That error was his decision to declare war on the United States in December 1941."
"Hitler's globe is a missing object that was designed for the Fuhrer himself. Now, the globe that we're talking about would be normal, but some of the countries that were autonomous, there were changes made that the Axis wanted to see happen."
"Hitler's unusual voice gave him an air of authenticity."
"A moment where Hitler tried to establish himself as a serious politician."
"That night, Hitler succeeded in delivering the brand he'd spent 10 years building."
"Hitler was notoriously insecure and sensitive to criticism, and those closest to him tended to remain in his good graces if they never challenged or contradicted him."
"Hitler did not like Freemasons, he believed that they were plotting against him and he clearly considered them enemies of the Nazi regime."
"Hitler blamed them for his own shortcomings and for causing Nazi Germany to lose the war, thus reinforcing what a lunatic Hitler was."
"Hitler declared that the war was lost."
"Hitler had promised the German people an empire that stretched into the East."
"Hitler and the Germans overestimated their own superiority, and underestimated the Soviet Union’s determination to continue the fight regardless of the loss."
"Dr. Theodore Morel became Hitler's personal physician, despite facing criticism from Hitler's inner circle."
"Morel's unorthodox methods included giving Hitler cocktails of drugs, including methamphetamine."
"In 1944, Hitler was shriveling up like an old man, his limbs trembling, his uniform stained."
"Hitler realized he had become nothing more than a drug addict, demanding Morel to leave him alone."
"Hitler and his bride took their own lives in the bunker on April 30th, 1945."
"The reason we got World War II was because Hitler wanted World War II."
"Rommel had become increasingly disillusioned with Hitler."
"Hitler the murderer, Hitler is the guildivan."
"The enduring mystery surrounding the fate of Adolf Hitler is not an isolated phenomenon in the annals of history."
"The portrait of Hitler in his last days is one marked by desperation and delusion."
"The once unyielding Führer was a semblance of his former self."
"Witnesses described him as gaunt, with trembling hands and a general dishevelment."
"Amidst the chaos, Hitler indulged in erratic military orders."
"Germany is a totalitarian state... Hitler has almost absolute control."