
Welcoming Atmosphere Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"When you walk into Bunker Branding, you'll be greeted by some super smiley person right there."
"We wanted to make sure as soon as somebody walks in our doors they feel welcome and kind of get the vibe of who we are as a brand."
"Thank you for joining me today, I look forward to you joining me again soon in future programs on this channel."
"Welcome to England, Timmy mate! You're about to see the most beautiful place."
"We don't want to just have the whole day, welcome to MIT, welcome to MIT."
"It's so friendly looking, very inviting. It looks like a nice modern home that is very bright and friendly."
"Welcome back everybody! Thank you so much for joining us. I hope you're having an amazing day."
"This is a gorgeous glorious welcoming nation."
"China is still very welcoming to foreigners."
"Welcome everyone to Speed Games. This is where you're going to find that genuine connection."
"Welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place."
"Street Fighter 6 has a real sense of community, welcoming all players old and new."
"Welcome to the click, you smell amazing today, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise."
"The new entry looks really good, and people feel appreciated as soon as they come in through the door."
"Welcome to the new Lido. Enjoy some wine tonight."
"Welcome beautiful stars, thank you so much for your presence here today."
"What a wonderful way to be welcomed home, absolutely stunning."
"The movie is very inviting, there's an underlying hope to it."
"Sit back, relax, and let the magic continue. Welcome to the journey."
"You are so welcome, whether you are a Mormon, Christian, atheist, agnostic."
"The United States would prosper in a way that is hardly imaginable today."
"I'm just blown away by how welcoming and friendly and kind and beautiful everyone is."
"Welcome here on this channel and you are enough."
"Hey everybody, hi hello, welcome to Among Us. Hey, it's casual Friday, right?"
"It just makes it look so much more inviting."
"Let's just enjoy each other's company, always welcome here."
"I'll tell you one thing about Toronto that they don't tell you on any brochure: it feels like home."
"It's a piece of my home, Lebanon, where everyone is welcome."
"Welcome to the friendliest place in the West!"
"Welcome, welcome! Thank you so much for coming out; it's great to see so many bright and shining faces."
"It's comforting, it's welcoming, it's everything that you want home to be."
"You just feel home the moment you walk in the door."
"Welcome everyone, we are streaming live right now!"
"One thing we can explain: it's good to be here."
"This is a welcoming country... they have a proud track record in supporting and resettling refugees in the region."
"Peace and love to the crypto crew, we look forward to welcoming you in."
"From the moment that you walk in, it literally feels like home."
"You've come to the right place for friendship."
"Welcome back to the swamp, my friends, and a very special welcome if you're new."
"It's more freeing and flowing and welcoming."
"Welcome once again to this very lovely Hive."
"The coziness of the story world, the consistency of the rhythms, and the coordinated structure of those best episodes create a uniquely flavored, always welcoming story experience."
"The master wanted the family to feel at home and be at ease once they step inside the Mansion."
"Everyone that comes in says what a nice atmosphere it is and what a nice place to chill, and of course, everyone's welcome, not just the anglers."
"Sugar House Coffee offers a vibe in a more inclusive and inviting environment."
"Everyone has been extremely friendly and inviting and opening and very welcoming feeling here."
"It gave me the sense that this would be a pretty welcoming relaxed atmosphere."
"And people really feel, I think more of a sense of like it's not their farm, but that they feel very welcome here and that they can come and see and really learn."
"Get involved in the community. Everyone in this community, except for a couple of people, is very welcoming."
"Welcome one, welcome all to House of Games. I'm Richard Osman. It is Tuesday. What a great day we had yesterday."
"Everybody's so friendly here, everybody's waving, and especially the kids, they're really excited."
"Love them so they come to church and want to come back."
"I love having new folks show up here on the channel."
"You step onto the site, and you're family."
"It's beautiful, and they're so welcoming, and you get coffee in the morning."
"York is beautiful, people there were so kind."
"Arrive as a guest, leave as a friend."
"Overall, the interior first impression is it's beautiful, it's clean, it's nice, very welcoming."
"Welcome if you're new here, welcome if you're old here, welcome if you're young, welcome if you're old, welcome if you're in between."
"Hello and welcome, we are doing another webinar series again."
"It's a beautiful day for it, welcome to Dorset."
"It's very nice to meet you, I'm glad you could come today."
"Hello and welcome to Sleep Cave, a place to get a great night's sleep."
"When you open the door, you're greeted with this wonderful smell of fresh wood instead of mildew and moisture."
"The entryway to a home is everything because you want to feel all of the positive energy that you bring from outside into the home."
"I think it's a wonderful, beautiful, welcoming place."
"I love everything about book; it is such a welcoming and positive community."
"First and foremost is the community; everybody here is just so incredibly nice and has welcomed us with open arms."
"They're just magnificent rooms and they feel so homey and welcoming and wonderful."
"Family very welcomed, and you're gonna get some really unique experiences."
"Decorations can be fun; they can make a home feel cozy and welcoming."
"I just love having lights on a timer so when I drive to the house after work, the lights are already on."
"I just feel like this just instantly elevates the look and just makes it so cozy and welcoming."