
Business Startup Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"It's a myth; it's the number one reason why I did the show: to debunk that you do not need money to make money."
"It's really easy to get started in and the flexibility of where and when you can do the work is unbeatable."
"There has never been a better time to start an e-commerce business than right now."
"Lordstown Motors: a startup with the assets of an established manufacturer."
"Affiliate marketing is always a popular choice for starting businesses... you can sell other people's products."
"A lot of people are making more money, starting their own businesses."
"I figured out a way that you can start a business with absolutely no money."
"You just getting started you want to start a business you want to open that Salon you want to open that sneaker store."
"I think the biggest opportunity is for people who are starting businesses today."
"Where did Darren BG go? Nobody knew for sure until he resurfaced in Portland, OR, and started up an advertising business."
"It's a dice roll when you launch a business."
"Businesses start with an idea, not on opening day."
"In 1939 with just $538 in capital, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded Hewlett-Packard in a small garage in Palo Alto, California."
"If you want to become a millionaire in your 20s you need to start your own business."
"Starting your business in the right way can be incredibly easy and fast."
"go after it start that business okay you got this"
"I guess I'm selling lemons now. You can afford another lemonade stand. Buy it, what, huh, oh."
"You could literally make money the first week."
"We are building our own empire, teaching people how to start their own businesses from scratch."
"Now is the time to start your business and jump into this."
"I want to wish you luck and much success in your new heat printing business."
"The total to get started on Amazon is right here."
"I know that many of you are also vintage resellers or you're looking to get into vintage reselling."
"Start your own business as soon as you possibly can because that's where the real money is."
"Starting a business comes first, solving a problem comes second."
"They started their own watch company... providing the best possible price."
"There's no way around it, but these days, literally with no startup cost, you can start a business."
"It's actually very very simple to get started."
"You're spending a lot of time trying to build a business that you don't know for sure if there's really demand in the market for."
"I saved some of the unemployment money and used it to get my own little fabrication shop going."
"E-commerce Squarespace is everything to selling because now you have the tools to get your business off the ground."
"So that is the no BS truth on how much money you need to start a successful Shopify business."
"The barrier to entry is pretty much just the cost of a few pieces of technology you have to rope together to have a business."
"This is the time for everybody to start their own business and be their own boss."
"We got our log trailer, so this is the start to making some serious money."
"The next six months are bringing you tons of change; I feel a lot of you are switching careers or setting up your own businesses."
"Go ahead and jump into that business, just do it."
"This is a great way to start an online business."
"During times of crisis, small businesses get started."
"Anybody can start this business—all they need is the know-how, resilience, and determination to make shit happen."
"You can start a dating site with next to no money."
"But I think he underestimated how hard it actually is to start a business."
"The best business school that you can get is actually trying to launch a company and make it profitable."
"You can start a business with minimal investment."
"Starting a business is just like creating art where you're starting with essentially nothing and building it into something."
"Start with the budget so that shopping for inventory, shopping for all the supplies that is going to come with this starting a new business you want to know exactly what your money is going to be going into."
"If you've been having the notion to start a new business or do a new adventure, make sure you understand that it's going to start from the inside out."
"Having an e-commerce store can come across as very overwhelming... but when you start digging into it, it's going to be a lot easier than you think to get up and running."
"In this video, you are going to get everything you need, even as a complete beginner, to start your business on Pinterest completely for free."
"Can you really build a multi-million dollar business with $100? Yes, you can. I am proof of it."
"The best thing you can do when you're starting your business, especially when it comes to the marketing piece of this, is use social proof."
"The good news is that there is an organic way to understand everything that you need to know to start a business."
"Time for something new, I think it's talking about a transition in work, either changing careers altogether into the spiritual field or starting up a side business."
"The best time to start a business was yesterday, but the next best time is now."
"I moved down here to Texas to basically start up this Venture here in the shop Maui motorwork."
"What's more risky starting your own business?"
"Hopefully this video was helpful for you guys, eight things to think about before you start your Amazon FBA business."
"Cripps trading company is officially up and running so get out there and do some huntin'." - Cripps
"Purchase a franchise and make it really successful. A franchise is a simple and lucrative way to get yourself into business because somebody else has already optimized it for you."
"You're back in the game, powering up. Some of you may be setting up your own business or becoming an entrepreneur."
"Avoid employees in the beginning if possible; start small and learn."
"Starting a brand, starting a business, it's one of the most fulfilling things."
"It's literally going to take you from idea of wanting to start print on demand to getting your first sales."
"To get started, you need five things: a winning product, a great design, a place to sell the product, a great supplier, and of course, paying customers."
"If you can save up a hundred dollars, you can absolutely start any business."
"Food carts are a lot more budget-friendly option for a new food cart business owner to get started."
"...you can kick start your business in a snap."
"As much as we love to sell candles, or I'm sorry, as much as we like to make candles and eventually sell them, we can't just push ourselves to the point to just start selling them and then have no idea when it comes to the legal side of things..."
"You're wanting to get started with your business and you're learning the craft of candle making and you really just want to turn that Hobby and turn that craft and handmade item into an actual business."
"Let's get stuck into the tools that we need to start a new lawn mowing and garden maintenance business, let's do it."
"You can start a thriving successful business as early as possible."
"Starting a business is like driving a car at night you can only see you should only be looking at what is 10 meters in front of you if you try and look a mile down the road in the dark you're going to wrap yourself around a tree."
"It's essentially how to get your business up and going."
"If you have good education as a foundation for how you're starting your business, it changes everything."
"Start your own locksmith business in ten days with only $500."
"That change started with me starting a business."
"You start a business to fulfill some need."
"I was able to start the business without a big loan hanging over me."
"We started this in our garage... and we were just gonna sell some old t-shirts."
"This is the best time to start a business you've been wanting to do."
"Shopify is not free, but they do offer a 14 day free trial."
"I'm gonna be showing you from start to finish how to launch your own t-shirt line."
"That's how it starts, so for anyone who's trying to start a business, that's how it starts."
"I'm going to try and open a business. The perfect business for me will probably be a pub because they're easy to set up, easy to run; you just buy and sell drinks."
"Phil Knight started his business by selling imported shoes from the trunk of his car."
"Just in time learning: don't worry about all the things that you'll worry about later in your business, what's most important right now is figuring out how to get started."
"Starting a cotton candy company is pretty low investment, especially compared to a lot of other businesses."
"You want to learn a lot of stuff, start some businesses, start with just one, you're going to learn a lot."
"'One of the best decisions I made, investing in myself and starting up this business.'"
"It really boils down to speed and sales in the beginning."
"The one thing you need to do when it comes to starting up your own business is to register as a business."
"Try and build up a positive cash flow or savings to start up your plant shop."
"With everything that Corey has taught me, I plan on starting my business now that I've graduated."
"When you're first getting started, you need a business model that you can start with very little capital."
"If you're thinking about getting into starting to sell firewood on the side, this is a pretty good entry-level way to accomplish a couple different goals."
"Everything you need to start a successful low content book publishing business is in here, and it's all available with a fairly low initial investment."
"I had to be very strategic and a little bit clever with how I started."
"Go ahead and open that business, go ahead and start that new whatever it is that you want to start."
"If you're going to start a business, let's be serious about it. Let's not dilly dally around."
"If you're thinking about starting a business, the first thing that you can do is get your Google my business profile started."
"I fell in love with coffee like many of you, and many of those who start their own coffee roasting companies."
"You can technically start your entire business for 124 dollars."
"Technology is a great industry to start a business in if you choose to rise up as a salesperson for instance."
"The more time you give yourself is the more time you're gonna take on getting these businesses started."
"It is so important for business owners, entrepreneurs, those who are starting a business."
"Starting a business is the American dream."
"I will help you start your company."
"It's very easy to start a business here, and it's very inexpensive."
"I encouraged him, he was working at a company where he did window and screen repair and I said why don't we do our own business."
"Looks like we've got ourselves a business."
"This video goes in detail into everything you can possibly need to know to start a web design business."
"This year I have actually started up my own business."
"In my humble opinion, this is definitely one of the easiest business models to start on the internet right now."
"I started my own business at the age of 26."
"Anyone can start a business; it doesn't need to be a million-dollar business."
"We have to create more W-2s so that individuals... will have the savings to actually jump start those businesses."
"You're very prosperous, a lot of y'all are starting businesses and things like that."
"I had a lot of contacts in Austin because I've lived here for over 20 years, and that's how my business was born."